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writing comp that hasn't been done here Started by: Ambichous on Aug 17, '19 20:42

As far as my inquires have gone. Everyone I have asked said that a writing comp like the one I have in my head has not been done here before.

I do not want to give too many details as of yet to the writing comp itself, as I don't want my idea stolen, before I can get it rolling after it is done that is fine if you all like it repeat the comp, if not meh let it go out the window.


What I need is  and which has held up me trying to host it is I need judges and prizes.


Judges: Preferably one form each city. Preferably people who don't mind keeping that they are judges hush hush.  As no one is to know who the judges are, this is to help keep it impartial.  Only I will know who the judges are.  The judges obviously will not be able to participate. 

It will be  double blind as the entrants will not know who the judges are and the judges will not who the entrants are,  (this will  be described how in detail later with the  description of the competition, if the competition can be done.)


The prizes:

If you would like to donate please KEEP them in YOUR inventory . Simply message your intent to provide these prizes. And you will be messaged as to who to deliver the prize you are donating to.  I need the message of intent to provide the prize or prizes so the prizes can be listed in the description of the event. You will also be listed in the competition as a donator.  Donators will not be able to participate.


Thank you


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I'm down!

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Thank you Tony, I will message you for a list of what you want to donate.  as it gets more organized.

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Got another donator thank you very much.

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Your inquiries are only as good as the people you make them to. Perhaps you should speak to someone who has made and funded 10+ writing comps in the past?

Last writing comp was so lame only one or two people submitted things.

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Thank you for your presumptuous opinion Nostradamus.


and the bump. :)

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 Ambichous, you ought to know too much salt will kill you. FYI The bump means jack shit here. 

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Then you should  reduce the salt in your diet.  I hope you have a better day.

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Please check the streets for details  the competition is live.


Picturesque and Pose and Verse.

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