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When is a rogue classed a rogue? Started by: Bunny on Oct 31, '14 09:25

Bunny walked into the streets, her bloodline wasn’t one for coming to this place but today wasn’t a normal day. Today she was filled with many emotions and one question kept coming up.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to ask your opinions on when somebody is classed as a rogue. Before I hear your answers firstly I want to talk about Godfather Silvio--Dante, he shot and killed 303 Godfather Desmand so our mighty leaders and fellow 303’s killed him and everyone else from Inglewood, LA. Last night PaulyD shot and killed EricNorthman, his reason currently unknown but I think we all know the real reason anyway. PaulyD is still alive, no mails have been sent saying he is a rogue so should we presume that he is not classed as a rogue? Why is it ok for him to shoot whoever he wants but others cannot, is it simply because he is in a 303 district?”

Bunny looks at the frowning faces looking back at her

“Oops, is this something that we should just all be thinking and nobody actually saying?”  

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Archy too was wandering the streets of NY when he noticed Bunny, he decides to choose a spot among the audience and pays attention to the lady's speech

Well... I don't know where to kick off, but yesterday was a hard day for many of us, it was full of events I personally wished they never happened.

Archy sighs then continues

I think in this world of ours, crew leaders aren't considered rogues, when they shoot someone it's normally an act of war, perhaps that's why The district of late Godfather Silvio Dante's district was taken out.

I totally agree with you, it seems like the 303's actions aren't as questionable as others.

Archy takes a few steps back and leans against a nearby wall, listening to others.
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A Rogue is somebody in a bold suit that has grabbed the opportunity on their own accord - rather than being granted the privilege. I fail to see how either of your examples have anything to do with our terms for a Rogue.


"Why is it ok for him to shoot whoever he wants but others cannot, is it simply because he is in a 303 district?"


There are very few districts that are not led by a 303303 member. Since the death of JohnnyNoName - I believe Queens does not have the presence of a 303 member.


Bunny, your own leader is a 303. Archy, your district's head is also part of 303...

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Hi Bunny.

Yesterday was indeed a hard day for many of us, New York lost two Godfathers and multiple people within this thing of ours were gunned down, mister Northman being one.

I have zero clue whatsoever why Eric was gunned downed. I was not informed not told of the information, this is the first I'm actually hearing of it. I'd be interested to know why PaulyD shot and killed EricNorthman, a Consigliere from the Bronx. It wasn't my district, but I don't see a reason for it. I don't know though, maybe Pauly can explain why.

As for a rogue action? I think Archy hit the nail on the head. When a leader of sorts, whether it be Godfather, or crew leader, attacks someone, I would take it as an act of war rather than an act of roguedom.

Queens is also -not- a 303 district anymore with the passing of Johnny, just to clarify. While we are an organization with members, sometimes we do our own things, sometimes we work as a complete team.

Sorry about the loss to the Bronx, and you personally Bunny, Eric was a wonderful person.

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Well P_habulis, I fail to see your point behind this. Our world is kinda ran by 303 members everywhere, no one is denying that. But that doesn't mean we aren't supposed to talk or share our opinions in a matter where a 303 member is involved, I thought at this time our world was encouraging mobsters to be more vocal in the streets, and 303 matters weren't an exception.

Archy lights a cigarette and takes a deep buff
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The reason I highlighted it was simply due to my surprise at the following comment you made: "I totally agree with you, it seems like the 303's actions aren't as questionable as others."


I found this bizarre, considering PaulyD is not even part of 303 - yet, your own Godfather is a long serving member.


That's the clearest I can make my point.


Please, continue.

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Well, my Godfather didn't randomly shooting anyone out of boredom or cos he whistled 10 minutes after a 303 member died , did he?

Archy shrugs
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Archy. Do you really want to see WHY I shot someone?

I'm a Godfather of New York. I've been openly disrespected on these streets and on IRC avenue DOZENS of times. And guess what? Many many many many MANY times it would be the same guy who's bloodline doesn't like me because he died once as a Godfather and my organization was behind it. Boo fucking hoo.

When you yell at me, sure. I can take a little abuse. When you're openly disrespecting me and being a cunt to myself and my fellow Godfathers that's the end of the line. I'd be happy to talk to you in private about each specific line of bullshit idiocy he would throw at myself, the late johnnynoname, mako, the late desmand, and others.

It wasn't just me. I tried to be civil too. I spoke with his leader and she accused me of attacking him verbally and I provided the evidence to back up my own statement, and she disregarded it. I don't like bullying. Anyone can say or do what they feel is right about anyone, I don't care. I will gladly stick up for anyone for freedom of speech on these streets but when your "opinion" is openly bashing someone, yeah no, your opinion is then just an insult.

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Well Godfather Kyubey no one is throwing accuses here, all I am here saying is that it can't get any sillier than dying for whistling on an IRC coffee shop. Perhaps there have been many more reasons behind the death of TheDude like you stated, but in my opinion, if you let the numerous insults he threw at you and your fellow leaders slide. A whistle doesn't sound like something more bigger than any of the past actions you have already omitted or let slide.

Archy takes another deep drag off his cigarette before he continues

After all it's none of my business why you or any other leader take shots, but it still sadness me seeing the fall of my fellow mobsters.

Finally, I'd like to thank you for your clarification.
Archy tips his hate at Kyubey
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It would seem some like to jump to assumptions though, so I apologize for snapping at you, Archy. As for TheDude, want to know the reason he hadn't died much, much earlier? After all the constant shit, all the idiocy presented to members of the Godfather Council on IRC mainly in the coffee shop labed as 'Divinelunacy'. We never killed him for one reason. Plain and simple. Don Whatsername is a close friend to myself, and many of the other Godfathers. We have NEVER wanted to put her, or her family in harm. That's why I spoke up earlier about trying to speak to her about it but it fell on deaf ears.

I have had the opportunity to shoot him for months, and trust me, MANY others would have absolutely loved the killing blow on him after the shit he has said and done in the coffee shops. You may say "Oh, its a 303 thing" No, it is not. I think TepidDelucci and Gravity, two non 303 guys, albeit friends? can say they've seen his douchelike comments and have seen him going on and on before with no one speaking back.

After the deaths of two Godfathers of New York, fearing I may soon follow, I'm going to remove the people I find to be idiotic that do not deserve their position to live. Sorry about that Whatsername.. I'm not being rude either, if you, or your district feel the need to act, so be it. I'll gladly stand by my actions.

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I'm going to make something quite simple for everyone. As some of the people I have observed walking the streets recently seem to be missing the point of how power works within this thing of ours.

The way power works is that once you have it you can do pretty much whatever you want and although this group do have rules, as explained around the Princess situation, they are also well within their rights to shoot anyone they want. They have earned that power and that is the short and simple of it. Much like any one of us could shoot anybody we wanted to, the question is would those in power be backing your move or not?

It's all fine coming out and shedding a little tear and displaying your outrage but the fact is, there's not much you can do about it.

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Archy coughs

I'm sorry for your loss, sir and also mine. But one thing I know for sure about my leader Whatsername is that she isn't that type of people who would ignore others or give a deaf ear to someone's complaint about one of her members, especially a fellow Godfather and a friend of hers (as you stated earlier). But I am sorry if that was the way.

I can't agree further with you, each shall stand for his own. But no one mentioned an act of war or something, and I surely wouldn't like my words taken like that. I am a mere member of honor in my crew and I wouldn't like to be a reason for a war or something, as it isn't a decision I make.
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I think you put it the best way, Don Achilles. It's the way things go.

Archy smiles and tips his hat at Achilles
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I am sorry for the loss of EricNorthman. Our family lines have had dealings together in another life, but we lost contact. He still is a good guy. Why did PaulyD shoot Eric? The only one who can answer that question is PaulyD himself. Let's wait for his answer.


As to power and being able to do whatever you want. That holds true. Let's take PhilSteak for example. My forefathers told me back in the day, he gunned down Typhon, a highly ranked Mafioso in this thing of ours, and got away with it unscathed. Why didn't anyone shoot him down I asked my fathers. He said "plain and simple, no one had the skill to shoot down the godfather at the time, the only one one who did was his best friend and they wouldn't turn on each other"


Is it good or bad? Who knows. All I am saying is, sometimes people are held to different standards. We shall see what path this will lead to in the next coming days.

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Skorpeon I hardly call paying 400 million for accidentally shooting Typhon 'getting away with it' PhilSteak also came forwards right away and didnt try and hide his mistake. PaulyD shot EricNorthman and did nothing 

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I discussed this at length, and with impressive verbosity, here

A rogue can be almost anything.  Depends on the framework of the society he or she operates in.

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"Queens is also -not- a 303 district anymore with the passing of Johnny, just to clarify. While we are an organization with members, sometimes we do our own things, sometimes we work as a complete team."

An attempt to divert the heat off you beloved group? I can bet my Scouse-house that even though he didn't wear the 3033 tag when he died, but he done on many occasions before this that he would have stayed true to your group and fought beside you, like his line had done a few times before! You can call it 3033 by association if you like, nonetheless, don't be a daft kitty Kat and try to get the masses to believe he wasn't 3033- he was!

As for you wreckless shot, no matter of your dislike for the guy or his blood line, that shot was never yours to take, you know it, and every other fucker (outside of 3033) knows it! In comparison from you to paulyd- I'd say; what's good for the goose, is good for the gander! If it was my district you unlawfully shot at, I'm telling you now, you'd be fucking next to him!
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As space-to-ze-pole finished speaking, Barry instinctively covered his ears.

Seconds later the unmistakable whine of the "Billy Big Balls" alarm blasted out across the Streets. 

Phew. Just in time. 

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It looks to me as if bad choices were made and people died for it.. A shame it ended like that as well, for both the leader, the city, and his members that are now homeless due to his actions. It must have sure been important for him to take that random shot without thinking about any of those priorities.
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Striphe, I can't agree more with you. Apparently such actions keep being repeated upon our eyes. Lately we have seen similar actions from high ranked members of the society, not considering their own family or city and carry on with a random shot, not even having former plans with his crew to save them the death for nothing.

It's such a shame that our community is getting more into solo playing.
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