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Container Crews Started by: Mad_Hatter on Jun 04, '22 07:04

Hello fine people of the underworld! I know opinion on container crews is and has always been divided. They were very much if nothing else needed post the last war if not liked by some so we got there in the end. 

Having run a few over the years with results differing I wanted to do a little quiz on opinion here:

*Does a CC CL that becomes a 'normal' CL hold less weight because of how they came to be?

*Does seeing obits in the weeks that follow from the now 'normal' crew be viewed as good housekeeping or trouble in the ranch?

*Does obits post CC reflect a good leader now able to make selective choices on crew members as opposed to a CC leader who is required to house anyone asking for shelter?

*Is it the CL sole responsibility to ingrain with the wider population or is there a collective responsibiity from all?


Not designed to be one of those let's have a slanging match things just generally interested in opinions. I have met some of you lovely people already and I know others might be busy or just not high up the 'to do' list etc. CC have always split the community in the past, for those that step up we know the risks and yes people will quote the rewards. Just a topic of interest - hey it might even help with someone hussle today to reply who knows!

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Are you going to purge members over shot reports or something again? 

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $270,000 Tip

I literally have no idea what that response refers to. Thanks for the reply. 

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-If anything I find it gives them more weight. They weren't auth'd due to their connections and stepped up when the game needed them to. 

-As long as the members were IA or causing problems, then good housekeeping

-It goes both ways. However if the CC leader is by themselves the onus probably falls on them in order to secure their position

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $40,000 Tip

It was a war that will go down in MR history for sure and took time. The requirements for CC are to provide shelter and I appreciate you recognising that Justice - it is very unlike normal recruiting and for many it has been a welcomed - nice to get to know you in unusual circumstances. Others as in is the case in all crews need to make way for active participating players. We all get through good comms - I am overloaded at work this week forgive will be back proper next week kind - the focus there is on the comms. It takes real skill IMO on 3 of us that stepped up to transition and start using judgement and experience to make choices rather than game helping take all in for shelter. I know some don't approve of the 'rewards' that come with being a CC - trust me they don't last long when building a quality crew and also those people didn't step up if the rewards were that great too. In years gone by CC were a great opportunity for new to the role people to have a go which was brilliant and the community mainly welcomed it - this time round the devastation of the war meant guidelines to be considered were set and it happens that each of us had the required must have's. Having tried to reach out to other CL is the reason for the post. I get there is a divide on previous CC but I certainly am a I take you as I find you kinda person. You are only as good as your last PP right?

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I am not alone when I say it was a war to take down MR. The war you refer too was very much unlike previous wars. Having CC set up this time was a result of a serious red alert. The decision to use that safety net was a tad bit effective but not nearly as effective as previous times. The numbers do not lie. 

In my opinion setting up container crews is a delay in the inevitable which will be more bloodshed to the point where the safety net will be put in place again. Thus, why many have and continue to retire. And we have some like me who pop in for a short time daily. 

The shit in the streets is nothing but an insult to injury.    

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $40,000 Tip
You are such a drama queen, Huck.
Report Post Tips: 16 / Total: $350,000 Tip

I will take that as a compliment Skiddy. There is one problem with your assessment/opinion. I am not auditioning. Did my response strike a nerve?

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I’m curious how you think your response would strike a nerve with ANYONE? You seem to believe you just brought some legitimate, original concerns to the masses. All you offered up was the typical doom-and-gloom whining that we hear time and time again from only certain individuals who get pouty when things don’t go their way. It doesn’t “strike a nerve” with anyone. If it does anything, other than provoke a yawn, it makes people think less of you for your seeming inability to man up, adapt, and move on. I’m sorry, but you sound pathetic. I’m not here to abuse you, but maybe you need to hear this. Do you not see that you sound like a broken record? It is literally the same crap we hear routinely. “Things are awful now. New leadership sucks. The streets suck. Everyone is leaving” Boo fucking hoo. Rinse and repeat a few months later.

Yet, each and every time things keep moving on. There has yet to be the Crybaby Apocalypse we keep being warned about. And yet, here you are, saying THIS is the time it all comes crashing down. You’re the fool running around screaming that the sky is falling while everyone else is just sitting back sipping their tea. It’s gotten old. Just stop. Find a new way to express your need for drama.
Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $80,000 Tip

I have barely paid attention to the container crews that are the most recent ones, so most of my comments will be about the container crew prior to this. Which I am incredibly biased about. Obviously. 

*Does a CC CL that becomes a 'normal' CL hold less weight because of how they came to be? 

No, because if you're a shitty CL you'll be killed as soon as someone is around to replace you. There are no ties or judgement to be had to take out someone who was a container crew previously if they just keep being a fucking idiot. 

If anything you hold slightly more weight given the fact that the admins have read your application and gone, "You, you and you are perfect for this and know what you're doing." The amount of information you have to provide in order to receive the position is probably more work and information given to the majority of auths around here. 

Although I do think that after the container crew status is removed they should be judged slightly harsher than a normal crew leader. They have a leg up in everything and it was handed to them on a silver platter. Being hand picked means you should be the best there is to offer, and thus any actions that make me go, "Uh, what?" are more impactful in how I perceive  you than someone who was authed in the usual way. 

*Does seeing obits in the weeks that follow from the now 'normal' crew be viewed as good housekeeping or trouble in the ranch?

How would I be able to comment on this? Perhaps someone got bored and offered a free kill, or suicided. Also I don't really obsessively watch or check the obits because if I can see em, then I'm not dead so it doesn't matter to me when I'm not in a position of power. Which is nice, actually. 

*Does obits post CC reflect a good leader now able to make selective choices on crew members as opposed to a CC leader who is required to house anyone asking for shelter?

See answer above. 

*Is it the CL sole responsibility to ingrain with the wider population or is there a collective responsibiity from all?

While a container crew the responsibility falls more onto the CL than the wider population. You've been handed the perfect set up and now you have to work your ass off to prove your place, where others who are authed normally already have through the usual routes. 

Once you're no longer a container crew, I suppose it is more of a collective responsibility but I would assume at this point either relationships have been formed or they most likely wont ever be. 

Report Post Tips: 1 / Total: $20,000 Tip

You're batting a thousand skiddy. You are wrong again about me. You are clueless. Maybe you can find time to address the topic at hand that Mad Hatter brought to the table instead of trying to be the big bad wolf that you are not. It's not my fault you were bullied as a youngster.

I do wonder though which is more exciting watching paint dry or sipping tea. Perhaps I will try sipping on tea while watching the paint dry. 

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Well i thought it might raise a few eyebrows but old wounds run deep I guess. The fact I am politely asking the community should speak for itself in my humble thoughts. We don't have to agree it is the nature of this world of ours. I am simply putting it out there as CC carry a benefit and and a legacy too. To get through tough times to make the mark for the Gods to give the nod, the time effort determination to try and make things settled when basically your hands are tied as CC to emerge as a crew and gain respect I totally get - that is what I am doing, engaging with the community. I stepped up and it has been stressful but the game needed it - others that did not but choose to critasize....maybe have a think. To say it has been easy - no it has not. I am though committed to PH and making this work.  It was a simple question with unusual replies. Each to their own. 

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I want to make it clear in no way do I judge you Mad Hatter. As opposed to container crews as I am I can say I have more respect for a cc cl for stepping up as I am certain you are busy in rl. And I can only imagine the attitude of indifference you are getting/feeling. Fuck them as we were limited on who met the qualifications on who could step up and you are just as important if not more than the other cl's. Run your crew as you see fit, not how anyone else sees fit. Better spent energy I would say. 

Report Post Tips: 1 / Total: $20,000 Tip

Thank you for your measured reply HuckleBerryFinn.

It is not quite as straight forward as make yourself known as a CC CL or else it is too late - I particularly found it difficult in that regard, you are required to be completely neutral in all regards. It is why no-one really heard from any of us. I won't speak for others but I certainly was counting down the days and also again not speaking for all but were prior to war in discussions about being given the nod anyway but choose to step as up game required in real time and yes there are very detailed requirements to even be considered. The role also doesn't come without risks. For those that are receptive I have been reaching out since we dropped CC status - I guess to have a connection is also a 2 way street too. My door is always open. 

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $180,000 Tip

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