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Examples, Generals, Servants and Tyrants Started by: ZoeyH on Sep 13, '14 05:01

I cant help but think this might be a bad idea. The potential for a heated debate. The potential for people to be criticized. Why would i ask this question? Because there is the opposite side where people can be affirmed and appreciated! How often are leaders thanked for what they do? Not to often. In fact almost never. Maybe with listening to me people will think of how their leaders are to them and desire to reach out to them and thank them. Possibly...I should say something they are staring at me wondering why i am so awkward!


Why was that so awkward? Why did i start off saying hi? Dont normal people say LADIES AND GENTLEMAN? Stupid. Now no ones going to listen. Wait, theres a homeless man. He seems interested. Just fixate your eyes on him Zoey! Focus...Oh whos that fine gent over there in the red coat?


Wait Focus! Why are you here!? Dont be distracted Zoey. Make your words float in the minds of your homeless listners. Geez i really hope leaders come from all over in this one street to hear me speak. This is weird..How do leaders from New York to Los Angeles hear me speak at the same time? They must have psychic powers...FOCUS!!!

 What type of leader are you and why? Below is a list of four different types of leadership. As a leader in this mafia life what kind do you strive to be? Maybe its a mix of both i think thats acceptable. Which one is the most important to you and why? 

If you are not a leader, what kind of leader would you prefer to follow and why? 

Please tell me someone answers me so i dont look so dumb. How easy it would have been just to stay in my little box and not say a word. NO you had to go out and speak to people didnt you? Gosh dang it Zoey! 


The Servant- A person who goes out of their way to make sure each and every individual one of their family members is taken care of. They have enough money for their drugs. The servant is not a slave and is not stepped on. The servant is an individual who clearly recognizes the family is more important than anyone member, even themselves and would easily step down from leadership if it was best for the family. 

The Example- The example is the person who goes out of their way to show their specific family how work is meant to be done. Whether it be by shooting or by commenting in the business districts and the streets. The Example is the one who has the standards set but goes above them to show their family it is possible.

The General- The General is the leader who freely chooses to delegate and inform family members of what needs to be accomplished by the end of the day or even week. The General is not afraid of making hard decisions for the betterment of society as a whole because he/she realizes the importance every action makes. They often view events as obstacles that need to be hurdles opposed to moments to be treasured. 

The Tyrant- No one stops them. Everyone is just a tool for them to complete the job at hand. They have set missions to accomplish and don't care who gets hurt on the way. The Tyrant is feared and is often stubborn in their wishes. A tyrant often achieves their goals because they realize how to play the game of life. 

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Curtis listens to ZoeH speaking. Wonders what all the insecurity is about and interested by her question, he decides to join in. Walking over to the young lady, he says hello with typical lyrical charm.

"Alright luv... I was stood over there and, well, now I'm stood here... So, how do you like me so far?"

Chortling to himself he looked at her face and realized she may have been more confused than amused.

"Ok, moving on... I don't think you should worry so much before speaking. Just come out and get stuck in. You're clearly capable enough and think before you speak so I'd suggest not being so concerned in future. Anyway, to your question. I'd imagine most leaders would fancy themselves, or at least set out to be a combination of the first three you suggest.

Most will have some philanthropic aspirations and want to be thought of as caring and considerate toward their family. They will invariably want to be an example and strive to work in a way their members should. Leaders who are really lax while expecting massive work-rate from their crews, rarely last that long. Besides, it takes a lot of work to keep a lot of people working. And thirdly most will want to have solid people around to help them. An astute leader will more often than not, use their best people to help mobilize the rest. 

Very few would start out wanting to be the Tyrant. Only rare individuals will set their stall out to be a complete bastard right from the off. Except maybe Achilles. But then he's, well, he's Achilles. Most Tyrants wouldn't describe themselves that way, these quite often deluded personalities often think they are fair minded. They often start out with good intentions and a reasonable set of objectives. Their problems usually begin when they have difficulty communicating with people. Over time they get more and more irritated at their inability to motivate people and resort to increasingly brutal methods of getting results. Left unchecked for long enough they become unremitting despots devoid of remorse for a people they no longer relate to. Desolate and detached from any connection to their humane past, they become wronwryempty and dangerous. No, no one sets out to be this. "

Shaking Zoe's hand, Curtis smiled.

"Thanks for the discussion. It's a good one. Doubtless some people will disagree with my view but that's their prerogative. The world would be a dull place if we all agreed on everything." 

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Zephyra had been strolling through the streets. She listened here and there to a few other speeches before she heard a female voice amongst the crowd. Pausing for a moment before she headed in that direction to get a better listen.

Well I must admit this is interesting to say the least. Let me jump right in. I may not be a leader so I will not answer that but as a member I want a mixture of the first three. I do not want a leader who will sit idly by. I want someone who knows how to make the hard decisions when they come around, yet at the same time can set an example and look after their families.

I imagine it is not an easy task to balance all three. Some will come across as one or the other I am sure but there are layers to just about anything. I want a leader who knows how to be all of those things and when to be. Maybe that is a lot to ask of one person but they should remember they are not alone. A family works together, not as a bunch of solo acts.

Stepping back a little ways as she stops speaking to signal that she was finished her own thoughts for the time being.

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Hiya Zoey! I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation last night and hearing that familiar voice here on the streets I had to come and see what you were saying. I must admit, it's a decent topic and one i've not seen for a very long time... So thank you for bringing it to the streets. 


I fully believe that a good leader should be a mixture of all three as Zephyra has stated and I truly hope that I myself am currently a mixture of all three. However for me they came in stages rather than a mixture of all three at once. I want to use a couple of my members as an example. A fair while a go I had a very small crew of a few people that my family had known for generations. That's how crews usually start really. Then I recruited two people with in a couple hours of each other, these were AnnieOakley and Louis-Man. Now from the very get go, from the very first letter of the mail I sent these two people I tried to act as I would want any future sponsor of mine to act. With a proper recruitment mail and style and once the deal was sealed and these two people earned their way in to my crew I doted on them. I made sure they had enough money for drug dealing and the like. The beauty of these two new Izzelites was that they were brand new to this thing of ours. None of their past family members had ever graced our streets. Essentially giving me a blank canvas to work with. So I doted on them some more, I taught them everything they needed to know to progress properly in this life and while doing so I made sure every action I took was visible for these two to see. I showed them that while I was working closely with them I was still recruiting, teaching and training others. Helping them with money for their needs and the know how as I did with Louis-Man and AnnieOakley. A little while afterwards everything I was doing as their crewleader became second nature to Annie and Louis and they more than earned their button with me. After they earned their button they earned their right to sponsor their own associates and believe me when I say they have both excelled beyond expectations.Now they themselves are the 'servant' and 'example' to follow. Having both been brand new to this life at the beginning of their life here, that is very impressive. Now I don't like to toot my own horn like Achilles but if it wasn't for being the 'servant' and 'example' as you put it Louis and Annie have become exemplary members of Fort Izzel and now make my life as a Crewleader of 30+ a lot easier. I can now as well as still being the 'servant' and 'example' be the 'General'. Comfortably and confidently delegating the 'servant' and 'example' roles Louis and Annie as well as others while still being all those three things myself. We are now a family because of my efforts to begin with and then the continued efforts of my Made Men+ and that is something I am proud to say we achieved together.


A crew is what you make it from the beginning with hard work, dedication and patience. A family is those who have been promoted from the crew to earn their button and help you teach and train the associates in your crew.


So basically, I believe that by being the 'servant' and 'example' and teaching others how to do the same you can then get in to a position where you can be the 'general' while still being the other two. 


However, these are all words from the horses mouth. I believe the better and more accurante opinions on the current leadership comes from the members themselves. A leader like myself can sprout out all day about how great they are or how well they have done things and what attributes from the above they think and feel they employ but the more honest truth usually comes from those that the leader governs. I'm excited and curious to see what other members from around the country will share of their opinions. 


As for the 'Tryant'. I believe in exactly what Curtis has shared regarding that, so it would be silly of me to essentially just reword his responce. 

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En was still shaking off that brain freeze when he heard a lady speaking in the streets. He thought about her question and the choices she proffered. He took a moment lean out the window to answer her.

Hi there. I don't believe I know you but I'll gladly share what I think on this. I don't think what I think of myself matters in the least. What matters is what my family and my district thinks. Those words I would leave up to them. What I can say is no single category you listed defines me. Which one I am often depends on the situations I face at any given moment. The other thing I can say with definite conviction is that not one would ever call me a Tyrant. 

En tipped his hat to the lady and headed up the street.

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He shuffles through the crowd his bones aging by the day. The odd creek and crack if he moves too fast, maybe that was early arthritis setting in.

ZoeyH do not ever be afraid to come to the streets and voice your opinion, as long as you're respectful it is your opinion to share. I think those that have spoke before me have hit the nail on the head. If you want to be a good leader you cannot box yourself into one category.

You have to mix it up because not all situations require you to be a General. I cannot comment on how I come across to my district or my family as that is their opinion, but as a leader I try to uterlise all the above to lead what I hope will become a successful district. My belief is that you have to listen to what is going on in your family because if you don't keep you family happy you will fail as a leader because no matter how many people you have protecting you and no matter how strong your gun is if you alienate those around it isn't worth anything.

Personally I have tried to build a family rather than a crew and I hope to continue that within the district as it grows.

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my leader comes from a long line of tyrants. now he is trying to take over the world. DON'T YOU SEE??!?!

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As Heroin does a quick line off his pocket mirror, he stumbles to only hearing this convo being talked. He joins in. 


I think this topic is quite fun. I think I shall add my small gangster of a opinion to the mix. I think that most leaders need to have a combination of all these qualities. Reason being is everyday is a different, different situations, different problems, different solutions, and when this come around you need to handle it in these ways exampled above. 


....And sometimes you need to switch up to these 4 qualities because no one likes working for a mute or a kiss ass or a asshole either one in which order you you like them.......Oh and for Tyrants.... Well fuck em we all hate them don't we???!!!


As he nods out and falls asleep on the curb.

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Wow i'm so impressed that people enjoyed my topic of interest. I wonder if i can continue to do it, bring topics worth talking about to the floor. I should probably start to address those who took their precious time to speak with me in the streets.

Hi Curtis! Im really appreciative that you took the time to speak on this matter. You brought up something very interesting to me that makes me wonder a few other things. You were explaining how leaders become tyrants and a lot of it is because they get discouraged by not being able to motivate people any longer. If that is true, which i would believe, then what are some ways do you think would help a tyrant not to fall into the trap of being discouraged? What are some ways to motivate those in their crew to do more and reach higher levels? I would personally think that competitions with prizes will always get people going. If thats all a leader could do to motivate others it wont be long before they are disheartened. What is your opinion? 

Ok that was probably a good enough response. Maybe i could work on a new one when Zephyra finishes. 

Zephyra i think your opinon is possibly more important than most. Because you are a member and are currently under leadership you would know what you want out of life. I personally enjoy the response towards desiring a leader who can hold their stance and make a decision on something that could perhaps rip a family a part or even be as something a lot simpler. You bring up the idea that we must be a unified family working together just under solo acts. Can i actually ask you to clairfy what you really mean by that? If i understand you properly, you mean to say that we are all different parts of a body doing our best to help the body out but we are not apart from the body. Is that right? So a hand can not do a foots job but it can do many things to better create a healthier living for the body as a whole. Please correct me if i am wrong i only wish to understand what you are saying!

Jono is here and is speaking right at me! Ok be calm be cool Zoey. Just listen to what he has to say then move in for some words of your own that may incite a great discussion that would edify the families we work for. 

Hi Jono! I am convicted by that story. The dedication and the quality time with which you seek out your members is magnified in them reaching the ranks of Made. It seems as if you have a lot of success in that realm, teaching and training one to become greater than they are. I would like to ask on a personal note, when you try to do that but you see members not trying to become the best version of themselves or they just abandon the family, how do you keep from the feeling of rejection. How do you keep from feeling that all you did was a waste or failure? I think perhaps i have felt this way and i am sure some who are listening have at times felt the same Jono. So what would you say is your best reason to continue to pursue the individuals you lead and not just letting the responsibility fall on the hands of other members? 

Enaento and Heroin seem to have the same approach as a few others. It matters most what the family thinks and you have to be you and not try to box yourselves in categories. I think that is a profound way of leading. 

As for Enaento and Heroin i really think you both have a lot of wisdom and insight to share with all of us and i am grateful that you took a moment to do just that. Enaento when you said, "If you alienate those around you, it isnt worth anything." That was pivotal. I think that is the key to leadership in constantly being present to your family members. Not some person who is off demanding money every other day. When Zephrya spoke on how she would like an active leader in her famliy you later showed us an example of that! Thankyou. Heroin, i think your opinon matters more than mine! I do agree that we all hate tyrants because they are scary and make us live in a fear. Wait did you just fall asleep on the curb? Heroin...Heroin? 

Wow i am really impressed with how many people came up and spoke on this topic. I am so freaking happy someone even gave me 300,000 for just bringing a fun topic to the attention of others. I wish i could thank that person. Maybe i should stick around incase anyone has anything they would like to add. I hope my dress looks nice today...I knew i should have grabbed a coat, its getting cold outside. 


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Zephyra having not been too far away from the discussion came back over to address ZoeyH.

I had said " A family works together, not as a bunch of solo acts." What I mean by this is that they should be united, not as people doing their own thing without a care to the rest of the family. We all have different traits which bring about different strengths in areas and often weaknesses. As a family you will need all of those components. You will need those that can earn money, those that can train guns and those that may be able to teach street speaking by doing it themselves and offering assistance. We are not all good at the same things. Some of us aren't good at everything either. So we need the others that will make a balanced family.

A leader needs all of those components that you have listed (minus Tyrant in my opinion) to be a good leader. You have to be rounded. Know when to be firm and when to be a bit lenient. Create the atmosphere that you wish to have continue. As I have read Jono may be better wording this with his stages. You won't always be the same depending on the situation at hand.

Does that help clarify things a little bit?

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It feels like Zephryas words are absolutely penetrating. The belief that family should be unified and not just a group of individuals.

Zephrya i completely agree with you. I personally can see a crew working as a bunch of solo acts but thats just working. A family could never do that. A family would thrive off of the congenial aspect of working for a common goal. The difference between the two i think is one is not a family and would therefore only achieve things to simply get by. The other is a group of people who count themselves as individuals only to bring a greater aspect of community to their HeadQuarter bars. I guess we have the same mindset on that. I am extremely impressed with how well worded you are. It really says a lot about a person who can clarify their point and leave someone thinking about that same topic longer than expected. I think you are a lovely intelligent person and i hope we have discussions in the future. 

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Hi Jono! I am convicted by that story. The dedication and the quality time with which you seek out your members is magnified in them reaching the ranks of Made. It seems as if you have a lot of success in that realm, teaching and training one to become greater than they are. I would like to ask on a personal note, when you try to do that but you see members not trying to become the best version of themselves or they just abandon the family, how do you keep from the feeling of rejection. How do you keep from feeling that all you did was a waste or failure? I think perhaps i have felt this way and i am sure some who are listening have at times felt the same Jono. So what would you say is your best reason to continue to pursue the individuals you lead and not just letting the responsibility fall on the hands of other members? 


ZoeyH my dear... It's all a numbers game. You have to think of it as a means to the beginning of making your own life a little easier and giving you more time to focus on other things. When I see members not trying to do their best, learn, practice or apply what they are being taught then undoubtedly and rightly so this person should be over looked. In all aspects. Everyone at the very beginning of their time in the crew as an associate deserves the same amount of time, attention and effort that those before them had. When that particular person then starts to show that they really just aren't that bothered or interested, that is when I make the decision to just over look them. They get no promotions, they get no progression in the family and they get very little of my time. A persons patience can only stretch so far, especially when that person has so many other people willing to listen, learn and apply what they have been taught. These people who start to show that they're not worth the effort they are getting aren't cast off or removed from the crew though. They wake up, they do their job and they tribute if and when they can. So they still have worth to the family, as an associate but nothing more. They will still receive protection to the best of my ability and be a part of the crew, but not the family. If they then decide that they want to progress and want to be taught and trained after this point, then by all means I am happy to. 


Then when done right, you can delegate to the people who have listened, learned and applied. Or they can look for their own associates and practice what I have taught them and the process will start all over again, just with a different person doing the teaching and training. This is how you build a large crew and further than that it is how you build a large district. A successful one that is. Anyone who lives long enough can build a district just by sheer luck and being in the right place at the right time. It takes hard work and dedication to build a well oiled, loyal, respectful and honourable district. Most importantly that needs to be as a team. Team work. But at the beginning if you are not leading by example and showing others how it's done and then if you don't continue to set the pace through out your entire mafia career, none of this will happen. 


I guess to answer your question simply would be saying at the beginning everyone is a number who deserves 100%, over time of giving them 100% you quickly start to see those who are worth it and those who are not. Those who are worth it then go on to emulate you and do it themselves until eventually you have a family worth putting the effort and determination in for. Instead of a crew full of associates.


For every 10 people you teach and train 100% I guarantee you will find at least one gem.


It is because of this logical way at looking at things I don't find myself discouraged or lacking in determination when the other 9 people turn out to be lazy or not worth my time. 

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A small whistle sounds as Syd Barrett slowly blows the cigarette smoke, which gently curls around the tip of his fedora and fades into the night sky. The but lands in the gray puddle next to the sight walk. A curious rat scares into the sewer as his boot lands in the water and splashes against the bottom of his weary overcoat. He wonders "Why the hell can't I just shut up? I've disappeared for years into the streets of Amsterdam and is it that wise to start drawing attention on my first day back?" Syd gives a slight tuck on the collar of his coat and positions himself away from the streetlight before speaking up.


I feel the position of Tyrant is somewhat misplaced. The name casts a dark shadow over it's abilities, but it's the only description actually mentioning goals. The families we speak of have a greater mission then spending time at the bonfire or slicing up the turkey at candlelight dinner. I'm not saying that any of the other examples are lacking vision, but a leader who acknowledges his families goals and strives to achieve those commands my respect. We all aim for the stars and determined leadership is a necessity. 

Thus if the goals are honorable, a leader is entitled to make perhaps impopular decisions. A good leader knows that putting his people at risk for the greater good is worth it, so do the family members. A good leader also knows if the risk is forced by fear or without vision it's effectiveness is low.  The best situation occurs when risk is taken and a leader is not afraid to get dirt on it's hand also. Returning respect and brotherhood is created in those moments together.


I'm not voting for tyrants on these streets. Not at all, but their set goals and determination give direction to our wandering on the streets.

And a purposeful life, that's an interesting life. So, I would say a leader needs all the first properties, needs the family skills to grow more powerful, but a true leader creates vision and motivates towards determination. To achieve that what you want. The beauty of sicily wrapped in the american dream. And ain't she lovely.

Syd Barrett lights another cigarette and vanishes into the shade of nearby alley hoping the crowds sees beyond the word 'tyrant' and in to the future. 

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You were explaining how leaders become tyrants and a lot of it is because they get discouraged by not being able to motivate people any longer. If that is true, which i would believe, then what are some ways do you think would help a tyrant not to fall into the trap of being discouraged? What are some ways to motivate those in their crew to do more and reach higher levels? I would personally think that competitions with prizes will always get people going. If thats all a leader could do to motivate others it wont be long before they are disheartened. What is your opinion? 

"I would suggest that a leader being detached from any real connection to their family isn't necessarily a terminal problem. Take for instance the simple view: Intelligence is knowing your window is dirty, wisdom is cleaning it. There is no harm in having a shortcoming provided you accommodate for it.

If the leader in question finds it increasingly hard to connect with their family members, then they should endeavor to find just one person they do connect with and that does understand them. Then communicate with that person and get them to help convey their goals to the family in a more understandable way. This will reduce the disconnect between members and leadership and also provide opportunities for the disconnected leader to understand their members better and learn to communicate in a more effective manner.  It goes back to what Jono has been saying about finding the real gems in the membership and delegating important roles to them to help manage the overall project more effectively. 

Your suggestion about competitions is a good one. Competition and rewards are always beneficial for team building, unity and improved communication in a group. It would also provide the disconnected leader with an opportunity to show they they reward hard work, therefore improving the view of their members toward them. Any event or activity that can be created to provide such opportunities for the leader to be seen as a positive force and not just a dogmatic despot, will usually be beneficial.

Don't get me wrong here though, these are just suggestions for North Korean despots in the making. Methods to reconnect to humanity and get more unity with a family and its leadership. It is meant as a guide for all. After all, a leader also needs to be respected when it comes to delivering orders. A certain amount of seriousness firm handedness and backbone needs to be abundantly clear to all members of any family. They need to know for all the friendship and connection, they can't fuck around."

Turning to SydBarret, he addresses his point on the subject of Tyrants.

 The families we speak of have a greater mission then spending time at the bonfire or slicing up the turkey at candlelight dinner. I'm not saying that any of the other examples are lacking vision, but a leader who acknowledges his families goals and strives to achieve those commands my respect. We all aim for the stars and determined leadership is a necessity. 

Thus if the goals are honorable, a leader is entitled to make perhaps impopular decisions. A good leader knows that putting his people at risk for the greater good is worth it, so do the family members. A good leader also knows if the risk is forced by fear or without vision it's effectiveness is low.  The best situation occurs when risk is taken and a leader is not afraid to get dirt on it's hand also. Returning respect and brotherhood is created in those moments together.

"There is nothing you have noted here as a benefit of tyrannical leadership that can not be achieved with well balanced management and vision. In fact the description you have given here does not describe a Tyrant at all, just a strong minded leader with the will to execute their plans."

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Zephyra turns to ZoeyH. Her gaze was thoughtful but there was no more that she truly needed to add since she had said her piece. She smiled at the woman that was speaking.

Thank you for your kind words. It was my pleasure to come out. You brought up a really good discussion and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. If you should wish to speak about any topic my door is always open. I do enjoy interesting topics and I am very well opinionated.

Smiling she hands her card to ZoeyH and walks off. It was her turn to check in on the drug dealers and see if there was any money to be made this night.

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