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Execution Order Started by: knkn on Apr 19, '14 21:55

knkn walks in the middle of the street, pulls out a pistol and shoots it in the air. The silence was blasted and the whole crowd in the middle of the street walking turned their direction to knkn where the shot was fired.


knkn pulls out a poster of recorded dialog that has been passed down for a generation


What I have here is a warrant for a man execution. Trial by death of a firing squad is required for this slip up. This is the mafia!



Wow. The grammar, it burns. 

Reply by: Leonardo_DaVinci at Apr 11, '14 03:08

Bitch slaps James


Yeah get your leaders to tell you what to do, and be owned. This is supposed to be a rise to the top world not to be fucking servants. It's okay sit down and listen to your "leaders" like a dog fucking coward.

Reply by: bbjb at Apr 11, '14 03:10

Sorry its a speech disorder I got it from my parents as you can see my name..

Reply by: bbjb at Apr 11, '14 03:11

Well, speech is spoken language. Typing is typing. 

Reply by: Leonardo_DaVinci at Apr 11, '14 03:11

bbjb looks confused


What i this typing you speak of? Is that the forbidden words that used to get you executed.. Ohh my..

Reply by: bbjb at Apr 11, '14 03:13


Reply by: Leonardo_DaVinci at Apr 11, '14 03:13

This man disrespected our ways, and we must punish this enemy and get compensation for this insult!!


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Nee how mao!
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knkn Why are you so ronnery? Are you ronnery for human affection?

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^^HAHAHAHAH you I like you. 

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Durkah, durkah, durkah!
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After hearing what the young man has said bboy shakes his head and walks away muttering to himself....

Young people now a days....They should stop selling drugs to that man.

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Well, this is interesting. 

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Apr 20, 07:04:00 Someone has tipped you $20,000 for your post. Click here to view which post.
Apr 20, 05:08:27 Someone has tipped you $30,000 for your post. Click here to view which post.

Thank yall, the more the better. Getting rid of disrespectful street fucks. Ever feel scared to post in the streets? Well were about to kill an enemy.
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I'll be waiting. 

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Affirmative, although I feel like I have respect for this man. Leonardo I will give you a chance right now, will you promise to stop trolling even if they are trolls? I hated going to the streets on a serious life time because of being embarrassed for things such as "bad" grammar. I actually care for my enemies.. That being said, please allow these streets to be free to honest thought and expression. If not be ready to meet a death.

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I wasn't trolling or mad at you. I telling you it was "bad grammar" because I was actually wanting and trying to read your thread. I just find this thread hilarious though.

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Agh iv had a few drinks, my trolling rage is just not in me. I have respect for you, the question is why? It might be becuase you said touche, or the fact that your were completely honest right now. This life of ours has seen much bad blood, from killing in sleep to bullshit in my point of view. Anyways you could be killed for your offence, you disrespected me. Although you are human like me, we all make mistakes. Lets try to help one another in this world, I forgive you bro. I don't even think I can hurt a fly, I really don't know why im here in this world.

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This thread also caught me at a bad time too. I just snapped on someone who made me mad. Then saw this. 

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Same here, I just finished venting all the hate to my dad "OCC" In real life. Then came here. With no anger left, I really don't want to have you killed even though I have the possibility to do so.. Wow I thought power and rage would control me but nope. Hey man as long as you help make the world a better place, not only would I not want to kill you, but I would go to the mist of avalan for you brother.

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Sorry to hear about that happening with your dad, man. Same here with the rage part, yet backwards. 

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Emotions.. Tricky fuckers. Anyways thank you for your sympathy. It sucks it really does, hating your father to the core of your existence sucks. But I still forgive him. I forgive all my enemies.. This life is set on insane level, best we can do is try to guide each other in the right way. 

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I usually do forgive, but I never forget. I don't know if you will oblige to this, but if you make a public apology here then we're alright. 

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You can't forget. It is almost impossible. Unless you have full control of your brain and emotions. No you know what im doing here Leo. I felt you disrespected me when I was angry for the things were going in this world. I then snatched you in my jaws of death. But I would rather teach you a lesson that content is much more important than rank or anything else. Why? Becuase I have a feeling you are a good person. Just with that I would rather have people help others and make the world go round. I have no hate for you. Even my enemies I show nothing but love. I just hope to guide others along with myself in the right direction, even if I am not right atleast I know I have heart. By that said I don't want an apology. I just want the fact that you will help the world a better place, and for your situation instead of dissing.. Guide. 

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Alright. Rank in this game means a lot to me. A low gangster can't disrespect someone higher than they are. I'm what I believe is called "old school mafioso" I go by the rules of the mafia. You disrespected James in your thread as well. That made me angry. (You should go apologize to James btw) I understand what you are trying to say here though, I really do. This thread disrespected me greatly. I can't allow you to do that to me. That's why I want an apology.

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Frands.Calm down. Pls.

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