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Funeral cars up and down the block.... Started by: Rhydian-Roberts on Nov 06, '07 10:34
*The Rid steps forward in his silver sequined suit, looking like a million dollars just sitting in a suitcase waiting to be spent. His classically trained voice can be heard all around, especially if you are listening.*

When you join a family you get assigned to a crew. The guys you work with become your associates from now until the day you die or retire. Every day you guys are looking for scores and every day your loyalty goes to your Capo or immediate superior.

So if even the lowliest family associate, soldier, hijacker or policy banker dies, should the Boss turn up at the funeral? If the Boss doesn't show at the funeral of a family member, even the lowest, do you draw any inferences from this or is it at their discretion?
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Castellano's refusal to show up at his underboss Neil Dellacore's funeral tipped Gotti over the edge into whacking him out-a precident?
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This is something that I have often thought about, and my ancestors always tried to show up at every family funeral, especially after wars. When a family member gives his or her life for their Boss, it's a sign that the Boss is ungrateful if there isn't even a funeral appearance. This should seem like common courtesy, but it never fails that after a war you can visit many funerals and see no one paying their respects.

However, quite often the reason the person is dead in the first place is because he or she has disgraced the family. In that case, I wouldn't expect any appearance by the Boss.
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I know that I personally try my hardest to appear at every funeral for a family member of mine. At times I may miss one or two, but it is usually with good reason. Yes, even for the people that somehow disgraced the family I do try to show up; there was at one time that they served loyally and were an exemplary Mafioso to the family. When death occurs you need to look not towards the bad memories but rather towards the good.

In my opinion, you show up if you respected who the person was, rather than what they had become towards the end of their life.
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Even villains can appear at the funerals of their rivals, the respect that you afford to an enemy. Sometimes I think the distinction becomes blurred though. For example, when people talk of their enemy having "fought well" or other such commentary. For me such things should remain in the confines of a headquarters rather than be said publically, if it must be said at all.

"Yeah we was an alright guy, but whaddya gotta do?"

And then move on to counting large piles of money.

I see some bosses here attend the funerals of their lowest ranked enforcers. I think it earns you respect when you take the time to honour those who died in your employ and its a shame that individual contributions get forgotten in the heat of war.
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So if even the lowliest family associate, soldier, hijacker or policy banker dies, should the Boss turn up at the funeral? If the Boss doesn't show at the funeral of a family member, even the lowest, do you draw any inferences from this or is it at their discretion?

Unless the mafioso was a disgrace to the family or disrespected the Boss, the Boss should always show up to the funeral. Such acts show respect and encourage the remaining members of the family to continue devoting themselves to the Boss. After all, there's a reason we usually join a Boss in the first place, three actually; protection, growth, family. Seeing as how the mafioso is dead now, the first one failed and the second no longer applies. If you give your whole life and a portion of your funds to someone and risk your life for them, the least they can do in return is pay you respect when you depart. There's no excuse not to.
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Services are a sacred time. We stop and reflect on what has been, and what is to be. Having lived ones whole life in service to the family, it's only right that the Family Head pay his respects. From foot soldier to consig and above, we're all the same. Everyone who has lived their lives with honour and dignity deserves to pass from it in the same fashion. To have ones Family attend is expected. To have the Family Leader attend is a showing of that Leaders character.
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I go for the sandwiches

bugger, did I say that out loud?
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A leader who doesn't show up at the funeral of one of their loyal members is a poor leader indeed. They've given up their life for that person and if they don't have the respect to attend their funeral, it's highly unlikely that the fallen's son/daugher would follow them into the buisness. Their reputation would probably take a severe hit too.

A loss of members and a loss of reputation. Poor is the leader who shows no respect to match what their members show them.
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