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Don't Piss in the Wind Started by: Oneiros on Apr 08, '13 23:01

Oneiros stepped off the curb and into the streets. Noticing the streets were a bit busier than usual made a smile form on thin lips. Hey! Even a former right hand off'd himself just last night, Oneiros thought. Things were really picking up around here. Which, honestly, it was about damn time. Oneiros continued strolling down the street, he spun his pimp cane carelessly, winked at some very striking broads and eavesdropped into some of the conversations.

Where Oneiros spun his cane, a man, who looked to be quite important was announcing someone getting their bold suit. Which inspired even more talk elsewhere. The beautiful birds he passed, not the squaky squaky, flap flap, but more in the way of lips of an angel gave him reflection to his personal self. A man asked the question "Who taught you the most?". Oneiros chuckled to himself as he thought about how he would have answered the question. Jesus, he said to himself, with a smile looking up towards heaven. A sinner in saints cloths.

As Oneiros looked over all this animation in the streets he came to find himself with his own set of questions. What was inspiring this change? This activity? The word, activity, was still strange to describe the streets as. They had been quiet for so long. Sure, you'd have your crazy homeless man stumble out and slur something from his mouth. People would either throw pennies at him or post up don't feed the troll signs.

Oneiros decided he'd duck into the nearest speak easy to catch a drink, have a bit and do a little thinking. After he ordered some hooch from the waitress he leaned back in the chair he sat in and got to thinking. Though, his thinking was interrupted by some more of his sly eavesdropping. Two men at a table behind him were tossing around the word districts. Ah, yes, he had forgot about the new change to the world of crime. Where the cities had been split into districts. It was whispered in back alleys forever about change and hope. Then things stirred up a bit in the public eye and more people got behind it. Soon enough, it was on our front doors, knocking in and if anyone didn't accept it, those districts broke down the doors and the walls…

But what changed?

Oneiros' private thoughts in his own mind escaped into real thoughts formed by his lips and spoken out loud. He quickly looked over his shoulder and sure enough, he had caught the attention of the two gentlemen sitting behind him. Oneiros immediately left the table he sat at and swung his chair over to the table with the two gentleman. He didn't belong to any specific organization so it didn't really matter who he talked to and what about.

So, gentleman, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. He didn't give the other two men a moment to think about this or to become angry about this. Oneiros kept on talking his quick talk. Districts you say. Districts you talk about. Districts you hoped would bring change. But to me, it seems like nothing much has changed, besides the activity on the streets but I don't think that has anything directly to do with districts.

I've got a question, well, actually I've got lots of questions, but we'll start with this one for now. Have either of you worked in retail? No, alright, either of you been shopping with a pretty girl? Of course you have. Oneiros gave a chuckle. Two words, besides the two that I just said for you, I've got two words for you fellows. Window dressing. Ever heard of it? Nah, of course you haven't, you don't pay attention to that sort of thing, but your gal does. You know when you've got rent do at the end of the week and only a dollar and some change in your pocket but your old lady wants to go shopping, so you tell her to go window shopping. That's right, that's the window I'm talking about.

What I'm getting at here is, the way our bosses ran cities before the district splits and how things are with the district splits are the same. Nothing has changed. Sure, each city now can have multiple Godfathers instead of just one, but do you hold those other Godfathers as high as you hold the original Godfather? You don't. Sure, sure, tell yourself that things are still in transition, but I can see in your eyes that you know the truth. That things are still being ran the same way. It's just a window dressing for the same old way we do things.

Oneiros sat back in his chair as he let this sit into the men who sat in front of him. Sure, they had that confused look many folks get when Oneiros highjacked their conversation, but he could also see the gears spinning. How things were coming together for the two guys and how Oneiros' words made sense.

Now boys, I want you to think about how you felt when you first heard of the change that districts would bring. More opportunities for the guys you work under to reach the tippity top. More chances for you. The life we live in would actually have a chance to breath, life would come back to our way of life!

Oneiros leaned forward again in excitement, really grabbing the attention of the men in front of him.

Hope can only go so far on it's own. Just like the life of a dream. If you never bring it into reality and work for it, that's all it'll ever be, a dream. Everyone hoped for change, even the guys on top, secretly. But we just aren't seeing any change. Sure, sure, that baffles me. Why disregard this fine opportunity for this thing of ours? But my main concern here is who is running things? Let's take Chicago for example. They've got the most crews in one city compared to all the other cities. People really like living in the windy city it seems. Must be those mild winters.

SammyGarcini ran Chicago, all of Chicago before. Now, does he continue to run all of Chicago or does he work with the other Godfathers of the other districts and only runs his own district? Oneiros paused for a split second and nodded to himself, making up his mind. You know boys, I bet Chicago runs pretty well together, I mean they've had to bond under what some say the combo tyranny of DeadlySin and formerly known lap dog, Phil Steak.

Despite Chicago's teamwork, everyone knows the clock is ticking for them and the end is inevitable. But this raises another interesting question. When Phil Steak and DeadlySin do decide to remove Chicago or maybe it was Detroit, I can never remember the specifics to rumors, will the other Godfathers of in those cities have a choice if they are willing to participate in this war to preserve DeadlySin and Phil Steak's power or will it simply be expected of them to do so.

Oneiros chuckled at his wittiness.

Speaking of Phil Steak, let me pull the attention away from respectable Godfather SammyGarcini and shine the spotlight on New York's man of the hour. Man of the hour, man of the year. I almost laugh at those who call DeadlySin and Phil Steak tyrants. At this point DeadlySin has fallen so far into the shadows he's disappeared completely. Get this boys, he ignores the mails of his people. Then everyone likes to remind me that Phil Steak is still lurking around with that cannon of his and his words before thoughts. Disgracing himself in the streets though the attempt was to disgrace the other guy. Maybe you'll get him next time Phil.

Oneiros shrugged.

So sure boys, you've got DeadlySin who can't find his way out of the darkness or Bunny's closet and Phil Steak who drinks too much and can't conduct himself properly in public. Really, I don't know why everyone is scared of them. Maybe it's that Whitey fellow, he seems to be getting a lot of attention. Mostly because he's following in his father steak's footsteps. I mean, when your own city is calling you out on your public appearances you might want to have a hard look in the mirror. Stop talking about this Whitey guy fellas, he's just a crumb. Post a "don't feed the troll" sign in his yard and call it a day.

Anyway, I digress. So DeadlySin found the shadows and Phil Steak found his balls. Which didn't help him much, he still hasn't figured out a way to keep his city united.

Ahhh Oneiros sighed into the the chair again. I've fallen into the same problem I'm trying to point out. I'm not much better then anyone these days. Did you hear it? What I said? I said: He (Phil Steak) still hasn't figured out a way to keep his city united. This obviously goes against what I believe districts should stand for. I haven't been clear about where I stand on districts? No worries boys, I'll let you in on the way I think.

Oneiros gave a quick wink and got the feeling that these men truly believed what he was saying or thought that he was conning them. He was an influential man and could be possibly conning them as well. Sure, sure, a person having influence over others could be a scary thing, terrifying for others. But all Oneiros was after today was the truth.

Districts: More opportunities for the small guys, bigger opportunities for the bigger guys! That's what the word was. If districts had been a new sub division that's what the billboards would have said in big letters with fun colors. Like yellow. Yellow is a fun color. How I personally feel districts should be is one Godfather or acting godfather per district and those three Godfathers work together for the whole of the city. They each have a district to take care of, manage, run and people under them to help them do that.

Oneiros addressed his audience again, the two men who sat in front of him. One with his jaw dropped, drool coming from the corner of his mouth. The other looking cross eyed like he had just been taught how to build a time machine.

Now gentleman, again, I thank you for letting me be apart of your conversation, but I'd like to hear what you have to say. Actually, I'm curious to everyone's opinions of the subject. Who is running the cities? Who is running the districts? Do we even need the districts? Are we taking advantage of the change the districts have brought us? Should one Godfather rule them all, have more respect, power and women than the others in the same city? Or should all the Godfathers in one city be equal, hold equal weight and work together to run a city?

So please, come one, come all. Answer one question, answer five, throw in your own. Tell me what you think.

Oneiros sat back in his chair and waited.

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So... you basically came here to write this awfully long poster about districts but couldn't help but take a pop at your pappy's former Godfather?

I want back the portion of my life I just spent reading this drivel.

If you wanted to talk about districts, then talk about fucking districts... don't use it as a smokescreen to get your bitch on with people you obviously have some deep seeded issues with.

I hope your son is smarter than you are.

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that wasnt the late ballistic ranting about things. his next of kin has joined another city and moved on. just wanted to throw that out there.

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Fair enough, my apologies to Ballistic's bloodline as it was his blood that was aimed at.

I retract the statement in the first line unless of course this is just another whiner who's pappy made a mistake and Mr. Steak 'took care of'. The rest I still stand by.

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Ok i'm not even going to bother going too far deep into all of this. I just wanted to pick up on one little thing;

Despite Chicago's teamwork, everyone knows the clock is ticking for them and the end is inevitable. But this raises another interesting question. When Phil Steak and DeadlySin do decide to remove Chicago or maybe it was Detroit, I can never remember the specifics to rumors, will the other Godfathers of in those cities have a choice if they are willing to participate in this war to preserve DeadlySin and Phil Steak's power or will it simply be expected of them to do so.

Is it just me, or are people failing to grasp the power structure currently in place? I was under the impression there was still a figurehead for each city. Sure, we have districts. But being Godfather of your District doesn't make you the head of your City.

Aidan is my boss, I'll do whatever he tells me to do, no questions asked. Lady-Figther is his Boss, so again, I'd do whatever she asks of me. I see DeadlySin as the final step in that ladder and would again do whatever is required of me should I receive a request from him. I'm not sure how other cities are working as I only generally concentrate on Philly, but that line of command has always been clear to me.

So in answer to the question that should DeadlySin go to war with anyone, would the rest follows - I feel thats an almighty Yes.

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*Waves the little hand in the air*

Couldnt of put it better myself Tyrion!

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After finding out the poster's blood lineage, I retract the last line in my first post too because this person's ancestors have always been bitter, arrogant and vengeful. It's what we've come to expect time and time again from this child living in a man's body. His son won't be capable of being any smarter than he was.

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I'm just tired of all this talking about yourself in the 3rd person.

Don't people understand they are who they are?

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Sorry, should I have said...

ratSkcoR wandered onto the street and said he was sick of all this talking about yourself in the 3rd person.

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