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From Big Ben To The Liberty Bell Started by: Sanction on Oct 20, '12 09:52

Sanction leans against a wall watching the crowds of people walking past in the busy street, most of these people just normal civilians going about their day. Slowly blowing out the smoke from his cigarette he starts taking a better look at the people walking past, some stood out in the crowd, these weren't the everyday boring people. They had a certain look about them, eyes that showed pain and agony accompanied by dark bags under their eyes. Sanction knew these people were just like him, it was like looking in a mirror. Stubbing out his cigarette on the floor he started muttering to himself.

"Only one thing separates us in this world of crime, we are all here doing the same thing... But how we got here is what makes us different, I know what happened in my life to bring me here today. What's their story?"

Building up some courage Sanction decides he is going to try find out the backgrounds of the people he sees day in and day out in this thing of ours. Pulling out a metallic flask from his coat pocket he takes a quick swig.

"Here goes nothing, never been much of a public speaker. There's a first time for everything, I guess. My old man told me that one just before he got arrested for indecent exposure. I guess not all things should have a first time." 

Giggling to himself he realises he should maybe address these fellow mobsters and stop talking nonsense.

Grabbing a chair from outside the local cafe he sits down and signals the other mobsters to gather around. Pulling out the flask again he takes a long swig in the hope of gaining some more courage.

"Thank you for coming over, today I want to discuss something that will change the way you see me. I'm going to tell you the story of how I ended up here today. Right, as you all can tell I am not originally from here. My English accent gives that away. I am in fact from London, I was born there in St Mary's hospital. I am the only child my mother ever had. Born into a working class family with my father working two jobs to keep the food on the table everything was pretty normal. Always a good pupil in school, good social life and a loving family. Couldn't have asked for more really. My main hobby was playing sports, I'd go out almost every night to play football on the street with the neighbours' kids I used to always play as a defender! Funny that, isn't it? Turns out that was my biggest mistake ever. Maybe I should have played up front. It was a Monday, I had just finished my homework and quickly got changed and ran outside to play football! The matches were getting a lot more physical now we were a bit older but today was a big change. The older kids from 2 streets down came along and said they wanted to play against us. What could go wrong? We got our positions sorted and started the match. I was playing centre back alongside my friend Dennis. The game was going great we were 1-0 up and the spirits were high, until one of their players... Ted Cheeseman was his name managed to get past most the team and just left me and him 1 on 1 by our goal. He was hurdling towards me hastily but I managed to put in a good tackle and take him down! We won that game 1-0."

Sanction then laughs and gives a cheeky smile.

"Did you lot really think I have become a criminal psychopath due to a little football match? Ha! I just wanted to tell you all that I managed to tackle that bastard and won the game because of it. I'll tell you what really went wrong to make me like this, my love of violence and money. I could never explain why I was intrigued by violence, but oh, my! Did I love it! I joined my local boxing club at the age of 13, training hard day in and day out wanting to be the best... Afraid of no one, always up for a little rumble in the ring. At the age of 15 I had my first bout against a boy from Dale Youth boxing club. Class fighter but he didn't stand a chance. I was more game for the win. I got the win. I loved the win. Bout after bout I was heading to the top, name constantly in the local newspaper. I was loving every second of it. Eventually the rush wore off, though. It wasn't enough any more. I wanted to step it up a notch, I started committing little crimes around the age of 17. Only stupid little things such as shop lifting or snatching purses. It gave me a rush though, a rush I can't describe. Only doing these crimes for the rush was all well and good but of course I realised it was bringing me in a little extra cash. The birds loved me, always had a smooth look about me, the sort of look only a shady character could pull off. Eventually, I stepped up my game and started pushing drugs, rarely got into any confrontations. I mean who would want a fist fight with a boxer?"

Hearing someone in the crowd shout something he listens in.

"That's all well and good Sanction... But stop going off track and tell us why you went from London to these streets."

Getting his mind back on track Sanction decides to get straight to the point.

"I moved here when i was 24, I heard from a connection back in London that this is the best place to be if you really want to make something of yourself. He gave me a name and contact details on a piece of paper. These were the details of Lady-Fighter, now my boss in this fine city. London was great, but at the end of the day I was going nowhere there... Still just a petty criminal. Here however, I can step up my game and hopefully one day reach the top! One thing was different when I got here, though. I no longer had a reputation, I had to earn my respect all over again. Fist fights are no longer going to sort out business, not with all these madmen running around with guns. I invested in a gun shortly after joining Lady-Fighter and realised that this is make or break. Once a man told me 'Live by the gun, die by the gun' I never quite understood that saying. If you live by the gun and die by the gun... My friend you did not properly live by the gun, you simply tried."

Sanction gets up from the chair and takes another swig from his now near empty flask.

"That's enough about me, I want to hear about you lot... What's your story? Why are you here today?"

Pointing at the seat he looks at the people listening to him.

"Don't be shy, take a seat and tell us your story!"

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