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A Proposition for Ranking Standards Started by: BloodySpikeS on Aug 06, '14 21:15

I found this in one of my ancestor's notes... It was kinda one of his last orders of business that didn't get finished. I felt it might be good to bring up now. Of course, I edited it a bit before releasing it.

Some of us may remember a time when getting Made meant something a lot more. Somehow this world lost its ways. I know that many of us and our auths have handed out promotions like candy, but we’re not in a position where we need to do that any longer. I’d like to make that single promotion mean a lot more, just like it used to, and there are other benefits behind it as well.

I shall start with my suggestion:

1.      In older times, speech requirements were held. We all want the streets more active, and I think that this would help more and more people develop a voice. Twenty replies in the streets and 1 speech were the requirements that I remember my line having to come up with to get Made, and I think something along those lines would be reasonable. I remember being held back for this reason many times, but I always somehow did it. We have many mobile users these days, and there is room for exceptions. (Obviously, people already above Made now are grandfathered in, and I think exceptions can be made in upper structures and Godfather crews as they’re already trusted.)

So that's pretty much it. Earning requirements are something we all have our own ways with, but if any of you have anything to add... I think the Godfathers are in a position to make a decision that can affect the entire population, should try to set a standard across all the cities and districts and try to make this more like what it used to be. Things were much better when rank had more meaning. It will also help make competitiveness with VIP much more interesting

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why grandfather? how can u enforce standards if not absolute? older members can show they have it too!

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I agree with the sentiment, that people should need to do more to obtain Made Man. However I dont agree that a static rule be something thats encouraged. Leaders need to be able to lead and decide themselves on how to do that. Not have everything instructed to them as a complete guide to follow and stick to.

I've known of several familigia that have guidelines similar, if not stricter, to those mentioned. So its not that no-one does it these days, its just that people have different ways to measure their people. And sure, some might simply promote for the sake of promoting, but then thats down to them to risk taking such actions.

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I have to agree with Tyrion here, I like the idea but not have it as a written rule that every leader must follow as there is no point them leading if that is the case. It seems the majority don't like the auto promote culture, if that is the case why is pressure not being exerted on those that hand out ranks like candy?

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What you're asking for is a culture change.

This culture has shifted in a direction that some feel is not "optimal". Being made seems to happen to frequently or has a lesser value.

My father told me two things.

First was to always examine, peer into, and explore the reasons behind everything.

Second was to watch out for those new automobiles when crossing the street...ironically the man died while crossing the street when a horse and carriage ran him over.

I think what we need to do is not just jump into action but ask ourselves "why". What has happened to lead to such a supposed "deflation" of the status and importance of becoming made. Perhaps as the times change in this thing of ours we see being made as a time card. Something every member earns after continually expanding the family enterprises for a set amount of time. After all many join this thing of ours and immediately settle into a life of knocking over post offices once in a blue moon. Thus, being made has become a reward for time, much like this pension nonsense union worker keep talking about.

Another possibility is the increase in number of blood lines. Often someone off the boat's son or daughter joins the life of crime. When you think about it, doesn't it get easier to be made when your family line continually shows good qualities that leaders assume YOU have?

Something that cross my mind is that made means something else entirely with the associate system put into place by the gods. Made is when you are finally apart of a family, when you have earned your way through the ranks and showed commitment. When you are made you no longer have a sponsor, you answer straight to the leader his/herself. It's almost like being off the leash and being trusted to represent your family.

I think the real answer to this dilemma isn't turning back the clock to make being made mean something "more" or have a higher "value" but to understand that a new standard has been set. The meaning of made has changed and adapted, just as we have to the various variable in this thing of ours. To me honestly, it's no worse nor better than before.

After I have just discussed the "why" to this. I think I'll leave you all thinking of one last thought.

If being made isn't what it used to be, what's the new standard now? In a case where being made could never go back to what it could be, what would you like to see as the new standard?
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No thank you.

Allow me to explain my position. Once upon a time, there was a leader. A leader of true idealist perspective, blessed by all the gods above with the power to lead, and lead he did. But as his first batch of recruits neared the gauntlet that is "the Made Man promotion," they earnestly approached the Streets. One constructed a horrendously-planned-and-even-poorly-executed heist; which isn't an inherently bad thing, but it was simultaneously dreadfully long and difficult to read. Another recruit constructed a splendid work in verse, and broadcasted it for all the world to see. But that last of his wise recruits made the cardinal sin of street presence; he leaped headfirst through the "fourth" wall with a nasty case of OOCitis as he proclaimed who his favorite "anime" (whatever that is) character is.

These presentations to the masses, once again, aren't inherently bad. But it brought up discussions of "quality over quantity" and even talks of restricting the Streets to certain ranks (though this view was remarkably unpopular). However, the root of the problem had nothing to do with those three new recruits; the fault was with the crewleader. You see, when someone first enters this world, they are given a brief introduction about how things work, and are then taught the ways of making good money. By teaching them these methods of income generation, you benefit yourself in tax and tribute revenue, so it's mutually beneficial. It's easy to see why we have earnings requirements, because we hand-feed every member the "quick rich" guide of our world. Some are even granted Corrupt Agents to speed up the process.

When it comes to Street presence requirements, there isn't a guide. There isn't a manual to properly address each Streets speech, or how to conduct your own. In addition to this, there's also no clear way for someone to "learn" how to approach the Streets. What's worse is that a crewleader who may step out into the Streets once in his (gender-neutral his, for those offended by the term) career would have the audacity to make any judgments on his members for their frequency or attendance thereof. Why would we incentivize, or worse require, a process which even those deemed a city's "best and brightest" make no showing? It's not only hypocritical, it's counter-intuitive. If a CL doesn't know jack shit about approaching the Streets, he shouldn't be the one teaching his members, and he damn well shouldn't be requiring it from his members.

How can a silence-stricken boss teach a recruit how to make a Streets speech when he's never done one himself? It's easy to teach a new guy how to earn, because everyone does it so anyone can teach him. But when it takes intellect, artistry, eloquence, or will? Nah. Better just let him fend for himself and only tell him when he does something incorrectly. Or better yet, require it for his most significant promotion but don't give him any guidance on the matter. And we wonder why people struggle with the streets, or avoid it entirely?

I apologize if any of this sounds rant-y, but it's a catch-22 that's been in existence for years. If the crewleaders make no showing at the Streets, then there's no reason to expect it from their members. No reason to encourage it, even. It shows that you can make it to the top without even listening to what others have to say, much less contributing your own. Before we start pushing requirements on the entire population, let's start expecting more from our leaders so people can see why it's worth showing up.

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Standards... My favourite topic to debate away from the public eye. Now that it has been brought up though I might as well touch on it. Before I start though I somewhat wish you had touched on all standards besides the ranking requirements.

I disagree with making street presence mandatory. Maybe for leaders and the like but for regular members? Nah. Not everyone will be able to come up with something for the streets nor would everyone feel comfortable doing so. For the longest time my line has hated talking in the streets. It is more recent that we venture into it.

There is always more than just earning or streets. There are other aspects that could be taken into consideration when a rank is given. I agree that it seems that many are just promoting without too much of a thought but can you honestly say you know the reason behind every promotion? I can't.

There are some things I will never understand, how could a Made Man RH be promoted to their position when they are not very active and cannot answer mails. Does this seem like a valuable member? I hardly think so, but clearly someone else does.

Some of us have higher standards on ourselves and others than some of the leaders may have (at least from an outside perspective). It will always vary but I definitely could not see a mass rule going into effect like that. Maybe it would produce a lot less promotions but it may also discourage those that maybe don't have the speaking talent in their blood.

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I thought getting your button was about your CL trusting you? If a mobster earns, recruits, kills, says how high when his crew leader says jump, but refuses to come to the streets, why shouldn't he be promoted if his leader has trust in him? No one should be forced to come out if they don't want to. 

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And sure, some might simply promote for the sake of promoting, but then that's down to them to risk taking such actions. TyrionLannister


The problem here is that there is very very little risk now a days in doing so, if a Made Man decides to go rogue its no different than a Wise Guy going rogue. Perhaps that is why the sentiment here no longer exists.


If the person that was in question for promotion had it in his head to build a gun and rank higher in order to cause some damage then it's obvious that they would in-turn do something to prove themselves to be worthy of the rank had they wished to put the effort in anyway.  

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While it would be grand to see more people venture to the street and utilize them, it isn't going to happen. The world we live in now is very different than the times you reference. People are on the go, always in a hurry. They want to make a few dollars, maybe kill someone, and be about their way. Then there are others who are a bit more dedicated to what they're doing. You may get them to speak on something once in a great while, but they're not going to be active contributors.

At this point, those of us who wish to see more communication done by the masses should band together, regardless of stature, city, or personal opinion to create a support team of sorts. Seek out and offer assistance where we can, and to whom we can. If people are struggling with something to say, assistance can be offered. Lets take it upon ourselves to help out more, to help those who want to have a voice, but maybe can't put it together just right, or are merely afraid.

I know someone will say, oh that's the crew leaders job, they should do it. While I would tend to agree with that statement, it doesn't happen in most crews. For whatever reasons, its not seen as important anymore, so let that ship sail. Others can assist, we just need to put our best foot forward and offer our services.

In the end, we all can improve the Streets, or let them fade into obscurity. The ball is in our court so to speak.
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First of all, I'd like to say that I personally agree that it has become far too easy to reach the rank of Made, and even beyond that getting further promoted up the ranks.  I cannot speak for other leaders, but I have made the requirements to get promoted a bit harder within my own crew and I feel so far it has lead to better activity and happier members.

With that said, I cannot agree with your original idea.  I feel that sometimes we place too much on the ability to come out to the streets and make big speeches.  Can a gangster not live in mostly silence, and be effective in your family?  Do they have to be out making speeches in order to be actively involved in things going on day to day in the crew?  To me I think there can be plenty of merit for showing your skills in other aspects of this world.

Essentially, I agree we as Crewleaders need to step up the requirements to get promoted, but I can't agree that we must force every mobster to be out in the streets.

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Now let me tell you this.

I served as an associate under the Loitador Family banner here in Brooklyn.

In all of my time that was the hardest family to become a Made Man in. I could carry about 43 drug units when I got my promotion, I had nearly 20 million dollars sent to the Don, Ladyfighter, and I was probably one of the quickest marksmen within New York city.

It was also my favorite crew ever. LF was not one to "give" out promotions. Hell, I had to earn everything I got under her banner and I am extremely thankful to be under her leadership.


Back to the topic at hand though. I think the streets need improving for sure. I don't think leaders should implement a mandatory street thread because as Denam said; it just doesn't work most of the time. You'll here wiseguys telling us the same story we heard yesterday, today.

I'm all for promoting street activity but this is NOT the way. As ser Vaelin said, the ball is in our court. Play it how you want it to be played.

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Though i dont think this is a terrible idea I dont blame people for not wanting to avoid our streets why people cannot simply just voice their opinion without getting completely shit on. Now not saying it always goes this way but for someone who is relatively new to our work and making an effort to come out here to be tackled right away is something I never agreed with.

I personally like to come out and listen to some speeches and give my two cents here and there, I have no interest in writing speeches or debating with people what is right or wrong. Im a mobster not a politician, that being said there is hardly ever a right or wrong answer and is always two sides to things. People will follow which ever side they feel is for them.

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As many have said before me, the most important ranking standard should be Trust.

There is no point to have a member active in the streets, but not eligible to trust.

If a crew leader don't care about his crew to being active in the streets, this is more a crew leader's problem, as in the past, i heard stories, that it was enough reason for some people to start a war.

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I thought getting your button was about your CL trusting you? If a mobster earns, recruits, kills, says how high when his crew leader says jump, but refuses to come to the streets, why shouldn't he be promoted if his leader has trust in him? No one should be forced to come out if they don't want to.


I can agree that setting a speech requirement is a bit much. Some show there worth in other ways and shouldn't be put out for something they can't do. Especially if it involves you possibly making an ass of yourself. While some positions should require the ability to string together sentences (crew leader and godfather), some shouldn't.

The issue I have here is "trust", it's an easy cop out to bypass the system. That's just as big a problem as random fucking promotions to unknowns. The object is everyone needs to put in roughly the same amount of work, that's what makes the ranking system work. Earn it...regardless of who knew your parents.

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A common thing people are missing in this suggestion is the fact that leaders should already be taking trust into account, heavily. This is simply a suggestion for a requirement on top of that. Leaders should be talking as well in the streets, but it’s really not much to ask from members so that we can get a sense of their voice and they can build their personas in public. Leaders, hands, and others can decide on perhaps a different system of judging a member’s voice as fitting a certain qualification for made. Making it static isn’t necessarily the right idea, but there should be something there that makes it so a member has spoken in public, and while the caveat from Kyubey suggests that people might end up telling the same stories, leaders and hands etc can pretty much judge this sort of thing. They can disregard a junk speech as simply being someone trying to fill a requirement.


Either way, the idea can be looked at more abstractly. Made Men are supposed to be something, and it does seem that there is a good backing for higher requirements. My point is simply that Made Men should be talking. And I have previously discussed this idea, especially in regards to leadership (OOC: HERE). Anyway, it’s something to mull over, but way way back in the day, static requirements seemed to work here, and they only really fell after… maybe the fall of Roman... Maybe a bit later in the DS/Pratster reign but yeah. 

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