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Let it be. Started by: Father_TeQ on Mar 14, '15 10:12

TeQ begins to sing to himself

Let it be, let it be, let it be, oh let it be... speaking words of wisdom, let it be!

Ah, awesome song *I* wrote there, if you ever hear those lines in a song about 40 years from now, let me know so I can get my share? Cheers!

So, is there a point to my inane ramblings? Sure, sure, I'll get to it!

Let it be. Let sleeping dogs lie. Letting go of the past. Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. You’ve got to make a conscious choice every day to shed the old – whatever “the old” means for you. Courage is the power to let go of the familiar. You've got to know when it's time to turn the page. Even a rock moves on. Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.

Ok, shut up... I'm getting to my point! We've all heard at least one of these sayings, right? How many of us follow them? A few I'm sure.

Onto my point...

There is a certain collection of individuals bloodlines currently whom (maybe rightly so) are being 'watched' by many of the powers that be. Of course, I am notioning towards the group known as 'the 303'. It's no secret the history of this group, even though my bloodline was AWOL for their entire time in power I have still had the pleasure/displeasure of hearing about a lot of the stories connected to this group. Many mobsters still feel the pain of their actions, I hear that even the Gods had problems with them.

I'm here today to ask a question. Which one of you is going to be the bigger man/woman and put a stop to the endless cycle of animosity towards and from this group? Are some of the more prominent members of the 303 going to release a statement with their apologies? Or maybe go directly to the current powers that be? Are the current powers that be going to extend an olive branch to a couple of this groups members to show they will be given a chance if they can behave?

Because right now we're in one vicious cycle which is effecting how things are being done in our world. Some members of that group have a lot to offer and are being 'shut out' which is demotivating them. Can we really afford to lose some quality lineage's over something that is now the past?

On the flip side, there are members of this group still out to cause trouble. Do you guys think you're helping your supposed friends who just want to move on? I've heard bitching about not being given a chance but still people can't 'tow the line'. You don't get everything you want instantly, sometimes you have to work damn hard to gain any sort of trust again. Believe me, my blood has been there.

So, where does this end?

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Rory listened intently to TeQ, the topic out ‘outlaws’ or ‘undesirables’ had been discussed many times before albeit with different groups at the centre of fierce debate.

My blood has been absent through the events discussed here, and I have little experience of the 303 (who?). But essentially the concept is the same, to my mind at least.

For many years, our shores have been victim or have prospered from certain groups. Many of them, after being dethroned have gone on to challenge and disrupt the succeeding regime. I suppose people feel the need to show that although their ancestors are down, they are by no means out. My mind is strained at current as I have been very busy on matters of business, but the CP’s and Ironfist spring to mind immediately.

In my opinion, it is no longer the 303, they are no longer collective. What we have know is a group of individuals and they need to make a decision. Some, will of course, let sleeping dogs lie, as you alluded to earlier. Others, however are likely to remain a thorn in the side of the current regime, and that is where the problem really lies.

People have a choice to make now, both former members of the 303 and the leaders of our current regime. It is important to attempt to move forward, to make progress for the sake of society, but at the same time if the members and leaders of the 303 alike cannot renounce their sins, either publicly or directly to our current leaders, then I would expect them to continue being shunned.

I certainly hope that people can come to their senses and sort out their differences for the greater good of our society.

I would like to make it clear, that in saying this, I mean no disrespect to former members of the 303, not the current regime of leaders. It is simply my two cents and an entirely neutral perspective due to my absence from these shores.

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Although the song was slightly out of tune, Weebl appreciated street-artists entertaining the masses. Just when he was looking for some pocket-change to throw in front of Father_TeQ, the man began to speak on an interesting matter. When the speech was over Weebl waited for a while curious to any responses, which would surely come seeing the amount of spectators that gathered around.

When Rory spoke, Weebl listened again and afterwards waited for more insights. Surely there are those around that were around during the 303 era and would have an opinion on this matter. Or perhaps people would be reluctant to reply, seeing as this topic wasn't abstract and since it's looking to the future, instead of reviewing the past. As the silence became a bit awkward and everyone was just standing there, Weebl moved forward and gave his opinion on the matter.


“The bad situation you describe ends where each party involved is honest about their actions. For enforcers of punishment, that means daring to review the effect of punishment. If a collective, or individual undermines society, they should be punished. But sometimes this punishment is carried over across bloodlines and it reaches a new generation that moved away from the sins of their parents, or the collective they were a part of. If this is the case, the punishment might be counterproductive as it holds down people who can add to the strength and well-being of our society. If this happens, the continuation of punishment says more about the enforcers then about the new generation still being punished.”

Weebl reminds himself he should get back to Pikea to grab some pie with Bob in the store. The world of crime was thrilling and payed well, but nothing beats a nice Mango-champagne pie on a Saturday afternoon. Realizing he has yet things to say, Weebl continues:

“But the other party, being former 303 members, has to man up too. People who constantly undermine society can expect to get punished by death. But those who shine and add to our society shouldn't play the role of a victim. If 'endured punishment' in reality isn't more then 'being watched', accept that. Especially remembering where your ancestors once were, you know it's smart to keep tabs on certain people. But if you know you are no danger to society, don't be afraid of society as a whole, or skeptic, or whatever feeling would be appropriate here.”

Weebl really craves for some pie now. He's gotta wrap this up.

“In the end the good always prevails. Society always wins, but it has to keep fighting against each new injustice that shows on our streets. Sometimes good intentions grow into injust behaviour. It is for our leaders to recognize that and be honest about it when that happens. And when it does, intervene - that's their responsibility to society. So to answer your question, Father_TeQ. Where does it end? Well, if society thinks continued punishment of former 303 members is counter-productive and injust, it ends with the intervention of our leaders.”

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Cin gathered around to listen. She smiled as she thought back on the journals during the 303 times.

I really get what you are saying here and I am for one not about shutting out any lines. At the same time though I find myself rather conflicted. I had ancestors around the era you speak of. They in fact shut out many lines. If those lines brought ideas they were ignored just because it was them. It was hard to be motivated during that era.

I wonder if perhaps those leaders would once again pull that out again if they were given chances. This is purely curiousity on my part. This is not to say that they should not be given chances. As a group they were not the best but there are individuals in said group that are amazing people. They would make amazing contributions and be amazing assets. I just really don't want to see them all back in power at the same time, just in case.

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I'd ignore (or shut out) certain bloodlines and (some) of the ideas they bring to the table if those bloodlines had done me wrong in the (recent) past. A certain kind of prejudice again the bloodline happens if you were wronged by a member of that line in the past. I feel that's only natural, certainly if the person looks very very much like his ancestor. I'd understand that would be demotivating for the one being 'shut out', but that's how this world works, I think. Don't like it, change it.

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I believe if that person is in the same city and provides a valid idea for something that it should not be ignored just because someone at the top is still butt hurt about something that they could have built a bridge and gotten over. Grudges keep this mentality around and this is why people keep getting shut out by society.

To keep the negatives about bloodlines is what keeps them not wanting to try any harder to be valued members of the community. I mean why would they want to? If you are going to hold something someone's ancestor did so many ancestor's ago, well you aren't exactly going to endear them to make money for you or have your back during a war.

If you can genuinely treat people with a new slate when their line comes to the shores, the results for some (obviously not all depending on their motives) would be much more positive.

Shutting out people just doesn't work. It really has no benefit to this thing of ours. If leaders truly believe it would save them a headache they would be wrong. If that person goes incog some might wonder where they are and what they are planning to do next. That is a bit of a headache I would think.

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If these bloodlines do not want to try harder as to erase their past 'sins' or their bad image as a result of these sins then that is their own fault. Of course I understand that there is blame on the leaders too for holding these people back, but that is their right and if they believe they have a valid reason to do so, then they should do it. I strongly believe that 'might makes right', and I would suggest that a line which has been 'shutted out' indeed goes incognito and organizes something to act against the oppressor. 

Whether or not it works is not sure; ignoring people doesn't really have advantages nor disadvantages. You just.. ignore them. Bloodlining them is another matter which requires a bit of work, but it's usually effective and figuring out an incognito person has been done before. 

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And then again, perhaps it it isn't the grudge but the idea itself. What is and isn't a good idea comes down to what the leaders think is good, and if a 'disliked' bloodline brings forward an idea which the leaders think is not very good, then you've got to accept that. Perhaps not what you meant, but I do think it has more to do with that than with a bloodline. And of course people will judge quicker if they see an (in)famous line bring forward a good or bad idea, but that's just how it is.

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I really despise the "That's just how it is" thing. It is not how it is.

Realistically, yes it is what the leaders make it. Leaders are human too, they aren't gods and they are fully capable of being blinded or make mistakes from time to time. Just as any lower rank person is capable of.

Now my point is I could go "Joe Blow was a dick three years when I spoke to them," but that doesn't mean Joe Blow is the same person he was three years ago. Holding onto grudges can taint how people are seen regardless of the effort they do put in.

So sometimes the people being "shut out" or "disliked" may actually be extremely valuable, its just that leader, at that time is tainted by what they have heard or what their ancestors and this line may have gotten into a long time ago.

I am not saying if it is recent that leaders shouldn't be cautious. Of course they should. I also think that sometimes perhaps the views may be tainted a little too much and people get stuck in what they thought of someone's line a very long time ago.

Does that make any sense?

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However, it is how it is. A person is only so valuable if he is given the chance to be valuable; if the powers of our world don't give people that chance it's the leaders loss. It doesn't matter that they could be valuable and that their ideas could be great, it's about the leaders choosing who and what is valuable and if it's a good idea or not. And yes, bloodlines may have to do with that and you'll just have to accept that, because humans sometimes work that way.

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TeQ you make a fair point about how far certain bloodlines should be punished before the sins of their fathers are put aside and their children allowed to flourish. I can say I know quite a bit of these 303's from the books of my forefathers. My forefathers weren't about much during that reign but I have heard stories, I guess my great great grandfather saw the rise too. At the moment it was just a rising order just like any other. I think its what was done while the order was on top that causes people headaches. By no means am I saying that ALL the bloodlines associated with 303 are bad. Some of them are actually brilliant, but just because they are brilliant does not mean they get a stamp of pardon for being great at what they do. This place has a long history, and those that tend to forget that usually pay for their Fathers sins later. Is it fair? I can't say that, not in those shoes. But from what I have heard 303's caused some of the other great bloodlines in these parts to quit/leave or well go incog so that they could some day upset the order. Now usually when a certain group of people suppress folks that are good at what they do, you best believe that those that got suppressed when given the power will not fail to return the favor. 

Now I saying that its justified by any means? Or that it should be done? Ofcourse not. But when the 303 were in power they set certain rules and regulations in play that upset certain bloodlines and players...even forcing some to leave. I don't think the current order is that bad. The 303's are currently around and partaking in our way of life. Some of them even as structure uppers around the country. I think the general sentiment at the moment is to let them live and continue their way of criminal life, but don't blame the current order for not wanting the 303 associates to rise to places of power...I mean the current order bled to change the tables. So it is within measurable means that the kins of 303's are being allowed to co-exist, just their rise to power currently is some what under hold. I think thats fair granted the powers that be were opponents of the 303 order. But the kins that you are fighting for, I know them well...time erases all and rights all. Hardwork never goes wasted...those kins will be given their shots again. Just all in due time. 

Report Post Tip bloodline was AWOL for their entire time in power I have still had the pleasure/displeasure of hearing about a lot of the stories connected to this group. 

Father teQ how come that you take it upon yourself to be the champion of this group?
Has there been any recent mass execution of anyone associated to this group?

Do you feel that these people are being held back from being all they can be, due to the deeds of their ancestors, and you simply trying to pave the way for a removal of this fail-safe that the current leadership have put in place in order to protect the community from experiencing a second period of the same thing?

Time erases all and rights all. Hardwork never goes wasted...those kins will be given their shots again. Just all in due time. 

A snake can shade its skin but it still remains a snake and If you make friends and embrace the snake expect to be bitten.
Allevare la serpe in seno.

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I don't think this is an attempt to be a champion, Obscure. 

It is true that many bloodlines do not amend their ways however, in our history, many have and others will continue to do so. Your rhetoric regarding the snake is interesting, but people are not as straight forward as our reptilian counter parts. We are significantly more intelligent (granted some aren't) and we have the intelligence to make decisions and change our ways. 

People's reputations, in time, may have their tarnish removed.

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Obscure, I fail to see where I am 'championing' them?

I mention that they have some members who can be valuable assets to this world... they also have members who are arseholes. Maybe that makes that a bit clearer for you?

It's pretty clear that I feel they are being held back from being all they can be, otherwise what is the point of my speech? Are you claiming I'm trying to pave the way for the current 'powers that be' to give the members of this group a chance so that they can go on remove them? So we can experience a second period of the same thing? That's a pretty fucking strong accusation there buddy. Are you sure you want to go down that line? Because nothing I have said (or even thought) has suggested that is what I'm aiming for.

I don't care for whimsical words that came from someone I've never met and I find you labelling a broad range of people 'snakes' to be extremely narrow-minded and rather insulting considering we have 1 or 2 of their bloodlines in our Bella Vista. Please refrain from name-calling my family, it's not something I will take too kindly to.

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The only people holding them back are themselves. If "the current powers that be" didn't want them to progress, they wouldn't and despite their repeated inability to let go of the past, they haven't been hunted and have been given numerous chances to show they can grow the fuck up. They have been allowed to pursue a life in this thing of ours, time and time again despite the fact many of them have been complicit in killing, amongst others, two of my nearest and dearest. Given this, as you can imagine, they aren't particularly popular in Brooklyn and we still allow them to operate freely. The only people who need to let it be, are the ones who've continually shown themselves to be unable to do so. 

As you've never met Obscure, allow me to give you a bit of background. He was one of the people who came to bat for your family, with me, in it's darkest hour. He was one of the people, with me, who has always helped our friends in Philly whenever they have required it. So whilst you have 1 or 2 of these bloodlines in your district now and I appreciate you're hoping to get the best from them, don't forget who you are actual friends are, who've helped your family since before you even belonged to it. That's something I will not take too kindly to. 

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Thanks for the recent history lesson, Barry. I appreciate that Philly and New York hold some close ties.. your city has helped mine, our city has helped yours. I'm not sure why you're telling me who my actual friends are? I know exactly who they are. That doesn't mean I'm going to hold my tongue when someone makes such a disparaging remark as calling people snakes who I am currently trying to help guide down the right path and are in the district I am RHM to. If you don't take kindly to me coming out here and defending my family in the face of insults then that is entirely your problem. Just like you have jumped to the defence of Obscure, I will continue to jump to the defence of my brethren. 

You seem to have taken the line of your family member, Obscure in believing that I'm here to 'champion' members of the 303. Again, I am not. I am asking for people to sift through the bullshit and realise that not everyone associated with that group is 'out to get them' anymore.

I am fully aware of the favourable relationship our cities enjoy, I'm not sure why you feel the need to bring that into question over a single retort to one of your family members who put a lot of words in my mouth with his reply.

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I have taken no line, I merely addressed your topic. If you want to champion them or not is entirely your business; my intention was solely to point out this isn't a two way street. Chances have been given, squandered and given again. We can do no more. I believe this was also in Obscure's mind when he questioned your intent.

You said you had never met Obscure, so I assumed you are unfamiliar with him and the part he played in helping your family be where it is today. If you are, I find it odd you would respond with vitriol towards him. 

The reason I mentioned our relationship is because you decided to threaten a man who helped you. I don't think he put all that many words in your mouth to be honest and none to justify threats between friends. That upsets me, which is why I spoke here at all.

Now that this is cleared up, assuming the 'arseholes' or 'snakes'  don't repeat history for the third/fourth time, I'm sure everything will be peachy.

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A threat? I made no threat. I asked a question of whether he wanted to go down the accusations road. I never threatened his life, nor threatened to go over his head.

If you're referring to the "I won't take too kindly" comment, that is merely a phrase that could mean any number of things... in this case it was a reference to an 'acid tongue' some people like to label my bloodline with. Why (if this is the case) you've taken this as a threat I have no idea. 

But if it is this reason, does that mean you just threatened me? 

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If it wasn't a threat, my mistake.

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