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If you only had 24 hours to live what would you do? Started by: MickeyAnderson on Oct 21, '19 04:57

If had only 24h I would withdraw all my money and go on a roadtrip with my family and friends. See as much as I can while telling family stories of my childhood, my parents and my grandparents. 

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I would spend the morning with my family and then go out and Id sniff all the cocaine i possibly could, id fuck all the women id possibly could , id drink all the booze id possibly could and in the end i would throw myself off the highest building i could so i could fly before dying

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talk to my fav person, spend time with my parents. listen to all my fav music and read my favorite books for the last time. and if there is some time left i would go out at night for bike ride, driving very fast.

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I would spend ofcourse the last 24 hours with my loved ones. Take the time to enjoy each others company. I would tell my wife and kids how much I love them and how much I am going to miss them. And also tell them to not mourne me but celebrate life. And enjoy each and every breath of it.
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