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Respect for the CPs Started by: Fabolous on May 05, '08 06:25
Walks into the The Bloody streets.

We have all witness one of the biggest scares against the CP's last 24 hours. Sparton (Boss) and Premeir (made man) i have seen alot of people try and take out the CPs and the best they got is just taking out their highest and hard working members but these two got, three higher respected and powerfull CLs. Ellis (Consigliere) Then Sammy (Boss) and j0ngott1 (Consigliere) all this work was done by Premeir's gun he shoot all three and bragged aout this on are streets. I think Premeir was not also as succesfull he wanted but in the end he was stopped, but he prove his point that he wanted.

I really respect the CP, i hear everyone crying about them but they are doing a great job and if they werent, like everyone is mentioning why have they been around a such time ruling the world and making the rules. When alot of the CL's have dropped, i have seen AngelicalDeath get a HQ together to keep alot of the unsporners safe so they are not wacked and i bet most of you have been in her family when your CL was been shot down, i was apart of her family in Cab's (RiP) as she was the RHM and i think were she is today she deserves it. And also I find one of the biggest and greatest things to be introduced was PrincessOfCheese's (Don) referral, RiP sir. I was part of j0ngott1 family and i really repect him he was a great leader and had no complaints about his leadership and i am sad to see him go RiP boss. I did not know Ellis or sammy but alot of people went on about they like they were there god's so they must of doing alot good. And now i am in Deviant's family and am looking forward to serving him as best as i can, because i respect my leaders and every move they have done or are going to do. So all you out there stop fuking crying and earn the respect because it is not giving.

Rest in Peace Ellis, Sammy, j0ngott1 and all the hard working members that fell servicing their families.

Thank you, for your time.

Fabolous turns back and Walks back into the darkness of the bloody streets.
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Not that I think it matters anymore, but Sammy was never CP. He was a Captain for a CP leader.

He was a member of Ellis' crew, before and after he set up, so I guess that made him guilty by association.

So while everyone is cheering about the take down of three CP leaders, and whining how those "tyrants" only auth CP, they're wrong.
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Sammy wasnt authed.
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I'm not sure what you mean by "auth". He sure as hell wasn't a three week long rogue.

He was a Captain for Ellis. He was not a crew leader. Ellis gave him "auth" to set up a sub crew in the same city. Ellis was still his leader.

Is that clear enough for you?
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No, he was still part of Ellis family and therefore not an autonomous organisation.
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Isn't that what I just said? Why the hell are you telling me what I just got done telling you? He was a sub crew leader for Ellis. A Captain.

You said he wasn't "auth'd"

I felt I needed to point out to you, that Sammy didn't just wake up one day, and decide to go slanty/bold behind everyone's back. Because I'm pretty sure someone would have noticed if he did.

I'm pretty sure Ellis was aware of this. In fact, I'd venture a guess and say it was his idea.

Therefore Ellis gave "auth" to Sammy, to be his Captain.

Get it now? No, I didn't think so.
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I dont think you understand what im trying to say, Sammy didnt actually get given any real sort of authority. There was never any real power there, Sammy would never get the chance to do anything that clashed with CP motives and if he had tried to act independantly then he would have been hqed instantly.

Ill sum this up nice and easy for you, Sammy never had any real power deal with it.

ps. 20 mass mails every 10 minutes is also unnecesary.
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You idiot. "Auth" is short for authorized. As in "authorized" to set up. It's not short for "authority"

And I have no clue who you are talking about with the mass mails, cuz it sure as hell can't be me.
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"So while everyone is cheering about the take down of three CP leaders, and whining how those "tyrants" only auth CP, they're wrong."

Sammy wasnt authed in the conventional sense, a true auth is where a mafioso is given their own hq and then they can pretty much do what they want. Sammyd family was merely an extension of ellis's so therefore Sammy was never really authed just promoted within a family.
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Sammy had his own HQ. He had his own flyers. He had his own contests. None of this was accessable to The 13th.

Ellis was still very much his leader.

But while we are on the subject. How many "true" auths get the chance to do anything that clashed with the majority of leaders?

If you think anyone is allowed to run amuck, being couter-productive to the people in power, you haven't been paying attention.

Right or wrong, might makes right.
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So Amber you prefer every auth to be CP therefore allowing no variation and no new ideas being introduced into the system. Many people in this world aspire to leadership and if this is wholly denied to them they will either leave or go rogue.

Is that what you want?
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So Amber you prefer every auth to be CP therefore allowing no variation and no new ideas being introduced into the system. Many people in this world aspire to leadership and if this is wholly denied to them they will either leave or go rogue.

Is that what you want?
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Sammy wasn't CP, and neither was I. While being right hand, I did get a chance to talk to most of them. I have no problem with them.

When I joined Sammy I was older than him, and three ranks lower. I freely admit that I hated the three referal system.

After yesterday's events, I say three isn't enough (although the rogues didn't seem to care if their friends died over their actions). I say we should need a 10 referals and a note from your old kindergarten teacher.

People complain about friends auth'ing friends. Who should they auth? Their enemies? Total strangers? Is that what you would do?
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I say scrap the whole system.

It should be put in the hands of the CL's once more. If they do not like you, tough shit. No more diversity as you obviously do not care if your friends die.
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