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Musings on Change Started by: Melis on May 25, '14 15:10

Melis had been wandering through the Chicago streets. Her mind on the beauty of the city. The weather had been warming up lately and it was finally going into summer weather.  Letting her feet guide her along through the business districts and into the streets. With a heavy thought she stepped around to talk to the people around.

"Can you believe that only a short period ago it was freezing?" she asked a nearby jogger.

"It seems that although the weather is changing this community remains stale. I recognize that there have been a few small changes. Does it really feel like change? It seems there are crews that sit with very few people in them. Others that have been run by the same bloodlines that usually rise. I recognize the newer bloodlines. They may not be as many as the old but they are there. Hidden."

Melis pauses as a new flower that had recently popped out of the nearby lawn catches her attention. The beauty of newly opened flowers always amazed her. She wondered if it was possible to find beauty like this in everything. Shaking herself out of her reverie and back to the nearest person.

"I wonder about the lack of effort, or the possible loss of people from this world. Do you think they have left because of the same tedious cycles? Do they leave because their leaders at the time were content to smile and hold hands with the rest? I often wonder if there is a fear of change.

Change can be scary I suppose. Wanting to support an individual into doing well that not everyone knows or cares for."

Pulling out her water bottle from her purse and takes a sip. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts.

"I guess what I am asking is do you feel there is a drop in our community population? What do you think the reasons for such would be? Do you hold out hope for the same cycles that usually happen to change? To see hard workers given chances over the people whose bloodlines talk to each other in the coffee shops but may not do as much in our world?

Lastly, the silence from leaders and hands. Does anyone remember when they were meant to be seen so people could get a feel for who they were as a leader? Does the silence bother anyone else? A leader can pass off speaking to the public to one of their captains or they can speak only to never answer questions that were directed to them. Ones that are picked up by other leaders to answer for them. "

Melis stopped speaking. She glanced up to see the curious faces looking back at her.

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Replay notices that Melis had stopped talking, and decided it was time for him to say a few words. His words might not sound the best or the most helpful, but they were his words regardless.

"I would say that if people want change in this world, they must be the change that they desire. It works much the same in the game as it does in our other extensions of life. Also, those seeking change should either propose or take part in competitions. The desire for something different in this life is what has in part led me to be moving to Paradise here soon."

With that being said, Replay walks out of the crowd and goes to the corner, awaiting a cab to take him to his home. 

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There's a few things I'd like you to clear up if possible.

1. What do you mean by lack of effort?

2. Where is the proof in the population decreasing?

I've not been around too long so I can't really comment on either of those points.

Change is something that happens in this life and people always have to adapt. Whenever there is a power shift there is change in rules and views on whats allowed and what isn't. Other change is introduced by the Gods and again it's something we must deal with. I don't think there's a fear of this change, I just think it can confuse people for short periods of time. I don't think it would contribute to people retiring from this life, but then I can't speak for everyone.

People always talk about authing those who "deserve it". Someone may have worked hard, but a) they may not be ready for leadership b) it makes no sense in business terms and c) as a leader you want to keep your hard workers.

As for the silence, it doesn't concern me too much, there isn't much life in the streets right now and what is around doesn't present much quality.

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The question you pose about leaders is a good one. The question is, do we want leaders who inspire via charisma or those who work from the shadows?


My personal preference is to be visible. We are all ego driven after all, and how can you build a legacy if nobody knows you have built it? You don't become a hero staying silent. 

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Mako was in the back, smoking a cigarette and giving a small laugh to himself. After he heard the speech, he looked over lazily at his car driver and held up a finger to make sure he knew that Mako would be a few moments.

"I would have to disagree with a lot of things here. Who knows, maybe you guys see it differently than I do, but I don't hardly see eye to eye with any of what the main speech was about.

Decrease in population? I've seen more people around currently than I ever have, in almost all hours of the night. So, I don't believe there's a decrease at all in the population of this world, nor do I see anything that stats this differently as a fact, not a guess.

As for the same cycles that happen over and over, some things are just going to be that way. You will never have ONLY new blood or ONLY old blood leading in this country. For those of you who think you will see it heavily weighed on one side or the other, I'd think you're extremely daft. There will always be a fair mix of both, like it or not. There's plenty of people out there right now who are having their first chance at this, and I don't see the people bitching about the cycling joining those people. In fact, I see the people who complain about it, join people that they complain about. Oh la la. There's tons of first time crewleaders out there, it's mixes well with the cycle and that's the way it will normally be.

'To see hard workers rather than the friends in the coffee shops'. I think we have that too. You just have to look around, there's plenty of examples that are right in front of most people's faces, they don't want to see it. However, it's kind of like the cycling thing. You're going to have a mix of both. People who bust their ass will get noticed and perhaps get their chance, but you always need loyalty and that's something that hard work doesn't always buy. You can donate all the money in the world, buy a sniper rifle, or be plagued with insomia, but what good is all of that if you can't be trusted? It's worth nothing. I'd rather have someone prove their loyalty to me along with working their asses off.

I also don't see the silence that people speak of. At least at this time frame. It's been a while since we've seen drama over a non-war related speech, and that 'norm' has been broken with the Rainbow tax. We had a good amount of people active at that speech sharing their opinions on the matter, even those that we NEVER see on the streets hardly. Enough drama to pull districts within Philly to the number one slot of our most active speakers. And who died? NO ONE. Will it fade away? Perhaps. Perhaps not. The streets aren't dead to me though."

Mako shrugs, spinning around and turning his back to the crowd.

"That's just my thoughts."

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Desmand paused and listened to Melis's words, debating whether to throw his 2 cents in. I mean since all the leaders and hands were invisible and never spoke, why try and convince her otherwise? 

"It was somewhat chilly for a while, luckily it didn't last too long."

Desmand smiled before continuing.

"I find myself heading down the same path Tesler is on a few of your comments/statements.."facts?" Whatever they are."

 It seems that although the weather is changing this community remains stale.

"Stale? In what regard exactly? Because there isn't a war every other week? A little more elaboration would be nice on this first comment. A bloodline renowned for complaining, what exactly do you want to see?"

 It seems there are crews that sit with very few people in them.

"When travel links to two additional cities pop up over night without so much as a warning to any of the current Godfathers, what exactly do you expect? New mobsters coming off the boats remain fairly low relative to the amount of the crews that are currently open and ready to house them. It's inevitable that some crews are going to sit at less then 40 members for long durations. However some leaders might prefer to take their time with the interview process, I know my good friend Mako was such that he didn't just want any old man working for him. Hence he took his time and was in no rush to fill up his headquarters." 

They may not be as many as the old but they are there. Hidden.

"Another fairly ridiculous comment in my eyes. How about I make it easy for you and let you name which of the current Godfathers are "new bloodlines" and then you can compare to the current Godfathers to see which are "hidden." Perhaps you can add that question to your next quiz you hopefully follow in your mothers footsteps and do, which was fantastic I might add." 

I wonder about the lack of effort, or the possible loss of people from this world. Do you think they have left because of the same tedious cycles? Do they leave because their leaders at the time were content to smile and hold hands with the rest? I often wonder if there is a fear of change.

"Lack of effort? Please elaborate on this one again for me. How is this the same tedious cycle? Start, build, rank, war, die. That is the Mafia life, as we all struggle over the power. What difference is there? Except holding hands I guess which apparently you're averse too as well. What change are you looking for? People who demand change but don't suggest ways to change are no better then those that don't want change." 

What do you think the reasons for such would be? Do you hold out hope for the same cycles that usually happen to change? To see hard workers given chances over the people whose bloodlines talk to each other in the coffee shops but may not do as much in our world?

"Funnily enough the correlation between established bloodlines receiving auth and hard work usually is very high because they know what needs to be done and what it takes to run a crew. Sure some deals are made in coffee shops, but they are usually always "sure things." People you know can handle their business and do what is required for you. I personally don't deal this way, but that's because I have a little bit of a chip on my shoulder about things like that. If you ever get the chance to run your own family and maybe even district, I hope you practice what you preach too Melis. 

Lastly, the silence from leaders and hands. Does anyone remember when they were meant to be seen so people could get a feel for who they were as a leader? 

"Once again, where is the proof? A quick glance in the history books from just page one shows me that all but two speeches were started by a crew leader or a hand. So if we weren't actually speaking, fairly sure there wouldn't be a sound heard on the streets? The best way to get a feel for a leader I find is to actually join them. You can't expect to know the ins and outs of every leader just from them speaking on the streets. Unless you would prefer I handle all of my family matters in public so that you can rate me out of 10 and get an accurate feel for when your next of kin looks for a family."

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Melis smiles at Replay. Listening to them speak their own opinion as she nods every so often to show she was paying attention.

Ah competitions. Funny you should bring that up. I am not a fan of such competitions. We have seen how the last few did not work out. I am skeptical about this one as well. However, for things like that some may bark up at any chance they get, others would prefer to go that route with a Godfather backing them. It really comes down to preference and if that person wants those things. Not everyone wants the same things.

Congratulations on going that route and wish you the best there.

Melis turns her attention next to TesleR.

In answer to the first question when I mean lack of effort I mean lack of effort. Just that, not doing as much as what has previously been seen. I believe I may have given some examples where leaders can speak but do not reply to the questions. Or they just plain don't speak at all. There is also the fact that many people no longer have motivation to put in effort in doing their best in our world. I mean why would they?  It doesn't appear to be needed. I use the word appear because I can't possibly know what is going on behind closed doors. I am just speaking on the appearance of lack of effort in a presence. You can be a ghost as long as you have the coffee shop persona.

When I refer to population decreasing I was thinking of the old established lines that no longer wish to grace our world really. I see some of those have left and have not returned. Although I am sure there are plenty of new blood populating which is always a good thing to see as well. Maybe I am nostalgic for the older blood that once taught the newer blood. I also asked a question didn't state for sure that it was or wasn't.

It's true people do always talk about changes. Sometimes it's nice to think out loud. Other times people will rogue and put their gun to use. I don't find that roguing tends to help with changes though. If anything it only hurts the person roguing and those next of kin that need the help recovering. It in fact doesn't always change the power if you can't hit the power directly. Wither way it is not a choice I would go for. Which is why I am voicing my thoughts instead.

Silence should concern everyone in my opinion. Why do you think there isn't much life to the streets? I think it's because people aren't coming out to speak or tell a story. These people are what brings life to the streets. It gives us entertainment, amusement and/or discussions. Without these of course there is no life in the streets besides a new auth thread.

People always talk about those that "deserve" auth or don't. Not everyone can gauge that if they aren't paying attention to a bloodline or aren't apart of their family that they stemmed from. So it is not a matter I can fully comment on.

Melis wanders over to listen to TheD.

Ah I have to agree with you. I much prefer the ones that inspire with charisma over the ones from the shadows. There are a select few that do well within the shadows but if I could get them to talk more that would be nice.

Taking a sip from a bottle of water she had Melis pauses before listening to Mako.

Well we are all entitled to our own opinions, sure. I would have to argue about the so called balance though. I do think it is quite often balanced to one side. Not always but quite often.

I have a question though. You speak about loyalty. Loyalty isn't always given just because someone is their leader. That much is common knowledge when after every war you see a few people that have saved their own skin through their coffee shop connections. Loyalty is something you gain through your actions. If you have a member that isn't loyal to you there is probably a reason for that. Whatever the reason that is up to that person.

Ah yes the Rainbow Tax certainly got a lot of attention from the same people. The same leaders come out and speak up. The same members in our community speak up. What about the rest? Wouldn't it be nice to see some new opinions being formed for once? Someone new to maybe give a different perspective or just share their own thoughts? I'd love to see others more engaged like the rest of us.
That is just my own thoughts though.

Lastly, Melis came to Desmand.

I do enjoy when that when I say stale that you mean I am looking for war. Hardly the case. Boredom is stale. Lack of motivation, is stale.

Nodding she listens to the rest of the speech.

Quality over quantity is very important in a family. Of course you want to be sure the person is going to attempt to stick around in this community. You can never be sure nowadays. Am I suggesting that there is anything wrong with small families? Not at all. In fact I have spoken to people about certain ideas involving smaller families and how they might be a good thing when there are so many leaders floating around in their suits.

My mother was quite good with her quizzes. At least they provided something to do for a city or family. Always nice to have some creativity.

Lack of effort is more in the sense of doing anything. As I said before there are many ways to lack in effort. Simply by not doing anything. How often do you see something worth doing these days? Besides mugging someone who has strayed into your pocket or a random theft from a post office.

As far as silence from leaders and hands. There are a quite a lot silent. Am I asking for the ins and outs of your day to day life? Hell no. When I speak of their silence I mean those that can't bother to answer their own speech when questions arise. Those that can't be bothered to speak their own speeches but rather pass it off. I can honestly say I don't care what the leaders had for breakfast at the latest brunch. Or what punishments you doled out for someone who may have shot a sponsored gangster by mistake. None of that concerns me, nor am I concerned with that.

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My personal thoughts on the situation at present is simple.

Many people have talked in the past about the same blood lines getting auth over and over, yeah it can be off putting to some especially those who pile cash into a family and work all round.  I do believe most of the population should believe they can be a leader but understand the limits of society e.g numbers.

Would i be put off if i thought i could never get auth? no as long as i can feel i will find some form of progress. not just act as a cash cow for a crew. 

Do i believe is too many cities and crews? of course i do the fact as has been done for a while people hold ias for months says it all on the need to keep space filled in a HQ.  Personally when recruiting or attempted to i see a massive amount of people just dissapear into a coma like syndrome within a few hours of getting off the boat which can be very frustrating,

Activity wise i just think is a divide, i find we are at a stage where x amount of the community can be hyperactive almost, and the other half comotozed or semi comotozed some appearing every few days for a few jobs then dissapearing back into the shadows once more.  Yet on paper it looks like people are more active due to this.

In my opinion many leave for various reasons, sense of defeat before starting, legitimate world duties, boredon, frustration and lack of time to commit.  I don't see it as one reason, i see it as multiple.

Do i try and get out on the street to show my face, well a face this pretty should be seen.  Is it hard to fit round other duties,  yes. but i feel is my duty to have a stroll down the streets plus is always a benefit of it.

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Mako listens and nods, thinking about he could really use some liquor right about now. He tightens his lips and scratches his nose before taking a few steps to the side.

"Well, it's going to be balanced in the favor of people who have already had chances before, that's life. Sometimes it's their activity seen around this country, or the will that you trust the person to make decisions while you're away. There's a lot of things that come into effect in it, but it's simple. There are more people who have had chances now, and the ones who haven't are getting them (Kinda unavoidable with the amount of district present). The majority are anyway. I can name six or seven people just off the top of my head that are getting new chances, and I think there's way more than that.

There will always be old blood mixed with new blood. That much hasn't changed for a while now because it's almost impossible to do one sided. People who get these new chances will probably get more in the future, if this part of history tends to repeat itself like it always does. If you're looking for a heavy balance in the favor of new people getting chances, that's asking for a little much. And if you're not happy with the amount of people that are getting new chances today, then I think you're looking at this with narrowed eyes and not seeing that this part is indeed happening.

And no, not everyone has loyalty, sadly. Some show it more than others or given the circumstances in their own eyes. That's what I was trying to point out though. You can donate me 100 million, be able to put down a Godfather with a single bullet, or get me minions out of my ass, or become well known enough for the Godfather to promote them to Don... but does that mean you've gained loyalty of any sort? Plenty of idiots can do those things and do them right, but will they die with you at the end of the day? So, comes to show you that hard work is a considerations, but it shouldn't be the whole equation. Sometimes it takes war or a certain test to see where loyalties lay, but when it comes time for you to open your eyes, then you should. See it for what it really is past all the money, hitmen, units, and recruiters. If that person isn't loyal to me, who is to say that it's all on my shoulders? I think that's rather vague, considering trust is a two way street. It's not always the leader's fault that they have an unloyal member, and to say so is completely wrong. If they don't want to prove their loyalty, or at least play their part, then it shows clearly why they aren't getting the chance. They're being stupid instead of playing it smart, but heh... they think they are smart the way they go about it, much the opposite of how it's really viewed.

As for the Rainbow tax, I'd have to disagree with you. We seen some new faces on the street that day and for a reason that persuaded them to come forth. It wasn't just the same old people. Maybe it was the same old people trying to overdue pushing their point of view? But there were people that day to come out and say their piece, whether people tended to acknowledge that or not. I suggest you go back and look at the records recorded that day, because Philly overtook this VIP, that the Gods like to call it, for that time period. If anything, that shows that it wasn't the same old people. But I get what you're trying to say and I'd like to see some of the same. However, beggars can't be choosers."

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Thank you Lizzie for coming out.

I agree with there needing to be progress. Do you think that we have some here and now? I think a few leaders have made some progress as far as movement goes. I mean it does take a leader with a backbone to take chances on members that are new to this community. We've seen those leaders.

The too many leaders aspect has been looked at from time to time. I think it's really because of the districts. With so many Godfathers, comes so many crews in one city. Before there were 3-4 per city now there is 3-4 Godfathers plus 1-3 crews under each Godfather. It definitely makes places look crowded so it was nice to see Las Vegas and Los Angeles open up. Personally, I am glad those cities open but I still think there is not enough numbers to go around.

Well I am glad that you take time out of your busy schedule to join into conversations.

Melis smiled once more at Mako. Listening intently to more discussion being brought forth.

I am slightly confused. Are you talking about balance in the repeat chances or altogether? Sorry I have listened numerous times and would rather not jump into an assumption.

Ah I would never look for a heavy balance on one side or the other. Both new and old blood are needed. Old tend to be more stuck in their ways, and the new bring in different perspective or views. I think for me it's about adding that different view. Maybe even adding a little spice to our world is nice. Granted sometimes the way new blood is trained doesn't allow them much room to want to toss in their own opinions. I have seen that as I am sure others have as well.

Loyalty is really black and white to me. I really hate when people say "Well you don't know the circumstances" because honestly I don't care about the circumstances. I would never join someone that I would not sacrifice myself for. When Right Hands play a part in destroying their own leaders or people jump sides in a war, for me that tells me that if they could do it once then they would do it again. Maybe their next of kin wouldn't but I mean in their current lifetime. Saving your own skin is disgusting to me. If you are a member of a family, you should go down with that family. Maybe my opinions are naive but it's how I feel in regards to that.

You are right however, you will never know someones actual loyalty until push comes to shove. Sad but true.  I wouldn't say it's always the leaders fault. I do recognize that there will be times that someone comes to a family with the main goal as being deceiving. So I will apologize for making a general remark about leaders being the reason that members aren't loyal. I think though in regards to the members that joined with open mindset that later on become disloyal is probably because they are not happy with the way things are done. Can't please everyone by all means but perhaps some leaders don't match with particular traits of members. It's not easy to manage large amounts of people with many different personalities. Not everyone is going to get along but if you can find a way to work with the strengths of each person I would say you are probably doing well. Not every leader is right for every member. This is why communication is a really good thing before recruiting someone into your family (Not saying you don't just being general).

I may have missed some of the newer street speakers behind the others. If I have, I apologize but it did seem like there was more of the same people talking and maybe there were. Some of us do like to engage in more than just one reply. Easy to get caught up in the multiple repliers.

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