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To: The Commission Started by: Salvatore_Mancuso on Dec 29, '20 23:04



I have been playing this game since October of this year - and I have to say there are some amazing people I have had the pleasure to meet.  However, in the brief time I have played this game there have been two wars.  Both of which were extremely one-sided.   I do have some suggestions to bring forth to the commission, as it seems there is a lack of clarity and structure - at least from my opinion.

To those of you who are crew leaders/godfathers and such who attend the commission, I offer some suggestions to help keep the peace and bring a form of structure back to this game.  


1. Establish formal "families" for people to be a part of.  These families should be permanent in their existence and should not be wiped out based on a handful of decisions made by "Crew Leaders".  These should exist in multiple places, regardless of if there are "Godfathers/Dons" etc.  After all, everything in this game from a Boss, Don & Godfather - equate to the same thing.

1a. If the families are formed - whether you decide 1, 2 or 3 families in a city - i.e. New York being the largest city - could have Five Families or Three Families - or what have you, given the population of the game.  

1b. If a family boss is created, that family boss can have final say over any activities in their city.  Rules of "being respectful" are very generalized and something that are basically the same thing in every city.  Further more, if any family wants to do ANY form of business in their city, the boss/bosses need to provide their formal approval.


2. Re-establish the value of being a "made member".  The fact of the matter is, the only ranks that seem to hold ANY value in this game are "Crew Leaders" and "Godfathers".  Nothing more, nothing less.  However, I pose the question - what is a crew leader or godfather without soldiers?  The Mafia holds each other as a brotherhood - all members are equals amongst each other.  Initially, the boss was chosen by a vote of the family - but in this case it is about power.  However, regardless, a Made Member should be respected by all other made members.  How?

2a. No made members should be mugged by other made members - the real mafia forbids ANY other member from placing their hands on another member - this is an automatic death sentence.  I personally had an experience where a Don (albeit a high ranking member) mugged an old blood line character of mine.  My character was a made member.  Regardless of rank, no member of the mafia should be robbed by any member without permission.  Also - a boss looks petty when robbing lower ranking members.  

2b. Sitdowns should be formal.  If there is a disagreement, hold a specific meeting to hash out any grievances both parties hold.  If the bosses cannot hold a specific agreement we do the following:

Elect a formal "Consiglio" to challenge the Bosses and set a middle ground

The formal consiglio was written about by early Mafioso, Nick Gentile.  These would be the mafiosi appointed as official "Consiglieri" by the bosses - more than just a promotion in level ranks - but someone who truly understands the roles of a Consigliere.  This counsil would check the bosses  - and would be the check and balance to keep peace.  Consiglieres would have to also obey a rule - stay out of conflict and act as official mediaries between each family.  At the same point - the Consiglio should act without as much bias as possible and serve 1. their bosses and 2. the commission.  They should not be individuals who should be targeted.  According to Michael DiLeonardi (Mikey Scars) - a Gambino family capo, the position of Consigliere "does not get murdered" because they are a peaceful role in place to check the boss.

War should be an absolute last resort!

2c. As families - agree when to open and close the books.  When the mafia brings in new members, they first - propose you to your individual family, the family must approve.  The family then circulates your name to the commission.  The commission has 2 weeks to shoot the candidate for membership down.  If no denial is made, the individual is then admitted for membership into the Mafia.  If they are shot down, give a reason and give the individual a chance to either improve themselves or permanently deny membership if the individual has made grave mistakes.

2d. Rely on roleplay to introduce one another.  Everything this game has is mostly done via "chat" and no actual roleplay.  No one is supposed to actually admit membership into a secret society.  Two members are supposed to be introduced by a third party who knows both parties.  This bridges the gap, so that everyone knows the formal way of who is who.  You don't walk up and say "Hi, are you in the Mafia?  I am!"  It's always "Joe, this is Jane.  She's a friend of ours.  Jane this is Joe, he's a friend of ours."  After that introduction is made, business can be discussed.

2e. Ensure that members who become made are held in high esteem - this is the highest honor anyone can bring in the Mafia.  Make it seem as though that is the case!

3.  Establish formal rules and FOLLOW THEM - Countless times there are rules thrown about on the cuff, but it always benefits people at the top of the food chain.  However, there needs to be a formal list of rules EVERY person has to follow - including the ones I am suggesting - and more specific.  For instance - starting a family, perhaps should be started at a minimum of 10 people.

4. I see in the last two wars, people were wiped out - by the dozens.  I beg to ask - are all of those victims guilty?  I don't know the answer as to why either wars happened in the past few months, but from what I observe its people at the top who make decisions to wipe out EVERYONE.  Yet this game seems to wonder why there are less and less people playing.  Sounds like we have a case of self-destruction going on.  At some point, we will be down to 20 players of people with power and it will be a new war everyday.  What if a single boss of 23 people makes a bad decision and is taken out?  Doesn't the RHM or LHM so to speak have the right to take over a crew and continue business as usual?  This isn't gang warfare....

5. Non-made members should not be held to a strict "sponsorship" of death.  No one is killed for working with the Gambinos and Colombos as an associate.  If someone is officially on record, that's all that happens - they are later released to another family if they are to be made.  This happened with Sammy Gravano.  Made Members and UP should ONLY be punished by death if they either transfer without permission or move to a differe

6. Consider a summit - a true commission meeting.  Rather than killing everyone all the time, make some history!  Setup an official commission that is transparent with the made members - give a more formal structure that is easy to understand.

7. Re-evaluate OOC and IC boundaries - people are killed over OOC discussions, which makes no sense.  What's the point of having an OOC forum if that is what people die over?  There's a reason you have OOC and IC.  If someone is acting rudely out of character, why don't the admins handle it?  It's not an in-game thing.  

What I seem to be witnessing has turned into gangs and OOC power plays.  Hardly any structure.  Anyone can pull a trigger and kill - not just the Mafia.  There's more sophistication that this game and its players lack.  


I truly hope you take my advice and re-consider.  I truly hope all of you understand these are honest observations and hope you consider them.  Thank you all for your time and have a wonderful evening.


- Salvatore Mancuso

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1. Establish formal "families" for people to be a part of.  These families should be permanent in their existence and should not be wiped out based on a handful of decisions made by "Crew Leaders".  These should exist in multiple places, regardless of if there are "Godfathers/Dons" etc.  After all, everything in this game from a Boss, Don & Godfather - equate to the same thing.

A boss or a consig is not a Don or a Godfather. Not even close.

Formal families? You do understand this is the mafia, correct?


2. Re-establish the value of being a "made member".  The fact of the matter is, the only ranks that seem to hold ANY value in this game are "Crew Leaders" and "Godfathers".  Nothing more, nothing less.  However, I pose the question - what is a crew leader or godfather without soldiers?  The Mafia holds each other as a brotherhood - all members are equals amongst each other.  Initially, the boss was chosen by a vote of the family - but in this case it is about power.  However, regardless, a Made Member should be respected by all other made members.  How?

2a. No made members should be mugged by other made members - the real mafia forbids ANY other member from placing their hands on another member - this is an automatic death sentence.  I personally had an experience where a Don (albeit a high ranking member) mugged an old blood line character of mine.  My character was a made member.  Regardless of rank, no member of the mafia should be robbed by any member without permission.  Also - a boss looks petty when robbing lower ranking members.  

2b. Sitdowns should be formal.  If there is a disagreement, hold a specific meeting to hash out any grievances both parties hold.  If the bosses cannot hold a specific agreement we do the following:

It's all up to perspective. When I worked for Kaya, I had over 100 million in donations before I was graced in a ceremony to become Made Man, for me, it was an extreme honor. People actually worked in her family and it wasn't just given out to anyone who reached the age & unit requirement. It's all different for leaders.

No one will get involved in pickpocketing/mugging disputes at all. They're a waste of time and a headache.

A sitdown? If I'm correct, you must be pretty new to the game, if so, welcome! Sitdowns won't ever happen in such a fashion because people can build guns too fast. If I'm mad at Giyu, why would we sit down and speak out our differences if I think hes a cunt? I can just build my gun in 50 days and shoot him instead. 

Elect a formal "Consiglio" to challenge the Bosses and set a middle ground

(I didn't copy the rest because it's all pretty useless lol)

Toaly from Philadelphia is probably the closest to what we would consider that here. And Nala.. And Karizma.. And Hosico.. and Ghost and.. etc. Our city, like I imagine most cities, work as a unit. If I think Asher is doing something stupid, I have the authority to tell him he's a fathead in a nice way and discuss what could be changed. That's normally how teams work.


3.  Establish formal rules and FOLLOW THEM - Countless times there are rules thrown about on the cuff, but it always benefits people at the top of the food chain.  However, there needs to be a formal list of rules EVERY person has to follow - including the ones I am suggesting - and more specific.  For instance - starting a family, perhaps should be started at a minimum of 10 people.


 4. I see in the last two wars, people were wiped out - by the dozens.  I beg to ask - are all of those victims guilty?  I don't know the answer as to why either wars happened in the past few months, but from what I observe its people at the top who make decisions to wipe out EVERYONE.  Yet this game seems to wonder why there are less and less people playing.  Sounds like we have a case of self-destruction going on.  At some point, we will be down to 20 players of people with power and it will be a new war everyday.  What if a single boss of 23 people makes a bad decision and is taken out?  Doesn't the RHM or LHM so to speak have the right to take over a crew and continue business as usual?  This isn't gang warfare....

Are they guilty? Sure, everyone is guilty of something. If I'm the one holding the gun and you're not.. If I say you're guilty, you're guilty.

I can definitely tell you're a newer player with the rhetoric, so I welcome you to the game.

If a crew leader from X city makes a major mistake and I think it's worth killing him over, don't you think his most soldier soldiers, his bosses and family members would protect their boss from major harm? Why wouldn't I remove all threats that could harm my family, or city, if I was to solely remove a leader.

7. Re-evaluate OOC and IC boundaries - people are killed over OOC discussions, which makes no sense.  What's the point of having an OOC forum if that is what people die over?  There's a reason you have OOC and IC.  If someone is acting rudely out of character, why don't the admins handle it?  It's not an in-game thing.  

100% agree. Could you bring up any instances of OOC killing? I could argue against the point and say, that some wiseguy from vegas pissed off Jen in the forum, but she is still alive? That's crazy. It's almost as if it's out of character. 

What I seem to be witnessing has turned into gangs and OOC power plays.  Hardly any structure.  Anyone can pull a trigger and kill - not just the Mafia.  There's more sophistication that this game and its players lack.  

A lot of people in charge currently have been leaders for many years and many are fresh, fairly new crew leaders who are doing well in comparison.

If you could though, can you describe this OOC power play to me? It is quite confusing to me.

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1. Establish formal "families" for people to be a part of.  These families should be permanent in their existence and should not be wiped out based on a handful of decisions made by "Crew Leaders".  These should exist in multiple places, regardless of if there are "Godfathers/Dons" etc.  After all, everything in this game from a Boss, Don & Godfather - equate to the same thing.

A boss or a consig is not a Don or a Godfather. Not even close.

Formal families? You do understand this is the mafia, correct?


If you don't mind me asking you.....why don't you explain to me then, the difference between a "Don" and a "Godfather"?  Formal families....yes I know EXACTLY what I am talking about.  The question is, do you?  Do you understand what I mean by that?  Please advise and I can give some more feedback, because I can guarantee yourself, that the fact is, the Godfather and Don are the same thing - and if you were "involved" in the life, you'd be laughed at if you mentioned either.  The Mafia's formal hierarchy does not term "Godfather" or "Don".  Godfather is utilized by a movie.  In Sicily, the formal term, is Capofamiglia - or Boss of a Family.  Above them is a Capo Mandamento, boss of a district, which incorporates three families in the same geographical territory - above them?  A Capo Provincia - head of a province in Sicily.  That doesn't exist in the United States above a Capo Famiglia - which they are referred to as a Boss.  Period.  Not Don, not Godfather...Boss.  Boss is the term as it translates from Italian.

I highly suggest you read "Cosa Nostra: A History of the Sicilian Mafia" by John Dickie - it will give you more than enough factual information that what you would need. Furthermore, please read.  I don't recall ever mentioning "Consigliere" int he above quotation.  I specifically stated them in a different location of the above post.  

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3.  Establish formal rules and FOLLOW THEM - Countless times there are rules thrown about on the cuff, but it always benefits people at the top of the food chain.  However, there needs to be a formal list of rules EVERY person has to follow - including the ones I am suggesting - and more specific.  For instance - starting a family, perhaps should be started at a minimum of 10 people.


You understand this is the Mafia right?


Do you know why John Gotti's friend, Frankie DeCicco was murdered in a car bomb?  Do you know why Anthony Caponigro from the Philadelphia family was killed and found in the Bronx?  Do you know why Carmine Galante was killed?  Do you know why there are rules setup when someone is inducted?  Do you even know what pingitu is?  I'll wait...

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 4. I see in the last two wars, people were wiped out - by the dozens.  I beg to ask - are all of those victims guilty?  I don't know the answer as to why either wars happened in the past few months, but from what I observe its people at the top who make decisions to wipe out EVERYONE.  Yet this game seems to wonder why there are less and less people playing.  Sounds like we have a case of self-destruction going on.  At some point, we will be down to 20 players of people with power and it will be a new war everyday.  What if a single boss of 23 people makes a bad decision and is taken out?  Doesn't the RHM or LHM so to speak have the right to take over a crew and continue business as usual?  This isn't gang warfare....

Are they guilty? Sure, everyone is guilty of something. If I'm the one holding the gun and you're not.. If I say you're guilty, you're guilty.

I can definitely tell you're a newer player with the rhetoric, so I welcome you to the game.

If a crew leader from X city makes a major mistake and I think it's worth killing him over, don't you think his most soldier soldiers, his bosses and family members would protect their boss from major harm? Why wouldn't I remove all threats that could harm my family, or city, if I was to solely remove a leader.


Not sure I agree with this here...yes, I'm newer to to the game.  But you seem to be missing some of the points.  All you're saying is people are guilty by association.  If you wipe out an entire "crew", you're going by the assumption that everyone from Boss to Soldier is aware of the actions of the leadership - when that is not always the case.  In my own observations of what has happened the last few months - everyone at the bottom suffers for the decisions made by the few at the top.  

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Elect a formal "Consiglio" to challenge the Bosses and set a middle ground

(I didn't copy the rest because it's all pretty useless lol)

Toaly from Philadelphia is probably the closest to what we would consider that here. And Nala.. And Karizma.. And Hosico.. and Ghost and.. etc. Our city, like I imagine most cities, work as a unit. If I think Asher is doing something stupid, I have the authority to tell him he's a fathead in a nice way and discuss what could be changed. That's normally how teams work.


Except that's internally amongst your city.  That is your peer - but at a commission level, what legislative body exists to check the bosses?  None.

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I don't watch or read anything mafia related, I just leave it to the game, thank you though.

If you want Made Man to have significance in the game, but say there is no difference between a boss and a don.. Well ..:)


If my crew leader was removed by Asher, for example, do you think I should be allowed to setup in his steed and continue the family?

I would shoot Toaly or Nala to spite Asher for killing my beloved Borat.

And as a result, I imagine anyone in the family who are loyal would help protect me until I can live no longer.

So, Asher would just kill the entire family instead.

If he kills all of us, then Toaly, or Nala, don't die and I don't get to fight :-)

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I don't watch or read anything mafia related, I just leave it to the game, thank you though.

Wait wait....I'm sensing a bit of a contradiction here.  You asked me if this is the Mafia, but then I give you factual data and plausible sources to trace back to with actual definitions - which have also been verified by the Italian government, you suddenly "don't watch or read anything mafia related?  No, what you should probably say is - you make your own rules, based on who you interact with in this game and you "CALL" it the "Mafia" when peopel just make up some random things and try to fit a square through a circle shaped hole. 


If you want Made Man to have significance in the game, but say there is no difference between a boss and a don.. Well ..:)


I think once again you are missing my point and you should probably once again reference the above reply I gave you.  In fact, you should probably check any and all racketeering indictments - I can send you some from the United States.  The top echelon is defined as "Boss, Underboss & Consigliere"  Don and Godfather do not exist.  What I'm saying - a Godfather, Don and Boss actually don't have a real difference.  Otherwise, OUTSIDE of what has been fictitiously made up in this game, please explain to me the difference.

As for being equals?  Yes, philosophically, being a made man means, all members are equal - in that they elect their "rapprasentante" and "vice rapprasentante" and of course naturally, the power went higher up.  Regardless, being a made member is a huge achievement and I don't think its quite recognized - albeit I do appreciate the feedback.


If my crew leader was removed by Asher, for example, do you think I should be allowed to setup in his steed and continue the family?

I would shoot Toaly or Nala to spite Asher for killing my beloved Borat.

And as a result, I imagine anyone in the family who are loyal would help protect me until I can live no longer.

So, Asher would just kill the entire family instead.

If he kills all of us, then Toaly, or Nala, don't die and I don't get to fight :-)



I get where you're coming from, based on what I see in this game - if a Crew Leader is killed by the Boss?  You're going to retaliate?  On what accounts?  Did the commission approve it?  That's what happened to Tony Caponigro - when he killed Angelo Bruno, the Genoveses killed him because he didn't seek permission fromt he commission.  Same reason why Frankie DeCicco was killed in a car bomb. 


I don't know who Asher is or what role they hold - the fact is the structure is flawed.  A crew leader is appointed by the boss of the family - retaliations are always put down.  

:-) It's not all about fighting.  It's about a structure that works :-)  

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Uhhh yeah, you're probably right with whatever you're saying man

Have a nice night.

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You as well! :)  

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First off this is a game. You can try to make up all the rules you want but the players are free to follow them or choose not to and this game has been around in some form or another for about like 20 years or more going back to folks who started playing on .org and came over.  If the players don't buy in then well it's not going to happen and making people buy in is tough. The best advice I can say is try to become leadership of a crew or a city and enforce your "rules" and "structure" and that's easier said than done if we get to live that long sometimes wars break out and we die before we can assume those leadership roles. 

In my time here I've been in crews where Made Man was a special rank and other people in your crew had to vouch for you in order to become Made where they made special back alley threads and gave you a Made Man ceremony. I've also been in crews where as soon as you reach 25 units and 11 days you became a Made Man immediately unless you told them you were doing graverobs.

You need a certain group of like minded people behind you in order to make change happen. Just look at Philadelphia and Race St say what you want about them but they made RP a main focus of theirs and had like minded people with them because they felt RP was being ignored and even before them there was RP Inc with Kathryn. Be the change you want to see I guess.

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My comments were merely a suggestion.  I actually admire the race street group for their roleplay.  I'm not sure what you mean about "say what you want about them" since I haven't been a member on here for but a few months - so I suspect there could be more coming from that statement.  I assume you are a player who has been on here for years like the others.

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Salvatore_Mancuso, let me start off by saying I appreciate the speech. I think this is what this regime meant when they came to power. Everyone has a voice. I like to see you're exercising yours. Can you just explain a little more as to your first point? The Permanent families? I am not quite I follow you.


Thank You in advance.

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I'd be glad to do so.  So as far as the American mafia families in the United States and in Sicily, you have the various commissions setup to run these families.  


In New York City, you have what are the Five Families - formally known as: Gambino family, Genovese family, Bonanno family, Colombo family, Lucchese family.


Each one of these organizations, in addition to the others around the globe - for example, the Chicago Outfit, Philadelphia family, New Orleans family - and any city that holds a mafia family (see the link below).  In any example where their "Boss" was murdered, the family did not just fold up and die.  In many cases, you had the membership under it to vote for or replace a boss.  


In Sicily, you have various city districts in Palermo.  These districts consist of San Lorenzo-Tomasso Natale, Partanna, Mondello, Boccadifalco, Brancaccio, Villagio Santa Rosalia, Passo di Rigano, Uditore, Malaspina, Resuttana, Acquasanta and Arenella.  These are just a few to name outside of hundreds in existence in Sicily.


The point is a "family" a "borgata" a "cosca" which is the organizational term to describe the operating body of a "mafia family" continuously exists - regardless of whether the members die.  Think of it as a chapter or a cell of the entire organization.  Take for instance companies today like Amazon.  If Amazon has branches in Los Angeles, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington DC or New York.  These are different branches of the company with a leader of each branch.  At the end of the day, they are ALL Amazon.  

It is within the "family/borgata/cosca" that the ranks of Boss, Underboss, Consigliere, Capo & Soldier exist.  See link below.


Mafia_family_structure_tree.jpg (509×658) (


Let's take a look for example at the Gambino, Colombo and Bonanno family hierarchies -   


Bonanno Family - Dates are times in power as the Boss.

Boss (official and acting)[edit]


Colombo Family - Dates are times in power as the Boss.

Boss (official and acting)[edit]

Gambino Family - Dates are times in power as the Boss.

Boss (official and acting)[edit]


For the above organizations, you will notice that there were numerous bosses who were murdered and the organizations themselves did not cease to exist.  They have continued in existence from at least the late 19th century.  The 5 organizations in New York are one continuous group that holds sway over its territory - that being New York City.  Even the small New Jersey family - is a Borgata or family that holds sway over its territory forever.  To go even further - the Colombo family was once referred to as the "Profaci Family", "Magliocco Family" and then later the "Colombo Family" - these were all coined by the media.  It's the same New York family but with different leaders.  Even today, the Persicos - a blood related family oversees this crime family from the original brothers - Carmine Persico, Alphonse Persico, Theodore Persico Sr.   - all of whom are now deceased.  Even when Carmine was imprisoned - he entrusted his cousin, Victor Orena to run the family as acting boss until his son, Alphonse "Little Allie Boy" Persico (named after his uncle) was released from prison.  A war ensued - the family is still in bad shape - but still exists.

Often times in Mafia politics, various bosses will come into agreements and disagreements with each other.  Gotti and Casso hated each other because Gotti killed Paul Castellano without permission from all five families of the commission.  As a result, Frankie DeCicco, Gotti's initial Underboss, was murdered in a car bomb.  Additional members of the Gambino family, such as Frank Lino and others were murdered by cops hired by the Lucchese family.  The family was never wiped out.  

If you observe the link below for "American Mafia - Wikipedia" you will see the various groups operating in the United States.  

It is specifically geographic there.  For example, in New York City, the five families can operate ANYWHERE in that city.  If they were to go to Chicago and setup any type of illegal business, they would have to formally reach out to the Chicago Outfit leadership.  Are the five families stronger? Yes.  Bigger?  By far, yes.  But, the specific territories defined are held and respected.  Same with Los Angeles, Kansas City and so forth.  A boss is equal to other bosses, regardless of if the family has 10 members, or 300 members.  For another example, the New Orleans family was credited with only having 5 made members.  However, they were by far one of the most powerful and lucrative mafia families in the country with a large amount of assets invested in real estate and had a dominance over the illegal gambling of the southern United States.

The only time a family is "dead" or wiped out, is if the family has no made members left living and the commission decides to never re-create that family.  To date, the only way a family has died out, was from natural attrition - members die from old age and do not have any recruits to bring into the family.

In Sicily the organizational structure is essentially the same.  However, rather than having just 5 families in Palermo - which is also by far much smaller than New York.

If you notice, the link below, Sicily's version of Cosa Nostra family is very similar, but with a larger structure ABOVE boss.  So, as I mentioned above this is control over a territory.  There are 8 Mandamenti in Palermo the city - a Mandamento is a sicilian territory formed by the older government of Italy, along with the Mafia families to split up control over territories.  In Sicily it's very much about geography and strict borders.  For instance as the Manadamentos listed in the link below "Mandamento (Sicilina Mafia - Wikipedia) you'll find that the Porta Nuova mandamento has the following mafia families: Porta Nuova, Palermo Centro, Borgo Vecchio & Kalsa.  These are all distinct quarters or neighborhood within Palermo.  Initially, the mafia families would vote for a representative to hold the place of a Capo Mandamento - A Capo mandamento heads that "District" which is a form of a commission for those grouping of families.  But then you go even higher.  You have 8 mandamenti as listed of well over 20 families, which then become a commission for all Capo Mandamenti for a Province - so all of the province of Palermo or Trapani or Agrigento for instance.  Then in Sicily you will have the Cupola - the highest commission.  It was here, that Salvatore Riina, Leoluca Bagarella, Bernardo Provenzano and the Grecos and others in Cosa Nostra took over hte organization aind made themselves the top Boss.  Traditionally, Cosa Nostra was run as a committee by the commission, but the dictatorship of the Boss of Bosses was only in existence until about 2006 & 2007 when Bernardo Provenzano was finally arrested after his time on the run.  Now, it is back to a democratic committee of bosses who vote on decisions.

Sorry for the lengthy post - I hope that makes sense.



Key Links

cosa-nostra-7-638.jpg (638×479) (

American Mafia - Wikipedia

Mandamento (Sicilian Mafia) - Wikipedia

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Ciao Salvatore s
A real mafioso. Some good suggestions.

Keep in mind Gambino wasn't allways called Gambino neither Genovese or Colombo.

Anyway good stuff most of it.
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Ciao - Cesare you are correct!


If you notice under the Bosses listing, in the paragraph I specifically mention the Colombos by an example.  Genovese goes back to Morello along with the Luccheses and the group split into the two families, since the origin of Cosa Nostra in New York is theorized as consisting of a Palermitani family (incorporating what is now Gambino & Colombo families in South Brooklyn), the Castellamaresi family (of Greenpoint, Brooklyn) and the Corleonesi faction (Genovese & Lucchese).


Gambino had Mangano, Lupo, D'Aquila, Anastasia and such before Carlo took over as boss.  

Genovese had Masseria, Luciano, Costello and others before Vito Genvoese took over

Lucchese had Reina & Gagliano before Lucchese took over.

Bonanno had D'Orlando, Schiro and Maranzano before Bonanno took over.

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Salvatore_Mancuso: TL;DR...

All I was asking is... what do you mean permanent families in mafiareturns? ones that cant be killed?

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Yes - Establish a formalized Chicago family, Detroit Family, Los Angeles family so on and so forth.  You could even establish one family in New York - or you can go by what was done in the past and have 5 or two or whatever makes sense.  It will give a solid structure to the game.  For instance, not all players ranked as a "Don" or "Boss" or "Capo" would have the duties specific to their ranks.  It's entirely possible, but a Boss of a "Family" could delegate them as such in each city.  For instance a Capo for the North Side, Capo for the South Side, Capo for Downtown etc.  

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so.. you want immortal people running the game.. no thanks.. this turns into dictatorship and complaining... this is the mafia.. no one is safe from death...

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Incorrect - I didn't say immortal people running the game.  I guess that's why you did the TL:DR and missed the entire point.  The organizations out live the people.  The people change, the organizations stay the same.  

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