Get Timers Now!
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A Retirement Started by: Sprozz on Jan 28, '14 22:29

So the story goes, when Caesar was accosted by the group of senators who conspired to kill him he fought like a lion. Even with over a dozen stab wounds and his arms red up to his elbows he continued to struggle until he saw his oldest friend, Brutus, among the attackers. According to Suetonius the biographer, Caesar sunk to his knees as the realisation hit him. He pulled his toga over his head and sat perfectly still, waiting for death. I cannot imagine the amount of discipline and will that must have taken; but in a massively melodramatic way, this is roughly how I'm feeling in terms of Mafia.

Any desire I had to continue playing this gorgeous, fucking gorgeous, little game was a tender flame swiftly extinguished by the death of my accounts at the hands of most of the people I have known longest and trust the most among the players who remain active.

Let me be clear - this won't be a whiny, bitter thread. I said I would never do that and I won't. It's long been my 'plan' that Cantona was m last hurrah. A change in circumstances in real life and the fact as the years have gone by the effort to make new accounts has been increasingly more bothersome, and the gaps between accounts increasingly larger, means that a day of reckoning was always going to arrive where I'd hang up the mouse for good, today is that day.

I've had a fucking brilliant time. It's been an amazing decade (holy. fucking. shit). I'm not going to go out with a ridiculously exhaustive list mentioning everyone I've ever played the game with but having said that...

Admins/Staff - Jesus Christ. You've made some really fucking boneheaded decisions over the years. You've rushed things out before they were truly ready, you've responded to things in a massively disproportionate way; but most importantly you've contributed hugely to a community I was first part of 10 years ago. Thank you. It was a personal highlight of mine to have been part of the staff team for so long - first as a helpdesker and then as an assistant.

If I could leave you with anything, please listen to popular opinion. You might feel like it's reactionary, juvenile or petty - but if a lot of people are saying the same thing, there's usually merit there. I recall years ago you mentioned that helpdesks would be the frontline and coders/owners would take a definitive step back. This never happened. I understand how difficult it is to take that step because you're so invested into the community; but when real money is involved it's time to make that decision and, in time, a more professional approach is going to be best for this game.

My District - Man, you guys. As much as most of the characters I play are brash and arrogant, I'm genuinely a pretty modest guy in person. It truly humbled me to see the respect and faith some of you guys had in me; I don't know if that just comes with the territory but it really was quite inspiring. I'm sorry that we never made the district what I repeatedly claimed it could be. Ultimately, I made a judgement call which was incorrect and paid the price; and it's a shame we'll never see that westside poker tourney, deal or no deal or another Thursday meeting! Still, on the bright side; I think a fun time was had.

If I could leave you with anything, please don't be a whiny little shitter in the streets, irc or anywhere else. Don't hate the player, don't hate the fucking game either. There's no reason to be disproportionately bitter towards the other side in this war, or in any other. The other side are just playing the game; this is the mafia. If I'm not bearing a grudge when I just lost a GF account with 1400 wackstat, then you certainly don't have any legitimate reason to bear a grudge. Throughout the character span of Cantona, I preached the importance of people actually treating this like the mafia. It would be nice to see my old comrades take this to heart.

The Old Timers - Tiggy, UN, Evsie, HairyBrain, Mikado, Callum, Jon, Ganelon, FP,  Manny, Tallien, gregz0r. I could go on. Old friends, the oldest of friends, and the people who introduced me to the game and taught me how to play it. It's a real shitter that you guys weren't around for my moment in the sun, I would have loved to have shared it with you!

The GFs - Christ, it's a proper shitter that it would be primarily Dripple and bip to be the ones who came for me. You know what though? I alluded to it in the streets, and I explicitly stated it to JackRyan's son in mobmail - I had no specific problem with Spike, Panda or iocaste but being on the other side was the most sensible for option for me. I played the game, because this is a game. I said that I wouldn't begrudge anyone else for doing the same and I was told it's easy to do that when you're top of the tree. Well, now I'm eating shit sandwiches I have the same opinion. I won't lie, it is a kick in the bollocks and a big time regret that my death comes at the hands of people I felt I could trust so completely; I've been waiting for years to have a chance at running things with friends, and when the chance game it lasted less than 2 weeks before you shot my face off. What a shitter.

If I could leave you with anything, please don't be empty suits. The reason I liked the the composition of this GF group so much is that it's old school as fuck. Chock full of people who play the game old style, who hold old time mafia values. Don't do fuck all with it. Create a legacy. That's what I wanted to do, the MIA rule was just a beginning. I can point to most leaders at the moment and say 'you, I've had a chat with you on irc late at night where we've put the world bang to rights.'. Well, you've got the world by the bollocks - do something with it for fuck's sake. Act like a Godfather. If I make a throwaway account in 6 months and the same Leaders are alive and nothing is different I'll be far more upset about my death than I am now!

Everyone else - I can honestly say there are a few people that I genuinely dislike on this game. From around 2006 I grew up a little and I've prided myself on the ability to look past the account and get to know the person and in very, very few cases in this time have I come across people who I genuinely think are absolute twats. To people who I've shouted at, sworn at, insulted at and argued with - thank you. Without opposition this game is nothing and you made it worth playing. To people who I've shot the shit with on irc - thank you. Without a doubt it's the community that's kept me here so long, it's unrivaled.

If I could leave you with anything, it's an amalgamation of everything else I've said. Do something.

To finish, this isn't a flash in the pan retirement, it's a yes-I'm-definitely-done retirement. There is nothing left for me now, there is nothing left I haven't done. The only thing that kept me making accounts is the fact that I was always the bridesmaid, never the bride. For a long time now I've been a respected player and a member of staff to boot, and yet every CL account I had was doomed to failure, and 3 GF RHM slots weren't quite the same. GF was the itch I could never quite scratch.

I mentioned earlier that I'm generally quite a modest feller - the brash, uncompromising nature of the characters that I play are a simple escapism, that's what this game is all about. So, if you'll allow me a moment of rare (OOC) arrogance: I can look anyone in the eye. I took the GF rank and I did not compromise on my morals or my principles for a single second, and I was particularly proud of my street presence which compares favourable to any other GF you could care to mention. I was not any less vocal in the streets, I was not any less forthright in discussions at the highest level. I mention this because whilst this may have been a factor in Cantona's death (who knows?) I would take that fate 100000000 times over quietly taking the GF suit and fading into the shadows and hoping no one will knock for me; or taking the GF suit when the rest of the game knows that I am essentially a Don, an Underboss in all but name to another more powerful GF.

I would honestly recommend to anyone else to take the same approach to playing this game, it becomes infinitely more entertaining when you play it like you have nothing to lose.*

*Such an approach may result in increased mortality rate.

Anyway, to return back to the first paragraph of this subsection in a rather haphazard manner; the reason I embarked on a little humblebragging was to continue my point that I personally feel there is nothing else to do. Some people come back time after time and achieve GF, I am not such a person - once was enough and the fact that I did not alter how I played the game in the slightest after achieving the rank is the pinnacle for me. I can't top this, so it's time to bow out.

Naturally, I will still be on irc from time to time to catch up with you motherfuckers but as far as the game itself goes I am certainly finished: there are big changes for me in real life; I am at a big cross roads where I will shortly be making the decision of whether I permanently move to Spain and create a life for my girlfriend and I there, or whether I stay in the UK and pursue a degree in Economics & Politics. Either way, it will be a massive change for me and one I won't let an online game interfere with. I have seen too many people sucked in by that over the years.

Thank you all, you have made it a rather enjoyable past time. I know some of you will be itching to know what boost I got from the admin crew......Deeeeeeeeeeeeeez, I'm still not telling you; but even without the boost I was still comfortably over 1000 so it is rather academic.

And as the inimitable Frank Gallagher said


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You will be missed friend. I am glad to have known you for so many years. You are a great guy, and I wish you all the best in life! Ace/Anomaly. :) 

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Thanks Ace!

Also, it appears I have missed out my RHM. Considering this guy is literally the 2nd person I met on this game all those years ago, that is rather shocking form. But hey ho, I'm sure he won't be too upset.

I lie, he'll be bouncing. sorry largegace.

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Take care, man. We've never talked much or anything, but still sucks seeing you leave.

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Our characters should have met up many years earlier. You were a great leader, a good mafia player and an even better friend. Couldn't have asked for someone better.

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Also, you missed me out. FOR FUCKING SHAME.

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Forgot Clause, poor form. 

You'll be missed! Truly one of the reasons I still play this game is you.

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I wish I'd worked with you long ago. But i'm damned glad I did now, and getting to run west side with you was way good times. Cantona, sprozza, call yourself what you will. You have made a mark on this place, even if only in the minds and hearts of thsoe who hope to be considered your friends.


Vive la West side!

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Also, Don't be a stranger. I'd like to continue to know the chap behind the crazy frenchman

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You were one of my first Hit Squad Leaders, I am pretty certain I was a pain in the ass, I remember constantly asking you questions and you would help out despite how ridiculous they may have been. I learned to respect you as a player and you helped me out quite a bit as I knew how honest you would be on anything I asked.

I would say over this time part of the reason why I have grown up a lot in the game is because I was able to go to you after certain things happened and get your honest opinion on what I did wrong.

As I mentioned before I respect the hell out of you as a player and you are one of the few who helped me out and didn't shun me off way back when. I hope you enjoy your retirement and we are losing one hell of a player.

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He's just scared of the amount of piss taking he'll receive when Man Utd finish Mid table this year.

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Sprozz, I met you way back in the day when we worked for Iota and I must say, that was one of the most fun I've had around these parts.  Over the next few years we spoke every now and again and I always did enjoy it.  You are a hell of a good mobster and you will be missed sorely man!   Best of luck to you and your girlfriend whatever you decide to do.  If you put half the heart into your studies and career as you put into this thing you will be a smashing success! 

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We didn't talk much but I always looked up to you, you're a great guy and you always played an entertaining character. You will be greatly missed man. :)

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Is easy to have this place eat your life away bro, good luck to you

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Im gonna miss you Sprozz :(   <3 Fridgey!

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As always kid. You're a cock. Especially for missing me out.

But at for the last time we agree on what to do now. Retirement, holding hands in to the sunset, sounds about right considering the ten years we have known each other. Just like we agreed

Just one thing. Bip and Dripple. You disappointment me but do not surprise me. You, especially lovehand, have always been bloodthirsty bastards. But to fuck #gouda, after all the years, is a bit of a kick in the nuts. I cannot deny.

Alls we can hope for, and I think I speak for Sprozza here as well, that Leeds go well and truly fucking bust.

Also Floki. He didn't miss Clause out. He just couldn't fit the fat bastard in <3

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All The best Sprozz even though we never spoke much you along with Grin are 2 of the people i respected the hell outta on here think i myself may take a break away from this crazy world as well.

All the best with whatever you find yourself doing Sprozz even though your a Man Untd fan :P

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One of my ancestors oldest friendly bloodlines, my bloodline returned to these shores so many times waiting for the day yours got to the rank of godfather, you have handed for me, been therefore me and made me shoot you to prove my loyalty.


Top fella and certainly one of the best bloodlines mine has ever served with in this world.

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Gutted to see someone like yourself leave.

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It was always a pleasure working alongside you in whatever facet that came in.. Whether it was my first meeting with you in Silk's crew back in the day or when I was Godfather and you were running the show behind the scenes.

I will see you and bighead at the Joe Blackburn reunion party
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