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The Line Started by: Meadow on Jan 16, '24 21:11

Downtown, LA

Standing in front of Godfather Tyki Mikk and Don BulletToothTony stood Meadow. Keeping her hands behind her back and her spine straight, she looked for any sign of which direction this conversation was about to go. The sun felt as if it were about to burst in through the window with all its heat, flames and glory - or was that drop on her forehead just because she was nervous? 

A lot had happened since Meadow first came to be in this life and she reminisced everything that had happened, from her first footstep in the headquarters of The Firm, to their move to Las Vegas and then her, Don Tony and Don Dominic packing their stuff to help the growth and rebuild of the city with The Bullet Society. She sighed as she waited.

"Meadow," Tyki said as he broke the silence in the room. "Tell me. What is your ambition?"

Meadow got surprised, which showed slightly on her face as her right eyebrow shot upwards slightly. She had not been expecting that, and she came to think of back when she had gotten the same question when she was just joining The Firm.

"Well.. I think.." She stumbled her words and took a breath to calm herself. "I mean, I believe my ambition is.. Up there.. I do whatever in my hands to fulfill my role as Left Hand for Tony." Meadow groaned internally realizing how stupid she sounded. Having been caught entirely off guard, she smiled as she pulled herself together.

"Let me rephrase. There will be some changes happening in the layout of this thing of ours - with Las Vegas having an empty district, Pain will be moving there to help rebuild. This means Tony will leave for Hollywood and I will need another crew here in Downtown. What do you say?" Meadow nodded as she listened. She understood now the plan and kept her face straight. 

"I understand, boss. I am honored for the opportunity. Whatever you need, whichever ways you need me to go I will go. I will not let you down." Tyki nodded as he looked at Tony. "Then that is clear. Meadow will be setting up as my captain in Downtown."

Leaving the room, Meadow thought of how she would be running her new operation. She noticed a line along the pathway she followed. Stay in line, out of line, the line... She thought and laughed as she went home and arranged for her new headquarters. The next day she went outside to take a look at her new home.

"The Line starts here." She said as she walked inside.

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