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We Are, All of Us, A Community Started by: MrKuku on May 05, '23 12:30



I was at high school for five years.  University for four years (I only have one degree - the other claims were not based on robust truth).


I have played MR for 20 years.  Twenty years.  Four times as long as I spent at high school, and five times as long as I spent at uni.


I've got lifelong friends from school and uni.  And others I got on fine with.  Some I didn't like, but hey ho, that's life.


But school and uni were communities that I attended as a means to an end.  School, I had to go to.  Uni I wanted to go to, because I like money and status and a meaningful career.


Having played a competitive game, with the ability to really rile opponents, for more than two decades, it is only natural that people will clash.  And that's fine.  That's good, actually, because feuds and tension keeps people engaged and active.


But when all is said and done, we are, all of us, members of a community, and that community is what keeps us coming back.  I think we are all unified by a desire for a busy community, and an active community.


Within those desires, of course, people disagree and digress on how best to achieve those aspirations.


I find some members of this community distasteful.  Others I find weak, and lacking in certain aspects of basic human decency.  But the overwhelming majority of this community I cheerfully share a joke and conversation.  Because, we are, all of us, members of a community.


I will ALWAYS enjoy getting one up on some within this community.  And I will always support those I see as the underdog getting a shot at making something of their characters.


But when all is said and done, putting the hours and days and weeks and months and years into MR is enough for anyone to be an acquaintance of mine, and, away from the cut and thrust of the game, I would extend the hand of friendship.


Here's to another 20 years, my friends. 

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After 20 years, I don't know if I have it in me to do another 20. 

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Mr. Kuku, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Report Post Tips: 7 / Total: $140,000 Tip



You should use "" Around quotes my man

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I dont really play much but yes another 20 sounds good to me...

IRON FIST 2003 lol ish 

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You pretty much summed up how I feel about this place, very few I hate, many I tolerate and a select few that I can call "friends"; though sadly a lot of the latter have now vanished into the annals of time.  There are a couple of people I still talk to outside of the game but for the most part, those that have left, have left the internet sphere in totality.  Sad times.  Case in point, BrianArao, I miss that guy; also Caius.

It's only natural that in a 500+ strong online community that we find some folks distasteful or lacking in certain facets we value but it is important to remember that the overall experience brings us laughter, fun and, on occasion, engaging and thoughtful conversation.  That's why we keep on coming back for more right?  It is one of the things that is just so in this world: once an MR player, always an MR player; it is just how it is, there is no point trying to fight against the urge, embrace it like a real person.

While there will always be clashes and conflicts, which is totally natural in what is, in effect, a competitive game, it's good that the majority of us can sit back, rationlise everything, and realise that we are all part of a diverse community.  I for one, can attest to the fact that I would happily share a drink, non alcoholic for me please, with 99% of the user base here.  There are only one or two I truly regard as cretinous fuckwits that I wouldn't piss on if they were burning in the gutter, you know who you are..................

One thing that irks me a little tho MrKuku, you say that:

Uni I wanted to go to, because I like money and status and a meaningful career.

This would suggest that you think that going to University gives you some sort of improved status over others.  It doesn't.  Some of the most down to earth and, interestingly, well off people I know didn't attend university.  A little bit demeaning to trades and those that chose a more vocational route to success.  University is not the be all and end all, more so these days with the sheer numbers of degrees in "Woo" that are available.

Think, "Equine Studies", "Golf Course Management", "Klingon Studies", "Harry Potter Studies" and "Parapsychology".  All completely fucking useless awards that will more than likely not lead to a successful, meaningful career. 

Just my 10 cents.........another 15 minutes of my life wasted away on vomiting words on an irrelevant forum on a largely irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things, game!

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Kelly_Kapowski - I know plenty of accomplished, wealthy people that didn't go to uni.  I knew to get where i wanted to go, I had to do it.


No disrespect to anyone intended.  Not many people in my family did, and they did very well regardless. 

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Its 3am and i physically feel like absolute shit, plus I'm typing from a phone, so yes, there will be some spelling/grammar mistakes, but I don't give shit. You know what else is worth no shits? You. Here's why :


You've been suspended/"banned" innumerable times. You've manipulated, lied and have been a piece of shit for a long time. And I remember talking to Izzy on Lounge, at a time where you were you were banned. I was shitting on you, because you're an easy target, and I remember him standing up for you, saying that you, having met you in real life, were not a bad person; that this "Kuku" guy is just a persona.


Bullshit. Here's why : 


For 20 years You've been an asshole. For 20 years You've lied. For 20 years You've shown just how miserable you are; let's not forget the rape post that you wrote and posted in the streets. For 20 years You've called "friends" people who have willy nilly accused others of child predation, people who have verbally assaulted others, and more. And I remember telling Izzy during that conversation I had with him : When someone does stupid fucking shit, especially immoral shit, for 20 goddamn years, it isn't just a persona - it's just their fucking personality. 


And, in reference to this thread, it is subtle, but it shows how much of a bottom-of-the-barrel, shit human being you are : you're a lying, coniving, narcissitic rat. You saying that you went to uni for money and status, and you saying you enjoy getting a one up on people, shows just how much of a narcissist you are; almost like someone getting themselves off by jacking off in front of a mirror. And how delusional do you have to be to actually accuse people of lacking basic human decency when You've, and i can't stress this enough, hang around with people who call others child predators, when you've written a rape post, when you've manipulated Izzy in promising you would be a better person, only to just continue being a cunt and getting banned over and over and over again, when You've backstabbed people who were legitimately trying to give you a chance, and much, much more. Again - when you've been like this for 20 years, it isn't just a character, it's just who you fucking are.


And putting yourself on a pedestal for bringing activity to MR also shows how narcissistic you are. Now, I am not gonna lie, there are really not many people who are able to arouse interest in the Streets like you do, but there is a difference between the other select few that can. Take LG and Jen for an example, these are 2 people that have been consistently able to fuel interest in the streets, much like you. Where you differ from people like them is that they manage to do it in a way that makes people feel like they're valued, that makes them happy, and that makes them keep wanting to come back.


You are incapable of that, and you've never done that. 


You bring activity by fueling hate, distaste, by churning people's stomachs, by consistently putting out an aura of demeaning superiority, by saying the most asinine things, and just being a  general pile of shit. 


So here's to another 20 years of radiating toxicity. 


Be better.

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $160,000 Tip

Maybe it's best to go to bed, @Gtgbtvrc, instead of writing this spiteful nonsense?


Now, if I was a betting man, I'd wager a substantial amount that you're the same person that once WhatsApp'd me, ironically around about 3am, with a load of personal abuse.  I deleted your messages, blocked you, and thereafter, rarely give you a moment's consideration, beyond a degree of pathos.  That, my friend, is what actually "giving no shits" looks like.


There's so many blatant lies in your emoting that I simply can't be bothered rebutting them.  What's the point?  You are who you are, and you've missed the entire point of what I wrote and why I wrote it.  There is not a single person in this community that I wouldn't meet up with.  I may not like everyone, you for example, I think are an embittered reactionary, but this game, like society, needs a mixture of people.


Couple of things though.  Firstly, "manipulating Izzy" - nice try at stirring shit dude, but nobody I know, and especially not me, could manipulate him.  He's completely his own man.  But congratulations on trying to stir the pot.  Secondly, I genuinely didn't have a clue what you were talking about when you mentioned (multiple times) "***** predation" - words that have no place in this game or on this forum.  Then I remembered: someone I was in an upper structure with, several years ago, used an insult, common to prisoners, as part of his RP.  The admin team gave him, and me and the other member of the upper structure (IIRC) three hours of admin jail and a talking to, including not to use it again.  I thought then, what I think now: fair enough. It was never used again AFAIK.   So the only person talking about something that shouldn't be talked about in this game or on this forum is *you*, and you're doing it whilst trying to score some points.  Seriously?  Get your house in order, man.  


I'll skip over the laughable hypocrisy of the author of this attempted character assassination (that's you, son) accusing me of being friends with "people who have verbally assaulted others" and get onto what your comment is really about.


You really don't like me.  You would prefer I couldn't play this game.  You blame me for feelings that you have that you don't want to have.  At least be honest about it.


"It's isn't a character, it's just who you are"


Mate, honestly: it is just a character.  It's a text based mafia role-playing game.  We literally create and inhabit characters.  The entire point of my thread was that I see beyond that and grant each member of this community a certain status by dint of being part of this community.  The same status I give to people who I am in, for want of a better term, a community with. 


I've met (I think) seven players in person, two of whom I had major in-game feuds with.  It was a great laugh.  I hope to meet more.  


The sad tragedy of all of this is, if you are who I think you are, I at one point put personal trust in you, and I think you got wasted and acted out via WhatsApp, whereupon I blocked you and moved on.


You haven't moved on.  You should move on.



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PS - forgot to mention, why don't you identify yourself, @Gtgtbtvrc?  I know who you are.  You got the cojones to associate your lineage with your bile?  Or are you too frightened? 

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It's a text based mafia role-playing game.  We literally create and inhabit characters.  The entire point of my thread was that I see beyond that  

I would just like to echo this real quick.  I appreciate the sentiment of this post, and I wish more people could separate from the two.  This is a text-based mafia game.  Take a second to take a step back and think about that.  At the end of the day, realistically there's like 50-100 of us IN THE WORLD that have been here consistently for a long time.  I think that's cool.  You're all awesome, even if we don't always get along in the game.

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Everyone has a small sizsed vagine except me


Tutte out

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I reall y dont like ur behavior in the ooc today. #Toxic

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Gtgtbtvrc's silence speaks volumes.


Looks like I identified him successfully.  


Don't be an emo. 

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Gtgtbtvrc has this halfwit not retired yet? 

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Did the excruciating Gtgtbtvrc make himself known? 

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Having played a competitive game, with the ability to really rile opponents, for more than two decades, it is only natural that people will clash.  And that's fine.  That's good, actually, because feuds and tension keeps people engaged and active.

There is nothing more true than this. Having been around the entire time you have played, we've clashed many many times over the years, to the point my blood would boil at the very sight of your name in the streets. Over time I learned to accept your efforts for what they were. It's like watching a movie or a TV show where there is one character just designed to piss you off and make you spit feathers and you know the actor plays their role well when the audience is getting really riled up (ala Joffery on Game of Thrones). You have played the role very well over the years.

I doubt i'll be here in 20 years as i'd be 60 years old then, but who knows since i was a teenager when I first started and turn 40 next month.  

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Thanks for that, Tyrion.  We have lived in the same village for 20 years.  That means, to me, we are at least neighbours.  And I'm happy to meet with my neighbours and to support them.


Sadly, some of this community met up less than a three minute walk from my then apartment and excluded me from their company.  I can't pretend that this didn't upset me.  It did. 


I'd meet anyone from this community for Boat Drinks, except for one, who intimidates and frightens me. Everyone else though. 

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I think I recall the meet you are referring to. Although it wasn't so much a meet in the grand sense of how those normally come about, it was 2 couples that met up plus 1 other MR player. Granted all played MR at the time, so in loose terms I guess it was an MR meet. But that wasn't really how it was arranged.

If it had been an MR Meet as such you would be more than welcome to come, as would any of the community. In fact yourself and Rhianne would have been great to meet i'm sure.

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But Tyrion, can't you see how unnecessarily cruel was to in essence commit me to house arrest?  I couldn't go outdoors in case I bumped into you jovial bunch, discussing MR.  It would have looked like I was stalking you.  So instead I stayed in and played MR. 

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