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Dalle Ceneri Started by: LilacDelaney on Dec 19, '12 00:33

Having gathered together all of those who were to join her, Lilac took a spot just outside the front doors of a tall, Gothic-era building. It was just perfect; stone-clad walls surrounded the arched doorway, above which there was a bare slab of mahogany board awaiting the newly engraved sign that sat by Lilac's feet, wrapped in black velvet cloth.

She turned around and smiled as she saw the familiar faces of those she had worked alongside for some time now, not to mention the newer ones she had come to know in recent times. It was difficult to contain the pride she felt; she was immensely proud of these men, proud of her city and proud to have been entrusted as their new leader. As she glanced to her left, she saw Godfather SquidMaster approach and took a side-step to allow him some room next to her. Then, she motioned to Mudkip and Wanderer to come stand on her other side, grinning as they took their places.

Finally, she rubbed her hands together to stave off the bite of the Chicagoan winter air and cleared her throat.

Ladies and gentlemen and fellow people of Chicago - thanks to each and every one of you for coming here this evening. It is bitterly cold, so I won't keep you long - I'm delighted that you all saw fit to brave the frosty air and join us for this.

It is common knowledge that a faction of the Chicago crime syndicate recently experienced some turbulence; the incident I speak of was most unfortunate and caused a great deal of confusion and uncertainty within my family. However, I am most pleased to say that in true Chicago spirit, everyone rallied together and we weathered the storm. We are now ready to emerge from our chrysalis, revitalised and raring to go. Our own Godfather SquidMaster has bestowed upon me the greatest of honours by inviting me to join him as a Captain here in The Windy City, and I accepted with gratitude, for his invitation facilitated my wish of keeping my family together. Formerly, we were known as The Borgata; in more recent times, many were unsure of our identity, though we remained steadfast under the wonderful leadership of Vedder. This man, though incredibly modest, deserves great recognition for his services to Chicago.
Thanks to him and Godfather SquidMaster, I stand here and introduce to you Dalle Ceneri - a family reborn from the ashes of adversity.

If I may, I would like to draw some attention to the men stood not only beside me, but those who lace the front of the crowd. These men are nothing short of exemplary. These men exude the most supreme of mobster qualities; they live and breathe for this city and I will now lead them with the same fierce loyalty that they have dedicated throughout their careers. These men were my family in times gone by and remain my family now and until the death as Dalle Ceneri. Without these men, I am just another girl in a fancy pair of shoes with a penchant for rum. They are the making of me and they will be the making of Chicago.

To my right, I would like to introduce two men of outstanding calibre who have been given positions as my Right and Left Hand Men: Mudkip and Wanderer. As a young gangster, their fathers took me under their wing and showed me the ropes. After losing two cornerstones of the family unit in war, their sons returned to us and served alongside me for Chicago. For me, they are a prime example of how men should be in this thing of ours, and as is only appropriate, I felt it fitting to have them take their rightful place beside me in running our new enterprise.

Furthermore, I would like to say that while some of you may not be entirely familiar with me at this time, you are always welcome to stop by my office. It is of vital importance to me that I get to know you all; our thing thrives on sociability and I am a very social lady. I relish this new role in which I will represent Chicago across all the cities; it will be a pleasure to make the acquaintance of other leaders and work together with them in business and prosperity. I don't have much of a history; I am the first of my rather short bloodline to be granted the privilege of my own family, but my intentions are heartfelt and I will always offer a traditionally warm Irish welcome. My rum is the best that money can buy and I like to share life's little pleasures, so there's always a glass and a comfortable chair here at Dalle Ceneri HQ.

So finally, if you'd all like to raise your glasses that my dear friend Joey Rasca has kindly distributed among you all, please join me in a toast to new life, from the ashes.

To Dalle Ceneri and the city of Chicago!

Lilac raises her glass in the air, takes care of the contents in one fell swoop and can't help but beam with joy as everyone celebrates with her. She stoops down, picks up the sign and unwraps it carefully before hanging it in it's rightful place above the HQ doors:

Dalle Ceneri

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Mudkip had knew this day was steadily aproaching and when the day came.. He was ready to move onto a new life.

'I would like to thank miss Delaney for this opportunity to serve my city the best way I can , also.. I would like to thank all the members of the borgata for staying loyal to chicago over the former mister Petrov.'

Mudkip is very proud of this day for everyone involved and starts to use water spout.

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Joey laughs and celebrates with the rest of his crew, but makes sure he stay's far enough from Raoul's glance. As he take's swigs of rum here and there he walks up to Lilac and shakes her hand.

"I told you that you would make it and here you are, it was a pleasure meeting you upon my entre into The Borgata's early day's. You have alway's been a dear friend to me since the begining and are until now. So let us give a toast to the future of Dalle Ceneri!"

Joey raises his glass and takes another swig. Then throw's down his galls and yell's "PARTY!"

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Raoul glides into the street. Of course he doesn't truly glide, but all the worst monsters never move like a normal person, they have an other worldly gait. He winks at Joey and holds his hand up in the universal symbol for 'Call me'. Joey may not be as physically blessed as Argyle, and by god was that man blessed, no was he as virile nor did he have the sheer performance recovery of Mudkip, he may not even have had the sheer raw passion of Wanderer, but there was something about the boy that kept drawing the older man back, perhaps it was his constant refusal to capitulate to Raoul's advances and dark desires. Still, he would eventually succumb, they always did in the end.

Raoul ran his hand over Lilac's shoulder and across her back as he walked around behind her.

Lilac, Lilac, you have no idea how happy this makes me. You have worked hard to keep this family together following the death of my Lover, tirelessly even...

Raoul smiles at Mudkip before continuing.

I really am looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for the newly christened Dalle Ceneri, and I am honoured to a part of your plans for the future. It would be remiss of me not to thank Vedder for his hard work and dedication to this family over the past few weeks, I have seldom met a man for willing to give of himself again and again and again so selflessly.

Raoul pauses again to look at Mudkip, his hand delicately stroking his lower lip in contemplation of some hinted at but unseen past experience.

Anyway, I believe we have some celebrating to do now, before we get back down to the nitty gritty of doing what we do best. I do love an excuse for a party, you never know what will come 'up' when people enjoy themselves and relax.

Raoul takes a small step back and applauds Lilac before wandering over towards Joey.

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Dread Pirate Pickles stands in the crowd, listening, watching, observing.  He points to his eyes, then to Lilac, making sure she knows he watching her, and ready to report EVERYTING in The Tabloid News!  Now she knows he knows.  He he knows she knows he knows.  And, she knows he knows she knows he knows.

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Captious faints from the overwhelming level of squee she feels at the sight of Mudkip doing water spout. Or she just pretends to faint in order to blamelessly steal Pickles's drink on the way down. One of those things.

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MichaelLaMotta overhears the great words from Godfather SquidMaster and the news of Miss Lilac taking over a crew in the Windy City.

Congrats Miss Lilac. It seems everyone here is happy that you took over the reigns. The few mails between us show that you are a respected, and great business woman. Best of luck again.

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T-Man pulled up onto the side of the road with his car. T-Man stepped out of his car, reaching into his jacket pocket he pulls out a cigar and proceeds to light the cigar. T-Man seen the a large group of people crowd around someone. Maybe its a murder? But no its better, Miss Delaney was just opening her HQ. T-Man had received mail from Lilac telling him not to miss it. T-Man sneaked into the crowd hoping Lilac wouldn't realise T-Man had missed half of the speech. T-Man stepped out of the crowd and approached Lilac.

"Congratulations Lilac, very well deserved, I'm proud to be in Dalle Ceneri and the wonderful city of Chicago. Here is a bottle or red wine, enjoy yourself!"

T-Man slips Lilac the bottle of red wine which was stored in his coat.

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Alex_McCall bleed in the crowd, listening, watching. As the Godfather SquidMaster spreads the news of Miss Lilac success. Once the speech is finished he approaches the Godfather SquidMaster to give his respect and to to congratulate Miss Lilac.

"Congratulations Miss Lilac on your success and hope all the best. Fare·well ma'am.

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Fenris raises his glass, keeping it in the air briefly.


Then he gives a single swig, draining his glass, and begins to embrace his friends around, celebrating the new journey.

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