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May 15 - 23:30:38
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Radio Silence Started by: Ziva on Dec 18, '13 04:02

For the past day or two, the streets had been alive with chatter. Although the topic was not much to Ziva's taste, and she had, for the most part, been staying away from discussion over it, it had been an incredibly refreshing change, at least to her ears, to hear so much talk as she went about her daily business.

Not only had the increase in noise worked her ears, it had stirred up a train of thought in her mind. She thought of the speeches she had been hearing out on the streets lately - before the announcement by Godfather Cantona which was accounting for the current upsurge. Very few had been anything beyond just the giving of news of either authorization of new crew leaders, movement of crews between districts or the taking over of Godfather spots. Very few had been the type of speech to tell a story, or to cause debate or discussion. And disturbingly little had been being said by leaders or their upper structure members, beyond announcements and the odd cursory congratulations.

Gathering her thoughts, Ziva decided to get things off her chest a little, to do a little debate invoking of her own. If there was one thing she hated, it was bottling up the chance for a perfectly good speech.

Heading down into town, she checks her watch, and decides to visit one of her favorite Chicagoan haunts, the lounge below her fairly successful business venture at the Red Rose. Sure enough, the group of mobsters settled in there makes a great audience for her words, and after procuring herself a highly festive glass of mulled wine, she settles herself into one of the chatting groups, and when an opening comes, begins to speak.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, how are we all doing this evening? Everybody ready for Christmas? Or at least, on the right side of being ready? Such a stressful run up to say it's supposed to be such a nice time of year.

I've had a few things on my mind lately. More so the last couple of days, what with the announcement from Godfather Cantona, but it's certainly a thought process that has been bubbling away in the back of my mind for a little while now, and I'm quite sure that I will not be the only person with something to say on the matter. To sum the general gist of my thoughts up.. it's about the things we are hearing out on the streets. It breaks down into several parts, and I'd love to share my own and hear the thoughts of everybody else on it.

First of all.. I still think that the whole 'Crew Leader Idol' is, as I said before, downright horrific, horrendous.. there's a whole world of adjectives I could use to describe it, and I'm sure that it is somewhat noticeable that, as a leader who could probably be fairly described as one of the more vocal types, aside from discussing the nature of the contest, I have for the most part steered WELL clear of the buzz surrounding it. What I DO particularly respect about it, however, is the attitude of the conversations I've had about it with Godfather Cantona. He seems to be of a similar school of thought as myself; it is better to come out with an opinion, even one which may go against the one desired, than it is to be ambivalent.

I am though, incredibly impressed with the level of buzz and activity it has generated. This is the first time in quite a long time that I can remember hearing a wealth of speeches about something other than the authorization of crew leaders, movement of crew leaders, rises to Godfathers of leaders, and the like.

Something else that I do like about it, is that it necessitates, to whatever degree, the candidates for leadership to come out onto the streets and give us a taste for their beliefs and personality. It forces them to interact with the public, to court them, to try to win them over, show themselves off, all that kind of thing. 

That's something that I find quite refreshing. I wish we had some kind of insight publicly into the personalities and styles of more of our leaders, because, one of my biggest concerns in this thing of ours, is how many of our bloodlines, especially in suits, bold and italic, seem to reject the art of public speaking until it comes to making an announcement of some kind.

I know that a lot of it is governed by personality. I personally love coming out in the streets and speaking. I love to speak my mind, engage in debate, hear the opinions of others. I know for some that it's just not their cup of tea, that their strengths lie in other areas. I also understand that this thing of ours is the mafia, not congressional elections. We are mobsters, primarily, at the end of the day, not politicians, though I think it would be churlish to dismiss the political elements to our lives and the need to have some kind of public image.

I do find it disappointing though, in some ways, that the streets are an area that seem to be so badly neglected by the people who could be setting the example and the standard of how the streets can be a vibrant part of our world; an outlet for our thoughts, our creativity, our burning questions and our debates, our personalities.

I like to be able to get a feel for the people around me. I love to see people express themselves publicly. Even if what they are expressing is something that I don't necessarily agree with, I can still respect anyone with the balls to come out and speak their minds rather than sitting behind a screen of "playing safe".

Is anybody else in a similar boat to me? Hoping to see our leaders take heart from the recent rise in activity, to lead the way in continuing it? I certainly intend to be playing my part in that. While I personally subscribe to the theory that if this rise is to continue, leaders and their hands need to lead from the front, does anybody have any alternate theories to that? Is anybody feeling particularly inspired by the recent rise? Are you feeling particularly demoralized by the general lack of variance and activity we've had before this contest start? What would make you feel more like making your voice heard?

I know that I am personally working to encourage my own crew to be out here, in the public eye, more often, because I believe that it's one of the potentially most interesting and arguably most neglected parts of our world. I really do think that that is why the example set by leaders is key.

I'd love to see our streets build on the levels of chat we've seen over the past couple of days, I really would. Lets start that right now. I've said my piece, what do you all think?

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 I do find it disappointing though, in some ways, that the streets are an area that seem to be so badly neglected by the people who could be setting the example and the standard of how the streets can be a vibrant part of our world; an outlet for our thoughts, our creativity, our burning questions and our debates, our personalities.

First let me state, as much as I agree with that statement and highly support it, being I'm a fan of myself of public speaking. I find it hard that you can try and change ways when you yourself has been rather quiet up until your recent blessing of a family. However; I am happily impressed by your recent change by making a public appearance rather often. With substance as well as thought out speeches, so I applaud that. 

I completely agree and love what you are trying to say. My bloodline has preached this continuously over and over again. I have seen an uprising a few times to just witness it fall just as quickly. 

One issue that prevents this? The allowance of those to criticize every speech they disagree with. Now there is nothing wrong with sharing opinions whether negative or positive. However, I feel the blatant (show face in speech, make shitty comment) then disappear act is absolutely uncalled for. Until the community as a whole turns there back on such actions rather then promote it things will never change. Those with lesser back bones are shone from making an appearance for that reason alone. 

Now if the criticism has some kind of basis with legit thought out reasoning then it's one thing, but to put something on blast with nothing but negativity lacking any substance should not be allowed. What's the point of being yourself if people disgrace who you are with a single line of ridiculous attacks? Negative reinforcement can be positive depending on how it is used. 

Now for the "this is the mafia grow some balls" comments. Yes this is the Mafia, yes this is a tough world to be involved in. However, if you want things to change and for everyone who may have weak public skills to be more active, then it's what has to be done. I for one won't allow any member within Disco or the Crow's nest to show their ass in a disrespectful manner.

Basically most don't become active these days until they feel they are safe. A question you can ask is simple, what made me refrain from making such appearances until I became in a position of power? In those thoughts may lay the reason. 

People just don't feel safe or feel their thoughts are respected, bottom line. I believe Godfather Cantona even stated himself, in a cut down and modified statement of my own "Why do those only become active either when pushing for auth or when they become auth'd themselves?" 

It shows a false identity and truly makes people look as if they are looking for one thing and one thing only, their own prosperity. Trying to be rock stars only when they feel safe to do so, or when it's beneficial to themselves. Although, how can you blame them?

I myself have been victimized in my own speeches, it is not a good feeling. However; I have never been one to bow down to the insults and/or slander. I stand up for what I believe in, and that's what I think all should do. As you preach, it takes a community to support it. Your absolutely correct. It also takes a community to lift those who try on a pedastool and to outcast those who try to demolish efforts. 

Until that is done things will never change sadly. It begins with us as leaders, and I'm happy to see you that you yourself have bear witness. It's one more person in the position to make such a change and I hope you continue to do so as I always will. 

I have never judged one's leadership or commitment based on public appearances nor will I ever, but I do enjoy them. 

I think it's great you brought this subject to light, as I myself have tried just to have it fallen on deaf ears. I hope maybe your angle on the debate may reach people that mine did not. 

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I agree that is a refreshing change to see the streets so full of noise and chatter and I will have to agree with Don WiggleButt in the fact that people will shy away from the streets in fear of getting mocked and pointless comments, as the Don has said if someone puts some thought behind their criticism then that is all well and good. For example Boss Ziva has commented on her distaste for the current competition running on the streets. She has her reasons and that is how it should be as long as people are respectful then I see no problem.

I myself and my bloodline through the years only come onto the street when they feel they have something worthwhile to say not just add the odd couple words just so I can say I have been on the streets. A lot of the time something does catch my attention and I listen to everyone's speeches and my thoughts on the matter have already been said, so then I leave not commenting as all I would be doing is agreeing with those that have spoke before me.

Unfortunately in my old age I am not particularly creative so when it comes to coming up with something to debate quite often I have nothing to debate or if your bloodline has been around for a few years you read through the journals before you venture onto the streets and find that the topic you want to discuss has been done to death.

I do hope the current surge in activity on the streets continues and that it encourages all to get involved.

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Cody stops and listens to Ziva speak and as he is listening to her he is noticing that he agrees with Ziva a lot.


Ziva I agree that the streets have been dead and haven't been much traffic like you have stated but I can remember reading journal entries of my relatives in this thing of ours and there was a time where the streets were filled with people speaking and entertaining with stories and of tells of how the wars went down. I miss those days very much and I would love to see them get back to that it would be great and I think I might be up for the challenge of tryin to help change the way the streets are being done now.

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