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The Revolution has finally arrived Started by: Revolve on Dec 29, '12 22:38

The Detroit sunrise never looked so good that cold December morning. Rising between the high concrete bastions of commerce, the orange sky kept watch over the heavy black smoke from the motor plant chimneys. The daily routine of the civilian population seemed completely unaware as a small motorcade made steady progress down Jefferson Avenue, the heat from their exhausts creating plumes of white steam as the large heavy sedans moved closer towards the river side. Sitting in the rear of the second car, Revolve lit a small Cuban cigar as his accountant slid him another document to peruse over briefly before producing a gold plated fountain pen for him to sign. Another deed, another acquisition, the day to day business of the organisation was never so prominent for the man that now stood above all others within the world of Detroit`s underworld. This was a day above all others, a day never to be surpassed, a day for coming of age, and a day for Detroit.

A large crowd had gathered that morning by the Newark ship dock, waiting for news. Rumours had run through the lines of communication between every city that something had changed; something had altered the balance of power within the city.

The motorcade drew close to where the gathering stood. The lead car slowed as three men stepped out maintaining a pace equal to that of the vehicle. They shadowed the second vehicle as it came to a halt. The rear doors opened, and out stepped Revolve, checking his cuffs as he tossed the remainder of his cigar into the gutter and strode purposely to the front of the crowd.

Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today after an evening of discussion, an evening of hard fought battle and ultimately an evening of demise for the previous occupant of this office. I stand before you as Godfather of Detroit. It has been a long haul, a journey, and I am proud to be seated at the head of this fine city.

We have proved to the instigators of the Detroit experiment that it is possible, that mountains can be climbed and that their foresight of a new Detroit was well conceived. I thank the men and women who gave us all the opportunity to shine, to grow, and to ultimately take charge of this city of dreams. Your legacy will live on, through the hearts and deeds of the men and women who reside in this place we all now call home.

To the future, I raise a glass. This day will remove the restrictions placed upon us for the benefit of our own survival. From this day we stand as a city alongside all others, as an equal, with the responsibilities that sit alongside the rewards. We have to now consolidate the entire city into an empire of distinction.

I have spoken at great length with the captains that will sit beside me; Zola, Toast and Bearpocalypse. All three men are with me, have sworn their allegiance to the cause, and will continue the sterling work within the city. I have no doubt that together, we will ensure that Detroit is recognised for what it really is, a city of opportunity, a thriving centre for business, and above all else a beautiful place.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have many engagements throughout the day as I`m sure you will appreciate.

I thank you all for your time.

As Revolve is ushered back into the awaiting motorcade many hands reach out to shake his, the new Godfather of Detroit.

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Sorche not much for words listened to her Godfather speak.

Congratulations Godfather Revolve!

Taking a quick sip from Force's drink without him noticing she ran off.

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Congratulations Revolve.  I'm immensely proud to have been a small cog in the bigmachine and from reading journal articles about other competition cities, this has certainly been the most straightforward ascent to godfatherdom for quite a while.  I put that down, in no small way, to your strong leadership demonstrated throughout.


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HotIce stands in silence, just smiling listening to Revolve speak. She smiles as she shakes his hand and says to him,

"Congrats boss.  Anything you need, my GodFather, just ask."

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The phone rang in UncleJack's office.

Get yourself down to Newark ship dock, the voice on the phone requested, the Boss is going to be there and he has an announcement to make.

Calling his associate to get the car brought around Jack checks that his tie is straight and his Italian leather shoes are reflecting his grin when he looks at them. If the Boss has something important to say, and Jack has an idea what it might be, he's sure going to look his best for the occasion. Oh, and bring some bottles of our finest malt and a box of cubans, I think we're going to need them.


5 minutes later Jack's standing beside the dock and not a moment too soon as Revolve's cavalcade draws up and the great man himself steps from the second car.

Jack listens intently as GodFather Revolve delivers his speech to the masses assembled before him before nodding to his associate alongside him.

Break out the bottles young man, it's time for a toast.


Congratulations Godfather Revolve. This is a great day for the City of Detroit, I raise my glass bottle to you sir.


Not known for his generousity, to the surprise of all the bystanders Jack smiles and begins to hand out free cigars to all.

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Congratulations Godfather Revolve.

I am looking forward to all good things you are going to make with Detroit.

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Its nice to see a God Father in Detroit once again!

You succeed a list of some big names...I wish you the best of luck as you carry this tradition forward.

Gongrats God Father Revolve.

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Congratulations Revolve. You worked very hard to get to this spot and I am very happy to see you grab the reigns of Detroit. 

I am excited to work with you to build a fine and prosperous city. 

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Congratulations Godfather Revolve.

Heres to hoping there are many more joyous days in Detroits future with you at the helm.

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Pumkins sipped her champagne after hearing Revolve's words.  When the other voices quieted she took the opprotunity to propose a toast of her own. 

To Revolve, I am honored and privileged to work at your side sir.  Congratulations to you!  You have worked hard, and I know we will continue to have a ball together. 

To DeadlySin, Bunny, and the city of Philadelphia, thank you, so much for allowing us the opprotinuty to try our luck here in Detroit.  It is a risky venture to give a city you own over to an experiment.  I sincerely hope we do you proud now that we are on our own, and that you each feel as though Revolve's victory is also shared Philladelphia.   

To Phil_Steak, SammyGarcini, and SquidMaster Thank you each also for allowing members of your city to make the venture to Detroit.  We are lucky to have some fabulous people who originated in each of your fine cities.  Though some of these additions did not work out, its been fun, and each city has helped to enrich our experience during the experiment. 

Respectfully she raised her glass and saluted each man and woman in turn because drinking heartily. 

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GodFather Revolve, it gives me great pleasure to offer you my congratulations on this fine achievement.

We spoke briefly earlier of the intense difficulty you overcame in order to acquire this position and I am pleased to see that you can now reap the rewards you have earned so earnestly. Well done.

You will lead Detroit, no doubt, into a solid and secure future. I look forward to watching your city grow.

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Congratulatios  sir ! Long time has passed since this city was owned by a godfather . Our history book now has another giant in records and thats GodFather Revolve. I wish all the best to Detroit. Cheers!

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Myst quietly makes her way through the crowd that has and awaits to congratulate GodFather Revolve. Slipping between a few more people that stand in her way she gives a slight smile at Revolve.

GodFather Revolve.. Sounds quiet nice I must say. I haven't been in your family for a very long time but I can say the time I have spent here has showed me things that my ancestors once spoke of. You have turned this city in to a family and have, and still currently are, worked so hard to join us under neath you so that we can all thrive and survive.

I must say thank you. I know how hard and how much you have done to achieve this position, and how you have had to make some hard decisions so that the city was set up for the day that this finally occured.

Thank you. I look forward to working with everyone here for so much longer.

She nodded as she slipped back between the people and standing in the back smiled as the crowd continued to congratulate the new GodFather of Detroit.

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Daemon listens to the Godfather's speech in silence. He waits atiently for the Gogfather to finish. He makes his way through the crowd and confronts Godfather Revolve.

Sir, it is indeed a great honour for this city, that you've take over. It would be my immense pleasure to be working under you. And once again, congrats for this very special day.

With that, he disappears into the crowd.

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A great day here in Detroit it is! Congratulations on your achievement here, glad I was able to work under you sir. Detroit is a better place now with you at.its head.

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Having been allowed the chance to work with Godfather Revolve, I am glad to have the chance to e here with him, and continue to help build Detroit.  I know revolve will lead, Zola, Bear and Myself extremely well, and do the best he can for us and our city!  COngratulations GodFather Revolve, on a well earned city!

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Congratz buddy! You did a great job and played all your cards right. This was well deserved!!

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Force did everything he could to make it to the location where Revolve was speaking. He eventually got there and was able to attend.

It has been a wonderful time helping where we all could to help you get to the city we are now. The only step I know is forward so let's keep pushing to see more tomorrows. A better today is only achieved with hard work. Congratulations on everything you have earned and be the Godfather to the City of Detroit.

Force grabbed a drink to join the others from his city in celebration.

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Stoned and breaking the rare barrier of Silence, the Capo speaks up.

Congrats to you Godfather Revolve. We are all excited to see what you make of the fine motor city. Keep up the great work!

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iGoBerserk look a way to go near GF Revolve to give his warmest congratulate to the new GodFather of the City of Detroit.

"Congratulation GF Revolve, we all do know that the road to achieve where you are now in city of Detroit is very hard, i wish you and your family and the city as well a good luck and may the city prosper in your reign."

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