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Apr 24 - 14:51:20
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Halloween in The Loop Started by: Maria on Oct 26, '14 00:23

As she sat at her vanity table putting the finishing touches to her costume, Maria could feel the shivers of excitement run up and down her spine. She loved Halloween. Back in the Old Country, in her village, Halloween simply was not a done thing. October 31st there was All Hallows Eve, celebrated in the Catholic tradition. A harvest feast, with fermented wine and roasted chestnuts, would be eaten with the whole family and even some neighbors. Those roasted chestnuts were something the Americans could adopt for Halloween, Maria thought. As a child, she'd go to bed right after the feast, full of excitement, as the souls of those gone before were said to leave presents around the house for the children to find before Church the next morning. As she got older, she'd be required to help scatter these presents around. Another tradition she missed, and one she promised to ensure her own children followed.

As she applied the final flicks of eyeliner to her face, she smiled. Nostalgic as she was sometimes for her hometown traditions, she could only imagine the looks on the faces of those left at home if they could see her now. Throwing the eyeliner into her small black clutch, in case she needed to refresh her makeup later on, she turned around, satisfied with her appearance. Her long dark hair was flowing down her back in loose curls. She wore a little headband with black cat ears on, teamed with a black top and tight black trousers, and heeled black boots. Of course, on her face, were the obligatory black nose and whiskers, with some thoroughly feline eye makeup. Sure, the cat costume wasn't very imaginative, but Maria was still getting used to the idea of Halloween. She was sure that she would be outshone by some of the others at the party she was off to that night, but she still felt good about her own outfit. 

Checking her watch, which was laid on her dresser, she gave a start as she realized that the car she had booked to drive her to the party should be waiting outside by now. Grabbing her clutch and the small red velvet ribbon she intended to wear around her neck in place of shinier jewels, she ran outside just as the Cadillac pulled up. Jumping inside, she leaned back on the leather seats and went almost into a daze as it wound through the streets of Chicago towards the ballroom that Mako had hired for the night, to gather his district together to celebrate and party.

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ChrisPalko arrived at the party, dressed in something his friend Stanley had dreamed up for a novel he planned to write - loosely based on Palko's life. Mr. Kubrick promised to only publish the novella after Chris died, so there wouldn't be any suspicion. 

Palko smiled to see Maria all dressed up for the occasion, surprised she didn't arrive in an ALLIGATOR outfit, he smiles and waves as she enters.

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Hubert was so excited the the night that lay ahead of him and The Loop. Godfather Mako had organised and announced a Halloween Party for the district. It had been a trying time over the last few weeks, not only with the loss of one of it's Don Crewleaders but with the seemingly endless amount of hits being thrown on the hit list against members of The Loop. It had been an expensive and trying few weeks but the beauty of it is, The Loop never seems to stop pushing through. Hubert thought a party would be just the ticket to help everyone in the district just relax and unwind for the night, it was a great idea. There was one problem though, Hubert had no idea what to dress up as. It was a Halloween party after all so it had to be something creative but scary. He would have to think on it.


Hubert had just got back home from todays rounds, he had only just been welcomed in to the family as a Made Man so getting used to his new responsibilities was tiresome work. He walking through his front door and in to his living room, kicking off his shoes as he went along. Hubert then sat down in a big heap on his arm chair when he noticed an old photo of him and his father that he had framed and placed on the mantle piece over the fire. "That's a damn fine photo, Miss you old man." he thought to himself when a thought hit him like a sack of potatoes. He immediately stood up and grabbed the photo, taking in the details while inspecting it closely. Hubert smirked as the proverbial light bulb flickered above his head. In the back ground of the photo stood a blurry figure, it was obvious who it was. The figure was flipping the bird behind Don Jono's head with his left hand while signifying that Hubert was a wanker with his right. There was also some sort of tool sticking out of the mans pocket. This man was usually very 'happy' to see his old friend Jono but this time it was actually a wrench. That was it, Hubert had his scary Halloween costume idea. He would go as the disgustingly ugly, horribly evil, incredibly devilish Don lronSight. If there was a competition for most scary costume at this ball, he was certain that this would be the winner. It was enough to give him nightmares just thinking about it. God only knows how it will make others react. 


The next day Hubert went about getting the bits for his costume ready. He had a mask expertly made, he had cut holes all over one of his most mangy and decrepid looking suits, a hole in his right shoe so his big toe would stick out and had hand painted a number of different wrenches in multi colours. All that was left was to master the art of flinging the wrenches with deadly accuracy. Hubert's father had taught him how to frisbee hubcaps so it shouldn't be a problem really. With that, he pinned up a picture of Godfather Mako on the wall and started flinging. It was never any secret how much Don lronSight hated Godfather Mako. It was tough to get the hang of. These wrenches were a lot heavier than the hubcaps he was used to. Their shape was also way off. Practice makes perfect though and before long he was flinging them smack bang in the centre of Godfather Mako's forehead. "This should be fun" he thought to himself. 


BEEP, BEEP, BEEEEP, BEEP rang the alarm before Hubert picked up the pink wrench, spun around and fired it at the alarm clock. That was the alarm he had been waiting for. It's time to go to the ball. 


Hubert awaits his chauffeur. 

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As she was prone to do whilst in a car that she wasn't driving (and somewhat worryingly, in a car that she was driving too), Maria was caught deep in a daydream. She only snapped back to reality as the driver cleared his throat, and somewhat sheepishly muttered in his deep, gravelly voice

"Ma'am, you are going tonight to the Halloween party, hosted by Mr Mako, yes?"

When Maria nodded, having regained her composure a little, he continued.

"Well, my colleague, he has phoned in sick - the Flu, he says. But he was supposed to pick a passenger up tonight also for the party. So, does it please you for us to stop off and collect this passenger along the way? I promise, you will not be late to the party."

Maria smiled. She was excited to see what kind of costumes her fellow Loopians had chosen - a sneak peak was no skin off her nose! Nodding her approval, she looked out of the window, trying to figure out where on earth they were headed and who they would be picking up there. As the car drew up beside HubertCapone's building, Maria couldn't help giving a little shriek at the sight of the man outside, making the driver swerve out into the middle of the road, nearly hitting an oncoming Ford. 

As the car pulled up to a top beside the man, Maria was practically shaking in terror - partially at the near miss, mostly at the sight of the man. He was the dead spit of her old friend, Don lronsight (GRHS). Crossing herself in shock, as he climbed into the car, Maria squinted at him, trying to pick out the man underneath the costume and vaguely recognizing one of Tish's Made Men, someone she'd seen all around the district but hadn't had much chance to catch up with yet.

"Mr... Capone? What a costume.... what a waste of a pair of shoes!"

The car set off again, speeding towards the venue.

"How are you this evening? Do you happen to know if Morte_Rossa will be attending tonight? I haven't seen her in so long, and I'm sure there's vodka at that party just waiting to be shotted!"

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Hubert was waiting outside on the side walk for his ride to arrive. It was bit late already but he didn't mind much. Standing there and staring down people walking past was fun when he realised it looked a bit like they had seen a ghost. Car after car had sped past him as he waited, usually cars take it quite slow on this street due to it being heavily populated. Finally a car began to slow down when a loud shriek was heard near shattering all the windows with in ear shot. It sounded like it was coming from the car, which wouldn't be surprising really considering it had just nearly smashed in to the Ford coming the other way. The car comes to a stop at Hubert's feet. 


On opening the door Hubert can see what looks like a scared pussy cat trying to edge herself further and further away until the door on the other side of the car stops her in her tracks. He could barely understand the reaction until he remembered that Don Maria and Don lronSight were actually quite close. It was even rumoured that Don lronSight had even given Don Maria one of his most prized wrenches before a horrid disease took his life. 


Hubert chuckles. "I'm sorry Don Maria, I didn't mean to startle you like that. Forgive me." He laughs some more. "I am well thank you, unfortunately i've not spoken to Morte_Rossa in a short while so I have no idea if she will be attending tonight. Like you say though, there will be vodka on offer. I'm sure she'll sniff it a mile away and come running. Liar too!"


The car suddenly stops, Hubert had no idea the location was only a short distance from his own residence. He probably could have walked but it was probably for the best. A lot of the children were out trick or treating, he didn't want to turn them all in to reclusive drooling idiots. If anything, he wanted more people on our streets. Hubert then exited the car after telling Don Maria to sit tight, he immediately circles the car and opens the Don's door for her. 


"I can't wait to see who else shows up! And what they dress as!" Hubert says to Maria as she exits the car. "Do you know if there is going to be any prizes for costumes tonight?"

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Maria smiles as HubertCapone opens the door for her. Manners aren't always quite what they could be in the world she lived in, so it rarely failed to make her smile when somebody did something nice like that. She steps out the car, smoothing out her pants and straightening her headband. 

"Yes, I'm sure we'll see some fantastic costumes tonight, for sure!"

Maria hesitates for a second, before digging into her clutch bag, and pulling out one of her most prized possessions; something that truly rarely left her person. She considered it a talisman, of sorts, but also a reminder of a dear old friend and how he inspired her. She pulled out the wrench that she had been left by lronsight upon his tragic death. She holds it out to Hubert.

"Since you've put so much effort into your costume tonight, Hubert... you should carry that about with you too. Be sure to hit anybody who tries to hug you over the head with it. Really fucking hard!"

Maria runs her hand over the back of her head, where a small lump still remained from all the hits to the head she'd acquired over her and Don lronsight's friendship. She truly missed the man greatly.

"Keep it safe though! I want it back after the party! As for prizes... I surely hope so! Mako isn't one to scrimp when it comes to treating the district, so I'm sure he'll have outdone himself tonight as usual!"

At that moment, she spots ChrisPalko walking into the party, giving her a wave. With a smile, she returns it, and turns back to Hubert.

"I believe the bar is calling our names! Shall we head inside? I mean, somebody should keep an eye on Chris. All these girls in fancy dress, his head might explode!".

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Tish frantically rummages through her closet, tossing aside piles of clothes as she looks for the perfect finishing touches to her outfit. Fixing her makeup quickly, and adding a few accessories, she slips her favorite shoes on before running downstairs to grab a bottle of vodka from the cupboard and a few bags of munchies to take along with her. Looking outside frantically, she notices her car arriving. 'Good!', she thinks to herself, 'I promised HubertCapone I'd meet him ten minutes ago!'. Grabbing her jacket, she rushes outside and jumps in the car, which speeds towards the venue"

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Louis-Man was excited when he heard about the Halloween ball that Mako decided to treat The Loop to. He paced around his house for about 10 minutes thinking of the different costume's he could wear. As he was rummaging through his spare room fighting threw the mess of millions of dollars scattered everywhere and his guns scattered throughout the place, he stumbled onto an old cowboy hat that he had laying around, and he knew instantly that this was the perfect costume for himself. For some reason he always had a fascination with the old Wild West, and the Frontier Plains. He always wished he could live in a time with a lot of freedom, and very few lawmen to stop him from pursuing his criminal genius. That's why he moved to Chicago long ago, knowing that the MOB ran Chicago and he knew that he would surely succeed in such a criminal life. 

Louis-man put's on a pair of jeans, a long sleeve button up with a dirty old vest over top of it. He slips on a pair of 3000$ cowboy boots with spurs that he thought he would never wear, a gift Liar had given him a while back. That girl loves her shoes he thinks to himself as he put's his belt and holster on. Then he goes to the closet to grab an old 1836 Colt rotating cylinder revolver and slid it in his holster. This gun normally wouldn't leave his personal armory, but tonight was a special night. He grabbed his cowboy hat and put it on, and checked himself out in the mirror for a minute. 

"Damn I look good!! Finest cowboy in the whole west." he says to himself.

Louis-Man grabs a couple cigars and pockets them on his way out the door and heads out to his Cadillac to head straight over to the party. Eager to see family members, and have some real fun tonight.

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After receiving the invitation to the Halloween party, Rossa immediately started racking her brain for ideas of what to wear!

"...I could go as a lady pirate... or a nurse.. or a policewoman... or.... Ms. Dracula," she said aloud to herself. (She was known to talk to herself at times.)

Rossa ran up the stairs and to her bedroom, which was spotless because she had just cleaned! 

"Glad I picked everything up off the floor.. At least now I know where my red corset is!" she again said out loud.

She went into her closet and grabbed the red velvet corset from the shelf above her high heels and boots. Rossa took a second to admire it, because it definitely wasn't a cheap purchase! She then carried the pricey piece of clothing into her room and laid it on her bed. Walking back into her closet, she tried to decide if she should wear black pants or a black skirt with stockings...

I think I will wear the skirt, she thought to herself. May get more looks that way!

Just then she heard Louis rummaging through his room across the hall and muttering to himself. 

"I wonder if he's going.. I guess I will find out!" Rossa said as she headed back into her closet to decide on shoes.

She looked over her many purchases from the last few weeks.. Deciding on a pair of knee high boots with three inch heels, sat them on the floor by her bed, then sat at her vanity to do her makeup and curl her hair.

After she was done with her hair and makeup, she quickly got dressed, tied up her corset, then put her skirt, stockings and boots on. She looked in the mirror one last time to make sure she looked good.

She heard Louis's boots with the spurs walking down the hallway, and heard his keys jingling, and she realized he was driving himself to the party!

If I hurry, I can catch a ride in with him, she thought, as she grabbed her special vampire teeth from the drawer in her vanity and sped off down the hallway and then almost fell down the stairs, barely managing to balance herself.

The door slammed shut as she got to the bottom of the stairs. She opened the door and yelled to Louis, "Hey cowboy, can I catch a ride in with you!?"

She breathed a sigh of relief as he said she could, so she hopped into the car with him, and they sped off towards the party!

"Thanks for the ride Louis.. You excited to see all the costumes!?" she said excitedly. "I know I am!!"

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Upon hearing of The Loop's Halloween gathering, Paul's mind immediately began racing, trying to think of a costume. He wanted his costume to be slightly different to the usual. Something relevant, something current. He went to the local café for his usual double espresso and bacon sandwich, where could ponder his thoughts. As he read the newspaper he came across stories about a dictator in Russia by the name of Joseph Stalin. That was the inspiration Paul needed. "That's my costume!" he thought.

That evening, having successfully applied the undead look to a brutal dictator, Paul left Mako's HQ and stepped into the car that had been sent to pick him up. A few minutes later he arrived at the venue, and immediately spotted Maria and HubertCapone. He walked up to them, pulling out the bottle of tequila he had stashed in his bag.

"Evening, both of you! I must say, looking around, I'm impressed at the calibre of costumes; The Loop certainly knows how to dress up! Now, onto more pressing matters".

Paul opened the bottle of tequila and pulled out several shot glasses.

"Can I tempt you?"

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Arriving at the venue for the party, Rossa took a look around the outside before opening the door and getting out of Louis' rather nice Cadillac.

May have to get myself one of these beauties... She thought to herself, wondering how much money she would have to dole out.

After walking to the front of the car, she met Louis-man and they walked together into the party, where they quickly spotted HubertCapone, or HubCap as we all call him, talking to the lovely Maria! There was a guy standing with them holding a wonderful looking bottle of Tequila.

They walked over to Maria, HubCap, and PaulHeyman, as she soon found out, and Louis said, "Hey everyone, we're ready to party!"

Rossa smiled at Maria and said, "Long time no see Maria! You look awesome! And Hubert.. I barely recognized you.. I've heard legends about the guy you're dressed up as, but unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, based on your costume, I didn't have the chance to be around him!"

Paul then began passing around small shot glasses of Tequila. It was clear that he was wanting this party to go smoothly with the help of a little alcohol.

"Cheers, everyone!" Paul said to them all. "Let the party begin!"

Just as he said that and they tipped back their shots, they all looked over to the entrance to see the beautiful lady that is Tish walking into the party, dressed as a witch, carrying a bottle of Vodka in her hand, and her infamous munchies that she hid from everyone, never to be seen unless you happened to walk in her office when she was snacking.

"Glad to see you here, Tish!" Rossa said to her boss lady, as everyone agreed that it was good to see her here. "Paul was just pouring some more shots of Tequila!"

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Once he received the letter, Piccolo didn't take long to think about a good idea. He knew what he wanted, and he knew exactly how he'll get it done.

He went out shopping, quickly rushing out of his apartment in search for various items for his special costume.
Once he showed up to the shopping avenue, around 13:00, he rushed through it in an almost frantic search for his items and make up.
He didn't know how long it took him. The one fact Pic knew is that the sun was setting when he was done.
'Shoot! I have to get home quickly, or I won't be ready in time!' he thought to himself anxiously. A few other thousand thoughts shot through his mind rapidly, rolling past so quick he couldn't even pronounce them before they left.
 Piccolo entered his vehicle and sped off, way over the speed limit.

At the moment Pic arrived to Pog Mo Thoin's HQ, he quickly dashed over to his room and emptied his bags on the floor.
He quickly bent down, cursing at his stupidity.
After picking his items and placing them on the table, he leaped over to his mirror and took it off the wall, then set it horizontally on his desk.


Two hours later, he was almost ready - then he suddenly heard Morte_Rossa's rushing down the stairs loudly, her boots crashing against the stairs and almost wrecking them off.
'There my ride goes...' he thought bitterly as he pressed the black pencil against his eye bags.
Around ten minutes later, he was ready. He took one last look at the mirror and grinned. He grabbed two liquor bottles after adding the final touches.
After admiring himself, he slowly went down the hall and then to his cranky vehicle.
He sped off, once again.


A grotesque creature slowly entered the party, his back slightly hunched. The first noticeable thing about him, was his pale skin.
His eyes were wide open, brows big and thick. His head was completely bald, and to each side of it a sharp ear could be easily spotted.
The wrists and hands of the creature, where a bit slim and full of bulging veins. Each once of his nails was absurdly long and sharp-looking.
Two vampire fangs were bulging out of his mouth, gently nibbling at his lower lips.
He wore a black trench coat, which was as black as the night and his eye bags. He held a liquor bottle.

Piccolo was Count Orlok, from the film Nosferatu.

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After downing her third shot of Tequila with PaulHeyman, Maria, HubertCapone, Louis-Man, ChrisPalko, who had joined them after the second shot, and Tish, Rossa looked over at the entrance after seeing a figure coming in from the corner of her eye.

What she saw almost made her faint.

She saw a pale, hunched-over guy, with creepy looking ears and a bald shiny head, holding alcohol in one hand. She could almost hear the sound of his long dirty fingernails scratching the glass bottle. 

Well, the alcohol is one plus.. She thought to herself.

As the hunched-over man walked the fifteen feet to the group, she tried to figure out who it could be, but she had no clue because he didn't even look familiar..

"Hello everyone," said the man to the group of people gathered around. "I'm Count Orlok... From the movie Nosferatu.. If you've heard of that movie.."

Once he started talking, Rossa knew immediately who he was. There was no mistaking that wonderful accent of his.

"Hey there Piccolo.. That's a damn good costume you have on. I had no idea who you were until you started talking!"

Rossa laughed nervously as her heart slowed down a little from the fast, race-car speed it was at when the guy walked in.

"Would you like a shot, Orlok?" she asked Piccolo. "Seems everyone wants the party to go well with all the alcohol around!"

After the fourth round of shots, the Tequila was gone.

Rossa looked around and saw that there was a table stocked full of assorted alcohol. Her face lit up as she grew more excited about the night that was about to unfold.

"Looks like the fun won't end anytime soon!"

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Maria looks at PaulHeyman with a start - it wasn't every day you saw those pesky Russian's up and down the streets! Paul certainly looked pretty scary dressed up as Stalin. Maria was suddenly very grateful for the democracy she'd found in the States. She didn't think that living under a dictatorship would particularly suit her, as immersed as she could find herself in the writings of Marx. As he walked over and produced a bottle of tequila, she briefly reconsidered that thought. A dictator who came armed with tequila couldn't be all that bad a bloke, surely?

As he asked whether or not he could tempt her into taking some shots with him, her face broke out into a grin, and she instantly began to sing,

"One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor! Do you even need to ask, Paulin? HIT ME!"

Before Paul could pour any shots, however, the door swung open once more, and a rather curious trio entered the room. Countess Morte_Rossa, Cowboy Louis-Man and a rather fabulous witch more commonly known as Tish made their way into the room. Maria couldn't help but smile as she saw Tish, and made a mental note to stand beside her for a while later on - every witch needs a cat! 

As Rossa came over to talk, Maria pulled her friend into a hug.

"It's good to see you as well, my dear! And looking so fabulous too!"

She spots Tish standing off to the side a little, and pulls her over.

"And you too lady, looking wonderful! The ladies of The Loop are killing this fancy dress thing! When Mako gets here he's going to be so proud of us all!"

Paul finally managed to pour out the shots and pass them around. Maria knocked hers back and repeated the process several more times, watching people arriving and the room start to fill somewhat. Just as she was knocking back her fourth shot, the door swung open once more, and now several shots in, Maria was left momentarily speechless with fear. It seemed some kind of seriously scary vampire had walked through! Looking a little more closely, however, she realized it was indeed Piccolo, and Maria smiled and waved in welcome. 

Heading over to investigate the alcohol table a little better with Rossa, she turned to the other girl and asked,

"Okay hun, what next? Your pick!"

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Scanning over the alcohol table, she realized that Maria had came over with her, and then asked her to pick what to drink next!

"Oooohh tough question.. Do we want mixed drinks or do we want shots or do we want beer or do we want wine?" she asked Maria.

Thinking to herself, Rossa decided that she wanted a mixed drink..

"I think I will have a Coke and Rum on ice!" she said excitedly. "What will you have Maria?"

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More in the mood to dance, party, laugh, joke and generally have a good time than spend too much time worrying about what to have to drink, Maria takes her lead from Rossa.

"I think I'll join you on the rum and coke - classic, can't go wrong with it!"

Maria grabs two glasses, throws in some ice and fills the glasses half and half with rum and coke, stirring them both with straws before passing one over to Rossa. 

"Are you expecting any more of your crew mates to make an appearance tonight? I'm looking forward to seeing some more costumes!"

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"Thank you for mixing my drink for me!" Rossa said to Maria. "I could have done that though!"

She laughed and then walked over to the dance floor with Maria, just as the music finally started playing.

"I'm thinking that Loffy and Liar will show up. Maybe Pablo_escobar.. Not sure who else will be here though!" she said. "No one really discussed the party today because everyone was so busy with life!"

When the music volume was turned up, everyone else started to come onto the dance floor. Rossa could tell that everyone was already starting to feel the affect of the alcohol because no one was avoiding the dance floor at all. Not even Tish, her sort of shy boss lady!

HubertCapone was dancing with Tish, and they were both laughing and having a good time.

Piccolo took the hand of a lady that had walked in soon after the shots were completed, and they were dancing and having a good time as well.

"Well, looks like no one is going to be shy tonight!" she said over the music to Maria. "That's definitely a plus. A party is never fun with wall flowers!"

And I can't wait to see who else will show up.. Rossa thought to herself, as she continued dancing with Maria, drinks in hand, having a good time.

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Cassi sat down in front of her mirror with her soft brush. She carefully smoothed her wig, making sure the black hair framed her face perfectly. Once she was satisfied, she traded the brush for a tube of bright red lipstick. She pursed her lips and slowly began to drag the tube across her mouth. She set the lipstick down and reached for the mascara, applying generous thick layers to her eyelashes. Finally she applied the mole to her upper lip, smiling at the reflection before her. She stood up and crossed over to her wardrobe mirror. The flapper dress shimmered in the soft light, making her smile even wider.

She reached for her clutch and called out for Ramone. As she was walking towards the bedroom door, she spun around. She had almost forgotten the last piece. She reached for the headband, bending forward as she slipped it over the wig into the perfect position. Done, she nodded and walked from the room.

"Is the car ready?", she asked her bodyguard, who only answered her with a slight nod. She looked over and laughed softly. She had never seen him in anything but a suit before today. But even he had gotten dressed for the occasion. He was wearing a red cape, over his suit of course, with his hair slicked back. When he noticed her studying him, he smiled, revealing sharp fangs. She threw her head back with a delighted laugh.

"I'm glad to see even you getting into the spirit Ramone," she said as she walked over, holding her arm out. "I believe we are late, shall we go?" And as they linked arms, they walked outside and stepped into the waiting car.

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"Well Hell's Bells!" Katharine cursed.  She looked in dismay at the ripped hemline of her hoop skirt and saw it was jaggedly torn from edge to midway up the length of the garment.  In other words, it was ruined.   She suppressed another barrage of dirty words from her repertoire and tossed the ripped dress to the floor.  "Well, there goes my southern belle idea."  She got up from seat and got a cup of tea, then flopped on her divan and grabbed some magazines, hoping to see something inspiring. 

After flipping through a few of the magazines for ideas she sighed and tossed the last one in the dustbin.  "Dammit."  No one was going to look better than Maria and she knew it, but at least she could try.  Picking up a pair of sewing scissors she intended to trim the lace off of the jagged hem, but ended up tearing even more of the material.  "Oh for God's sake."  She put the scissors down and randomly ripped at the lace with her hands, then gave up and went to get a drink.  

Even though she was in her own apartment Katharine was still careful when she pulled out a very precious bottle of alcohol.  She gently placed a slotted spoon on top of a Pontarlier reservoir glass she had inherited from her mother.  The green liqueur was pungent and Katharine wrinkled her nose at the undiluted smell.  The bottle was still nearly full and Katherine treasured it, the last of the legal bottles had been sold in 1914 and her stash was dwindling.   "Oh mother, why couldn't you have given me a taste for something less vile?"  

She took a small pair of silver tongs and plucked a glittering sugar cube out of the cut crystal dish on her tea tray.  After carefully balancing it on the grill of the spoon she took the small pitcher of water she kept in her icebox and slowly poured a trickle of the frigid liquid over the sugar and into the glass.  Once she had finished she took the spoon and gave it a delicate swirl in the water, sugar and alcohol mix, turning the concoction a pearly white.  "Cheers mum."  

After several more glasses Katharine stared at the dancing woman on the label of the bottle and was suddenly hit with a bolt of inspiration.  "HA! Oh mother, dear mother. I know what I will wear to the party!"  With drunken giggle she staggered over to the ruined dress and began ripping in earnest. 

Days later she sat nervously behind the wheel of her dark green Packard and contemplated her look.  The dress was now sleeveless, the hem varying lengths, some areas shorter than others, the underskirt peeking through.  She had bought a new pair of ivy coloured heels and made a breezy fascinator with leaves, feathers and dangling jewels.  Everything she'd done was made to look light and airy, and she hoped her outfit wasn't too obscene.  Finally she turned the engine off and got out, briskly walking up the steps into the foyer of the house where the party was being held.  Regardless of the late October weather she wore no coat, fearing she'd be too tempted to leave it on all evening.  After handing her gloves to the doorman she stepped inside and looked for Maria.  Once she saw the woman she smiled widely.

"You look absolutely stunning!  What a clever idea being a cat!" She resisted the urge to touch the shiny red ribbon.  "I'm sure you want to know what I am.  Well, I'm hoping you're wanting to know."  Katharine grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter and took a sip, hoping to keep her mouth full enough that she didn't keep tripping over her tongue.  Once the bubbles had calmed her some she smiled and looked at Maria.  "I ruined my first outfit and got drunk trying to fix it.  Luckily inspiration strikes when it's needed!"  She gave a little twirl and took another sip of her drink.  "I'm la fee vert! And I am here to party!"

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