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What do you look for? Started by: Paranoia on Mar 22, '15 20:09

Paranoia walks out of a nearby coffee shop and onto the streets with questions in mind. He figures it's all probably been asked before, but even so he found himself curious as to how people would respond. Sure, he likely could go out and hear of older opinions, but he wants to know what people think now, especially with the recent changes in what's expected of a potential crew leader.

Figuring it as the perfect time to ask, he finds a good spot on the street corner and steps up so everyone can see and hear him clearly and begins to speak.

I stand before you today to ask you guys, what is the best quality you think a crew leader can possess? What do those in your bloodline look for time and time again in their potential crew leaders? What one quality is it that separates the best from the good or even the not so good? Of course, it's possible it's a few qualities as opposed to a single one, but what interests you the most of those few? 

Is it their ability to come out into the streets, or perhaps the coffee shops, and speak their mind? Is it that they talk to their crew regularly and keep them interested? Is it their level of helpfulness? Or perhaps, it's something else that interests you?

I guess what I'm essentially asking is this: What quality above all else do you like to see in your ideal crew leader? Also, if you are a crew leader, what quality do you value most about yourself?

Having asked his questions, he awaits to hear the responses to the questions that have been buzzing around his head. Paranoia steps back and waits for the others to weigh in their opinions.

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All I ask is that he isn't a total dickhead, that he is reasonably active and that he doesn't bar me from speaking my mind on things. I join people who I like. Someone may be the most active street speaker and whatnot, but if I don't like him, I won't join him.

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While watching an explosion, coming from Tyler Durden's headquarters, Vandlgat was inspired to consume a large amount of mushrooms. 

On his journeys in finding the object of his desire, he overhears Paranoia asking questions to the general populace about the qualities of a good crew leader.

Vandlgat moves to speak,"I believe, first and foremost, that a leader of the highest quality should possess proper knowledge of how and when to carry out battle and diplomacy.  

Knowing the self, the environment, and the enemy is the mark of a leader worth serving. A positive leader allows his generals to make their own decisions, trusting the loyalty and freewill of his subordinates.

A wise leader is loved by his friends, and feared by all." 

He checks the time on his watch,"That's it for me. Game is to be sold, not told."

Vandlgat goes on to his mushrooms connection's dwelling place where he purchases 7 grams of mushrooms, boils it into tea, and drinks it through a straw to get maximum effect...............

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Cin had just acquired a styrofoam cup of coffee as she strolled among the streets. A topic caught her attention and she turned towards the speaker. Listening as he posed a question, she began to smile. Her thoughts were on her choice of leader.

Personally, I chose SiriusBlack for his backbone.  What does this mean? He is a leader that I felt was confident in his role and would stand up for his members should the need arise. He also allowed a clean slate. I could work as I knew I could without my line's past being held against me through comments or snide remarks.

Having been here for a little while there are many characteristics that I quite enjoy with this one. The ability to be approachable is highly admired by me. He is not stand offish and is quite easy to discuss an issue with. Communication is important in this world so I feel you should be able to speak to your own leader openly if no one else.

There are many great qualities about the leader that I have chosen that I feel should my next of kin ever grace these shores would certainly be interested in when they make their own choice.

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Firstly Paranoia, Thankyou. This is an excellent topic that you bring for discussion today.

I find it sad however, that it has not evoked a more considerable amount of responses. I fear that this is perhaps because many people couldn’t tell you why they chose their leader..

It seems that this is becoming a more common occurrence and it appears to me that many people put little effort into choosing whom they work for, recently I have heard many stories in the coffee shops, about prospective associates having little or no powers of consideration at all. I remember when I first came to these shores, people wishing to get into our way of life had to explain what they had to offer to a prospective crewleader and how they could benefit their organisation. Whilst this is still a way of life for some on our shores, this is becoming less and less frequent, and people will happily work for whoever pesters them or invites them first.

To answer your question though, and I will do so to the best of my ability. I chose Godfather BlackBetty, because I know much of her bloodline, I know they have an uncanny ability to negotiate, to be fair but firm and overall, to lead. It is also happens that there were many relatives of my ancestors friends here, but this alone is not sufficient reason to choose to work in a city or for a certain crew leader.

Whilst this criteria greatly strengthened my resolve to work for BlackBetty, I chose this family due to it’s position in the world. Philadelphia, along with New York  are at the fore front of the mob world, in the current moment. When my blood arrived back to these shores it heard tales of vast cities imploding and falling to pieces, seeing that Philadelphia and New York had stood the test of time, I knew they were my best options for starting my career, to be able to perform to the best of my ability.

It was then quickly narrowed down by the factors I have previously mentioned.

Overall, I want a crewleader that has balls, intelligence and the ability to lead. Other traits can be seen as positives and negatives depending on the context, but for me, these three are must haves. 

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The lack of response should not be a surprise, nor troubling. The population consists of people from many walks of life. The very new associate who shows potential, to the one who rarely checks in. We have very old school who live by Omerta. Those who live and breathe loyalty, honor, respect and family above all. There are seasoned mafiaso that have migrated from another country and not so seasoned. We got those who have been here for years who know the history of bloodlines. (I don't feel deprived) The art of communication, observation, trial and error is enough for me to make a decision.

Anyone who has an interest in learning how we live will make way to learn the ropes, starting with picking a family.
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Upon travelling through the city on his daily errands, Albino's attention is caught by a man asking the masses for their opinions on Crew Leaders and their skill sets. After weighing up his answers in his head, Albino decides to step up and offer his thoughts,

"I'm very new to these shores. I've learned rather a lot in my time here and TonyCapazzo has played a vital role in this. As a Crew Leader, Tony possesses a lot of skills and talents which all help him with the vital roles of teaching, assisting and leading. However, I feel the most important of all is his patience.

When I stumbled across these shores, I jumped straight in and quickly gained a huge hunger for knowledge. I wanted to learn everything as quick as possible. I became addicted to this way of life and this thing of ours. Don Capazzo has spent a lot of time teaching and nurturing me, like a feeble plant on his office desk, he's tended to me and helped me grow. He has done this for every one of us within our tight-knit family. Patience has definitely played the most important role in sharing all of this knowledge with us. Without this patience, Phoenix Rising would have never gained good members and this thing of ours would've never gained good bloodlines.

For that reason, in my opinion, patience is definitely the strongest skill a Crew Leader can possess."

Albino nods towards the crowd, respecting their attention throughout. He takes a step down and decides to hang around, ready to hear other Mafioso's opinions.

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Standing back against the building, after listening to Albino comment in response to Paranoia's question, Verbal pauses a moment in thought then steps forward clears his throat and says...

I, too, am fairly new to these shores, so can only speak from personal experience.

I do agree with Albino about patience being very important.  Yet, I would also add that the desire to see his family be all they can be and to assist them in that endeavor is a trait that I believe is important in a crew leader as well.  Pushing them beyond what they are 'comfortable' with, helping them to grow...this benefits the member and the family both.

I know I'm better for having been pushed beyond what I was accustomed to, what I felt at ease with, and I'm grateful for it.

With a quick nod, he returns to lean against the wall and await more discussion.

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Brielle was sitting in her office when Paranoia knocked on her door, he explained to her that he had a couple things on his mind and that he was planning on making an announcement, rather an inquiry to the masses. He asked if she would attend and weigh in on the topic at hand. Not really knowing what was rattling in his brain but then again quite curious to find out, she gave him a nod. He smiled and proceeded to walk down the hall and out the door. Brie quickly sorted her papers marking where she had left off, grabbed her hat and followed after him. She walked out the door and there he was all propped up on his soapbox getting ready to deliver his speech. She sat on the steps and listened once he was done she began to chime in.

"Paranoia I like the question at hand and you know I have read through a lot of journals from my past ancestors and the variety in the  leaders they had was immensely different. I'm not going to go into details because every leader has great qualities, you have to figure most of them don't get where they are just because of their looks. For me though the key's I look for in a good leader are for friendliness, cause how could you work with someone who is a mean ass. Second they have to honest, no one likes a sneaky leader. They also have to have knowledge, cause without experience a family can't be ran effectively. There are many many other things that a leader needs to posses and hell I could talk about it until I turn blue in the face but the papers on my desk are piled almost to ceiling."

Brie walks up to Paranoia puts her hand on his shoulder and whispers into his ear

"Your learning quick out here, keep up the awesome work" 

She then turns around and walking back into the HQ

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LordKobra slithers out into the streets, his long thin tail trailing behind him brushing several feet as he passes. He heads towards a lamp post, he begins to wind around the post moving up almost to the top with his body tightly coiled around it. He scans the crowed as his tongue flickers tasting the air.

LordKobra lets out a loud hiss and then begins to talk.


Ssssssssssomething LordKobra appreciates is loyalty. If the Kobra knows his leader is loyal to him and will stand by him and back him. Then the Kobra can commit and dedicate his loyalty to his leader. So long as the Kobra feels assured his loyalty is returned, he will slither at his leaders side until his cold heart beats no more.



LordKobra stays wrapped around the lamp post watching the crowed with great interest. Waiting for the next speaker.

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Phantom has been running around the city doing his daily business all day. He began to get tired and needed to rest his feet. Phantom decided to sit on a bench outside a coffee shop. His attention turned to the shop door as it squeaked open and out came a fellow mobster rushing into the streets. Phantom’s eyes followed the mobster who was known locally as Paranoia. Phantom watched as Paranoia walked to the center of the street. A crowd formed in front of him and he began to speak. Phantom was so far back that he could barely hear Paranoia talk. Phantom shoved his way through the crowd getting to the front and just a few yards in front of where Paranoia stood.

Phantom listened on from his new position, hanging on to every word that Paranoia spoke. Phantom pondered over every questions that Paranoia said. What is the best quality you think a crew leader can possess? What do those in your bloodline look for time and time again in their potential crew leaders? Phantom thought over these questions while others talked around him. Phantom prepared his words before speaking out. He cleared his throat and straightened his tie as it had been messed up during today’s business. Phantom ventured out of the crowd hoping to distinguish himself from the rest of the crowd. He raised his voice, so, everyone could hear him.

“Almost all of my ancestors have chosen a leader themselves, they have always approach the leader first. I personally don’t like to be approached as I find that when I initiate the conversation first, it shows the true personality and qualities of the crewleader. I like to make sure that crewleader is friendly and isn't cold nor distant. I never considerate street presence as a factor when choosing a crewleader as I know many people have different levels of street presence.”

Phantom paused for a brief second, gathering his word before speaking again.

“What is the best quality you think a crew leader can possess? For this question I believe that the best quality a crewleader should possess is having a wide knowledge in all areas of this world of crime.  This is vital for the arrival of a new player into this life of crime. What the crewleader teaches them now will be the building blocks for their future and help them develop their skills and traits. Finally a leader must be active as an active leader will be there if anyone has a question with a quick and speedy reply.”

Phantom finished talking and stepped back into the crowd. He awaited the next speaker to voice their opinion on the subject.

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I guess I fill these shoes now so my words might be a little slanted. But this is something that I passively think about when starting a new about here. But its not something I actively think about. 

Blackwod flips through some history books of his families past. 

See I remember when the first of my line came here...they had no friends, no old colleagues. Was a brand spankin new mobster coming from the old country trying to learn this thing of ours. I think the first of my line made it to goomba and that was it. The one following him made it to earner....the goal then was Wise Guy. And then came a Capo and I want to say thats when my line really grew up and started to understand this thing of ours. Its because of what my predecessors did and experienced that I am able to stand here today. Its been a collective education of sorts...leading to this. Over time my familial line has obviously learned the necessity of working behind a great leader.

My first some leaders died rather quickly. It was when gramps was under GodMother Mariotta my lineage learned the meaning of working for great leaders. Since then my lineage has always looked at leaders before committing to this life. To me its important that a leader is loyal to their members, a leader that stands behind its members is always one of the best. Communication is another thing thats HUGE. Some leaders tend to sit in their burrows in the HQ and not wonder out just building. But its the good ones that network across the country. This thing of ours is based on all of us and not just some of its of upmost necessity that leaders are good at reaching out. I also expect leaders to be able to teach as well, some of the best are able to mold great mobsters out of brand new faces. Its always nice to be in a family thats interconnected like that. And lastly and this is perhaps the most important, to me its important to know how a leader reacts to situations and approaches situations. A leader that believes in knee jerk reactions isn't really the best kind. Good leaders are able to process information rather quickly and yet react in the necessary manner logically. All those things to me makeup the kinda leader that my lineage usually tends to follow. I can certainly add that I like to work with familiar faces and that is true to a very good extent. But my current GodFather and my lineage have never worked together before, yet I choose to follow her...its because she had all the qualities I have expressed above. So its usually a mix of both I want to say. 

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Personally I think the best quality a crew leader can posses is knowledge and good communication skills.

RTwo clears his breath before thinking about the next question.

I like to look for someone that either sticks out or shows interest in me, and occasion I go with some I think I can be a huge asset to.

He takes a sip of his pocket flask as he continues thinking.

What separates the best from the good is quite simply the little things, that most people don't notice. How ever when it comes to what interests me it doesn't have to be a person that speaks a lot in the coffee shops or in the streets. Just showing you care and talking a little can sometimes makes wonders.

RTwo notices the mailman stopping by as he starts thinking about the last questions.

The quality above all else I like to see in my ideal crew leader, would be someone that doesn't let others push him or her around. I guess I can answer which quality I value most about myself too, I'm always happy to help, talk and I enjoy seeing people being happy.


I'm not sure if that answered your questions or not, but I figured I'd throw my two cents out there anyways.

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