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Lacking professionalism Started by: Father_TeQ on Mar 22, '15 16:33

That's right, your ears did hear that correctly. Even in a mobsters world there is a certain amount of professionalism needed for this line of work, we don't wear these smart suits for nothing. A slip of the tongue or not checking on who your target knows in advance can lead to extremely dire consequences. The way you carry yourself boils down to much more than just wearing a suit, getting your button and jerking off every time you cap a homeless bum.

Every single action or word you speak has a direct influence on how you are perceived by the masses. It might not effect every single person with every single action or word, but every time you do either you are swaying at least 1 person's opinion of you... in the right or wrong way.

So what exactly is professionalism in our world and why do we need it?

It involves some of what I've just said, however it stretches so much further. Unfortunately in my eyes, it even reaches as far as IRC avenue. If you make a dick of yourself anywhere in our little world, it will have ramifications far past just the original comments and reactions. A lot of mobsters like to think they can look past coffeeshop talk and preach it publicly, but from all the private correspondence my blood has had with a range of bloodlines over the years, very few can manage it. We must 'keep face', wherever we are and whatever we are doing. One slip could cost you so much with so many people.

I feel some people need a step-by-step guide so here's a little list I've compiled to help out those who are struggling to comprehend how thieving, lying murderers could be professional.

*Plan everything. This goes from where you want to end up in this life, to your street speeches, to your targets for the day, to what you tribute to your boss and many more things. 

*Something piss you off? Have your say! You need to let it out or it will eat away at you or build up into something much bigger. However, before you send that mail or reply to that street speech, THINK. Take a second to re-think everything you're about to say before it's too late. You can be as emotionally charged as you like... as long as you take that minute before actually opening your mouth to check what you're saying isn't over the top.

*It's all about the money! Travel, travel, travel. Every 5 minutes get moving from district-to-district. It might seem like a pittance but it mounts up very, very quickly and money can mean much more than material possessions if you know how to use it correctly.

*Funerals. Regardless of your opinion of the deceased, these are sacred places for loved ones to pay their last respects. If you cannot say anything nice about the person in the coffin... stay the fuck away.

*Networking and 'politicking'. One of the essentials nowadays. You cannot ride through this life on your own, you'll need help from someone at some point, so you're going to need to find the right contacts that are going to help you achieve your goals. Also, when you find someone who you do not like, you may still need to network through them, this is where the 'politicking' comes into play. Grit your teeth and do what's best for your future in this situation.

*Patience. Patience. Patience. You do not need to be bold as soon as possible, you do not need to be a hand either. You should be looking to stay out of the limelight as much as you can until you're 'ready'. If you don't know when 'ready' is... find somebody with half a brain cell and ask! I really can't emphasise how important patience is, it's tough to explain to a 'fast food generation', but as the old adage goes... good things come to those who wait.

Still unsure how to act professional? Tough shite. I'm too tired from shaking my head at the loons making the most basic mistakes in pursuit of personal glory.

TeQ walks off to go clean up the WMOB studios... cleaning has always been quite therapeutic.

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Brielle walking down the street notices Father_TeQ on a mission, something is bothering him and when he get up to start speaking she knows it is something meaningful. She immediately stops finds a location right in the front and listens to what he has to say. Through out his talk Brie can feel herself nodding with every topic and point he lists off. When he finishes his speech she gives him a slight clap in approval and moves forward to express her thoughts. 

"Father_TeQ, you make a lot of valid points if I must say. It does amaze me how some people in this mafia world assume that since they have a gun and have a couple of notices on their belts they (rule) the world. What they don't realize though is that acting a fool yes may bring you attention, but it is the attention that is wanted. That is an easy question to answer so I will just answer it myself NO."

"I think what a lot of people don't realize is that is a business just like anything else. I mean yes we aren't your typical corporate America but in order to flourish in this world you have to act like a stand up individual and be professional. Now I'm not saying you need to conform to society cause if that was the case you were better off staying a civilian. Like you said TeQ this are certain ways mobsters need to act. You could find yourself with a bullet in your head at the bottom of ocean with a snap of someones fingers."

Brielle takes a quick breathe

"Some people just lack to common sense, and they need to step back and think about what they are about to do and how they present themselves. Cause lacking professionalism not only looks bad for you, but also looks bad for the people who represent you or the people you represent."

"I myself am all for professionalism"

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Mr Teq, you write "*Networking and 'politicking'. One of the essentials nowadays."

This is, of course, true.  But what I am interested in is if you think this has ever *not* been the case?  And if so, when?

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A long, long time ago VadHandeMedDem, when Earners could buy HQ's and with the right set of skills to start life with (wack answers), could kill established leaders on a whim. People still politicked, but it wouldn't keep them alive. 

Being the lone wolf type was entirely possible then. If you wanted to remove someone, it was entirely possible to do it on your own. Sure, it would be a lonely existence, but it would be possible... in this day and age it isn't.

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It would still be possible, I think.  One could fly under the radar and train a gun, keep a low profile, bide the time and take the shot.  But of course, death would follow afterwards.  But didn't it then?

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It would still be possible, I think.  One could fly under the radar and train a gun, keep a low profile, bide the time and take the shot.  But of course, death would follow afterwards.  But didn't it then?

Yes, the inevitable end is usually death after such instances. But if you are good at communicating and keeping friends. Usually you clean house and take care of all the perils before you. Obviously a endeavor this big requires friends to help...hence you need to be involved in politics. You can be a lone gunner here and make it for a little...but longevity is achieved usually from having a network of friends that will back you and keep you alive, and vice versa. 


Now to respond to what TeQ was saying. Great post bud, some of the new blood can actually learn a bit from this thread. You speak of how our 'fast food' generation wants it ALL! And they want it NOW!!! But in this world a lot of things have to come together for someone to be able to move up. For example, people always on this somewhat....but it is no secret that certain blood lines will forever be trusted to lead. Its not because they have just friends in high places. But also the compilation of aspects TeQ just touched on.  You have to be precise and concise with everything you say and plan. Its no secret that wars start over small bickering in the streets...leaving the streets soaked with blood. That can easily be avoided if you watch what you say and how you say it. A lot of the time its the manner of the speech thats wrong and not so much the matter of it. So you have to be concise. 

Networking I already touched on, Funerals...well you should just know better. I would never bad mouth anyone at a funeral, even if it was a fallen enemy. Actually if you ask around, some old schoolers here will tell you. After every war there is a level of mutual respect for the fallen opposition. We're mobsters, yea we war...but we are also respectful members of this society. Cross the line...and you'll be joining the others in the river. 

Ok last bit...Patience and MONEY!!! I think one of the best advice I ever got here was to my Great Great Great Grand father. He was told, "Its more fun to play with money than to play without it". At the time I didn't really understand it, at the time I was like a bull chasing the red was all about the muscle. But then you take a step back and analyze everything and it boils down rather quickly. Its money that makes this world go around. Its necessary for everything we do here from protection to expansion. Yea its necessary to have muscle...but muscles is their to protect and serve. But you need money to be able to build that 'empire'. If you don't have the setup...muscle goes useless! 

Now as far as Patience is concerned, I think that a quality everyone can expand upon. In this world and as any other, you need to be ready to take on whatever that you are planning to do. If you are ill prepped odds are you won't be very good at dealing with the obstacle at hand. Its almost necessary to sit back sometimes and let the meat season. I mean if you don't season it right and start cooking it...your not gonna get what you expected out of it. So patience is a virtue...strive for it and good things will follow.

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Thank you Consigliere Father_TeQ for those very wise words. I am sure that if some wannabe mafiosos would adhere to those kind advices, we would be living in a far better world. I would just add three words: Respect, Forgiveness and Perseverence...

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Forgiveness seems the odd one of the three. Forgiveness (for a misdeed) is good, but only after rightful punishment is given. But perhaps this is what you meant.

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Yes Goto. Partially... I meant forgiveness for little misdeeds in lifetime if adequatly punished, but I also thought about letting the past in the past, for the interest of generations to come after present times, because I consider Death as a good punishment enough for worst misdeeds, and Bloodlining only bringing more blood for future generations...

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Forgiveness seems the odd one of the three. Forgiveness (for a misdeed) is good, but only after rightful punishment is given. But perhaps this is what you meant.

I have nothing against forgiveness...but there has to be a level to this as well. Like not long ago we had a moment where someone shot a crew IA. Bad call, bad on a lot of different levels. But given the fact that the person dead was IA...a cash settlement was made, a demotion was enforced and the gun hung up in the locker for a certain period of time. Thats forgiveness somewhat I would say...spared a life. But as I said it depends on the situation, very rarely here in our world do you see moments of forgiveness. If you do something wrong, you will way or the other. But as long as the two parties can come to a mutual understanding, things can be worked out.  

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Well Don LordBlackwod, forgiveness can be bought, I agree. Shit can happen; compensation is paid,  lifes are kept, evrybody satified.... It can happen even twice, but then the stakes rise. One should then think if some life(s) is/are worth the forgiveness. At the third time injustice is done, you  measure the level of power of your side versus the other, it's not just money then, it's temporary truce. If Fourth time happens? That's to be seen yet.

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Well Don LordBlackwod, forgiveness can be bought, I agree. Shit can happen; compensation is paid,  lifes are kept, evrybody satified.... It can happen even twice, but then the stakes rise. One should then think if some life(s) is/are worth the forgiveness. At the third time injustice is done, you  measure the level of power of your side versus the other, it's not just money then, it's temporary truce. If Fourth time happens? That's to be seen yet.

There are no chances realistically in this life Wooboom. You are lucky to get one...and thats probably all you will ever get. If you are lucky enough!!!

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Me LordBlackwod?

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Oh sorry Wooboom! Not YOU per general I mean. 

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Ah! Releif :p

It's almost like when you would have children out of marriage, but not legally aware, then a judge calls you and says we have DNK proof of you needing to pay alimentation. lol

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