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Ramen in a Box Started by: HERA on Oct 01, '22 15:54

A long day full of business and paperwork had brought on an excrutiation headache as Meadow landed in DT. She knew she had to eat something sooner rather than later and wondered where she should stop by. The immediate sight of the bright yellow noodles hanging down the front of the building took her by surprise and she could not hide the big smile on her face as she wandered towards the front door, opened it up and went inside.

Meadow felt slightly claustrophobic as she took a deep breath and looked around. The waiting space was tiny and already filled but the aroma of spices and yummy broth made her mouth water up as she quickly got in line. It had been a while since she has had ramen and she waited eagerly for her chance to get closer to the menus to she could choose which one she wanted. Scanning the menu, her eyes did not wander very far down before Meadow knew what she wanted.

Shifting the weight from her right leg to her left, she waited. Relieved when it was her turn at the register, she stepped forward and began to place her order.

Good evening. I would like to order Shoyu Ramen with beef to take out,” she said as she brought out her purse ready to pay. The man at the register nodded as he appeared to be writing it down. He told her about the returnable plastic container to which she nodded. When her food was ready she grabbed the container in a paper bag and ventures out the door to go find a bench outside. She liked the shop, simple and to the point. Enjoying her meal, the rest of her day went on with less of a headache and a full stomach.

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After finishing his cigar at the local cigar lounge, Rico felt pretty hungry. He walked outside and looked around for somewhere to eat. He quickly noticed Ramen in a Box and Rico loved ramen so he ran right over. There wasn't much seating in this place so he figured he would just eat it on the go.

Rico looked through the menu and decided on his order. He walked to the counter.

"Hi! This place looks great and the ramen smells fantastic! I'll take an order of Cheesy Ramen and an order of Tonkotsu Ramen please!"

Rico sat on the couch and awaited his order. He looked around and watched the people of Detroit walking through the city. His stomach was grumbling but finally his order was ready. Rico ran to the count to collect his boxes of Ramen and paid for his order.

"Thanks! This looks amazing, I will certainly be back!"

Rico began eating his ramen as he walked out the door. It was even better than he imagined! As he walked down the streets of Detroit eating his ramen he made a mental note to visit this shop every time he visited Detroit.

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Hera's eyes danced over the colorful menu board, her fingers tapping a rhythm on the counter as she took Meadow's order. Good evening. I would like to order Shoyu Ramen with beef to take out,” @Meadow ordered. Hera nodded, her mind already conjuring up the steaming bowl of golden broth, the thin wheat noodles glistening with soy sauce, and the perfectly poached egg nestled on top.

Across the counter, Rico ordered, "I'll take an order of Cheesy Ramen and an order of Tonkotsu Ramen please!" Hera grabbed two sturdy takeout boxes, one destined for a cheese bath, the other yearning for the rich pork bone broth.

Her hands flew, grabbing ingredients from neatly labeled containers, her movements a mixture of chopping, simmering, and stirring. There was the sizzle of onions hitting hot oil, the fragrant whisper of ginger and garlic, and the comforting gurgle of simmering broth.

Hera carefully lowered the cooked noodles into the steaming bowls, their golden strands swimming in a fragrant broth. For @Meadow's shoyu ramen, she ladled the dark soy sauce broth, its surface shimmering with a slick of oil. A perfectly poached egg was gently placed in the center, and a sprinkle of chopped scallions added a final touch of freshness.

Rico's cheesy ramen was a molten masterpiece. The noodles, smothered with melted cheese, glistened under the lamp, garnished with fiery red chili flakes. A generous drizzle of sriracha added a final touch of fire. For his Tonkotsu ramen, Hera poured a cloudy, milky broth rich with pork bone collagen. A crown of glistening pork belly slices and a some bright green bok choy completed the picture.

With a flourish, Hera presented the steaming boxes to Meadow and Rico. "Enjoy your feast!" she smiled.

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Jimmy meets up with HERA in Detroit. As she walks in he walks over "hello there you look lovely *gives her a little embrace* "yiur restaurant looks fabulous come sit "
Looks over menu the sukyu ramen and an order of lo menu please" he asks the clerk
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Hera straightened her apron, a nervous flutter in her stomach as the door chimed. Her heart skipped a beat as JimmySilver entered. His compliment washed over her, a blush creeping up her neck. "Thank you," she stammered, returning the warm embrace briefly. "Come, sit with me."

Leading him to a cozy booth, she couldn't help but beam with pride. The restaurant now buzzed with life with a symphony of spices and simmering broths. Jimmy scanned the menu, his brow furrowing in concentration. He then ordered, "Sukyu Ramen and Lo Menu please."

The clerk looks at him in confusion, but HERA, knowing her old friend well, corrects the order for him to understand. "He means Shoyu Ramen and Lo Mein," she clarified for her friend.

A grin tugged at Hera's lips. "Excellent choice!" she exclaimed, genuinely impressed. "The shoyu ramen is a classic, with a light and flavorful soy sauce base, and the lo mein is packed with delicious stir-fried noodles and vegetables. You won't be disappointed."

Hera leaned closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Honestly," she began, "there's a new dish I'm testing that isn't on the menu yet. Intrigued?"

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Jimmy's,stomach fluttered both from the wonderful aromas,coming from the kitchen as well as the eyes of the beautiful woman across from him.
He says coyly glancing around "I'm.. very intrigued"
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Hera's gaze swept over JimmySilver. "It's a dish seasoned with secret smiles exchanged across the table, simmered in laughter that warms you both from the inside out, and served with a sprinkling of special moments only our eyes can see," she explained. "Trust is poured in like a fine wine, savored with every bite."

She continued with a playful nudge with her shoulder, "It's a dish meant for two and the aftertaste.... it lingers long after the last bite."

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Al had been working all day putting big sturdy shoes on women that would never have a correct inclination about what size their feet were really. He often times ignored their requested size and come out with 2 sizes bigger anyways. Soon he'd have to order clown sized shoes if this trend kept going as it did!

But man did bending on his knees bring him into a bad mood, his back was hurting where he slipped a disk when Peggy wanted to do some new position to 'spice' things up. The only thing keeping him sane was his daydreams about killing her and getting away with it. Or better yet get caught, serve life in prison and get rid of the two brats leeching all his money from him.

As he mused over thigns, he realized with the last few bucks in his pocket he'd have to find a cheap place for food, something filling but nothing fancy or expensive for no good reason.

He had heard about a new ramen place, he had no idea what ramen was but people said it serve large portion and came cheap, he decided to check it out and see if it was anything good as his hippy friends were insisting on

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With a twinkle in his eyes he lightly takes HERA's hand rubbing it gently with his thumb.
"That sounds perfect I'll take a double order of that and share it with you but may I add a bit of sweetness and a,dash of..spice?
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Hera's eyes sparkled as she revealed the secret. "Alright, JimmySilver, since you're so keen on spicing things up, our secret dish is none other than 'Spicy Honey Garlic Chicken Alfredo.' It's got all the flavors: creamy, sweet, and a hint of spice, just like life itself."

She took a playful pause, a mischievous grin on her lips. "But, you know, the kitchen isn't the only place where magic happens. How about we let this simmer for now, but who knows, maybe there's another dish waiting for us in the future? Just a thought." 

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Meyer was in Detroit to launder some money for his clients and check on his local gambling establishment. As he walked down the street to visit one of his local poker games the smell of ramen captivated his nostrils.

"Wow that smells exquisite!" Meyer exclaimed to nobody except the random passers by who gave him odd looks. He quickly darted into the store labeled Ramen in a box. Once inside the aroma of ramen almost swept Meyer off his feet and he couldn't help but run to the counter where he saw HERA serving customers. He quickly read through the menu and was ready to order.

"Hey there! This place smells fantastic, I must get some ramen but after looking at your menu I have what may be a strange request. Can you make an order of Dandanmian ramen and an order of cheesy ramen and mix them together? I love spicy and cheesy and that just sounds like a perfect combination!"

Meyer waited patiently

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Jimmy smiled at HERA. That sounds like something I cam enjoy plenty of"

He let out a mild hum of delight abd enjoyment as he feels the hot broth warm him up
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Sugar was in Detroit for a business deal on behalf of Athena. It was nothing major, decent money, but Ms. Athena wouldn’t be caught moving drugs at this stage of her career when she had street-level workers who were much less valuable to the family than she was. Sugar knew her role, but also knew if she managed it well with no issues she’d have opportunities to move up within the organization.

So here she was, in a sketchy part of Detroit’s business district waiting for her contact to show up. It wasn’t long before he did, and gave a subtle nod to her as he spotted her from across the street and headed into the cube shaped shop. Her stomach began grumbling as the aroma from the place filled her senses. She stood behind her contact in line and ordered after him, sitting done at the sofa to wait for their orders afterwards. 

They smoothly passed envelopes containing product and money respectively as they engaged in normal conversation, nothing seemed out of the ordinary or nefarious to the untrained eye. Sugar stood quickly when she heard her order for pork shoyu ramen called. With her deal done she decided it best to eat her ramen on the go and not attract any unwanted attention. As she ate her ramen walking back to her hotel, she concluded this was some of the best ramen she ever had. 

Coming back here on the way to the airport tomorrow afternoon was a must.

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Out of the corner of his eye, Qalico notices the bright neon sign across the street on 36th and having been looking to satiate his hunger for the past hour makes his way across to the restaurant.  Upon entering the small restaurant, Qalico was immediately struck by its unique appearance. The red cube-shaped box with yellow rope-like strands hanging down the walls, resembling noodles, gave it a quirky charm.  

"Hopefully the noodles will live up to the decor", he thought to himself as he made his way to the counter.

He scanned over diverse menu offerings, ranging from Japanese to Chinese to Korean dishes and picked a couple of mouthwatering sounding delicacies to treat his tasting equipment with.  Having chosen he looked up at the small woman serving and said......

"I'll have a Japanese #1 and a Korean #4 please when you are ready."

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Detroit Business District
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