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Winter Came and It Was Czylly Started by: DeadlySpikeS on Jan 10, '14 02:13

(Take credence to this as it is a speech of purpose and information. Take it all in.)


Fucking chilly fucking winter, right? Yeah.

Fucking cold. Fucking cold blooded. Some might say chilled.

But blood everywhere... Some hot... Still pumping, a heart.

Some frozen onto the concrete street, shimmering scarlet… nail polish.


Hmm, I think that's some of the dearly departed Lynch over there. Hmm. Hmm.

Frosted Penquin guts. Yum yum. Must be a delicacy.

Icy LF bile, must’ve leaked out when she got axed, gross green.

Looks like Lucia got flattened, dress and all.

That’s gonna be a bitch to clean…

So much for prom season. Sad times “Anomolly.” Sad times.

Painted streets though… lacquer. Yeah. … and they say we’re lazy?

I think we’ve done a great service.

We gave them all blood. We gave excitement.

We’re all gladiators in this, no? Yet we lived…

But still those icy streets… best not slip.

But hey, can afford to slip a bit?

I think I could handle a good fall, but I'd rather not.

Best not show weakness? Right? Right.


So, chilled. Chilled dead... So many.

Such a shame.

Yeah? Yeah.


Best move on from that though?

Death can only be talked about for so long until it just kills a conversation.

It's probably best to talk about life? Yeah. Life.


Well, we're living. Living just fine…

Czylharz. The fuck does that mean? A lot of you don't know. I'm probably not an expert. I know a little more than most… I mean we should expect that right? Right. My line has worn that tag for quite a while, but there are people around here who have worn it longer. They could explain it better, but are they going to? Maybe, but here's a good jumping off point. Wink wink bitches, step in here.


But no, this isn't me starting a Czylharz pride thread. No need to be macho. I think I'm "cool" enough with my pride, not to have to do that. However, this is perhaps an informative thread, not a boisterous flashy look-at-us-we-are-gods thread... We're not… We’re slack… Fuckups really, that’s why this situation is pretty funny.


But anyway. Czylharz right. Well, it's the oldest family dating back generations upon generations. You heard? Yeah. Beyond what many would guess. Facts man. Fucking true facts. A lot of families sprang out of Czylharz, and they still exist... Perhaps some of those people would like to discuss those? Nudge nudge. I'm just opening up a forum here with this speech.


But Czylharz... Well, my ancestor joined it under CrossDeLena. I didn't know Cross too well. I did know he was known for killing people, but that's about it. It also meant something different back then.


I remember a lot of the faces from back then. Right, MrLuciano? Yeah. Still talk to some of them, obviously. Who are they? Who was there back then with us? Doesn't matter, but if they'd like to step up, that'd be great. I know I'm not standing alone... up here.


But anyway. Moving along. Czylharz. It was a family. To me, it was something that lived on from generation to generation, despite whatever crew I was in. Did it mess with my loyalties to my crewleaders who weren't members? Well, I might have looked away at a few things... But no different from anyone else. Never good to be a snitch right? Yeah. But seriously, never really got put into that position. However, my loyalty usually isn't questioned. People tend to see me as straight edge, and well... I am except for the drinking and the like but that’s a totally different story. Never been a rogue... Never been a stealth bodyguard shooter. Nothing of that sort.


In Czylharz though... welllllll. Over the years, there were plenty of those in our ranks. Of course, this wasn't coordinated. We didn't really have a meeting house... where things were planned. Things usually just happened, and we'd hear about it and depending on the nature of what happened... usually we'd laugh or wouldn’t acknowledge it. But I'm referring to a dark age of Czylharz. Until my line came out of retirement, Czylharz was more underground. Somehow, within the last year, it's well, I'd like to say... become a household name? Yeah, I hope it has.


My father's family wore it, and Jake took it on... It had been quite a while since that had happened... A family flashing that name. But it did happen, and look around. Are we proud of that? Sure. But it was something that never would've happened... and here's where little old Spike... Spikey Boy... Spikester... Spikeola... gets soft... his heart melts yes... this is where our, royal, debt is due. You see, in reality, there aren't too many elder Czylharz members. Less than the fingers on one of your hands in upper structure in all the cities... Maybe just that much... but anyway. How the fuck did we do what we did with so few people. And he's where the ice cube drops in the coffee... cracks and drips out chilled water like tears... I hope there's mocha at the bottom... anyway…


Look, it's because of friends. It's because our lines kept people close with us. When we think back to when the Suburbs were first given to Jake. We surrounded ourselves with the best we could. We surrounded ourselves with brilliant minds. Minds who knew strategy. Minds who could handle massive amounts of intel. Minds that could get us to build up to what we are... It all started as one district. I took the second. Bip and JackRyan... then BTSP ... My Armadillo and Kitten… Lion… NiNe… Lovehand... We miss our Drunky and Primus. We all started in one district. We all stayed loyal to each other. We all will stay loyal to each other.





(Dramatic Effect)


That's not a chant, but seriously... it's more of a question. What does it mean to you? To us more importantly? Self-reflection is good. Many among our ranks don't know anything about the history... just bits… but there is something they do know... they should know. That Czylharz is a brotherhood, and shoulder to shoulder we shall stand, frozen, like an ice sculpture on top of a mountain, above all in glory. Those fucking stone statues in like China… all lined up cold, dead still, ancient but fucking strong to this day… Everyone in our ranks should recognize, they are our brothers. They are Czylharz brothers (and sisters).


It’s funny though… for a while, as a warning among a few of us, under my father’s line Manny (who I miss), FlashKitten and I would say that "Winter is coming." The truth is... Winter wasn’t something we should’ve feared. We brought winter. We are the winter. We are the chill down your spine when the wind hits you just the right way on a clear brightly lit night... And yes, I hope I’ve proven to some of you, the ones who made me to be your enemy, that though I am Spike… I am indeed Vicious as well… Vicious and cold.


… Understand, this is not a speech to cause fear in those not wearing our label at the moment. No, not at all. A lot of what I said was at the top of the ice… berg... Because there's something extremely important that I have left to say regarding the position of the cities now:


There is no denying... tear tear sob smile sob… and here's where the real melting starts... there is no denying that Solastalgia, Cantona, and Ares... all sprung from North Side have not helped us attain this. They attained it with us. They fucking survived this shit with us, and I can personally say that they deserve as much honor as any one of us, if not more. If it was not for their trust, their constant backing of us, we would've disappeared from the map long ago… Splattered like an egg on a summer’s heated concrete during the rumors circulating from unsavory cunts… Crushed like pumpkins dropped down stairs from the liars in old Detroit… Shattered icicles falling from gutters had Lynch made the first move.


I remember the first real night, a summer night. I asked Solastalgia for phone sex. It wasn't phone sex though. That was the night that Frank_Sinatra died. We were some paranoid fucks that night... Kendra and Odin too. But had I not talked to him about what I was approached with, the Suburbs probably would've been wiped the next day and maybe Baby/Bitch Anna too (I think she’d rather be identified as a bitch than a baby, but whatever).


And the even more laughable one was McDermott. Boy, that was a really funny crisis. You know what they say about chickens with their heads cut off? This was more like… alright alright. I’ll be nice. But Solastalgia saw through him (and some of the other CH GFs at the time did too, can’t forget that… My Chaos!). I could go on and on. But he was there with us and on call for every fear, freakout, fuckup...


It takes a lot of patience to deal with me. Some of you can attest to that I’m sure. However, Solastalgia probably deserves one of those little Christ halo things in his suit, fucking-magic-wow-type work… fucking Pope grade stuff, best that humanity and the faith in a higher power or in the dollar can buy, just for having to suffer me as a cross…


So in conclusion to that heart melting trail of thoughts, I want it to be known, across all the cities, all the districts that we are all together in this. Unification needs to be understood. Labels might still exist in the game, but we're all friends... I consider you all friends, aside from those who have chosen little old me as an enemy.


I have no want for enemies. We all needn't have room for enemies. There has been enough of that. If we can be 100% on each other... as there's no reason for us not to be... this symbiotic mega-alliance will endure for a nice extended duration… and that is what I am most happy about… not Czylharz plastered everywhere… I just see that as ironic… as sad joke given how small we’ve always been… but the fact that the group of people running the show across the cities is finally GOOD all around. No spastics. No liars. No fools. No spoiled brats. Just well, upper-structure-wise, I guess we’re all in good company for once, you know?



So, that was a lot of blabbering. I'm probably opened myself up to criticism, but good... Fuck you. I'm not a baby... I can take it. But personally, I like critical voices, even you, Ziva and WWI. Without critical voices, how can a balance ever be created? No one is ever right all the time. They might be found annoying? But they’re still worth hearing? Right? Right. Also it’s easy to ignore the under-informed, the ignorant… but if they’re willing to learn… then educating them is only a means of amelioration of the streets. Ignorance only breeds distrust… So rather than being accusatory, perhaps people should be more like students… raise your hand? Ask a question? Perhaps make a proposition for a better way to do things… but only after you’ve asked… only after you have a grasp of what’s going on. I can’t promise that everyone will know everything; that’d be stupid. However, I can promise that if you ask questions, you’ll be better informed, especially if you ask them in a civil manner.


In closing, I'd like to open up the street we're on... Why the fuck did I pick such a windy street? Anyway, I'd like to open up the floor in a moment... But just a few final words...


Thank you Ralph, Jake, Scarin, Sayyid, BOD, Sabina, First, SadPanda, FlashKitten, iocaste, Manny, Sprozza, Ares, Toaly, Erractic, Anna, DeadlySin, and the deceased Marco... (If I didn't name one of you… and I didn’t name all that many, understand it's not because I didn't want to... it's because I don't want to look like a total douchebag thanking everyone, even though I really should). To our dead of all sides, rest well. To our enemies, thank you for your ineptness.

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WhereWasI chuckles,

I have no want for enemies. We all needn't have room for enemies. There has been enough of that. If we can be 100% on each other... as there's no reason for us not to be... this symbiotic mega-alliance will endure for a nice extended duration… and that is what I am most happy about… not Czylharz plastered everywhere… I just see that as ironic… as sad joke given how small we’ve always been… but the fact that the group of people running the show across the cities is finally GOOD all around. No spastics. No liars. No fools. No spoiled brats. Just well, upper-structure-wise, I guess we’re all in good company for once, you know?

"For starters, I only got involved because later you felt the need to bring my name into this. I think by now your bloodline would have noticed that mine doesn't like being mentioned without my permission regardless of who is doing it or what they're saying, positive or negative. This is an age old concept that one of my ancestors even went after Solastalgia himself for when he was trying to do a newspaper."

"I need enemies. Without enemies, I can't have friends. The concept of a friend is a person closer to you than others, and the concept of an enemy is a person far enough from your personal interests that you might choose to directly or indirectly hurt that person before anyone else. I can't promote myself without demoting another and I won't pretend otherwise."

"As for the comments about those at the top, I'll cast the first stone and welcome return fire. I believe anyone who promotes an idea likely to fail horrifically is a fool, and that means everyone involved in Staten Island. I believe I'm spastic and so is my Godfather JackRyan at times. I know you've said things without giving the whole truth, just as everyone else with half a mind has because lying is only natural for those looking to promote themselves if a situation appears where it would benefit themselves. I believe anyone fool enough to ignore a question is a spoiled brat because where I come from you'd be beaten or insulted for being incapable of defending your thoughts. Something you and quite a few others are guilty of doing to me on occasions."

"We're in what you call good company, I look to the shrinking numbers and I worry what the peace will do for the number of bloodlines returning based on the street activity and general energy coming from those at the top. Is that an unfair criticism? Maybe, but I believe leaders are destined to tackle those sorts of problems and I trusted this group so little for those problems I believe they should be giving the most attention that I decided to make a personal crusade to revive the streets in an effort to bring bloodlines back."

So, that was a lot of blabbering. I'm probably opened myself up to criticism, but good... Fuck you. I'm not a baby... I can take it. But personally, I like critical voices, even you, Ziva and WWI. Without critical voices, how can a balance ever be created? No one is ever right all the time. They might be found annoying? But they’re still worth hearing? Right? Right. Also it’s easy to ignore the under-informed, the ignorant… but if they’re willing to learn… then educating them is only a means of amelioration of the streets. Ignorance only breeds distrust… So rather than being accusatory, perhaps people should be more like students… raise your hand? Ask a question? Perhaps make a proposition for a better way to do things… but only after you’ve asked… only after you have a grasp of what’s going on. I can’t promise that everyone will know everything; that’d be stupid. However, I can promise that if you ask questions, you’ll be better informed, especially if you ask them in a civil manner.

"How is anyone to learn if those at the top don't answer questions asked in a civil manner? All I've gotten for almost all of my questions directed to any of those at the top (except for Telkin when he was an experiment CL) was a comment at my person, ignored, or a repetition of an answer to a question I didn't ask. I've been asking questions. I wait for the other side to cast the first stone before I go into personal insults on most occasions, a first for my bloodline, and I'm yet to get A SINGLE answer from most of the people I ask questions. So before you ask us to be students... show you can teach and answer our questions."

"Also, I'd once again like to stress the importance of not bringing my name into a conversation without my permission, even as a demonstration for a concept such as speaking critically. This response is going to get me hell, but that's my honest opinion and I stand by putting my opinion out once my name has been mentioned and always will because of how I've determined integrity. A concept I will define for the masses at a later date and time."

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Well, as for your bloodline being mentioned, get over it.

I know you like having enemies. You do a service too, giving others an enemy. You aren't my enemy though. 

You are give short answers, and insulted because well, you have an offensive approach to people... As I said... "...I can promise that if you ask questions, you’ll be better informed, especially if you ask them in a civil manner." You tend to make suggestions before asking questions, honey. So that's why people don't reply to you as a friendly ole middle school teacher would.

WhereWasI, I said your name, again. Deal with it. And no, you're not going to get into any hell for this... Maybe you want to though? Starting to make sense. Masochist. I will not feed your need for abuse!

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"I never will get over that concept. I am over the individual mentioning now that my own thoughts have been laid out, but I will always do this because I have integrity. I'd rather be right and true to my ideals than well liked."

"The point wasn't that I like having enemies... it was that you can't go through life without making enemies. You have to categorize some people above average and some people below for how much you care about them."

"I'll take any response, but if you choose to ignore my questions because I make assumptions on the material presented and can't disprove the thoughts that prove the assumption then it cuts to the point. If you find it offensive, then make me look bad by disproving the founding concepts of my argument."

"I won't catch hell from you, but someone's always watching... and you never know who will take offense to this but based on my track record there'll be a few putting this up with other material for a reason to take me down a peg or two."

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There will always be an enemy of sorts, but these days he will not come in the natural form. He will be mainly in the form of a shade.

I don't ignore your questions. Your suggestions are ignored. Not a good way to start a conversation, but you can't deny that I did grant you an ear anyway because I like you. We all like you. 

Eh, you'll be fine. 

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"Do you really wanna go down whether or not questions have been ignored? The suggestions, that's your choice and you all have the right to make up your own mind. But the questions still left unanswered can be pointed out rather easily. I only care enough about proving that to say look at Too Many Chiefs, Not Enough Indians?. There's a whole lot of question dodging in that discussion. Including by those that didn't take the time to comment that pushed the idea."

"I can't deny that you've granted me an ear here today, but then again you can't deny that you've done it in the past."

"Please don't patronize me, I am a cunt at times and the evidence reads loud and clear in the facts that multiple people compared me to that lout Kuklinski and felt the need to take part in a discussion insulting the 'loud mouthed frog everyone was ignoring'."

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No, you start your questions with suggestions. Poor form. Also you start them with assumptions. That thread became flooded with too much... junk? Little squabbles. Can't answer a thread like all of that coherently. 


No, I have granted you an ear in the past when you haven't approached me poorly. If I've been a dick and given you a customer service line, there's a reason, perhaps not even limited in your approach to just me, but to others. Bigger picture, hun.


My little boy! I AM your patron; free your voice. However, you are not kuku. Your goal is to find truth albeit in a potentially rude fashion. Kuku's goal is to utilize truths or mistruths or exaggerations  to bring out real hate. 

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"So what is the proper form of asking a question then? It's not allowed to use assumptions, that invalidates your entire argument as you use the English language and assume those around you will understand it, and it's not allowed to have suggestions... which is defined how? Defined because where the questions might lead? Go ahead and ask me a question with a suggestion in it here and now, I'd be happy to demonstrate how to disarm it using true statements."

"Do not call me a child, it is a pathetic strike at my statements and rather unnecessary. I won't allow you to disarm my comments by simply ignoring the tactic you're using. You're patronizing me to make me appear childish, and now I'm left asking myself why you feel the need to disarm my comments? What do you get out of patronizing me?"

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Well to put it short: Don't be a dick. Don't over-assume. And don't make suggestions going above your rank, when others already have it covered, and then try to ask questions. That was my point. 

You're too easy to pick on. Sick pleasure of mine. But you're cool so it's okay. 

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"What draws the line for over-assuming and separates it from someone afraid to answer a question and reveal the truth? Don't make suggestions going above my rank... I'd guess that means don't question your superiors and apparently you've completely forgotten any facts of my bloodline if you think I take orders without reason. I don't ask questions that others have asked and got answers to, so maybe answering my question rather than assuming it's asking for something already covered would stop the questions faster than avoiding answering or answering a question I didn't ask."

"If I'm easy to pick on, that's news to me because I've been frequently told by many they'd rather avoid debating or arguing with me when I'm at my cruelest."

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I'm telling you that your approach should be modified, then you'll get nicer replies... or actually get replies. 

I've no fear of you, only love. 

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"I've never wanted fear or love. All I want is the driving thoughts behind the statement. Oh and my method has no effect on people being open and honest, so I'll keep it as it is."

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So many thoughts on this right now, I don't even want to get into it publicly, but I have issues with this. Majorly.


~RideTheLightning, Czylharz before all of you that are around today.

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Sorry Sleepwalker. In my speech editing, I had meant to devote more to the dark ages... the rogues, and I had your name specifically in an original draft, but I ended up redoing that section... wasn't sober myself when doing that last draft. 


RideTheLightning should be mentioned as one of the originals, the elders. I didn't really name many specifically to show them any special praise, except for the ones in direct upper structure, and it is only within this past week that I now have him back under me... 

However, beyond that... over this era, his line has acted as one of my direct consiglieres, aware of all goings on, for advisement and criticism. (I like critiquing). I have dishonored myself in this speech by not putting him in there, as he belongs in at the top, with us... not just because his line dates back such a far way, but because he has been such a good friend to me, and to our cause. Thank you, Kyle. 

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ALOTTLE ( Its like a little, but alot. Penquin quote rip for the win. ) too late, son.


But this will be handled other-worldly.

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Well, at least I'll get getting steak and shrimp with that black eye. 


Can't win em all. 

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Hello there folks!

Considering I have neither a grievance about my questions going unanswered nor one about my name not being mentioned in this thread...I find myself placed in a dilemma.. a dilemma that is very rare for me. I don't really know what to say here. 

Well, I guess I'm here to get the ball rolling on all the 'pro-establishment' replies. You know...the ones that accompany every speech a Godfather or any other person of comparable power makes? You can usually find them just a few couple miles behind the company line.

All kidding aside, I have not been a part of the whole Czylharz resurgence(or Family) for very long. Matter of fact, I've been a part of it for about 75 days.

So, I guess a long and inspirational speech about how good the old days of Czylharz were is out of the question too? Well, what on earth can I say here?!?!?!

Well, all I can say is my short time as a so-called member of Czylharz(yes, I realize I may not understand what it meant to those in the good old days aka The originals? This is just what it means to me)  I have seen a degree of closeness, focus toward a common goal and a rather impressive degree of maturity between members of this 'symbiotic mega-alliance' that I have seen very rarely and almost never on such a large scale. Maybe it's the name. Maybe it's the people. Maybe it's the timing. Maybe it's the way Saturn is aligned with respect to the Earth right now. I don't know and nor am I bothered.

However, I do hope that this will go on for quite a nice while longer. I am having quite a bit of fun. 


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A long time ago in the old country a relative of mine was a don who had the pleasure of working with CrossDeLena.  He was based in LA,and Cross NY as both joked as they grew and ranked and watched as in some ways they had similar styles.  They did things a certain way together, and found certain focuses like the streets as important, and how important respect was, as well as a smile.  Public image of a family was very important as is often how you win people over.

Fast forward to his son who came to the shores after his death, he worked with Cross shortly and NY mainly not to rank,but just for the joys of the business district and Streets it never ended well but he lived the life he wanted, and old grudges and jealousy outside NY caused his death.

Later a gentle man with a unique smell called Scarpia and my father worked together, he ranked achieved some things, died in his sleep one night.

From there my, Scarpia and ellis's bloodlines seeked power elsewhere in an unjust world but build and held power before all crime figures were extradited.  This was the start of my bloodlines success there and wouldn't of happened if not for a Czylharz element.

Now back again my family had looked through diaries as I arrived in Chicago, with a handful of cash and best wishes a chance arrived to work with Czylharz once more, Jake wasn't familiar with me as much as i would of liked, but a troublemaking cav wannabe named Striphe lured me in.  I had opportunities to go elsewhere later with Stormvind, NY, etc but like I told people. sorry i am in a family I have to honour it.  I also realized Jake had a plan and where there was a small group of us combined grew close quickly.

Although i would be more humble on those lost along the way, i would say it hasn't been easy, we have lost friends, and people we once considered allies.  Times change and unfortunately so do alliances but Jake and Solastagia has been key to all thats been achieved.  I won't deny i have plenty of blood on my hands but in general when I have fired my gun has always been with the idea it was what was needed.

What does the future hold? peace, growth,war.... who knows but people will remember this period like they have others, unity has been our strength and i hope it continues to be.

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