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To Pee, or not to Pee Started by: TyrionLannister on Jul 21, '14 21:41

Tyrion takes a deep breath and begins to climb on top of some pre arranged boxes. Not soap boxes, just everyday boxes to give him some height before he address the masses few that bother to visit the streets still.

Well, I wish it were a nice topic that I came here to chat about, but sadly it is not. Some of you may remember a chap named Mandalore that recently held a bit of a discussion in the streets, well, I would like to bring this topic back to the forefront of peoples focus as it seems standards continue to slip at an alarming rate.

For those that don't recall, please have a visit down this street, I believe the discussion is still documented there.

Anyway, so it seems that despite the public display of how wrong such actions are, the person involved here seems to continue to stick two fingers up at the world and ignore what we deem to be a serious matter of disrespect and lack of class in a Made member of the community. But I digress, I'm neither his leader nor his Godfather so my opinion means fuck all to him, so I'm not really going to talk at length about that particular chap. Instead I simply want to address the actual act itself. I genuinely want to understand, do people really not feel that actions like this are disgusting? Are we so apathetic that we can walk on by and ignore people committing acts like this?

The last time it was brought to the attention of the masses few it was defended by some as a mere knee jerk reaction, words in anger etc etc. Well, when the same pattern continues onto people that aren't even connected to the offender, is it then time to take a more serious view of the actions, or does the world today really not give a fuck about such disgusting behaviour? Have we reached a point were there isn't any actual respect required at funerals now? I for one certainly hope not.

So like I said - this isn't about the disrespectful blue lad himself, this is about the nature of disrespect at funerals. Do we as a community think this is now OK? When did this happen? Why did this happen? Shouldn't we change this?

I would appreciate if people address the questions rather than the person that caused the questions, but I look forward to hearing any views at all on the matter, even from the person that caused the questions.

Tyrion jumps off the boxes just as @lronsight and  Jono were passing, managing to use them as a cushion for his landing before standing back to hear the views from others.

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I would appreciate if people address the questions rather than the person that caused the questions, but I look forward to hearing any views at all on the matter, even from the person that caused the questions.

Is that because you've finished trying to publically shit on him yourself Tyrion? I understand that you might have an issue with the way that he handled his behaviour in a funeral home, I personally don't see a problem with it. I think if everyone left lovely messages and heartfelt goodbyes at your funeral home you're probably not doing the right things in this world. It's inevitable that you'll anger people and make them hate you and so people expressing happiness and their good riddance to a fellow man doesn't surprise me. I suspect there will be more then a few happy people when I finally kick the bucket.

This whole speech reeks of an attempted witch hunt on one individual which I personally find "disgusting." The other speech on the exact same topic which you kindly pointed too is still fresh in the minds of the few masses which listen to the streets but might not respond so why not just continue that?  

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There is no excuse for behaving like that in a funeral. At least not in my opinion.

Saying something is a knee jerk reaction is also no excuse. People who allow anger to take over their actions instead of their minds should be looked upon with caution, for that sort of temperament is one that often is a precursor to shrugging off the shackles of their leader and attempting to rain destruction down upon our world. I'm not saying that will happen every single time, but it is something to be wary of at least.

As to whether we as a community think this is okay or not... there are quite a few I would say that still find this act despicable. However as these actions are allowed to slide more and more people will start to think 'Well if he can do it, so can I', and then we will see the standards truly drop. Yes we should change this, but it is not for me to change. If leaders choose to keep not enforcing the strict rules that have been adhered to for generations upon generations in the funeral home, then that is up to them. I will always uphold my own standards though, and I will always look on such an act as one of the most disrespectful things any single person can ever do.

Desmand, you can say that Tyrion is "publically shitting on him" - but didn't the person in question "publically piss on people"? I don't see much difference in the acts other than the people that were pissed on were dead, and like you say - you don't have a problem with that.

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Well my dear Desmand, for the very reason that I actually didn't want a man hunt. If I did, I would indeed have jumped on the previous one and simply brought it back to life with an example of the latest piece of funeral disrespect, instead I wanted to address the actual issue itself.

You see, not everyone will be as disgusted as I am. You personally have already stated you aren't bothered by it. Now, you're a Godfather in this thing of ours, so your word holds far more weight than mine, which leads me to the obvious reason why I'm seeking public opinion - are people genuinely just not bothered by it?

You jump on the defensive and assume I give a shit about the man in question, I don't. His disrespect at the funeral disgusts me, I don't know him though and I don't care to know him, whether or not he is punished/praised is of no relevance to me as not only do I not know him as I said, but also he's not even connected to me seeing he's from New York. So again, I care not for him personally.

I want the matter itself to be discussed. I understand that given the nature of the discussion there may be people pointing to this mans actions, thats natural given he caused the discussion, but that is again why I stated my desire was to purely hold a discussion about the actual act of disrespect at funerals as opposed to any sort of which hunt, which the previous discussion can blatantly be regarded as, so again was why I choose to start fresh rather than jump back on that.

The only reason I also pointed people in the direction of the previous discussion was to alleviate the knee jerk reaction excuse. I'm not looking to try and understand why one man commits this sort of act. I purely want to understand whether or not people out there actually give a fuck.

I've had a few people stop me and say they do. Now you've said you don't. Good, its a start. I'd love to hear more from others, even if it is to assume that I'm sort of dick on a man hunt, provided you give your thoughts on the actual subject I'm more than happy to endure accusations on my person at the same time.

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KingRico hears the debate about people being emotional at funerals and decides to join them.

We must remember, funerals are an emotional thing. Sometimes emotions can become cloudy and anger comes out. Is it right to piss on somebody's funeral? Of course not. But is it necessarily wrong to be upset with a person for ending their life early? Not at all. It is perfectly okay to be upset with somebody for ending their life before their time has come. Perhaps you should keep those emotions locked up tight as we are mafioso and the showing of emotion is a sign of weakness, but from time to time emotions come out and when they do they are not usually in the right time or place. 

Perhaps something should be done to prevent people from bursting out at funerals in a negative way but shouldn't whatever punishment they receive be between them and their boss? Why must it be made public what was done to somebody as punishment for their actions? I think punishment is a private matter between the parties involved. 

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Not interested in the slightest what punitive measures are placed on people tbh. As you quite rightly said, thats between the person and their boss if they should be given a punishment at all.

But thank you for your thoughts KingRico. Again though I'd like to stress, I would really appreciate the views on whether or not people find the actual concept/act of disrespect at funerals to be Ok or not. Regardless of circumstance surrounding the dead person really.

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I've said my peace elsewhere, but I'll leave it here as well. Grave pissing is unacceptable on these shores. We teach respect and honor, but yet people who are in control have allowed this to continue. Either it means they're unaware, don't care, or perhaps they're discussing it behind closed doors. Maybe something will be done, or maybe it will not. Whatever occurs, those of us against it will continue to share our thoughts on it.
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Well in that regard I have to agree Tyrion. I do find the concept of being disrespectful at a funeral to be a bad thing. But I do realize that emotion could get in the way of things and sometimes disrespect will happen. I do believe it is something that deserves some sort of punishment whether it be a talking to on the first offense or possible death depending on the circumstance and I do not tolerate disrespect in any form, whether it be at a funeral or during everyday activities. Without respect what do we have? Nothing. 

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Rob enters the streets to listen to the man. He looked over the boxes he was standing on but nonetheless held respect for the short man. 

I once heard some guy use this expression, "The sun setting over the empire...". Lately I've been getting the feeling I might be at the end. That the best is over. 

However as these actions are allowed to slide more and more people will start to think 'Well if he can do it, so can I', and then we will see the standards truly drop. 

Is it just me or does no one else see this at an all time low. The standards are dropping as if there were none at all. Are these acts uncalled for? Yes. With all of these conversations about disrespect taking place lately, you'd think things would happen. I am not going to come to the streets and preach what a correct punitive action would be, that wouldn't be my place. But you must see how this affects the community and the overall meaning of funeral. A funeral is meant to honor and praise the life of the deceased no matter what they may have done in their life. After all, they are six feet under the ground.

I sincerely hope that we as a community make a turn and go back towards the way of honor and respect.

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Wondering the streets Swagg comes across a bunch of guys chatting.Listening to all of their points Swagg begins to put in his two cents.


 "What does it matter on how he came to funerals? Are you his Cl? Are you his GF ? Is he even in your district? This is the Mafia, no one has to show respect.Even though one should. We can not say if he should be punished or not.Who is to say maybe he already has?Let's not worry about the guy.Disrespect at a funeral is low I must say. I've seen people disrespect others in the streets and then gunned down the next day. Is this not the same? Should someone face death for disrespect at a funeral ?If it was someone  in my family once would be warning , twice demotion three times? Ha yeah now that's death!  Disrespect will not get people far.I wouldn't  piss on a grave but, i would mumble a few words to the decease and call it a day. Let's not worry about how someone came to a funeral and acted a fool.Only thing people should worry about is themselves,their family and their district. 

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I should probably add as an afterthought since I dare say have better things to be doing with my time then hovering around funeral homes all day. I believe there is a point where funeral disrespect crosses the line from a simple "You were a tyrant, I'm glad you're dead" to full on grave defiling as was the case in question I'm sure you and others are referring too. At least in my own eyes that is something I don't believe isn't acceptable and is something that if I caught a district member of mine doing is I'd explain that I don't want to see from a North Side resident. 

However as Swag has pointed out, this is entirely at the discretion of the mobsters crew leader and Godfather. I don't think this sets any kind of precedence for others to follow in the same way since I know that all Godfathers run their districts in different ways and wouldn't expect the exact same universal punishments or values.  

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Desmand thank you for sharing your thoughts
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This is the Mafia, no one has to show respect


We are Men of Honour. Men of Respect. One of the quintessential parts of our life and what we do is respect, and being respectful to those above us. As a Don and a Right Hand Man you should know that. Would you accept someone disrespecting you to your face? I'd like to think you wouldn't.

This is Cosa Nostra. Our thing. OUR thing. Not his thing, not their thing, but our thing. It does matter how people come to funerals, because how other men of honour act reflects on all of us, and seeing people act that way encourages others to do the same.

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 You are right  We are" Men of honor" . But is it Honor for someone to disrespect a funeral? I hope not, if so we are doing things wrong.    I know all about respect and honor .That is how i got to where i am today. You're right i wouldn't accept disrespect . No one should unless they are a push over, if so they don't belong here. The way he acted  in that funeral will and WONT reflect on  me. It shouldn't. It should reflect on his city as a whole. They are letting him act that way since it happen three times if i'm not wrong. I hope his behavior encourages no one! No one should follow his example. That is not role model material .

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Princess clears her throat before speaking, looking over to her newest Don, Don Dinero.

"I think my Don here meant to get a different point across. Respect should be shown even in death, but it should be earned. Are we going to go to a rogue's funeral and completely show him the utmost respect? No. We respect those who have earned it and who have given it right back.

 Disrespect will not get people far.I wouldn't  piss on a grave but, i would mumble a few words to the decease and call it a day.

I, by no means, am saying pissing on graves is okay and neither is Swagg here. I am the first one to frown upon such actions. Respect is EARNED, not just handed out. But like Mama always says, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. That silence will speak volumes." 

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I think my Don here meant to get a different point across. Respect should be shown even in death, but it should be earned. Are we going to go to a rogue's funeral and completely show him the utmost respect? No. We respect those who have earned it and who have given it right back.

Princess has summed up wonderfully my entire thoughts on this matter.  

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To get straight to the point, it is a double standard.

Some will say it's okay for some but not for others.

I think the really disgusting thing is the double standards majority of the leaders have. Whether it's grave pissing or anything else.

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When a Godfather comes out to the streets we should all listen to his wise words. However, subsequently listening to a "Godfather" defending funeral disrespect is something I find quite "disgusting".

At least Princess has her head on her shoulders. Well said.

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"I see it this way: if you did not respect the dead while they were living, you shouldn't feel obligated to after they pass. That being said, it's up to the individual to choose to display their disrespect publicly or not.

No one's to say what's ethically right or wrong in a world that revolves around crime and death. We're all on the bad side. Who's to say where the line is to be drawn?"

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"I believe this issue to be deeply subjective. Really, it comes down to what your relationship to the deceased is, don't you think? It also comes down to whether you can accept the consequences of your actions at a funeral (as far as public opinion goes). If the deceased happens to have a great number of enemies, chances are that not many will protest against what you do at their funeral. Some may even condone it in private. But should it be a member of the "minority" (and by that I mean someone whose opinion is not shared by the majority) attempting to disrespect a member of the majority at their funeral, that member will probably find themselves being criticized."

Dante stopped here to take a sip of his coffee before continuing

"And I think what I've said here is in tangent with what Princess mentioned earlier. But the essential thing to note is that no one respects everyone. Everyone has a certain person, or group of people they consider to be distasteful. It really is a matter of social acumen that a person has to use to decide whether a commotion at a funeral is worth it."

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