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The adventures of a lazy Petty thief (part 1) Started by: Tenkai on Apr 26, '23 05:58

​​​​​​After a few months of taking his noon naps, he saw no one was watching him. So since he noticed people began to ignore him, he began to secretly put his plans into place. During the day he would began to decorate his garden, aling with his tree in the forrest. Since it was all dirt and under the stars, he began to build himself a nice tree house. Measuring everything he needed, he would build his house around the tree. He would bkend the nature with the house. He made it so he could still see the stars while being protected from the harsh weather. He was bored after all, then at night he would train, building up his powers as nd his physical body. This lasted for almost six months. 


After decorating and taking so many naps during the day, Tenkai finally saw how he could continue to stay idle while continue to put his plans into place while being unnoticed. He would go visit the streets, they were terrible. Sure they were fit for gansters but even the mafia would take notice they their children could never just idly play like they used to. So he would clean them up, little by little and use these unhoused gangsters to his own advantage. After all, he was bored and they were looking for something to do anyway. So tenkai would clean up each neighbor hood, little by little. As he came past one of tge old diners he had been to in the past, he saw more problems. 

"Sir?  What's wrong?" Anna asked. 

"Oh nothing, I just found something for us to do." Tenkai said, his voice filled with thrill and humor. 

"What?" Anna asked, looking skeptical. 

"You remember the other day when you asked me if there was away we could make use of these unhoused gansters?" Tenkai stated. 

"Okay.. You crazy bastard.. What are you thinking of doing?" Anna asked, with her brows scrunched together in worry. 


"Well.. We make them our underlings, use them as a web.. Turn them into watchers for information, while doing little jobs for me.. But not before I beat the fuck out of them.. Make them submit to me." He said as he cracked his knuckles. 

"Sigh.. This crazy bastard...normally he's quiet and cakm.. It's laway the quiet ones that are the most psycho." Anna said as she smacked her forehead. 

Tenkai disappeared, as Anna sighed and followed, just as the ganster one hands almost hit the little girl, tenkai appeared, blocking the gansters hand easily. Tenkai looked at the little girl, as the little girl looked up at him surprise. 

"Whoa. You're beautiful Mr.. " the little girl said. 

Just as Tenkai twisted the mans wrist and pushed him backward, making him fall in his ass. The ganster seemed pissed off, trying to provoke Tenkai. 


"Do you know who I am?  I'm Johnny vietello.. How Dare you treat me like this." Johnny yelled. 

"Right that family.. So here's the thing.. You left the family.. So since you aren't apart of that family or kicked.. You don't get their protection of benefits. So on op of that you're father wouldn't dare to disrespect my brother.. What makes you think you can?" Anna stepped in. 

"Say Johnny you should come at me with all that you got.. All of you infact come at me.. One on one is too boring and I don't have time to just stand here fighting you all one on one." Tenkai stated. 

As the group all came at him, Tenkai dodged, as the little girl watched, anna standing next to her. Then as Tenkai blocked them, while dodging them his movements looked smooth. As he flipped, he kicked one in the face, making them bledf and fall back into the cement. 


"Are you okay little one?" Anna asked, as she knelt down. 

"Yeah.. Thanks to you guys. Those bad guys always come here hurting people and causing problems.. Makes it hard to live in this neighborhood." The little girl said. 

"I'm anna.. What's your name?" Anna said as Tenkai jumped and spun, kickung another one upside thr head. 

"I'm Lacey." The little girl said. 

"What are you doing out here all by yourself. Where's your mom?" Anna asked. 

"My mom had to do something, she told me to wait inside but it got loud in there. These bad guys were being mean, so I thought if I came out here they wouldn't bother me." Lacey said.

As if Tenkai heard the entire thing, he he punched one of the gansters in thr gut. As if Tenkai could sense their weapon, the little screamed watch out, two of the gansters momentum was already too fast so they could stop it. So tenkai jumped, and flipped back a couple times. Then as Tenkai landed on his feet, two gansters ended up stabbing each other.  As Tenkai took a lazy breath, he wipped his shirt and yawned. 

"Two down and five more to go.. Although I didn't want to kill them.. Ah well such a waste." Tenkai spoke, as Anna looked at him with empty childish look. 

"Much chess pieces. How can you get powerful if can't even stop their weapons.. Instead letting them kill themselves.. That's a waste of pawns." Anna said with such goofy sarcasm. 


"Not my fault they forgot how to play chicken." He spike with such boredness.

All anna could do was sigh, "fine just hurry.. We have to finish our original objective before we get caught by the families.. After all you're just considered a Petty thief in the human world. Since we are in the streets of new York, I think the name of the god father chairman in this city is futurestealer. From what I hear he is ruthless. He be nice.. But I don't think he will think kindly if we are beating up gansters in his city right under his nose. After all he is a gfc." Anna stated. 

Well she wasn't wrong, he may understand why he did it, but he may want payment or something for his actions. He was no where near ready to deal with that strong of an opponent. He barely had the power to handle these idiots. 

"Besides.. If we get his attention.. That wouldn't be good, you are trying to stay hidden. You already got people trying to recruit you." Anna said, he nodded. 

Tenkai quickly beat them up, and, toom their weapons after tying them up. As Tenkai lazily wiped thr dust off himself, he felt the little girl gug his leg. Tenkai crouched down to her level, rubbed her head. Giving her a smile, as she sniffed, wipping her tears, Tenkai caught the tears that she missed. 


"It's okay, bug brother took care of all bad guys that hurt you. Want to keep me company until we find your mom.. I'll buy you food. Okay?" Tenkai promised. 

"Really.. You saying tricks are you?" Lacey sniffed. 

"Nah.. How Dare I trick the cutest little sister crying in need." He said softly, soothing her. 

"Pinky promise right now." The little girl demanded. 

Tenkai stuck his big pinkey to her tiny one, locking them together, as their thumbs touched. 

"If we can't find your mother, I'll adopt you and make you apart of my family.. Would you be okay with that?" He asked, she gave a cheerful smile. 

As Lacey hugged him, he picked her up, letting anna take care of the rest. As Anna had the tied up gansters sent to a warehouse, Tenkai sat the little girl in his lap ordering her food, Anna came and sat across from them. 


As Tenkai finished ordering, he had Anna order for herself, he would pay for them all, it's what he did for them. He then asked for the maneger or owner if thr cafe. 

"Hello sir, I'm the owner of this place.. You summoned me, did anyone cause you an issue?" The woman said. 

"Nothing like that. I just wanted to know, would their be a reason a woman left her child in your cafe unattended?" Tenkai asked. 

"Oh her Mother does that all the time, after all she's a high class hooker. She was born from a high ranking family member, her mother was doing sexual favors for the man then suddenly he got tired of her then she was pregnant.... Her mother does this all the time ..sometimes she lewves her outside at night buy herself. We take her home from to time.. But I can't keep her. I can barely afford my own children.. I could if I would which is why we try to at least keep her fed and kee her warm in here.. But if you don't take her in as your own I'm thinking of calling the police. Thr orphanges aren't very good. And thr mafia makes it worse." The man said. 


"That's how the world is.. I'll take her since her mother doesn't seem to want her. And I have more than enough room and money.. I also have my own family.. She will be treated well." Tenkai said as anna's fwce brightened. 

"Good choice kai.. I'll help with her.. She's so cute." Anna giggled. 

As they ate, he fed Lacey, as she clapped ger hands, he had plqns on how to further her experience and learning. Tenkai loved doing things, it kept him busy while he stayed under the radar. He was excited just thinking about his plans. 

As they finished eating, he layed with a huge wad of cash and left with little Lacey. Later he would have to use the owner as a witness for the adoption of lacey. 

As they left, they went a little window shopping, buying clothes, and some shoes.. And few other things. Realizing his schedule was becoming busy, he would do this again. Instead of doing this in the day time he would do this at night. He was sure if hr continued this during broad daylight, someone would catch on, and would keep their eyes on him. 


Finally coming to their secret base home, seeing it was now evening, he had Anna fix supper as he gave Lacey a bath, providing her with fresh night clothes. And her teddy bear that he baught her. He then took a shower for himself, wearing soft cotton pajama pants and black soft cotton pajama shirt. The pants hung around his waist, and the shirt was a bit loose bit it clung to his muscles. It was short sleaved. His hair down, he was too exhausted to do anything. As he sat on the couch, he stretched out his legs spawling out. 

"Is, it comfy to lay like that?" Lacry asked, as she stood there watching him. 

"Well yes girly. Why do you ask?' He gave a hint of a smirk. 

"I wanna lay like that too." She said. 

Tenkai would extend out his arms, opening them for her, as she crawled uo, helped her. As she clung to him, dozing off, he kinda liked this lazying around. Although he would secretly yrain in the shadows, but while people were watching, he would laze around and nap, to him everyday was like an adventure. He would continue this route. He enjoyed this route, he worked hard while enjoying life. This would do, he would always find away to continue to live like this. 

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