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The Golden Squid Started by: SquidMaster on Oct 25, '12 19:15

SquidMaster pulls his ship into port on a late afternoon, telling his crew hands to help carry the spoils of the last raid onto the shore, he turns to his friend; Butters.

You and I have been through a lot my old friend, we have a lot of adventures to tell our ancestors and we have a lot of good memories to reminisce upon. The Windy City has treated us well and I believe it to be time that we let her be graced with a Casino. But you know my style, this casino can't just be any casino. I demand the best teak and best cherry wood finishes from the finest carpenters that you can find.

SquidMaster raises his hand and snaps his fingers at a couple local Goombas from the Borgata crime family in Chicago... as they quickly rush over for his attention SquidMaster send them off on a mission to bring him some carpenters...

The days winds to an end, SquidMaster finishing up some paperwork in his office on board the ship, most of the men are already out drinking and having the day come to an end with a pretty lass; a knock on the door breaks the Squids concentration... commanding the men inside his office SquidMaster greets them with a warm welcome... it was the designers for his new Casino...

Ahh yes yes gentlemen please have a seat and drink, I was just finish up my rough sketch of what I would like to see in my new ravishing Casino that will have sin oozing from it.

SquidMaster lets out a huge belt of laughter as he composes on with his new business idea and layout... the building designers listening on intently...

As I have stated, this isn't going to be just any Casino, there will be buffets that I want people to be able to win prizes for. I want a fully stocked bar at every Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern exit; these gamblers have to be able to stay and wash away their worst nightmares somehow!

Next on my list will be the Black Jack and Roulette tables. I demand the biggest and brightest neon lights to be hanging above the tables telling the members how much the table costs and the time. I want slot machines filled to the brim from corner to corner; I expect nothing but stainless steel glistening from the sun shining through the stained glass windows from the center of the room...

As the building designers write down certain details throughout SquidMasters explanation, they all seem to have one last question on their minds... somehow they all begin to speak at once...

"Godfather... what shall we call the Casino!?"

Taking his hand and rubbing his tentacles in debate.. he cracks a wicked smile and stares the men down, slamming his hand down along with the initial payment of the Casino, SquidMaster utters...

The Golden Squid! May it live a long and greedy life!

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Renekton sees godfather squid yelling at some associates and some well dressed men about a casino

'Squid.. A casino this quickly , wow buddy , i love it already , and what a ..original name!'

Renekton smirks at his godfather and gets his money out from the bank to go blow it at the grand opening

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The mention of a new casino in the fine city of chicago grabs Sanctions attention. After listening carefuly to what SquidMaster had to say he decides to approach him.

"I love the fact that Chicago shall be getting a casino, I have always been a bit of a gambler. Well, never exactly been a good gambler... But a gambler never the less."

Pulling out his wallet he starts taking out $100 bills.

"So, should I just start handing you my money now? Or would you rather just wait for me to lose it in your casino?" He says with a little chuckle.

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Entering the casino as he lights a smoke, Timothy surveys the large grandiose building, taking note of the brightly lit signs and fresh stainless steel slot machines. He nods to himself in approval and smiles as he approaches the Godfather to shake his hand.

"I gotta say Squid, I love your style. I thought I was entering a King's Palace at first before noticing the blackjack players in the middle of the room. Getting this new enterprise off the ground so quickly sends the perfect message that Chicago is here for the business interests of all the seven cities and for the growth of this thing of ours as a whole."

Smiling as a barmaid brings him a fresh glass of bourbon, Timothy bows politely before taking the glass and tipping her a few bucks.

"Excellent service too I must add. I'm sure the gambling patrons will be very pleased."

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SpaceCowboy trots into town on his steed, quickly noticing a newly built casino with flashing lights and crowded streets. Pulling back on the reigns the horse comes to a stop. He checks his back pocket, pulling out a wad of cash and smiles. Ask's & pays a man in front of the casino to watch his horse while he takes a look inside. As he enters he notcies some friendly faces and a golden statue of a squid. He finds SquidMaster and grins.

"What a nice looking place you have here my friend! I have to say the golden squid adds a nice lil touch to this place to make it shine from other casinos. If you don't mind I shall be going now, I hear those slots calling my name!

Quickly runs off to the bar for drinks before losing all of his cash.


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Lilac was born a gambler's daughter and loved a good flutter; so much so, it was often to her detriment. She'd heard that Godfather Squidmaster had recently opened a new casino in her home city and was excited to give it a try.

Upon arrival, she was awe-struck; everything about the place was magnificent, opulent and filled to the rafters with finery. It compelled you to throw open your wallet and try your luck, come what may.

Spying the Godfather himself, she decides to offer her congratulations. She waits modestly for him to finish speaking with his associates before approaching, remaining respectfully out of earshot.

''Sir'', she shakes her head in amazement, ''This place is just wonderful, a real testament to Chicago's worth. You've commandeered quite the spectacle; I'd be highly surprised if people don't flock inside to flaunt their riches - I certainly hope so. Congratulations, and may it be a roaring success!'' She raises her glass to toast The Golden Squid and bows her head humbly before returning to the bar. Gambling was something that required a great deal of alcoholic lubrication; she often found her guts somewhere halfway through a bottle of rum.

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