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Corktown On Fire Started by: MrDiabolik on May 02, '23 07:19
Today is the day.

That's the sentence that kept running through Mr. Diabolik's mind all morning. The new HQ had been a buzz all morning with the hustle and bustle of preparation. People running in and out, decorating for tonight's celebration, caterers shuffling about to make sure the food is freshly prepared for the guests, liquor trucks pulling in through the back to make sure the guests have an even better time tonight.

Bricktown had been Diabolik's home since he was a young lad, doing petty crimes and small jobs for the top men to work his way up to being the right hand man to the leader of Detroit himself, Polio. All he ever had any intention of doing was to help build Bricktown to greatness. Now the time had come for him to step up and expand this initiative into a nearby area. He knew the area well but had never thought this would be his new home.

Looking in the mirror, Diabolik runs his fingers through his hair as he hears a knock at the door. Wilson pops his head inside hurriedly, already dressed and ready for action.

"Hey boss, you ready? The crowd is gathering quickly and I think Polio might have already gotten into the liquor."

Straightening his tie one last time, Dia follows behind Wilson down the front stairs of the newly decorated building. Stopping before the crowd, he looks out over them before speaking.

"Today, you are here to witness a change in the winds. A change to the history of Detroit if you will. Today, I will be taking my place as the leader of Corktown in hopes of building a loyal family of my own and an even brighter future. I am honored to have been given this chance by Polio...yes the man over there in the dapper suit and white Nike socks. Helping me lead and build this new family will be none other than Wilson and ZoyechkaBelikov. I believe that when we put our minds to it, we can overcome any past regressions and look forward to the future."

Stopping to let the crowd roar, Diabolik leans in to speak once again.

"Although Bricktown has a piece of me, I feel the need to bring back my original roots from the Roman culture. In Corktown, we shall do as the Romans do. Today is the day I present to you the newest Detroit family, Di Inferi."
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We The Snake Pit took the move to Bricktown to make sure MrDiabolik and his new team will make Corktown a wonderful place under a great person.

Mr_NeverEverAgain ha a meeting along with him and our beloved Chairman Polio and decided this for the best of whole Detroit.

"Make sure now man to have fun along the way, which I know you will have bro"
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Ima' just keep this short, we all know not a single person enjoys my accent.  It's with upmost pleasure that I see you in your own HQ. I know my lineage is pretty new to you and visa versa, however its been a total pleasure so far. 

It made perfect sense that you to take this step, even if both your arms had to be twisted real tight. Have a blast over there pal, you know where we all are should you need anything. 

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Polio had been thinking about this day for some time but it was never the right time for MrDiabolik to leave The Dog Pound and venture out on his own.

He was the most trusted dog in Detroit and he had helped Polio start the rebuild of the great city but they both knew they had reached there limits together, it was time to let his main dog make something of his own. Polio taught Big D everything he knew so had no worries with handing him the opportunity to make Corktown his own!

Polio had been helping himself to the liquor, he had had a few too many already thanks to the helping hands of Wilson and ⊗ZoyechkaBelikov 

The two of them had also helped massively within Bricktown but between the three of them they could make there own history in a part of Detroit!

Polio called for silence 

'To some of my favourite people, go make myself and the rest of Detroit proud

To a new Detroit family, Di Inferi'

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marijuana listens intently - while smoke is billowing out from the joint he had been hitting. He straightens his jacket and dabs the joint out to properly speak. “Congratulations MrDiabolik. A position well-earned. I send my best wishes to you and the city of Detroit.”

marijuana smiles and takes a brief moment to see the crowd and all the going ons of the news. Afterwards he takes his leave and heads on down the street. 

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