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The Last Straw Started by: DeLush on Jun 30, '14 02:44

Jasmine people get that but you must also understand Many people like to play alongside there friends or in your case family, But you must also understand this game is about FAMILY.

Once you are made You become part of the family each person in said family is your brother and sister whom you are sworn to protect and even die for.

Sadly a thing many forget about, Now i am flattered you have heard such nice things about me and i thank you Serephina where ever you are. Though like i said Simplicity came out to bat along with others for you girls both her and i where so impressed with how polite and helpful Serephina was and how active in crew chat she was. The CG thing aside we considered her Family she was StarFall and then Part Of Death Stars.

She was our Family and we would have defended her till our last breath if need be that is what family on here is about. Now think how Deces Felt when her RHW Retired on her and how Simplicity Felt after she went into Bat for her and you girls.

Thats where the two way street comes into it like many have said Wargasm included they have found you all polite well mannered and respectful all good traits to have on here but you must understand the Crew you become PART of is your family.

Like i said i wish you all the best and am pleased to have met you all.

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In my vert first week back I witnessed something I had never seen in this game in all my years of playing. A sick role play whereby a father and daughter have sex.
I actually know very little about the group of individuals but i know they seem to be possessions of Dalton. With him/her/it controlling "his girls". As a relatively new player observing the actions of your group that is exactly how you come across.
I can understand why many people dislike you. Since any sign of Dalton being wronged and you all shut up shop on his say so. Why would you retire as a Don and then return to the game afterwards? Just seems nonsense to me. Those giving you a chance and giving you trust have had all that thrown in their face.
I don't like to see any players go usually, but I dont think your group are healthy for the way things are here. Mainly due to other players having so much influence over your characters.

Good luck in life anyway but as someone said, you'll probably be back after a while tbh.
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To be fair you make choices and you live with them you affiliated yourself with someone who came in for criticism and it got to you I see that but surely you have let them win by quitting and coming out and telling them exactly why? Id be flattered if people were that jealous or paying me that much attention. Also if you dont want to be contacted you can always ignore users! 

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Let me start off by first saying that I personally am sad to see you girls go. You were lovely crew members and you all had promising futures ahead of you here. I never had an issue with any of you or the way you chose to live your life in game or out of game. When Dalton came to me, he wanted to all have you back in one family together so you could all play together and be united. I had no prior knowledge of the fact that there were going to be suicides from other families and that, I did not approve of. After all was said and done, against the advice of friends, I allowed you to all regroup here because I knew that in the past, people had treated you differently because of your unique situation. I wanted you all to have a nice family to play in where you could feel safe and play the way you wanted.
That being said, I cannot control the streets nor can I control how people conduct themselves in the streets. I mailed Squishy asking what could be done about it and I never got a reply back. That was the extent of what I could personally do about the situation at hand. I'm sorry that you felt you had to leave MR because of trolls and bullying. I wish you luck with everything, ladies.
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Trolling is one thing. Bullying is another. If there is proof of this bullying then you should gather it and send it to the admin. There is a massive difference between the 2.
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Well, I'm just going to leave it at: I'm really, really sorry to see you guys go. You were great members of the family in a lot of ways. Like Princess said, all that is under our control is the family areas, and there I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

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The whole CG thing I don't have a problem with nor do I give a fuck about it , I actually find it funny you call yourselves "Family" When Dalton was a Left hand and a don everything was fine with you being in other families when he died and you still had the success of being dons , in godfather families and upper structure positions this made him jealous and upset because he considers himself a great player yet you girls have done better than he has.

You don't mean shit to Dalton you're NOTHING to him other than something to make him feel better about and show off , if you were family and he did care would he make you throw away your hard work the trust you built within a family? 

You don't like how people treat you guys , well how about the way you treated people like Jeddy First Simplicity Deces even Princess whom all gave you chances despite the labels what was uttered on the street to then just have it all thrown in your face.

I wish you all the best honestly because you actually are decent girls , but Dalton truly has worn off on you turning you into selfish players and for that I feel sorry for you.

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As individuals, you guys were great members from what I've heard and seen.

Then because someone you consider your "master" tells you to retire/suicide, and you do exactly what he says without a word to the people you've worked for.

And you wonder why you've pissed people off? You wonder why crew leaders are upset? Is that a fucking joke?

As someone has pointed out, you all are selfish. After a degree of suicides out of families to go to your "master", I decided that the so-called "CG Girls" weren't allowed in my district, and asked my captains to not recruit them, or allow them in their families altogether. They shouldn't have to put up with your bullshit.

Why did I do this? Because I don't care who you are, in my district you answer to me, not some bullshit master "rp character/situation" that you guys try to twist it into. I'm sorry, but you're not doing things from an rp perspective at all, it's very much real. And I didn't want to headache of taking in a group that suicides and slapped their previous leader in the face. I'm certain they would've done it to me. So why should I, or anyone else in bold, give a single fuck about a CG girl?

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Mako, I think you've hit the nail on the head there.

Speaking as an outsider to this situation, I've always been rather uneasy about it. A lot of the things I've seen in relation to this whole scenario, such as the Street posts, have been at best unsavoury, at worst completely inappropriate. I'm going to invoke John Stuart Mill's harm principle here to emphasise the distinction. In private, this sort of thing is only your business and only 'harms' (wrong word, 'affects' probably more suitable) the people involved directly. However, bringing it out into a public forum spreads that 'harm' to the rest of us. A lot of us, myself included, don't really want to read that sort of thing.

As Mako pointed out, the whole idea of this place is that you answer to your crew leader, not some kind of other 'master', and I totally get where he's coming from in terms of a CL standpoint: it really isn't good if your first loyalty is to someone who isn't even necessarily in a position of authority, let alone within that family. It doesn't fit anywhere, and IMO isn't really conducive to the long term health of the game.

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I don't care what you do in real life, but if your loyalty to this Dalton fellow makes you just ditch a family that you worked hard in, moved your way up in, and had no issues in...and you retire on them without a word. It is basically a huge, "Fuck you." To that family.

I defended you girls, I argued for you. Yes, you thanked me, but how did you repay my district? Your Dalton ordered all of you to die and join him.

You turned your back on me for him. I don't care if he is your "family" in real life or if they are. You turned on me and on Deces. Had you spoke to us before doing so, I'm sure we would have understood and accepted it. Would we have liked it, no? 

You want people to stop what was going on? Yet, you basically shit on those who defended you? You can thank your fearless leader, lover, whatever the hell he is. All of you were dealt your own hand, if your oh so caring man understood family then he wouldn't have ordered you all to retire and go to him. He would had left you all to flourish where you were or he wouldn't had ordered you all to spread out into separate families.

And if he didn't force you to retire, then it shows how little loyalty you had to those families you were in to begin with. So no, the trust and respect you had EARNED is now gone.

So leave. Don't expect me to stand up for you again. I don't care to have four or five girls who only have loyalty to one man who, is in all honesty a dick to people, around.

You probably all lost those that defended you with what you guys did. 


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Thank you Taegan for i have kept to myself for i was at a loss of words. I felt as if i was stabbed in the back multiple times by someone i trusted in. You explained everything i feel and i could of not said it any better. Dead is DEAD and i have no respect for someone who abandons their family and takes the cowardly way out...

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And, I guess this needs to be said, if it hasn't already, but a lot of the malicious attacks at you girls... was because of your association with someone who had proven time and time again that he could not be a part of a crew, without solely a deep self interest. I could cite all of his selfish actions etc, before you were even around. Moreover, there was just a general bad taste in people's mouth regarding him because of how he had treated people. SO some of the abuse you felt was due to him... If you want to blame someone, look at your master. And whatever you do, don't try to act self righteous when you all proved your loyalty was not to your crewleaders. It was with your master... Which is exactly what had been argued in the streets when the whole concept of the CG girls started getting discussed. We said you wouldn't be loyal, almost like rogue subcrews. Luckily, that never happened... But you did hurt your leaders. For Simplicity, and the others to stand up for you, you should've been in debt to them, in this game world, not to him (lower case on purpose). That's why your out of game, IRL, BS shouldn't have been flaunted, because it became quite evident that there was no line between the two, for you... Which is why people scrutinized you the way they did... because they knew you wouldn't be separating them... and this final little love letter and your mass suicide just goes to prove all the assumptions... So thank you. 

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I don't like to see any players go usually, but I dont think your group are healthy for the way things are here.

since when did you become the judge of what is good for the game  Achilles? Last time i checked It was not up to you to filter out which RP is good for the game and which RP wasnt. 

To be very honest, I actually started talking with and getting to know one of the 5 CG girls. I did not judge her based on her affiliation with Dalton, wasnt my place. I judged based on the type of player she was. This particular lady was a very good player and relatively new. Not only did she do what a lot of new people dont do these days (stayed active, was devoted player, etc.) she achieved RH on her first or second account, which is to say, something a lot of us cannot say.  

You have no right to judge on what groups are good for the game and what are not. You should take the time to get to know some of the people you judge before making judgement on them. 


As for the rest of what was said in this thread, i will not speak on that as i know and knew nothing of it. 

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 Mainly due to other players having so much influence over your characters.

Since any sign of Dalton being wronged and you all shut up shop on his say so.

That was Achilles' main point.  

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and i made mine. enough said.

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There's a lot I have to say here as you were in Princess' family with me. You ladies were hard working, friendly, and I considered you all friends. While I did not approve of the way you left your previous families, I did not know any of you prior and I like to make my own decisions about people. 

Princess did a lot for you, as it seems your previous leaders did. She wanted to give you all a chance when you all ended up here, even though she caught a lot of shit for it. I get that you wanted to be together, a lot of people want to be with their friends here, but there are ways to gracefully leave a family, suiciding out isn't one of them.  Regardless, after it was all said and done we made the most of it. 

Five people who live a different lifestyle, or a contingent of people who dedicate themselves to running "the weird ones" out of town? We came to MR operating as a family in the way we function as a family. Maybe it's not the way you function in yours, but that's your business, not ours. Conversely, our choice of lifestyle is not your business and we do not choose to make it such. 

I just want to touch base on this. You say that you do not choose to make your lifestyle our business, and yet time and time again Dalton was referred to as Daddy/Master in crew chat. He was asked permission to log off for the night among other things. While I have no qualms with your outside lifestyle, I don't necessarily want to read about it. It was explained to me that you ladies felt uncomfortable using his real name. That's fine, how about his in game name? However, I held my tongue because truly you all seemed like nice girls. 

However, we had members leave the family because crew chat made them uncomfortable. When I recruited people, I went back and forth with myself on whether or not I should give them a heads up about the way you all talked in crew chat. If that's your lifestyle, that's fine. I'm not bashing it. But there's no reason for it to be in game. If you don't want to invite us into your reality, then stick with outside methods of communication that you all talked on, like yahoo. When people ask you about it, then they may be comfortable enough discussing it, but not everyone is. Two way street my friends.

I had to watch as girls in my family were forced into sexually explicit role play situations- without their permission- and NOTHING was done about it.

I was here when this happened, and I have to say, although there were a few of you that were annoyed about others inserting themselves into your roleplay, it seemed you had all gotten over it and laughed about it. So I don't know why this is "the reason" you left. Especially days after... especially when the night before you all suicided we were all jailing and laughing in crew chat as a family.

To end with, the way you all left was a giant smack in the face to Princess (and the rest of the family), who hadn't done anything to hurt you except ignore Dalton's warnings. You could have explained why you wanted to leave, we could have tried harder to fix it, but you didn't give us a chance, you didn't even say goodbye. Had you not left the way you did, I would say that I'd miss you and I was sad to see you go. But the friendships formed obviously didn't mean anything to you, as evidenced by your former families' posts. When you treat people that took you in like this time and time again, you will run out of people that are willing to open their arms. 

I wish you the best of luck.

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The same time everyone else did, Thorin. I'm not sure if you'd noticed but everyone seems to be singing from the same hymn sheet in regards to this group of players. That their way of doing things is not good in a game perspective. Hence people banning them from their cities. If we're judging people on how high they got on their following accounts I managed to get CL on my second one. Does that make me a good player too? Your 2 points that made her a wonderful player are true of many people and in terms of devoted she was only ever devoted to a single person it would seem. I fully expect you to single me out though. I recall you sending me a message recently whereby you came rushing to defend them. I seemed to have taken a little more notice of your drivel this time though. 

All that aside they may very well be nice people individually but in a game perspective it's just not healthy to have a group of players who can't separate real life and game life and it's a slap in the face to a lot of people when they act the way they do. Those that know me well enough know that I am/was close friends with a few players on this game and we didn't ever have a problem with what happened to each account. Tempus I killed plenty of times, once when he was CL and it was just a laugh to us all. Cruel (God rest his soul) was another myself and my other rl best friend Caveman/Hypno had shot before. Its a game and we understood that we each had a separate part to play.


You know what really disgusts me after rereading some of this though? It's the fact that these girls actually label themselves as a possession of some guy. It truly is a little worrying. I would hope that having this level of control over a group of girls would extend only to this game and no further. I sincerely mean this but the thought of it does worry me some.

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I just want to start by saying, I don't think for one second any of you are stupid. You knew you wouldn't get sympathy but you did know you'd get some kind of attention. Well done. Add another stroke to your Master's ego. Woohoo. Just when people stop talking about you lot, you all pull some kind of bullshit to get back in the limelight. Drama thrives here, therefore so does the scum that feeds off of it.


I wasn't going to respond to this at first... but what the hell... here we go!


In the MR I used to know, pretty much everyone was welcome. I cannot, in the years that I've played, ever remember any one person or any group so accosted for their out-of-game lifestyles without provocation. Seriously; you think you know a guy.

 wonder...and always have...if it were a gay situation would there be as much hoopla? i mean would you take it upon yourselves to become judge and jury of what we choose to do with our private lives? i sincerely doubt it

Conversely, our choice of lifestyle is not your business and we do not choose to make it such.

**I know these are responses from two different people, but you all work as a single unit so I will address you as one....**


THIS. Okay, believe it or not.. MR is a community. Like with every community there are nosy motherfuckers. This place is no exception.  People make friends, they make enemies.. but at the end of the day bonds are formed, good or bad. When bonds are made there is usually a little mixing of RL with MR. It's usually inevitable. Unfortunately this means sometimes people get into your business, whether you ask for it or not. Especially when it comes to relationships that cross the lines of RL and MR. Take my own relationship for example. I married a man I met on here. There were SEVERAL times when MULTIPLE people felt it necessary to involve themselves into my relationship without me asking them to. People had their opinions, and they voiced them. This is how the world works. You will get it in your face to face, day to day life and you will get it here. That's just how humans are. In your case though, you openly welcomed people into your relationship. You can't pull the "not your business and we don't make it" card. You OPENLY invited people into it, and in some cases (many cases) forced it upon them. Most of the people talking about you guys today are talking about you because they have seen with their very eyes the actions you guys carry out. Not because of some thread and infiltration of your family unit. A majority of people involved now weren't even aware of such a thing, they had to inquire about it. So you yourselves furthered the "rumors" by bringing it up. If you want something left in the past, you need to leave it there yourselves. Many users forget about drama after a few weeks, at most. You guys keep bringing it back up though. You can't blame others for that. That is all on you.

There are some of you out there who stood up and said, "you know what? This isn't right- these are good folks and I've got their backs." I think I can speak for my family when I give a sincere and heartfelt "thank you" to these people. There are others who, choosing not to associate themselves with us personally, still came out against these actions. Thank you, too. Perhaps there were some who saw the problem, but chose not to say anything at all. I understand that. In this place, it pays to keep your trap shut and stay alive; but if you are choosing to save your virtual ass by closing your eyes to a wrong that is as real as the nose on your face, I think we are starting to see the real problem.

Just fill in this space with what others said. Your "heartfelt thank you" was a slap in the face. The way you treated those that stood up for you was just further showing that those who "saved their virtual ass" did so for a valid reason. Some of us have been around long enough to know that some people just aren't worth saving, because they aren't willing to save themselves.


I suppose the most disappointing factor in this whole snafu is that there is a group of people who had the power to stop it. One group of people who could have approached the issue with some real leverage and put an end to it. This situation was brought to their attention on more than one occasion, and absolutely fuckall was done about it. Maybe they didn't think it was worth dealing with. Maybe those committing the slander donated more money to the game than we did. Whatever the reason, it is perfectly clear that our situation wasn't deemed important enough to be handled by those in administrative positions

Or maybe... just fucking maybe... they saw through the little victim charade. You guys were given warning after warning that people weren't comfortable or approving of what you guys were trying to do... and with good reason. This is a mafia game, not a BDSM whorehouse. Not everybody is comfortable with a group of women spamming up the family chat with Daddy/Master bullshit. I know I for one would have left any family that tolerated that shit. It has nothing to do with the game and it's just downright creepy. There were plenty of times a compromise of some sort could have been made, but none of you were willing to compromise. It was all or nothing. And you wanted others to bend over backwards for you. It doesn't work this way.


I had to watch as girls in my family were forced into sexually explicit role play situations- without their permission- and NOTHING was done about it. It happened more than once, and the offender has gotten away scott-free every time

Okay. It's as simple as this... If you are RPing a BDSM slave, be ready to be treated as one. All of you were very open about the BDSM shit until it started gaining negative attention. Then you all cried and boohooed about it. Quit making it out like somebody raped you. It's RP nobody can force you into anything. If somebody started an RP that you didn't like there are several choices.. ignore them, RP them back putting them in their place or stfu. Don't cry that you were sexually forced into anything. That's just straight up nonsense.


With all that said and done, I do feel that you guys leaving is best for you and the game. None of you want to conform to the standards of the game, and people are tired of the awkward bullshit you guys keep throwing in our face. This is not a Make a Polygamist Family game, it's a mafia game. Here you are not loyal to your Master, you are loyal to your CL and GF. The fact you all suicide at the moment he says jump says you won't fit in any family. No matter if the CL adores you or hates you. You have no loyalty to them. Why should people stick up for that?


I don't care what you guys choose to do outside of the game. You can swing upside down buttass naked in your front yard for all I care... but don't bring that shit here.. and don't make others suffer for your actions. Because you can say that your actions don't hurt anybody but they do. People put their neck on the line for you all to be slapped in their face. They can say it doesn't phase them, but it does. Nobody likes to be treated like that. Plus your actions make it harder on others who are couples that play. Your suiciding at the drop of a dime every time Dalton doesn't get his way has made some weary if other couples are going to be the same way. Ever since you guys started your CGer BS I've been asked several times (as has my husband) if I was going to leave because my husband decided to... and when we aren't together asking if I was going to suicide to go be with him. It used to not be like that. It's a shame that it has become a worry.

I'm sure this is all going to fall on deaf ears though... just like I'm sure you lot will be back like Herpes.

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girls.... *sighs*

the voice of a few neigh sayers are constant, and expected. hell, i took flack for a long time over my irc name, MistressK, people imitated me i believe i even had a few guys running around as "mistresses" for a while, people judge.

this being said, i hate bullies and i hate seeing the way some people have treated you... but what did you do about it? i saw more people stand up for you then stood up for me, yet you bowed your head in silence and let a few people stone you... you closed yourselves off from the rest of the game for the sake of one man, who bullied you just as much as the rest, forcing you from one family to another because he wasnt happy...

this thing of ours is about finding a family and making it more by being a part of it, its about joining a team and pushing to make it better by being there... you did, to the point where you were all well liked, but when it came to loyalty, you only played lip service.. this is a GAME.. not real life where id expect you to behave like this.. you came to play the game but in truth you only played with each other.. betraying trusts and ignoring what support you were given...

you want people to stand up for you? grow a spine... if your gonna play a role playing game, cast yourself as someone, dont just play the same person everytime... your right, cg belonged in your names, not because you were playing his pet/sub/gal but because he was playing through you... we're not loosing 5 people, in this we're loosing one self seving DUPE account.

we cant trust you to serve your family... cant trust you to be an individual.. so go play a game like nukezone where your family unit can play as one... this isnt a situation where one mind with 4 alternant personalities can thrive.

i personally have stood up for you a few times and i stand by what was said, but you cant expect others to fight your battles, and you cant complain about how people treat you after you treated allot of people like shit.. actions speak louder then words girls. you want some loyalty from us, well, treat this like a game, play your own char... not some puppets.
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I wish I could say I'll be sad to see this "family" leave but in all honesty since your family has hit these streets we have seen leather hit it's all time high. I imagine with you guys leaving prices will dwindle back down to normal and I can finally get that leather jacket I've always wanted.

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