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is pineapple on pizza really bad? Started by: woahbro on Aug 31, '21 06:41

The only benefit to having pineapple on pizza, is the fact that there's other stuff on the pizza to help cover the taste of the pineapple that was mistakenly added to it.

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Just gonna throw this in - pineapple on pizza was created in the town I live in - Chatham Ontario. Satellite Restauraunt which is still in operation today. Many would think it’s a Hawaiian thing - but it actually started in Canada.


still don’t prefer it though.

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I can't imagine who'd like to have pineapple on a pizza to be fair. 

I love pineapple and pizza separately, so in theory combined together it should taste good, I might give it a try tonight actually.

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Pineapple on pizza is fine. Not my favorite, but it goes well with certain other toppings. 


Anchovies, there's an abomination 

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Personally not a fan but I don't feel as strongly about it as many others.    If there was a piece offered to me, I would eat it without taking it off or declining all together.

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Pineapple on pizza is awful in my opinion, but I don’t like pineapple on its own either so who knows. If I liked pineapple maybe I’d like it, it’s not the weirdest thing I have heard. People will put anything on a pizza so I am not sure why there is always so much controversy over pineapple.
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what is so wrong with it? if it wernt for the pineapple we would not have had one of the most popular flavours of pizza ...the hawiaan! people dont get that for the ham im sure,

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It aint as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Good mix with the salty and sweet. Saying that though I'd order any other pizza before I got a hawaiian pizza

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I think the combination is absolutely disgusting.  I love pineapple and could eat it all day, but the thought of putting it on top of a gross pizza just sounds crazy to me.  And I'm not just saying that because everyone else hates pizza too, I've been saying this my whole life.

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I believe pineapple pizza deserves a chance. People love pineapple fried rice, why that ain't the same case with pineapple pizza? It's literally pizza with pineapple topping. Nothing less nothing more. I personally think it ain't bad. In fact, pineapple pizza is one of the tastiest in my opinion. I love the blend of sweet pineapple and crunchy crust. 

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I don't know why all the hate on pineapple being on top of pizza. People put all kinda weird stuff on pizza and are totally fine with it but go bananas over pineapples. It tastes so good. Give me pineapple on pizza!

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I personally don't think having pineapple on pizza is bad. I know it's a sin in Italy for it to be on pizza. I know a few places back in Italy will have it on their menu for folks from the states to enjoy. Anyways my personal opinion again..if you want it then have it on there. I'm not a fan of it but overall it's whatever
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I adore pizza but I just can't see how pineapple fits on a pizza. 

I don't like pineapple anyway but similarly, I wouldn't put apple or orange on a pizza either.

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Hey. When you have chicken, bacon and red bell pepper on your pizza, pineapple is absolutly a go

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Not really bad, i mean pineapple is good pizza is good, together? not quite.

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I recently had the opportunity to have a slice of pizza with fried banana and pineapple.
It was quite delicious. Perhaps it was ebcause of the sweetnes and the fact that I had not had anything sweet for a few days.

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You can eat pineapple pizza, but not on my watch please
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I've never tasted this particular combination of flavours. But I can't say I'm thrilled to try it either. It just doesn't sound very good :s
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Nothing on pizza is bad, if that’s what you like on it. Is anyone else going to eat your pizza? No? The who gives a fuck what they think? They don’t have to taste or digest it for you, so why do they care? 

Mid you want to have pineapple on your pizza, you go for it. Enjoy your food!

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Never tried it even with that debate going on for years now on internet but pine apple on pizza just doesn;t sound right. Although, I did try once some asina dish that had pineapple in it and it was pretty good.

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