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May 17 - 02:36:46
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Finding Her Voice Started by: RosalieRossi on May 27, '14 21:50

Waking up one day, she realized this was the life for her.  Following in her mother's and grandmother's footsteps, Rose felt destined to do something great with her life.  Looking back through old journals,  she felt compelled to broaden her horizons, where her ancestry lacked in areas.  Ambition and goals were something Rose was discovering more and more these days that she needed to acquire.  Perhaps not necessarily acquire, such as stop wavering, and making a decision of what she wants. 

Creating something concrete in her life just might give her the piece of the puzzle she has been missing.  Lately feeling unsure of herself, and hell even unwanted at times, Rose has faced struggles of all sorts.  Seems like not a week goes by, without new troubles arising, and making her feel like she is drowning.

Well today she has decided, No More!  She needs a firm foundation in this life, if she hopes to make anything of herself in the future.  Sure, she is shy by nature, and her family and friends she works closely with, are aware of this.  Enticed by the riches and alluring lifestyle, Rose knows she was born to be Mafiosa. 

She feels at home with her family, and has a strong sense of belonging like she has never felt before.  She works hard daily, and has earned everything she has been given along the way.  She has read of her mother's good works, and of her grandmother's life, but she cannot live in their footsteps.  She has to create her own set of footprints, and leave her own legacy, but she has some things to figure out.  

What is her legacy?  What will she be known for?   How will she be known for anything if she does not use her voice?  

Sitting there in her dining room, gazing out the window, lost in her thoughts, Rose was blindly drinking her coffee as if on autopilot.  She recalls a long talk she had last night with a friend.  The importance of speaking up, and being heard will benefit her in this life.  She ponders the answers to her questions, and her mind races full of possibilities.  Finding her voice is the first step in making her dreams become attainable.  What were her dreams right now? Her own family someday?  Did she dare to dream for that, and if not, then why was she here?  Why was she working so hard in this life?

As memories flood back to when Rose first found herself in her family, she really had no high goals to make a name for herself or become someone of importance.  Is that it, did she want to be important?  Well who doesn't?  Over time her goals slowly changed.  Now she has set her goals extremely high.  Did she dare to say the words out loud, or would her dreams disappear if she spoke up.  She was nervous in the past to speak up much in public, with too many critics and judgmental lunatics running around like they own the place.  With encouragement from her muse, her enthusiasm grew to put forth the effort in finding her voice today, and not waiting for another day to go by.

Rose leans back in her chair, relaxing a bit, while she nibbles on her morning croissant.  It was a typical breakfast consisting of a fresh croissant, or breads of some sort, and one of her luxuries in life, special coffee blends from the Old Country.  Her taste for the rich flavor stems from being passed down through the years within her bloodline.  Relaxing before her busy day gets underway, kicking her foot lazily.  Her thoughts drift off thinking how she has witnessed other people in this life speaking in crowds, as she tended to her business throughout the day. 

Soap boxes some people called them, but she dares not believe she was ready for that kind of spotlight.  No, no.  It was a momentous occasion that she was evening hovering around the crowds lately.  For now she stays with one foot in the door so to speak, and content with making her voice heard.  It may be a soft spoken voice to start with, but her family and friends know how she is once her passion for something is let loose.

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lronSight begins to wonder about someone he hadn't heard from in a while so he drives by to visit RosallieRossi. Upon seeing her he puts two fingers to his forehead and does a partial salute.

"Hello Rosalie, how have you been? I see you still have that look of being lost in your thoughts again."

lronSight begins to chuckle, eventually catches himself and continues speaking,

"I've just come to try to poke you into getting out there to speak in front of others... again. You've always had such a keen eye for the details of what's happening around you and I think the world would be better off hearing from a new and interesting perspective."

lronSight pulls a quarter out of his pocket, begins rolling it across his knuckles in a methodical pattern that always distracted the eyes of people around him.

"It's just like this stupid little trick of mine, everything gets better with practice. I believe it's even more important for street speaking, because everyone who seems to step out frequently tends to have a style that makes them stand out and I believe the only way you can develop one is through practice."

lronSight suddenly flips the coin into his other hand, extends the hand that was rolling the quarter and drops one in her hand.

"Nothing special about that, just my variation on rolling a quarter across your knuckles, I had a second quarter tucked in my sleeve the entire time, but it sure does look special when you see it for the first time, doesn't it? I'm sure someone out there will tell you it's already been done before, but that won't stop me from trying to put a spin on something to make it my own."

lronSight finds a place to sit, then turns to face Rosalie again,

"I know you must've given this a lot of thought and I just wanted to stop by and make sure you're aware there are people out there,"

lronSight manages to accidentally point out the only window with a gloomy sight,

"That are people more than willing to help you."

lronSight begins stumbling towards the door and opens it with an arm extended inviting her to step outside,

"Maybe even just another conversation outside or in the local businesses will help you see what I've been talking about, we can slowly start speaking in larger crowds or dive right into a speech in front of the whole world if you prefer."

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Timid and unsure of how she felt about taking the plunge, and jumping right in, making a splash, yet Rose feels encouraged and enthusiastic about using her voice.  Watching as IronSight twirls the quarter magically across his hand, she ponders just why is she so shy to speak up.  Was it fear of criticism?  Rudeness?  Seriously, what is the worst that can happen if she speaks.  She laughs softly to herself, picturing people throwing stones, knocking her off her soap box.  

Looking to IronSight's extended hand, inviting her to accompany him to the world outside, she decides today is the day she takes the world by storm.  Most likely the worst things that can happen would be people are bored with listening to her speak, shrug it off and walk away.  Standing up and walking towards IronSight, she pauses as she reaches his side, and with the most brave face, she softly says with a big smile, "Let's do this!  If there is one thing I can do well, it is talk a lot."

Walking out the door, suddenly finding herself in the Streets, she slowly takes a deep breath, glancing back to him making sure he was there before she speaks amongst the people passing by.  Clearing her throat nervously, thinking it is now or never.  Feeling somewhat encouraged as a few people looked her way with curiosity.

"Good day ladies and gentlemen!   Throughout my bloodline, short though it may be, I have looked back wondering why it is none of my ancestry has bothered to speak up before.  So many factors determine the hows and whys, but I am delving into this, and learning to "find" my voice.  Not that it was lost mind you, but hidden away for protection I guess.  It isn't easy speaking up when a person is shy or nervous, or has no idea what to contribute to a discussion."

Pausing a brief moment to scan the crowd, then a quick glance back to IronSight, Rose walks over closer to the crowd.  Realizing as she looks around the crowd once more, this wasn't as difficult once you got going.  Taking another deep breath as she gathers her scattered thoughts before continuing.  

"Some of you might wonder why I even want to speak up and be heard.  Well I have recently been searching to find my place in this life.  Maybe by speaking out, describing my fears, my curiosity, my intrigues about this life, just maybe I could spark desire in others to speak up as well.  One of my greatest joys in this life is to help and be needed.  The possibilities of helping someone else become interested, or brave to come out here and find their voice, well they are encouragement in itself to step out here today."

Pausing to glance amongst the gathered faces, softly smiling.

"Yes, we have heard countless times how the Streets are dead or dying.  One wrong word or statement can haunt you forever and your bloodline.  Speaking only for myself, I know I had not really joined in discussions on topics, well frankly because I did not want to embarrass myself by not knowing enough about the topic at hand.  Also, being criticized in public is just not something I am fond of, but really who wants to be criticized.  Discussing a topic and learning something from a different point of view is what interests me."

Pausing to collect her rambling thoughts, so things just don't overlap and become one muddled concept.  Sorting out what message she really wants to learn about though is tough, when there are so many ideas flooding her mind.

"After observations and inner struggles, bitterness overwhelms me when I feel under qualified due to lack of experience and knowledge.  Looking into the role of a leader, I think it's a broken system, but not an intentional slighting.  Yet I begin to question why are newer bloodlines struggling so much with obtaining the information needed, and feel the need to ask questions constantly.  I have heard of teachers in the past who made sure the subjects of Earning, Street Speaking, Hitting, and everything else were discussed.  This makes me wonder... why it has changed so drastically?"

"I believe if someone says they are willing to learn everything they can about this life of ours, then leaders need to treat them like sponges, making sure they absorb every ounce of knowledge possible."

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Sifting through the ashes of post war time, Rose finds herself wondering about a few things.  Disrespect for one.  She thought we led by example...

"I realize many of us have journals passed down with various dealings with other bloodlines, or problems with the behavior of some people when meet up away from work (speaking on IRC), but I feel that should not affect how we take care of business.  The decisions we make in work related issues, should be based from work alone, and not words said away in the coffee shops."

She remembers quite a few evenings after work in the coffee shops, where things got heated, and led to arguments.

"Whether through venting or trolling to even joking unnecessarily at times, I believe if someone is a jerk away from work, that should not be affect my business dealings with said person.  The two need to be kept separate, and he should just be left alone.  If their bloodline has an ancestor who was troublesome to others, or caused my bloodline issues, well they should not be held accountable for others mistakes.  They should be judged by their own merits until they prove they cannot be trusted."

She knows each one of us has a bloodline ancestor we are not most proud of their actions and behavior.

"I am not saying I will not give someone a chance, in fact most family and friends know how I am a very forgiving person.  Too forgiving at times though.  I will not pretend to like them in the coffee shops outside of work, nor will I just desperately seek to work with them, but I will not attack nor target them for who they are."

She thinks to herself knowing she would not wish to be a target nor attacked just because her ancestors were foolish at times.

"If as a society we fall to the point of killing off every family member of bloodlines we encourage this to be done to us, so I believe this should be prohibited."

She wonders what happened to letting the past rest, and giving a chance to learn from mistakes made. 

"It really isn't about forgiving, so much as moving on and letting things go.  I am not going to respect or work with some bloodlines any time soon, because my trust and respect are hard to gain, and damn hard to ever get back if you lose it.  I also wouldn't want them to be justified in doing those things to me."

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Earlier while engaged in conversations amongst friends, Rose noticed something occurring in the Streets.  Curious as always with what her fellow Mafioso bring out to be discussed, or just something to get off their chest, she excused herself from the conversation a moment to listen to what was being said. 

Rose wondered absentmindedly about how some people portray themselves in the Streets.  Do they make themselves clear to be understood, or are their words all jumbled together without structure? 

"I understand the courage it take to come out here in the Streets and speak up, but before I would speak out to be heard, I would make damn sure my speech is presentable and legible.  Now this is not to nitpick over every little grammatical error, or punctuation mark, but at least make it easy to read and understand.  There is NO shame in asking for help, to edit or proofread, or whatever, anything to help make your speech excel, and reflecting you.  I myself have a proofreader or two, and it only helps to make my speeches better."

"This is not intended to belittle, nor judge how others write or speak.  I am not here at all to discourage speakers from being heard.  I am just asking for a clear, legible speech.  If you are a leader who notices your member is struggling a bit, then it falls on your shoulders to ensure they are helped and encouraged to do better.  I personally enjoy reading news in the Streets, that is to say, WHEN I can actually make out what it says.  Block format on speeches just does not mesh well."

From the few topics, okay she was being generous in calling them topics, well she heard ramblings and mutterings going on about various thoughts that weighed on their minds.  Shaking her head at some of the things mentioned.

"How many times do I sit in the coffee shops relaxing amongst friends, talking and hanging out after a long day at work, to notice a bit of news pop up thinking it will be worth my time to go listen.  Well too many times I can tell you right now.  I am in no way claiming to be the best speaker or writer in the Streets.  I am not the only one who notices the nonsense sometimes posted."

After Rose listened in on a few responses to speeches from other corners of the Streets, some jumbled together that were a strain to hear. The man seemed to be speaking quickly and constantly, leaving no space for the mind to digest what had been said (ugly blocks of quote). She put it on the back burner of her mind and moved on. She later also came across someone speaking of debating without arguing... an impossible contradiction because of their definitions.

"Now moving onto something I overheard earlier, which was kind of odd to me.  Something mentioned about having debates, but hey let's not argue what someone thinks though.  I know that was not word for word, and I don't care.  My point is that a debate is arguing your point and beliefs to the opposing side."

Rose realizes that some people may not just take her word for this, so she glances through her little pocketbook dictionary.  D....D....Debate.  Ah there it is.  Debate.


v. de·bat·ed, de·bat·ing, de·bates


1. To consider something; deliberate.
2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument. See Synonyms at discuss.
4. Obsolete To fight or quarrel.

1. To deliberate on; consider.
2. To dispute or argue about.
3. To discuss or argue (a question, for example) formally.
4. Obsolete To fight or argue for or over.


1. A discussion involving opposing points; an argument.
2. Deliberation; consideration: passed the motion with little debate.
3. A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition.
4. Obsolete Conflict; strife.
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