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Me and a gun and a man on my back. Started by: LilacDelaney on May 09, '13 18:36

Anyone fancy a retirement speech? Cos I fancy making one.

The time has come for me to step down, leave, kick the bucket, depart this world...however you want to lay it out. I'm done. I've said what words I needed to say to those within my city; now it's time for my last street speech.

As those who know me will be aware, I have become overly consumed by matters in the other world, so much so that I have been left with no time for this one any longer. Rather than have my absence warrant a bullet to my sleeping head, I'm ending things on my own terms, as is my right.

It was a joy to achieve Godmother. It's been a joy getting to know so many new friends during my time here. Most of all, it's been a joy discovering this world and all that comes with it; no doubt, my blood will be hovering around from time to time as I could never truly leave. Nonetheless, I have felt for some time that my days are up for a variety of reasons - it's just that now, my commitment to other worldly matters has provided the most concrete reason of all for this Godmother to say goodbye.

And, as joyous as everything sounds in those last few words, I also feel the need to point out that it isn't all sunshine and nostalgic roses. This place is stagnant and almost completely comatose, with the exception of occasional efforts from willing mobsters. I have sat and watched while certain individuals - not all, by any means, but some - sit in sneering silence, lording it over everyone else and getting away with repulsive actions simply because they are in power and everyone else is either too shit scared or too far up someone else's ass to act or even speak out with some honesty and conviction. If that's what power involves in the current climate, you can keep it. It isn't for me.

On the flipside, there are some genuinely great people here and I hope to watch from the sidelines as they ascend further, because they deserve it.

When the landscape lies differently, my son or daughter may well choose to make a return for my bloodline. Until then, there is nothing more here for me.

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Agreed that you deserve the right to choose how you go out.

Although I'm not sure we needed that little dig, I won't dwell on it. The very best of luck to you in that other world, I wish you all the best.

tips hat

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No two ways about this, seeing you go breaks my heart. Youve been a joy to get to know, and Ive missed your absence. I do hope in the future, we'll get a chance to speak again. You're truely a gem in this world.

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It is always sad to see a respected member of this life depart from us, but at the same time it fills us with a sense of joy that you no longer will have to deal with the problems that come to us. 

I have only good things to say about our dealings, however few they may have been, and I hope you make the best of your retirement. 

I look forward to seeing you around once again in the future. 

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I'm really speechless here Godmother Delaney, I knew that some day your retirement would occur due to other worldy issues, but I had not expected it to be this soon, it hurts me very deeply knowing that you'll be gone forever soon.

I can't reiterate how much help you've given me and the trust you've put into me, I do not have the words Lilac.

I'll miss you forever, Godmother Delaney.

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Well I wish you all the best and such but I have to say that your speech could have missed that one particular paragraph. 


It's easy to find such a critical voice when you are already leaving anyhow, but just like you mentioned there, you sat and watched, much like the ones that you are complaining about.

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Godspeed Lilac, I wish you all the best and hope to see your son or daughter return to these shores someday. Until then we shall communicate through tools in this "other world" you're referring to. Stay sexy!  

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Rest easy, love <3

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Godmother Lilac, we became acquainted a short time ago, in the grand scheme of things and i wish you all the best in the other world and all your pursuits.


It has been a true honour to witness you acheive greatness and to build a lasting legacy. I hope to see your blood return to our shores one day. Until then, stay safe and may you rest easy.

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I have never really got to know you but it is a very sad day when we loose such a successful and respected member of this world of ours.

Although I do not know you, actions like this speak amples about your character and such a great one it seems to be. I wish you all the best in retirement and also hope Detroit wont miss you too much.

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I wonder which of the two you were, too shit scared or too far up someone else's ass?

You deserve no prizes, accolades or rewards for walking off into the sunset whilst saying how bad it is over your shoulder. Congratulations for doing nothing to solve the quagmire you've helped to create. Maybe when the landscape changes, you can sit in the background remarking how shit it is until they back their bags too.

I'm inspired.
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It is a sad occasion to see this happen Lilac. For a long time you were a shining light for the vocal ambassadors of our streets and always a pleasure to do business with. You held yourself to high standards and managed to live up to them daily.

However, to make a parting shot in the way you have is surprising and quite frankly beneath you. You were a leader in this thing of ours for quite some time. You rose to the highest rank available in this thing of ours. You are the 'people' you're complaining about. You say they did or do nothing, but what did you do to try and improve matters or to set things right? It's very easy to throw stones when you intend to leave this world, but when in a position to actually make change... nothing was changed? 

I hope to remember you for all of the great qualities you showed over time and for the lovely person that was behind the position. Sadly, a low parting shot like that will tarnish the image that you worked so hard to achieve over the previous months.  

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Ah, Lilac. I feared this day would come. 

Well, I wish the best for you. If you return some day, I hope to be luck enough to find you, because you are a fantastic person.

Thank you, Lilac!

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Lilac Delaney gave me a home when I needed it the most, brought me in from the cold and taught me a great deal about this thing of ours. Without her I may well have left these shores for good. To see her leave is gravely sad, but to see her disrespected is far worse. Retired though she may be, Lilac was and always will be my Godmother, my protector, my boss, and I will always respect and honor her.

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Well Lilac is awesomesauce in my books, a genuinely nice peep who was fun to talk to. That being said it's a shame they wern't just a little more patient =]


'When the landscape lies differently, my son or daughter may well choose to make a return for my bloodline.'


will we be seeing more of Miss Delaney's children around here soon or are other worldly affairs by themselves too consuming for this?

Either way, it was fun knowing you and I hope you have fun in whichever world you occupy.


*Thugnificent waves goodbye*

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Why don't you make like a banana and SHIT!?

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I will never eat bananas ever again.

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Pissing out the window and shitting out the window are two different things!

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Incorrect. In my case, the aim is the same, being female.

Wanders off to find some nice crisp apples.

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Pleasure getting to know you little lady!

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