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GAME CHANGE: Bodyguard purchasing price. Started by: Squishy on Mar 25, '13 21:37

Flash-Fire has put together this spreadsheet:

Use this until we get our new BG page updated to reflect the pricing.

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This is why we are running both systems for an extended amount of time, so that you can choose and we don't rock the boat.

This is also why we are refunding people who over paid, so we don't rock the boat.

The reason for this change, is I am tired of my boat being rocked. The users keep moving the goal posts on us, and simply put, I don't have enough happiness in me to deal with the constant 'in my face' arguments about it any more.

I understand why when companies grow larger, they lose the 'family' feel, its because no single person can take this much abuse and stay sane.

For my own sanity I have two options.... Shut the users up by doing what they want - or suffer the consequences emotionally of being bitched at, complained to, yelled at, demeaned, insulted on a extremely regular basis.

So the question is, do I just become a 9-5 M-F employee and ignore everyone who contacts me outside of these hours, and any time a customer becomes a little bit lippy, we tell them to fuck off? That certainly would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

Or do I try to follow the path of least resistance in making the users happy, while possibly retaining a tiny shred of dignity and self worth for myself?

Because a change that benefits 99% of the population, and gets you a refund if you overpaid, and gives you a month of advance notice isn't enough, but thats all I got.

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You know, I think everyone can understand how this job can get tiring, just like any other job that deals with public (clients) constantly.

While I can see that MR has a certain feel of family, because of IRC and the long years that users spend in this same enviroment, we cannot deny the obvious, MR is a business and there are people that live from it. If it's a business it has to be treated like a business. I've told you this probably about a year ago or so when you were about to open the PC and I will say it again. This is your company, you already have a good idea of where you want to take this game to and you should stick with it. If you want your business to succeed, that's what you will have to do.

You have a company that is offering a product/service/entertainment (don't know which defines MR really), and whoever likes it will buy/use it, whoever doesn't, won't use it. Just like any other product in other companies. So go strong into what you believe is the future of MR, because once you get there, you will have a userbase that adepts to it and new users that will like your new vision. Each business has a target audience and MR will find it's target audience no matter which changes happen.

I'm sorry to say this, but I really believe that what you can't do is keep getting stuck in the middle, because users dislike this or that. In my opinion, getting stuck in between is what has been the problem with MR in the past years. Because you can't always want to include users in everything and always ask for opinions, and then once they give opinions or make a post, they get admin wacked for it. That's bad for business.

The family feeling comes in place when you do things with your heart. Everyone here knows that you have your heart in the right place, you always put your heart into everything you do, so MR will always have a family feeling. So just follow your business insticts and stop torturing yourself because of people's opinions, they need to start seing you as an owner and business man, not just the buddy Izzy.

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to be dead honest i agree and disagree with what was previously said. with that being said i think that yes a heads up that changes are being consider would be nice. but lets face the facts here:

1. we are players and not admins and there for really have no say in how the game is changed and developed

2. if you look at this way it doesnt seem so negative. we as players post all these suggestions in the streets and the admins read them everyday. with that being said they take into consideration what we want to see happen and do their best to accomadate us. so in a sense...we do have a vote.

3. the admins look at what is fair and what is percieved to be fair and lets be honest here...perception is reality...and act accordingly

4. this new system of obtaining BGs is designed so we as players no longer need to rely on our leaders to demote us to get BGs which actually defeats the whole purpose of the punishment to begin with

anf finally...

5. going back to what you said about them letting us kno ahead of time of considerations be made with concern to what may change. it does not make it impossible to plan how your gonna play your fact it makes it easier. for example:

say im a thug and im just starting out a new character...i could give a shit less about the extra protection cause if you were smart...when you did your answers you would have made sure that 2 things were high in percentages anyway and those being:

Stealth: for 1 this stat cannot be trained as everybody very well knows and it is an important stat to pay attention to cause its just as defensive as it is offensive cause it allows you to disappear off of the locals making you less of a target and allows you to slip under the radar.

Defense: this stat is trainable but not very easy to train. when i first start out im looking to build my offensive strategy and focus less on defense until i get higher up in the structure. so if you were smart you would have had this stat as high as you could get it without severely impacting your offensive stats.

the bottom line is the admins dont have to tell us shit at all or post any of what they post to begin with. they could just tell the upper structure and it would filter down from there. the fact that you guys are complaing about a change that you asked for is pretty sad.


enough said on my part,


ninja vanish!!!!!

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im not trying to be an just simply point this out and calling it as i see it. if i offended anyone i do appologize but i wasnt brought up to beat around the bush

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