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So what makes you so special, huh? Started by: DumbNinja on Jan 22, '15 18:40

DumbNinja was enjoying his day ordering pizza to unsuspecting members and making them pay for it when he started wondering out of the blue, what makes a good mafiosi?  Although he knew he perceived what a good mafiosi is but was wondering what other people thought it meant in this world.  He decided to get brave and just start asking people on the streets so he grabbed his microphone and a spare camera guy he had just laying around (NOT PAYING HIM RENT) and headed off into street with his microphone and camera guy ready.


Once there he saw there were some other speeches going on and lots of people standing there listening.  So he jumped on top of a dark Lincoln towncar that someone was sitting in pondering himself, and started speaking.


Attention everyone I have a question for you all!  What makes you think you're so special, huh?  Why do you think you are where you are today?  Now I'm not talking about what your boss thinks of you.  I'm asking,basically,  why do YOU think you are a good criminal?  Not your friends or your leaders but you.  Is it because you're honest?  Brave?  A hard worker and good earner?  Or in some people's cases, why do you think you're not a good criminal?  Is it because you're lazy?  Too busy with things out side his criminal world?  Immature?  Let's be honest with ourselves because the first step to recovery...or glory is admitting our faults and strengths.  

I'll admit my bloodline has seen its ups and downs like a lot of you I'm sure.  My bloodline has rogued for really dumb reasons,  It has shot at people unauthorized.  Its even killed an innocent and got away with it...but my bloodline has also done some pretty cool stuff like lead a family.  Be a second in command many times and third in command as well.  My bloodline has sacrificed its self, help win wars, etc.  And I've read my bloodlines journals and have learned from it good and bad.  

So I ask you,  what makes you think you're so special, huh?

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Let me be the first to open up.

My biggest attribute is my loyalty.
You will never, ever find a man who will go as far as i will in the name of loyalty.
But it is also my biggest downfall. Once my loyalty is earned, it does not end.
There have been times my loyalty has blinded me, and kept me living in the past.
Where my actions and attitude have been wrong, and yet in the name of loyalty i have continued down a sour path.

I am at my worst, when the person holding my loyalty has died, and i have no one to tie it too. Left to my own devices, i have been known to become irrational, unpredictable and agressive.

Not good traits at all.
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A good example of how you can be a good criminal and a bad one.  excellent work Bruce.

hold my microphone out and point the camera guy to the crowd.

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So I ask you,  what makes you think you're so special, huh?


 If I need to tell you what makes me special, everyone will know my secret,  lets just leave it at this:  I'm the 2nd best in the vast and long history of the local mob at what I do best.

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I'm the 2nd best in the vast and long history of the local mob at what I do best.

JustDed I have no idea what the living hell you are talking about but I believe you!

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Ted walks out of his home and stumbles into the Streets, he notices a group of people all standing about in a circle talking about something-- he isn't entirely sure about what, but he decides to go check it out anyways. He is sure the people of the world would love to hear what he has to say on the topic. Peering deep into the crowd he sees the main speaker and begins to listen, and oh listen he does. The man is speaking about something to do with being special; surely this was some sort of question for him. Surely he wants Ted to answer.

Jumping up next to DumbNinja, he clears his throat and begins his boisterous response that all of the men and women of the Mafia would surely enjoy to hear. It was quite sad, but he was a man of the people, and the people always needed him; he had not been to the Streets for quite some time and was more than sure that the people would be excited to hear what he had to say.

What makes me special? What makes ME special? How could you even ask such a thing? I think its quite obvious how special I am, I think its more than damn obvious. I'm the most special there is, and you want to know what makes it tick? You want to know what makes me tick? You want into my brain, don't you? I bet you did this just to get in my brain. They're always trying to get in my brain, they're always trying to look inside that head of mine. They want to know.





but, you know what? I don't blame them. I don't blame them one bit, I'd want to know too. I'd want to know exactly what makes me work, what chuuuurns my butter, that thing which helps me to mold the minds of the children of this thing of ours. I understand. I get it. I'm not mad per-se, I'm not upset at all. I don't care, but you know what? I'm not going to tell you. I'm not going to tell any of you. This right here? This is a secret. You don't get to tap into this. YOU CAN'T KNOW.

ITS UNKNOWABLE!!! Unknowable!!!

Jumps down into the crowd and runs past all of the people, they won't get to him. They won't figure this fella out. Not like last time, not like last time one bit. He's safe.... he's safe... 

"Who was that guy?" 

"No idea..."

"This is why we need a mafia recreation center or something, the Streets are filled with the homeless."

He finally escaped the people, they wouldn't dissect him today. Going back into his house, he did all nine of his doorlocks and jumped into his bedfort. For another day, Ted's secrets would be safe. All of his glorious, glorious secrets just tucked away, and they'll never find them. No matter how much they want them. Being so special leads to such a complicated life...

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Looking on as the man walks threw the crowd muttering thing under his breath.  DumbNinja stands there with cruel coming out of his mouth and jaw hanging open.  He snaps out of it and promptly looks into the camera and brings the mic up to his mouth slowly.


I don't know about you all out there but I would like to lick that man's brain...WHO' NEXT?


DumbNinja points the mic and his camera man back towards the crowd.

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Kale listened to the rest of the people that were speaking. She was contemplating what made her special. Well the answer was obvious, wasn't it?

What makes me special? Me.

What do I mean by that? Simply the fact that I am not like any other around these neck of the woods. I have my own set of thoughts, and my own voice. I am extremely vocal on things that I care about.

My honesty is always present. If you do not wish to know an answer really, then I suggest not asking me it because I will tell you as i see it.

I don't shy away from doing the right thing, even though no one else is interested in doing it.

I intend to work as hard for my family as I believe that others should. Maybe if I put in the work, others will too. My loyalty is very much present in things that I do.

My line is not perfect but it is not my line that I am working on. I am working on me. I can't chose what others want to do. I can't make them think a certain way and I really wouldn't want to. But what I can control is myself. I can't control the past because it is done already and I have no way of knowing what the future holds.

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DumbNinja was just finishing a tuna and egg sandwich when the ladies speech abruptly ended.  After choking on his sandwich a little, DumbNinja rubs his neck and clears his throat.


Wasn't that special everyone?! Let's give her a big round d of applause huh?


He puts his microphone under his arm to clap a few seconds then bring the mic back up to his mouth and just stood there staring off into the now sizable crowd with a glazed over look in his eyes.  Finally he snaps back out of it, straightens his camera man's hat to face backwards and points him out to the crowd.

Annnnnnnnnd who's next to talk to the FOOT news reporter?  Sorry but April O'Neil couldn't make it.  I know how much you love her all but she's a little, tied up, at the moment...anyway, NEXT!

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Wild-Boy was intrigued by DumbNinja's recent topic. He did not expect such honesty and confessions regarding past mistakes or victories, that's why he felt that he has to share his opinion right here and right now.

You ask what makes YOU special. We all have different stories to tell and share different opinions about each other, but I am here to tell you what I think makes me special.

You see I tend to die pretty often, and not because I brake the rules or have disrespective attitude towards the other members of this community. There are two reasons for my deaths. Either I die for my family in a war or I die defending a friend of mine, who needs my help or support. 

What makes me special is not the strenght of my gun or my wealth. What makes me special is my boundless loyalty to those I care for. If I even feel like a friend of mine is in danger, I am ready to sacriface myself and die trying to save him/her. 

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Bringing the magic stick that you talk into and records things onto a magic tap on a reel DumbNinja chuckles.


Well let's hope for your sake your friends stay out of trouble and that's hopefully including me because I'm so awesome with my magic recording stick I've been calling a microphone but anyway.....It sounds like you a true loyalist to say the least.  Now with out further a due I'd like to bring out our next guest...


Suddenly one of his bodyguards leans in and whispers something in his ear.


What? This isn't Jerry Springer?  Son of a turtle it happened again.  Sorry folks I've been struck the father time disease for some time now I'm getting old...a whole 20 something days old!  Anyway, NEXT!

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I don't know about everyone but I will just take a wild guess here and suggest that we aren't special at all. We all steal to make a living, we murder and are all sure to enter hell. Some might say their special attribute is loyalty, but I think that's to be expected of you, not something that special. That said there is a difference between saying you're loyal and being truly loyal. I wouldn't claim to be truly loyal until I get to know my leader better and grow to care for him. 

I am sure we all have our little quirks but in the end I think we are all the same; thieves and murderers. Of course loyalty is in itself a complex thing; often loyalty is a struggle, divided between loyalty to friends and loyalty to your family. What the result of that struggle is depends on the person.

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"What makes me special?"

Padrino points to himself.

"C'mon, look at me. Look at this perfection and tell me you don't see."

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Exiting her favorite spot for lunch she hears muffled voices coming from around the corner. She decides to walk in the direction where she could make out the words. As she nears she spots a small but seemingly growing crowd. A man was standing on the top of a car with microphone in hand asking the onlookers


"Why are you so special?"


She looks at her watch and realizes she has little time left before it is time to pick up her Mama. As she heads to her car she chuckles to herself and thinks I am special because my mama said I am

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I'd say my reputation makes me special. Probably a good number of people out their have colored me to be an attention whore because of prior acts from my bloodline and detest me. Others love me for the exact same acts. Some would tell you I'm an incompetent idiot, others apparently tell stories about me and convince people to fill my mailbox despite the fact I seriously freaking hate when people think they know me without actually being forced to endure the ridiculous shit I put people through.

Who am I really? Don't have a fucking clue and don't care, if you think I'm a philosopher, an idiot or a anything in between just tell yourself that's what I am because chances are you have absolutely no idea who I really am... and that's the way I like it.

WhereWasI turns, notices HubertCapone in the crowd and hits him square in between the eyes with a wrench.

Get your ass authed so I can stop walking around with the common folk already. I'm to "special" to be slumming it up down here without a slanted suit or something.

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A guy who barely knows where he was can hardly talk about who he is. I mean come on, he barely knows what he had to eat ten minutes a go either. 

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WhereWasI, let me be the first to assure you that nobody thinks you a philosopher. A philistine, yes, but not a thinker of note. More a wrong-headed thinker, caught out in public, like a claiming to be busy chimney sweep clocking off for the day not covered in soot.

I would say that you're a bit like the moon. Always there, but people wonder exactly what it is that you do. I'm like the sun, providing light and heat. You deflect this but only sometimes. Because I'm excellent, I'll give you a riposte: "but Kuku, the sun is eclipsed by the moon"

Not this time WherewasI. Not this time, son.
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lol, why do you care if I pay attention to you or not so much? Seriously mate, you have a really creepy fascination.

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Where did I say that I cared?
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This being your 5th or 6th attempt in a short time span said it all... It's creepy. Bugger off.

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