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Small Improvments to Timer Popups Started by: enkindle on Apr 08, '14 13:07

The timer bar has the popup option which, when the dialog is disabled, creates a browser "confirm dialog" that brings the page to the front. The problem currently is that each browser tab you have open creates one of these and you have to close each of them. I was considering fixes for this and I have a couple approaches I could take, but I can only do one.


  1. Only one confirm dialog regardless of how many tabs you have open. This tab would normally (but not 100% of the time) be the tab you used most recently.
  2. A custom dialog that does not bring your browser forward or stop you from using other tabs. This would open in every tab but close in all tabs once closed in one tab. (Say that 10 times really quickly.)

I'm not sure which option you guys would like more, so I'm looking for input.


(Also, this would only be for the SDI regardless of the change.)

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I think Option #2 would be best. The dialog being brought forward always messes me up.

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option 2. i too find it irritating whe i'm typing or some such and the dialog box yanks the tab up midsentance

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i like option 1 for jailbreaks but other than that id take option 2

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yes irritating when you pretending working and the screen change to MR 

My Boss don't fine it funny 

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