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How to Decrease Paranoia + More (Feedback Needed) Started by: JoeKing on Sep 06, '17 15:32

I already talked to Izzy about this but I want to hear people's thoughts and suggestions to improve this.

My idea is, to make it so that crews can choose to be "Allied" with another crew.

What this means is that:

  • Made+ can't shoot other Made+ in the other crew and vice versa.
  • If you want to declare war, you have to first drop the Alliance and there will be a x hour cooldown period in which both sides can't attack each other. (I think 3-4 hours would be a decent time)


The way it works right now is, the first wave normally fucks up really good the other side. After that is mostly just cleanup time, this would make you think twice before just trying to backstab someone or declare war "Because they might turn on me first" Mentality.


To avoid people trying to find loopholes on this, the "Alliance"  Applies to your character itself, not the crew. So when your CL decides to accept, even if you leave, if you were a Made+ the cooldown still applies.


I have something to make this even better but I would like to see what everyone including admins think. Could this be done? Would it help? Let me know.

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It could be done, but I feel the back stab part of this game is part of the mafia and should not be done away with. Your idea of alliances would do away with it.

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Rather than prevent wacking, would a small bonus being applied to defence of reciprocating crews be better? It still allows for backstabbing, but makes it more difficult.


The idea has merit we just need to make some alterations, Something along these lines anyway. 

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Izzy, the only way that would work is if you had an alliance, and when you decided to attack someone you're "Allied"  With, the chance of killing the CL is 49% (Assuming the gun is big enough)

Then let's say 50% for RH and LH,

and different percentages according to your member's ranks, so maybe 55% for Don's, 60% Consigs, and so on.

Basically your chance of just one waving the whole crew is sabotaged.

All those percentages are based on the assumption the guns are big enough of course.

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I like the idea of the alliance (Is it public knowledge to crew? Is it public knowledge to the world?).

Do you think the alliance between 2 crews really decreases paranoia? Can you ally with every crew if you wish? Can a city ally with another city?



I would agree that backstab needs to be left in however I do think it is countered well with the slight difficulty increase Squishy suggested. 


I question whether it should be MM+ or entire crew, I also think if a crew breaks the alliance, the entire crew should be at a disadvantage or the entire victim crew be at an advantage (slightly of course). Not just the offending player(s). 


I think it is a good addition, just curious as to who will be ultimately be affected when an alliance is broken and who knows about the alliance to begin with. 

Could this possibly expand into a defense agreement?

EX: Crew A allies with Crew B, Crew B is attacked by Crew C, Active members of Crew A get a notification about hearing gunshots in nearby allied district. 

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I gotta say, I really do like this idea aswell. Reminds me of the way strategy games have diplo set up and I mean that in a good way. It'll be interesting to see how the community handles something like this.

+1 for me.

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Wouldn't you have to alter the entire mechanics for wack if you try this. What stops Crew A from just attacking Crew B with Crew C and not allowing the code to take effect by going through the alliance feature in game. If you can code through it great but sounds like trouble that will be leading to jailing and DD for ppl deemed to be skirting it. Maybe have bonuses for the alliance that you wouldn't get running solo, but that would mean the loner crew is getting shafted in wars. Idk I really agree with you that the majority of take downs leave defense with no chance and it's kind of lame. There are those that actually can't pull it off that well tho. But I got no clue how you solve this one cleanly. Hope my scenarios help or something.
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See I don't think the paranoia that led to this current soft reset is because of the lack of trust among the leadership. If anything this change makes the alliance among the leadership ironclad. That wasn't the problem though. The problem was mistrust of members by the leadership and then purging to keep it that way.
This change doesn't effect the member leader relation at all. Just makes the leader to leader alliance stronger. I don't think that's the issue that needs to be addressed. If anything has taught us from the last few months. The members need to be given powers in different measures such as 'take gun, reset loyalty' so that every decision a leader takes against its members, has a consequence. I for one don't have an idea similar to that. But having an active crew should lead to certain prevlidges. Standing up for your crew should lead to prevlidges, (basically something keeping tabs on how many active players you kill vs IA ones).
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Similar suggestion a while back...

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This is an interesting proposal. If and when I can ever not be on mobile, I have some thoughts to add.
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