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Credit Codes - For Gifts Started by: SpaceCowboy on Sep 22, '23 20:39

I was recently feeling generous buying credit codes late last night to spam in main and was thinking it would be nice to get rid of the bulk of gifts I have that I'll probably never, ever use. Which made me think there are probably people with way more than myself who would love to clear up some space in their gifts page.

My idea is to have the option like buying credit codes but for gifts like DFP stacking, insta bgs, durden mapping etc.

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This is actually coded in the new game. But wouldnt be too hard to wedge into here. Gimme a little bit and I'll toss it in.
Report Post Tips: 1 / Total: $20,000 Tip
I’m sorry new game? I don’t remember hearing anything about a new game?
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A new GUI of this game (everything transfers in, same gun, same xp, same cash, you dont lose anything).

The version you are on now has code going back years and years ago, which every grows further from modern standards and becomes more difficult to maintain.  We finally reached a point where its better for the game to just rewrite it from scratch using modern standards and current tech than to keep duct taping onto the old system.  Because everything is written from scratch, its a pretty big undertaking and has been taking much longer than expected.  However, everything is being done so that new things can be added with minimal effort as opposed to the huge undertaking it is when working on this current version.

When I say that something was coded for the new game, I mean that when we switch the front end of this game to the new version, that new feature will now be accessible by you, but it is not currently accessible since I did not want to get bogged down too much by writing two versions of the new feature since all of this accumulates to a few thousand hours of duplicate work and delay the new version even longer.

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $40,000 Tip
Ok I was worried I was gonna lose everything perks and creds whooo thanks for typing that out
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