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Ana Berkley Started by: LaMueta on Nov 21, '12 17:10

Life an open book or a living nightmare it comes as no surprise a woman a man and a boat ain't that something to write about death ain't it beautiful.....

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It ain't finshed yet a sequel is coming soon...right now you know what i'ma leave like it is cause it's cold now....

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Please put a bit more effort into your Street speeches. Thank You.


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Love peace and valor ain't it sweet like tea but even sweeter life a close knit family yet so outta touch with one another.

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It isn't grammatically correct, it doesn't have a hidden message, it has no real punctuation and you've already had a few of these removed for being spam if my memory serves me right. Try going back to the drawing board or finding a partner who can edit your work because the Gods shouldn't have to clean up the streets every time you think 2 lines are inspirational.

(OOC: If you want to do poetry, that's fine, but the streets require Role Play so either Role Play for these things and find a reason for posting poetry or start posting these in the Outside or OOC Forum. Even if you start posting there you need to put more effort into it because 2 lines without punctuation isn't poetry and if you think it is, at the very least gather at least 5 of these and inform the public of why you're posting. If you do plan on coming to the streets, I suggest you RP something simple like:

The man began walking down the street pondering the words he heard from his wife,

"Life is seemingly an open book, or a living nightmare. It comes as no real surprise that the tales of men, women, and property are bland by comparison to a tale of death, violence and mayhem. We want the former but look for the latter, isn't life ironically beautiful?"

As he continued wandering down the streets he began to look for the little things to get him through his day.

That example still isn't enough to constitute a thread so again; RP a group of poems or put a group in another forum.)

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Excellent advice from WWWW. Please listen to it.

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Nearby, listening, watching, thinking, wondering and hungry. Why am I always hungry?

Jack steps out of the shadows, he may as well because his stomach is rumbling again and there's no point trying to hide when it's making more noise than Amtrak's rolling stock.


Apparently, some people like spam.


Jack smiles (or is it wind?) and turns away looking for a restaurant.


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Standing under a tree while reading the Daily Newspaper. He heard someone shouted, he leap his head and look around to search if it wil interest him rather than reading a news of dead peoples. the noise suddenly stop and MT become curious... he waited more but nothing comes next to that shout.

"Maybe just a wind that pass by."

MT close the newspaper and start walking towards the city to look for some business.

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This Forum Is For 100% 1950's Role Play (AKA Streets)
Replying to: Ana Berkley
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