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Detroit Tax Started by: Marietta on Jan 08, '09 14:17
As men and women trickled into the abandoned, decrepit looking warehouse on the outskirts of Detroit, they had no idea what they were waiting or even wanted here for. Inside the building it was dank and dark, with a suitable amount of chairs assembled before a small stage with a single podium perched at the ledge. "Welcome," came a booming male voice, and moments later a massive brick of a man stood before them. He surveyed them warily, placing his hand upon his hip gun holster, very visible to the gathered men and women. "Lovely day?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in challenge. One of the men cleared his throat and said in response, "Lovelier than you? Not possible." Instead of punching the man in the face for the sarcastic come-on comment, Pedro, personal bodyguard to the Godmother of Detroit, merely nodded and stepped aside. "Correct password. Take a seat."

The small group moved ahead and Aurora rushed inside, breathing heavily and clutching a stitch in her side. "Sorry, sorry," she said to Pedro, who had moved to block her way but stopped once he recognized who it was. "Where the hell have you been?" he asked her, studying her face seriously. "I... lost... the note cards," Aurora said between gasps. "Had to... re-write them and then ran here as fast as I could. Ugh, my lungs feel like they are on fire." Pedro rolled his eyes in response, waving his hand towards the stage where sitting on a few chairs, conversing quietly, were: ThomasRourke, Left Hand of The Riot!, MickeyRourke, the leader of the Relentless Division, Guardian, the leader of the Guardian's Chasseurs, and Mirage- a loyal member of the family who generally just agreed with everything everyone else said. Sitting in the center was her Boss and friend, and the reason she had run all the way here to be on time.

Aurora smiled towards Pedro before making a beeline to the stage. She climbed the few short stairs before dropping into an empty chair next to the woman and handing over the note cards. Where have you been? she asked in a hiss, grabbing the cards and flipping through them frantically. "I was delayed," Aurora said back. "Now do us all a favor. Don't lecture me and just save your breath for the speech."

Together the pair sat in silence, watching as the rest of the invited men and women entered the building and took seats in front of them. When the last chair was full Pedro pulled closed the heavy door, plunging the room into darkness- save for the tiny windows lining the back wall of the room. Moments later an overhead light flickered on, giving an eerie glow to the area around them. Pedro, satisfied with his work, stalked over to the stage and stood behind the well-known Detroit mobsters. At last the Head of the Riot! stood from her seat, approached the podium and gave a small cough.

Ladies and Gentlemen: thank you very much for meeting me here today. This is not where I usually conduct my business, but the 'feds' have been sniffing around lately trying to find trouble where it can't be found. I apologize for the condition of this building but it was honestly the safest place that I could find for this type of announcement.

Below her the sea of people shifted in their chairs uncomfortably, whispering to one another and staring up at her, their eager and confused eyes urging her to continue.

Yes, I have invited you here because you all, in some way or another, are a valuable asset to whatever crime syndicate you belong to. You are the best, you are the brightest, so I feel I owe it to you- for the sake of business relations- to give this announcement to you folks here first.

I think we all know that I'm generally an agreeable businesswoman. If you think otherwise, that's your prerogative, of course, but you're wrong. She levels a sassy stare at the front row before smiling and shrugging. When it comes down to brass tacks, though, I need to take care and protect my business before all else. While allowing people to come in and crime on my territory is okay, the expense starts to add up and take a strain on my own pocket.

And let me tell you, ladies and gentleman, my pocket hasn't been 'well padded' in ages. Money makes the world go round, and if you don't have enough you certainly cannot control the multiple investments you have already agreed to fund, including an orphanage for wayward Rourkes and Aurora's... Marietta pauses with a bit of a frozen smile, blinking a few times before sighing heavily, 'beauty regiments' and divorces.

Gripping her note cards tightly she suddenly jerks and tosses them towards the ground. Pedro leaps forward, scooping them up into his massive hands and handing them back up to the woman with a soft whisper. Marietta hissed something inaudible back, shooing him away with a wave of her hand. He returns to sit in a chair shaking his head as the Godmother turns back towards the crowd: leafing through her notes before her she rearranges them on the podium, setting them in numerical order and touching each card briefly, as if she can absorb the information through osmosis.

Ahem, right, moving along. Back when my dearest Don Zoey was alive, we had often spoken of some sort of business, or 'tax' rather, that we could place upon our city. I'll admit that after her death I was shaken up and cast the idea from my mind. Yet recently, though, I realized that the woman would not want me to throw away all our dreams and waste away while I mourned her untimely demise. I quickly grabbed all the notes we had written on the subject and began to spearhead the project once more. After weeks upon weeks of extensive discussions with many of my advisors, as well as my associates MickeyRourke and Guardian, I have decided to announce the first ever tax for the crime trade of Detroit. By no means is it an original concept, but it is one that I find will be effective in keeping my city running as smoothly as possible.

Welcome, everyone, to the grand opening of the operation for running The Riot's Death Tax.

Marietta smiles around at the crowd as they turn to one another, whispering and raising their eyebrows in clear confusion. Even standing behind the podium several feet away the woman can tell that the gathered mobsters aren't quite clear with what she is trying to say. Taking a deep breath she gives another loud throat clearing, regaining the attention of the people before her.

Thank you for your concern, but I wasn't quite finished with my speech. You're not getting off that easy!

The murmurs died down and Marietta glanced towards the assembly of men and women behind her- her 'crack team' for this upcoming project. She flashed a smile towards Mickey, Guardian, Pedro and Thomas, blowing a kiss towards Aurora and Mirage before holding her head up high and addressing the multitude of Mafiosi before her.

There is nothing I love more than having a large crime establishment. I adore having a city that is open for all the other crime syndicates to visit, to knock over a 7-11, to play in our casinos, to visit our variety of business establishments. Unfortunately it takes money to keep all of these things running without any delay. Currently, ninety-something percent of our funds (or at least according to my book-keeper) are being poured into body removal from our streets- and that is without little notice or fuss from the local police.

It is no secret that Detroit gets an overwhelming amount of homeless people. Bums, lazy inactive wastes of human life. Whatever you choose to call them. Either way, they are bad for my business. So we allow people from all over the country to come and kill these identity-less people. We help you make your bones, you help us get rid of one more no-good cash grubbing hobo. Up until now it's been an advantage to me... but like I said, that was 'up until now'.

Pausing briefly she takes a deep breath and points her finger towards a young, dark-haired man in the front row.

You, she said a little more sternly than she intended. Do you know how much it costs to remove a dead body?

Stuttering for a minute the boy eventually gave up and shook his head in defeat. That's what I thought. Honestly, ask yourselves: have any of you ever thought what it costs to remove a dead body, free and clear and no questions asked?

Another hushed bout of conversation sprung up from the people before her. They managed to quiet themselves down, however, when a lone voice yelled from near the center of the crowd: "Why can't you just throw them all into the river?"

Aha, Marietta said, shaking her finger and placing her hand back flat upon her podium. One or two bodies, sure, throwing them into the river is just fine. But when you get as many dead bodies as the Motor City does, you have to be creative about where you start hiding them. When the police stumble upon one too many they begin to get suspicious, and in turn the ones I am in contact with come to me for answers. If they start digging too deeply, it would put my entire enterprise in jeopardy. I would be devastated should anything like that ever happen.

So you can be assured that Detroit provides the best services in keeping your victims under lock and key. We remove bodies without fuss, and we find new and ingenious ways to keep their murders hidden. Yet as I said before, it all links back to the fact that things like this do not come cheap.

That is why I have called you all here today. What is 'The Riot Death Tax'? Simply put: The Riot and it's subsidiaries will now be charging for any shooting within our city limits.

Simply put- if you plan on doing any shooting within Detroit, you must send me money first- directly. Now I considered many things: a flat fee, a per body rate- but I finally decided that it would only be fair if we do a weekly charge. It will now cost each Crew Leader, should they accept and choose to have their family continue doing 'hitman' work inside my city, 2 million dollars per week. They will pay me on a certain day by a certain time, to be discussed with each individual, and as soon as my accountant is notified of the transfer that buys them seven consecutive days of homeless hunting, free and clear.

Now I'm not a foolish woman. This will most definitely cause anger and frustration for many. What if, perhaps, your Crew Leader gets disenchanted with this idea and chooses not to do this discount rate for all of his or her family? Have no fear, I also came up with a solution to that as well. If your Family Head is opposed but you would still like to hunt we will be charging 420K per individual hitter- per week. I can promise you all that I am extremely detailed and organized, so I will be more than adept at keeping track of everyone's bank transfers. The information on which hitters have paid will only be privy to myself and my lovely Right Hand Aurora- so have no fear about keeping your identities a secret as well.

Now I hear most of you scoffing and moaning in outrage at the prices. I understand that it's not fair, but 'life is not fair'. The best things in life are sadly not free. This was, seemingly, the only way my advisors and I found we could make a profitable market for our city, so that we can continue to dole out cash for our family and allow our business to grow.

Her eyes flicked downwards towards two men, leaning close to one another and whispering feverishly. Everyone followed her line of vision and quieted down until only they were talking, and it was clear what they were speaking of when the words "Can't possibly enforce" drifted it's way into the air. Why thank you gentlemen, the Godmother stated loudly, making both of the men jump in their seats and grow wide-eyed. You've brought me to the next point in my speech. Can we enforce this? You bet we can. I have long felt we have the resources to do so, and I'm sure my many brothers and sisters feel the same way as we embark on this venture.

A friendly warning to you all: if your Boss, or you yourself, have not paid the fee, do not try to get away with shooting. Should you be caught breaking my tax we will not hesitate to act quickly and end your life. You heard me- end your life. Do not confuse this with an act of war, it's just business. We are asking full cooperation in this matter, as I'm sure you have many people you want to see live by abiding by the rules, and not lose them due to a silly oversight or mistake on their part.

I will be speaking to each Crew Head about this at a time of their choosing, and further details will be discussed then. Until then I think it's rather clear- from today, January 8th at 15:00 (that's right I'm giving you time because I'm sweet like that), there will be no killing of inactive or unsponsored civilians, thugs and gangsters within Detroit city limits without paying for it first. If you have any questions I will be more than happy to answer them in private correspondence.

Thank you, and I look forward to working with you all. Watch yourselves!

Stepping away from the podium she walked back over to her assembled associates and nodded. I'd say that went really well, Marietta remarked, just as a yell of, "MARIETTA IS A WHORE!" rose through the air and a chair went flying dangerously onto the stage. She glanced over and caught Thomas in the act of the crime. Marietta calmly stated Relax, you don't have to pay the tax anyway.
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I always knew i loved you for some reason. I blame the Bloody Tissue for this!
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Why are you throwing the word "blame" around, I can't see how this is a bad thing?
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I agree with KinfOfOnePercent, I am actually applauding to the Death Tax. *applauds to the Death Tax*

Marietta, it is your city and you can do what you want with it, I'm happy to see that changes are made, new ideas are implemented and you are still looking for possibilities to improve business and the riot.
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I'm only throwing the word blame out there because i'm sure many people will hate this idea. I'm quite certain that it will lead to a war.
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I think war's a little extremein this case, most leaders earn 10x that amount per week from family tribute so they are hardly going to be out of pocket and overly fussed if they sign up to it.

Naturally i would expect the owners of the other cities to follow suit with the tax and thus it will largely cancel itself out.
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Actually, i would be surprised if other leaders took up this idea. It would be seen as unoriginal, and I'm sure none of the leaders want to be 'copycats'
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Whats unoriginal about getting an extra several million dollars to launder through your family for doing nothing other than creating a new law for the city and hiring an accountant to keep check on it. This is la cosa nostra, not high school.

If a leader chose not to introduce it because they were worried they'd be "copying" then i'd suggest they don't have the spine to be an owner of a city anyway.
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You bring up a good point, it isn't about being seen as copying, more or less being seen as having the courage to try and replicate an idea that was already there. Recently people have been saying Marietta is a shitty godmother(no offense dear, but that's what people say,) yet here she is, making a new law. Now if the same people were to go follow suit and enable this same law in their city, then wouldn't they be just as guilty?
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Lucertola, Marietta is a Godmother and has 3 Dons, two of them who lead crews, to enforce this rule on her behalf. I doubt any other family, should they introduce such an initiative, could boast such clout.
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As far as i have seen the people you refer to aren't leaders and therefore wouldn't be the ones to make such a decision for the city, i couldn't deny that if a leader critical of Marietta chose to adopt it as well then yes it would be pretty suspect to their credentials and they would no doubt be suitable chastised for it in the streets.

On the matter of family muscle to enforce the tax, i would expect that with their having been no major wars for a little while, the main families would feel they had ample strength to see off most hostile challenges but lets hope it doesn't come to that.
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Well, I am a lowly member of this community. But I assume, you don't mind a little discussion about this tax imposed in Detroit.

Looks around at the building chosen, and the city itself

It seems a little high. And, no, I don't expect my comments to change anything, but I'd like to make them anyway if only to create some debate about a city that is not much debated.

Why not a sliding scale? A plan to give younger members of the community to participate. You know very well that gangsters, goombas and earners can't afford $420000 a week, unless they're being bankrolled by the older members. Why not $120K a week for gangsters, and up a $100K per rank? Again, I don't expect that this will change anything, but it's worth some discussion. My grandpappy used to tell me that I won't get anything if I don't ask.

Anyway, do what you want. But I would certainly assume that - unless all leaders from places other than Detroit have money to burn - they'd just assume stay out of Detroit. Which, again, may also be the point.

Shrugs and continues

I assume this has been debated behind closed our GM has indicated...but I prefer a little more discussion.

Looks at his empty pockets

Yeah, I'm bitter at being poor.
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Well, I understand that those of a lower rank aren't in the position to afford that even tough 420.000 $ are possible in a week, but that's different from person to person.

If you can't afford it than you will have to holster your gun for a while which isn't too bad at all. There's more than just killing homeless bums. See the positive side, you can concentrate more on the other sides of life. Enjoy the speeches in the streets and get the latest issues of the bloody tissue or the AMPMAGazine. Or you could go and spend all your money in the bars, the owners could need some.
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Simple answer. Guess you will have to rank up to be able to hit. Won't be able to hit unless you can afford it. What does Detroit care of other families hitters can't afford it? I personally don't. Less competition and less theat's all over the board. Seems like a win for me!
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In all fairness, the people who can't afford the tax based off of rank alone should probably spend time hitting the Shooting Range and training their gun while saving money in the meantime. By the time their gun is fully trained they will be goomba or earner and ready to roll. Call it wild, but God forbid someone perfect their shooting skill in a closed environment before wielding their firearm in public at 420k a week. I'd want more bang for my buck, so to speak.
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Marietta stops scolding Thomas over treating furniture with respect long enough to turn and catch what one of the young, gathered mobsters who spoke up about the individual pricing. With a small smile she looks at the man and nods.

To be honest, I completely agree. Four-hundred and twenty thousand does seem steep for a fledgling gangster. A lot of people have made good points on the matter, stating that people will just have to wait to train their gun, or can take up membership at the local shooting range. Simple explanation for my reasoning though is that I wanted something divisible by seven, in the event that an individual pays only to have their Crew Leader pay for the entire family a few days later. In that instance, the person would get a refund because lets face it, I'm not a complete bitch.

Four-hundred and twenty k equals out to sixty thousand a day. When you look at it like that, it's a few drug runs and a matter of cutting back on expenses at the casino. Or, you organize a meeting with your leader and convince them to pay the price for full coverage. Hell, maybe you and a few guys from your family pony up enough cash between yourselves to pay for your entire crew. It's all a matter of how you want to arrange your finances, and who is willing to do what it takes to have the right to bear arms. At least in Detroit.
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oooooooo Im Likeing this Tax thing Marietta :) it sounds FUN !! hehe
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Shakes his head and looks at his fingers to count

Damn, I should have thought about divisible by seven. $420K seemed a little weird. I get that much. But, cut back at the casino? I don't know if I can do that. I think the better answer is WIN more at the casino.
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Hearing the news from Detriot, Fu dropped his spoon in to his bowl of borchet and flanken.

"....including an orphanage for wayward Rourkes"

The CHILDREN! someone is thinking of them.

God bless her dear old soul, that GodMomma has the orphans best interests in mind.

There we were, loosing Rourkes left and right, why just yesterday, a mother and wife of 17 little Rourkes dropped dead in her plate of Ziti and left behind all those teary eyed poor kinderlach.

Fu sniffed and blew his nose loudly and returned back to slurping his lunch, taking the time to shoot the dumbass person who told him to eat more quietly.
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Brilliant idea, about time we started seeing this kind of thing.
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