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CP & Friends - Still Alive Started by: Numbers4Glory on May 05, '08 09:59
It has been another exciting day on MafiaReturns, equipped with stealth mode leaders, rogues, gun confiscation and crewleader kills.

I'm going to have to be careful with how I word this; I wouldn't want to trigger a coffeeshop rant or two. After all, these people are pioneers of our world, that's why they can be seen on every street corner.

Anyway it started with AlGore trotting out to OOC Avenue and calling anyone in CP any name he could think of, whilst grudgingly admitting that we played our takeover to perfection. Whilst I was obviously disappointed to be ousted incorrectly about my age, by someone who's repeated gripe is being incorrectly accused of things, I found it amusing that this was the best he could come up with. Still, chalk one up in the win column for you William, you need it, after all not like the love life is going that well for you.

What our good friends don't appreciate is that after a blackout in our world people see an opportunity. People who feel persecuted and abused by the old regime suddenly have an even playing field, which allows all the quitters and moaners to return. It particularly encourages a return from those who do not have the ability to change anything and lack talent to really challenge anyone in power. Wait for the next one to see which of our coffeeshop whiners make an appearance to evidence this.

In these times it is often the case that the weak rise to the top of the pile, demonstrated by the amusing and terrible rule of Oliver_MacTavish. Now at this time, the majority of CP hadn't even returned to our shores, I know what you're thinking, if only they had stayed out, right? Bless you. Sadly no, we returned and saw the disgraceful rule of a Don crewleader. As a result we decided it was time that we took over, because really, who better than us?

So we put a nice plan into action. Cathy Parks, the only CP member really around at this point, wangled herself auth, whilst dear old dad a1capon3 came back to be her RHM. It was a glorious time, Oliver continually cried about wanting to suicide, her two RHs really didn't like each other, with one hating women and the other trying to keep the sinking ship afloat. With the Badass ship already riddled with holes, Oliver decided to auth both her RHs, MolotovMcHugh was of good old William's line, the other being JohnnyAxe. Interesting.

It didn't all go well though, Oliver came crying about her relationship with William and how he was being a shit to her (nice one mate), which enraged her other auth JohnnyAxe. Oliver, being the wonderful user base building crewleader she was, decided she couldn't take the heat, but instead would fuck her family over entirely and arranged for JohnnyAxe to kill her. Not before naughty William got absolutely decimated though.

I know guys, but I kid you not, William Bathtub, got completely destroyed. After much bragging from camp Bathtub about how he had a 'tank' account, packed with 50 bgs, he folded like a deck chair. The more unbelievable part of this bit of our tale though, is that he charged onto our streets, took a shot at Moretay and missed, only to be killed by a Capo. Nice performance Will, was that how it used to go when you were young and trying to befriend IzzyCreamcheese? Or when you were busy killing a LOT of people?

Anyway, I digress with my story. Once the indestructible killer of hundreds was disposed of, Oliver, in a bid to placate him agreed to take everyone down on his behalf the following day. Young love, bless. Ah but she wasn't that honest when it came down to it, just ask Selenity about that, she arranged with Cathy Parks and JohnnyAxe for him to kill her. What an upstanding leader.

In fairness to JohnnyAxe, he did as ordered and killed Oliver per her request. With Molotov trounced and Oliver's pitiful tenure at an end the cities were left with two powerful leaders, Cathy Parks and Johnny himself. The CP plan was pretty much coming to fruition, from nowhere we now had an Extremely Well Protected Consigliere CL and two Boss members. Oliver had also authed PrinceOfCheese bless her heart, so roll on good times.

CP then took control of the cities for themselves. From having one Wise Guy in our midst, we now stand astride the Six CPities being evil tyrants and the subject of much coffeeshop hatred.

But ah, what was the point of all that? It was a demonstration of how power can be taken on MafiaReturns. All these people who continue to piss and moan about how unfair it is and that they will never be able to take us out, I laugh at you. The sad thing is you probably can't. You aren't good enough. That is what all this boils down to; you can't do what we did. My sympathies.

Hold on to hope Divinelunacy, we can be removed, you can end the CP reign. I believe in you.

We saw the rise and fall of two rogues, 2 Crewleaders and a Captain yesterday. It was a sad day for some in the cities, a joyous occasion for others. Regardless of their motives these rogues caused much damage, kudos to them. I'm just glad to see those who were cheering them on are now trying to infer any further drop in new Mafioso will be as a result of CP killing these individuals and not them killing Ellis, Sammy and j0ngott1. Nice.

I won't mention the stealth mode incident; some people are very sensitive about it and feel others are inferring something suspect went on.

I will talk briefly on my much-discussed short speech the other day. I've been highly amused by the attempted insults surrounding it. If only these individuals had any sort of intelligence, they might be able to realise that it was a change in Philly, in my own organization. It was intentionally short. It had nothing to do with anyone not associated with my organization. It was an in house change in my own setup. I only made a street thread so that the idiots wouldn't shoot her during the time it took for the Captain change to come into effect.

More auths will undoubtedly follow which you'll probably be dissatisfied with. Maybe you could cry more in the coffeeshops or OOC instead of making an effort to do something about it? Good luck with that option, it has served you well thus far considering CP control began on February 8th and here we still are.

I was also entertained by cries regarding the tagging system. I am happy to revert to shooting everyone the moment they are unsponsored, as was the custom in the wondrous times of Ganelon. Although this would surely lead to our depleted numbers falling even further, don't you think?

I mentioned in one of my earlier speeches that the age of compromise was over. Perhaps we haven't been hard enough since then.

I think that just about covers everything in as much detail as I'm allowed. I'd like to give a shout out to all my friends in Divinelunacy, keep on crying guys sooner or later that will work. Another honourable mention to all those who made the wonderful propaganda posters in the last 24 hours, particularly Me on his Call to Arms. Convincing stuff. But a more serious thank you to my fallen comrades and our current crop of Crewleaders and associates for their assistance with those pesky trouble makers last night.

(C)ancerous (P)layer
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Possibly the only CP thread I've liked. Yes I am one of those CP haters with no real power that babbles day in day out about taking over the world (I will do it one day just wait and see!) and tend to whine on the streetcorners.

I think I laughed at the right parts. The parts about Kendra mainly.

Kudos to you Numbers.
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This statement was sponsored by a generous 500 dollar CP campaign contribution. If you want to know who made it, just ask, CP's always glad to tell you. Al Gore for President.
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Touche from Al-Gore there.

Well played "Tank".

Campaign money?

No, shit, massive misunderstanding there.

At $10 an hour that was actually a payment for e-love letters. Yes, there was a shitload and yes I had to collect money from about 50 people.

What a criminal mastermind she is, profiteering to the last.
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