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Achilles - The $2,000,000 Black Hole Started by: Heel on Sep 25, '14 19:12

pinocchio hears the word flogged and begins to perk up and get back to work making shoes

gepetto would tan my hide if he seen me socializing

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Funny that. Of course I don't like your responses, because I do not agree with them. If I don't agree with something you can be damned sure I am going to speak up about it. Much like the way you disagree with what I have to say so feel the need to come out and get your own opinion across. Isn't that how this works? Or am I supposed to listen to what you have to say and then stay quiet regardless of how I think about it? I'm really un-clear about what you were expecting to happen here. If you felt insulted by anything I have said, then that is down to you. 

So much for you sitting on the fence and watching the 'festivities'. 


So now what? You're done? Great.

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The streets had been very exciting last night, so when TinyTina woke up the next day she was very eager to get back out there and listen to the going ons. Specially that Heel, his black hole and two million. He wasn’t bad to look at either, well if you got him in a certain slant of light. Either way, Tina was beyond excited to see the discussion hadn’t run dry and new faces were there to take part. 

TinyTina watched as something quickly developed between Jono and Trixie. Personally, Tina thought that if someone liked to be on the sidelines of a community issue they wouldn’t come to the streets and give their opinion that wasn’t not a sitting on the fence opinion and then say they were going back to the sidelines. No, no. If it were Tina and she wanted to stay the fuck out of it she’d do just that and stay the fuck out of it. Now, Tina’s opinion was biased. She admired Jono. She snuck into his headquarters and clipped off some of his hair while he slept, slipped on back to her headquarters and stuck the lock of hair into her private stash of Jono things she had collected. It was easy for Tina to become distracted at the thought of Jono, but she snapped herself out of it and continued to listen. 

Now, Tina was an expert at things being hilarious. If something is hilarious you’re laughing at it and taking laughing brings jow. Trixie would be happy if Achilles and his black hole was wacked and put into a grave. TinyTina wondered if Trixie would have the same opinion if this was happening to her crew leader. Probably not, but at the same time, Trixie didn’t seem like she was all there, a little crazzzzy in the membrane. She might enjoy it if it were her crew leader. So, why should she be taking this seriously if it doesn’t concern her. Maybe someone should hit list her crew leader. Maybe then Trixie would understand why saying that this is hilarious would be disrespectful. Or maybe she would be the one making profit from keeping her crew leader hit listed.

Tina laughed, hilariously and manically as Trixie stated a side note. Thanking Jono that he had managed to keep her interested. Well of course lady! Involving you and your ridiculous thought process would keep you interested. TinyTina thought to herself. Everyone loves to be talked about. Well, maybe not everyone, but it did seem Trixie liked to be talked about. Liked to be apart of the scandal. Any scandal. It was hilarious. TinyTina stayed in her spot and continued to listen as people who claimed to be mobsters run their mouths like children. 

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TinyTina stayed in her spot and continued to listen as people who claimed to be mobsters run their mouths like children. 


Is this the pot calling the kettle black?

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TinyTina was watching Pinocchio make shoes in the streets when she noticed Trixie speak again. Though, this time it wasn't towards Jono and it seemed to be more towards Tina. After Trixie asked her question Tina realized the first thing she said was exactly what Tina had just thought moments before. Tina hadn't said it out loud though. These damn psychic witches. They were all over the place! That's when Tina realized she hadn't worn her tin foil hat. She frowned. Trixie would without a doubt be able to hear everything Tina said in her head now. Tina didn't want Trixie to know that she knew. She'd tell the aliens or she'd cast a spell on her. Tina hadn't decided if it was the alien experiments or witchcraft that was floating around that made people be able to hear others thoughts. Either way, Tina couldn't let on that she knew what was going on. So, instead of answering Trixie's question, Tina just shrugged her shoulders and continued looking at Pinocchio. 

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I don't want to spend any time on whether it is disrespectful or not for you to admit you would find it hilarious if a boss from the Bronx got killed, because I think you've both covered that in great detail already.

Something that did catch my attention is this:

We have Heel – who is annoyed that someone took out a hit on his boss, and paid for that hit with lots of money (none of it belonging to Heel or his crew).  And we have Kuku who is defending the hit and apparently either has the money being used or knows who does.  In the middle of all of this we have Heel maintaining that we are all here for loyalty, honor and respect and our only purpose here is ‘business.’ Then we have Kuku who maintains this is about honor, principle and pride. 

I'm not following you. This is about business and you don't need to place any extra emphasis on that because it is an irrefutable fact that the Mafia is about making money. I'm not involved in some not-for-profit organisation where we have a cake sale at the weekends to raise funds to keep the local community centre from being closed down and you shouldn't be either. We are criminals, but what separates us from the common thug is our code of conduct notably including the fundamental tenets I mentioned; loyalty, honour and respect. These are some of the necessary components of any worthwhile Mafia family, so I will always maintain that is how we should operate.  

Now, having reaffirmed the basics that the Mafia is about business, let us consider the current situation we have where a hit being renewed multiple times per day, costing $2,000,000 per time, when it doesn't need to be. Is that a smart business decision? I don't think it is, do you? The hit has been maintained at least three times since I first spoke here, meaning that at best $4,000,000 would have been put to as much use by being set on fire as it has by being used on these renewals. Whilst it isn't my money, it is not only an obscenely stupid waste of someone's money, but this current use is contrary to our primary purpose for doing what we do and therefore deserves condemnation.

So, given that these should be pretty elementary realities of our way of life, can you tell me what it is exactly which is pretty funny about my stance?

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MrKuku looks at a line in the sand.  His father's body lie past it, past the line in the sand that's been drawn...

As much as I mourn his passing, I know he'd be happy that some semblance of standards of behaviour can be seen again.

RIP Kuku.

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You said that it would be hilarious if TylerDurden got the hit. Considering the hit is on a Consigliere Crewleader called Achilles. So... you would think it hilarious if TylerDurden killed Consigliere Crewleader Achilles. You would laugh at the death of a crewleader because of the circumstances of how it happened

yes in fact I would find it humorous as well and my reasoning is quite simple and easy to grasp and can be summed up in 1 sentence, that even a Monkey can understand.


If he wanted respect he should have put his boot in his mouth and shut it, rather than posting that bullshit thread in the streets.  Secondly, just cause your wearing a bold suit doesnt entitle you to shit either.

the bottom line is this:

If you want respect from your family and everyone around you, Earn the respect. Otherwise, shut your pie hole and quit bitching about it to everyone else.

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Walking away from the Streets Brendan hears another squeaky voice piping up about respect being earned. Sighing he turns on his heel ad returns. "How hard can it be for people to grasp this point?" he mutters under his breath before addressing the Wise Guy before him.

Carlins. I will make this very simple for you to understand. As you obviously ignored what I have previously said.

The bottom line is this:

The day you get Made you are an extension of your Boss. A trusted man. You speak to them as if you are talking to their Boss. Respect is earned for making the rank of Made Man. Every rank there after earns you a place further up in society. Shit rolls down hill. A Capo can talk down to a Made Man but must kiss a Bosses arse. A Don can talk down to a Boss but must kiss a Godfathers arse. Anyone Wise Guy and below, such as youself, kisses the arse of every single Made Man who walks these Streets. If you don't, well, you shouldn't really be walking these Streets for very long.

So in one sentence, as you seem to like it, I will make it very easy for you to understand:

Anyone who ranks higher than yourself should be treated with respect regardless of your opinion of them.

I don't think I can put it any simpler than that I am afraid. Anyone who argues against that sentence has no grasp on this world or how it works.

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Jono turns as well to hear some Wise Guy running his mouth. The words concerned him but before he could speak it appears a fellow who looks like Brendan had got there before him. He waits and listens, sighing with a smirk at the thought of Brendan pretty much reading his mind. He waits for him to finish before adding to something so beautifully said. 


Respecting someone and liking someone are two completely different things. Regardless of how you feel about a person respect, as you said so yourself Carlins is earned and not given. Anyone who has earned their right to call themselves a crewleader and be given opportunity and blessing to run their own crew has earned their respect. Anyone who has been blessed enough to earn their button has earned respect. Now, I will openly admit in these streets right now that there are people of rank that I do not like, that is just human nature. However I respect the fact that they have earned themselves their rank.


Jono finishes up and calls Brendan over. Placing one hand on his shoulder he shoves shoves a wad of cash in to his pocket. 


Well said Brendan, here... Consider this a tip. 

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After listening with increasing disbelief to the self-inflated delusion of the monstrous tranny arguing with Jono, Curtis had his own opinion on the matter. The longer he listened to the pubescent name-thief prattle on the more he thought the appropriate response would just be a bullet. Having learned what respect really meant and understanding what it meant to be a grown up, he decided to hold his tongue. Then as he was about to slap the mouthy wise guy for speaking well out of turn, he heard Brendan interject and smiled. Curtis breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to his friend.

"Thanks Brendan, you put it as clearly as it could be. Good work."
Turning to Jono he shrugged.
"What can I say man? I think you may be flogging a dead horse at this point. Throwing good money after bad. Trying to talk sense to the enforced delusion of that horrendous tranny is clearly getting you nowhere. I'd suggest throwing in the towel with it and coming for a drink instead. If you get bored I'll be down the road in the bar. Good luck pal."
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