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Are we not our name? Started by: Spartacus on Apr 04, '15 04:20

Spartacus had heard many people running the streets speaking of bloodlines and even of stories to tell about someone's ancestory. He pondered these things as he thought back to his own name that he had once heard whispered on the sands of Thrace, and then shook his head. His thoughts ran to what he had become here and how he was part of what many would call a family by wearing the tag of mademan, but he not only viewed it as a family but that of a brotherhood. 

Many times he referred to one or another as brother with in the walls built by Templar and he thought of how he had even come to call these walls home. His thoughts made him almost smile through the hardness of his own soul, but as briefly as that warming thought came, it flew as he thought back to what had drug him to venture to speak to others.

"I can not speak much onto how many feel for who they use to be. I too use to be someone,  before my feet landed upon wet shores of what is called America after losing everything I once had and even almost my life, but I stand here as Spartacus.

I hear many speak of things of old and what their names use to be, and then I listen of  speak about being reborn and forgiven after death. I ask a question that has sparked my mind. In this rebirth of those that have ancestory here reborn does it give birth to a son or daughter that is a new or different person or is everyone as a phoenix?

Must a person be defined by who they once were? Can a man not be himself as his name, and not carry forth names that will never be spoken again?

I am sure after having spoken to a few, most of those being my brothers, that a name can hold of high value to some ears that are upon our land, and then I am sure many will come back to spit and say that people do not change or that a bloodline that many speak of is always that same person, but if a name is given to someone can they not simply be that?"

He looks about seeing some proudly carry what seemed to be an old name, and he hears murmurs of names that are forgien to his ears echo from person to person, but he still ponders to himself.

"Perhaps my brain does not think as many do here. I am simply a man that goes by a name, given to me upon entering this world. A person that has no past but looks to the future."

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Interesting point being brought up. Can a man or woman not be be seen for what their ancestors were? I think so, but it may be a hard thing to forget. These are the people who raised you or influenced you. Back in the day, innocents were hanged for having been related to traitors, murderers, etc. Even today, people still might view them with disgrace or praise even though we are more tolerate and understanding. It may take some work, but as I said before, yes, a man or a woman can be forgiven. They have to prove it first, though. As blood of your bloodline flows through you, the mentality might stay the same. That's why it is hard to forgive. I don't think people can change, but these are not the same people; another reason to forgive. 

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Seeing someone willing to speak on topic, Spartacus graciously offers the man from Philly a glass of wine poured into fresh cup. After handing it over he takes a slight step back and then nods. 

"Reason. I can understand your words, but I suppose perhaps my real question is can someone not just simply be who they are without a relation to a past? I see words of people speaking of long ago, even currently, who they were, what they were, perhaps what they stood for, but then you have others like myself that are here now. No claiming of past, nothing of interest to speak of. 

I could fill your head with stories of lands far away but lets face it no one would care of sands that do not effect time spent with in this region."

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I beg to differ there Reason people can change, a lot of it comes down to people taking the time out to teach others the right path, of course it all comes down to the individual some learn from their mistakes and strive to do better in the next life, others have a false sense of importance and think their way is best regardless of making copious amounts of fuck ups, the latter will never change all the time they have a hole in their ass no matter what name they choose to run by, personally I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and give them opportunity to start over but if a person has a history of always being a fuck up of course you are going to keep a close eye on them that's only natural, the onus is then on them to prove they can change given the chance.

Talking of chances how many chances do you give a bloodline before you say enough is enough?, are people getting a fair chance to redeem themselves, are people taking the time to try and help rectify certain bad traits or are people trying too much and having it all thrown back at them because someone is just incapable of making change?.

I have seen both sides of the coin, I've seen some that were what some would call a high risk  prove themselves given the right circumstances and go on to achieve great things and therefore redeem their past indiscretions, I have however also seen the complete opposite someone who was held in high esteem go and do something crazy and seemingly out of character, as the age old saying goes you can never judge a book by its cover.

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Without delving too much into what I said in my speech. It is quite clear from events just a few nights ago that new members of a bloodline cannot just be 'a name'.

It doesn't matter what you do, your ancestors for many months and years down the line will be remembered for it and be punished for it if you do wrong.

There is no forgiving, there is no forgetting. Just a long hard slog until eventually the regime changes or your bloodline takes leave from our shores on a more permanent basis... something a few are having to do now and something my own blood has had to do in the past.

Unless your offspring carries a totally different name, your own actions won't be forgotten, good or bad.

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Spartacus  stops in what his words that were going to be spoken to Templar and turns to Zeq. 

Zeq perhaps oneday this will not be the case? People are people and we are only human? He gives Zeq a nod and then raises a glass. 

I suppose there is no forgiving or forgetting it seems from things that have been shown to us, but should that be the case in how those being treated as such view it as well? So much done to so many from time to time and they forgive, but is that what the case should be?

Templar, brother! It seems that you and Zeq while on different thoughts are similiar in your thinking. A few chances here and there and such but just as you stated to whom does this lead back to?

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Unfortunately Spartacus, my blood has been around for many, many years and that 'one day' has been waited on since forever ago.

It all leads back to the 'powers that be' at whatever time in history we are at as to whether people are given a chance. It seems in this era, if you're connected to 303, you're fucked.

Once upon a time, if you went to the #TeQ coffeeshop that my father hosted, you were fucked also. If you were found out, you were dead.

The current powers will eventually change and the bloodlines punished now may get a chance from whoever takes their place, they also may not. It all depends on who fills the power vacuum.

Grudges, it seems are never forgotten. The only way for your blood to get a chance is to vacate our world for a while until the power structure changes. 

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Spartacus ponders on the words being spoken and even though he knows it is not his place he begins to wonder what those that he had been told are the power at be of the world think. 

He takes in a breath and then sends a messanger to each godfather that walks the lands we live in and wishes them to answer if they should take time from their days and breaks words...


"Are we a slave to our ancestor names if we have one?"

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I do know that if your bloodline is known for being associated with the (in)famous 303303 clique, you'll have a hard time getting free from that association, even if you haven't done anything on your current name. For some it might also be very hard to move on, because they either get killed for the actions of (former) associates connected with their bloodline (so not necessarily their current name), or because of people mentioning 303303 in the streets at least every few weeks.

So yes, I think that in some form, we are 'enslaved' by our ancestor's names and their association with certain people and certain groups.

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Spartacus, people here are incapable of allowing you to be unrelated to someone else and most people unfortunately are incapable of being unrelated to someone else too. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. It makes me sad and I hope it changes.

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As Barry says Spartacus people are very unforgiving.

Many here do not forget the past or are unwilling to let past issues fall to the way side.

I to am with Barry we all should let the past "BE THE PAST"

I would like everyone to get a chance to lead and show their worth we all have something to give, yes even the littlest gangster here has a right to be heard and listened to. How else will this world of ours grow and become what we all know it can be.

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“If the pot is boiling over, use a long spoon. If the house is on fire; warm yourself.”
“Our principles are highest; honor, solidarity and vengeance. We know there’s no justice for us except we earn it. We earn respect.”
“All problems resolves themselves; given time.”

I Think many are hurt and live a lifestyle of greed & try to be strong take each other out...

oFriends are not as important as family. Do not confuse the loyalty of friendship with the bond of blood.
just sayin..........

Sitting here drinking shots "fireball" watching the sunset
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Spartacus finds a sigh as he listens to all those that are speaking and looks down into a glass of wine he held tightly in his grips. His thoughts drift on how to change how everyone is feeling but he ends up simply drawing his lips into a frown and burrowing his brow. 

"Barry and Fast I have to agree with you. I like the expression used let the past be the past, but yet while a few have that feeling it does not seem to be the concensus of those that are of the masses. How would one give light to those that aren't of that nature to perhaps let them see that due to the conventional thoughts.. There's a possiblitiy that while people "enjoy" being slaves to their names that there's a chance that by doing this mentality that they are possibly missing out on encounters that could one day lead to events that would better all those involved?"

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Hail Batiatus

In a perfect world, I suppose one could wrong another and have their offspring be expunged of all wrongdoings or offenses levied by their predecessors, free of any personal responsibility. It's an unrealistic and immature expectation in most cases though.

Some grudges end with a simple bullet and are laid to rest. Others are carried down from generation to generation. Grudges come in different forms, depending on the nature. If your mother or father was a pile of shit, you should fully expect yourself to be viewed as a pile of shit as well by the affected parties unless some effort is made to rectify, or even at the very least recognize past transgressions.

I hear of people moaning about their bloodlines being treated unjustly, victimized due to the sins of their fathers, yet they do shit and piss to differentiate themselves from their ancestors.  They carry the same name, sometimes even dress the exactly the same as if they were given fucking handmedowns like a kid sister.  There are even people here that refer to themselves as "my bloodline".  So why should anyone view someone as an individual when they themselves don't even make a distinction from their "bloodline"?

If your ancestor fucked somebody and you want a clean-slate with that person, instead of placing the responsibility of squashing ill-will upon the person you did wrong by, one could always reach out to that person and take some accountability for their ancestor's actions. Or if you feel it is an unjust grudge being held over you, the very least make attempt to mend fences. Some of my own ancestors were not saints by any means.  Some have done wrong by people.  Some of those people deserved what they got.  Of the ones that did not, I would expect that it should be me that should make the first move towards burying any hatchets or ill-feelings with their offspring, not them.

If there is ill-will towards your family tree, pull head from smelly ass , take accountability and attempt to repair bloodline relationships.  It's not incumbent upon anyone else to forgive, or not to view you as garbage just because the trash that came before you is dead. 

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I am Spartacus, and so is my wife.

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"In my experience, the people who seek to distance themselves from their families past are the people who fear their families past."

Freyja pauses for a second to gather her thoughts.

"Those who seek to hide their ancestry, in my eyes, are running from something. Whether or not they want to admit it, there is something about that past that they are ashamed of, or that they fear, or that they know would cause resentment against them - cuntiness that they seek to avoid taking responsibility for. 

Perhaps they sold out their districts closest and best allies the second their own Godfather died, and know that the ancestors of those allies would seek to quickly dispatch any ancestor of the scum who committed such an act were they to discover such an ancestor.

Or perhaps they just had an ancestor who was part of a clique which ruled with an iron thumb and a taste for violence, or something like that.

All I'm saying, is if somebody seeks to hide their past, there's probably a reason."

Freyja shrugs.

"Just my two cents."

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"Anything left for the self-taught man?"

Alphonse had lived a life coloured with theft, violence and hardship, one that had led him to Batiatus' family as a seasoned petty thief and not as the young turk he had been when he began committing purse snatches in Brooklyn. It was hard work that ultimately set him apart and he earned well enough to join Reverend Sharpton in the desert when the time came for the business to grow and for money to be made in new neighbourhoods. Capone owed his sense of obligation to his father, and a specific line the old man had beat into him had weaved itself through the fabric of his career so far. It had become particularly relevant in recent weeks, with numerous controversies and discussions arising over lineage and actions of the past. 

"The most important thing I was ever taught was that nobody owed me anything. Many will tell you that but do they really believe it? And more importantly, do they trust themselves to succeed by it? It's a tenant commonly preached, less often followed. Ask for no favours, and don't sell yourself short to nobody. Man is a beast of cunning, reason, a sharpness of senses, and we honour them by finding comfort and submitting to habit; we celebrate our ingenuity by cutting the edges into a square. Sometimes I feel like Pico Mirandola, in arguing for the dignity of man in the face of more reasonable conclusions. The Pythagoreans turned those who lived sinful lives into plants and animals, but we don't have the luxury. We all live sinful lives and our sons and daughters are all born hairless and hoofless. But while every one of those sons and daughters continues to rise exactly where their fathers and mothers fell, believing they've walked the same roads, our problem becomes systemic more than individual."

"Are we pack animals? In the sense that we exist in families, and our duty is to them, absolutely. No man is an island, entire of itself. When you make your bones, you don't just become a part of the family, you come to represent it. But, still, to a large extent, we are left to our own devices; to earn, to network, to give speeches, and to kill, and it's those moments that we inherit generation to generation. What has come to pass is the attitude that those moments are not only passed down, but that they have become representative of the heir. And yet some continue to have the tenacity to complain that they are judged for actions made in the past, while continuing to represent that past in its precise nature, down to the family name. Can we believe both that the apple does not fall far from the tree and that every man is worthy of a second chance?"

“There doesn’t have to be a choice, certainly not one applicable to any situation, but the extent to which I have observed mafiosi parade their ancestry like it is a flag to be planted in the ground is indicative of the situation we have found ourselves in. It would be ludicrous for everyone to hide their pasts from each other, especially when it is proven that certain family lines can remain close over generations with little detriment to a healthy Cosa Nostra, but it is also a fool’s request to start now in believing that a clean slate is a right of birth. This is a society shaped by the people who live in it and the way we live, from every harmless cross-generational street gag to your classic Goomba Right Hand, screams: give me what I am entitled to!”

Alphonse paused for a moment, realising he had spoken his turn and more, and briefly considered how best to wrap it up and allow the next fella his word. 

"How about the harm of a disavowing a bloodline? Prestige is a fickle and meaningless thing. Judgment is more often the key term. Is there a surer way to ingratiate yourself into the status quo than to dig up and replicate an ancestor in your lineage, regardless of their success? History looks on no two men the same, blood or not. There is, in fact, only one way to ensure you are judged solely on the actions and virtue of your present, and that's by way of being unfamiliar - something, in itself, becoming increasingly taboo. But the unfamiliar can earn his way. The name recognised is one already understood."

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Batiatus. I am glad to have your words blessed upon our ears on the matters that we speak, and I do have agreeance with you in the aspect of individuals that use and run by a past ancestor. In many scenes I have heard about this is all the case that your words have spoken to us about, but however I am addressing more so those individuals that are not here boasting their previous linage. 

If an individual does parade the streets with a lengthy family name and expect that wrongs done by their line be immediately undone upon the death of their past lines that is something that one should not expect and they should be man or woman enough to approach just as you have mentioned. With that said though in regards to individuals that want to push it all away and be, perhaps, new then why can't they be just that? I believe that instead a slave to their past linage perhaps is what my thoughts are after speaking to many. 

Freya I have heard many do just as you are stating and that they go into hiding because of past wrongs, but is this really the case for all? I do not know the intentions of everyone, nor can I speak for anyone truly of this case, but I would think that for some they want a new chance to see what they themselves can do. Some individuals might not want to be known or given anything on basis of whom their mother or father was. Perhaps they simply want to see what they, as themself, can do? 

Al-Capone I believe that you have what I am getting out nailed where you stated only one way to ensure you are judged solely on the actions and virtue of your present, and that's by way of being unfamiliar"  This is exactly what my words are saying and asking about. It seems that many do not enjoy this idea or like it and that is why I came out here because there's simply that. That some don't wish an enslavery of a name  ran as past and soley want to be known and judged as who they are.

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Spartacus I like the topic you raised here today. I understand that every new face that comes from a particular lineage is a new being entering this thing of ours. And they should be given the courtesy to be able to build their own legacy. But there enlies the problem. A legacy is built by someones lineage to transcend generations. Now a legacy can always be good or bad. Most that do what they are suppose to and contribute something positive to our way of life will be remembered in better light than others that don't. No matter what you look at there will always be outliers. Some people will find a way to fuck things up! Thats just how it goes. Now I am not saying that once someone messes up they should be considered outcasts. Everyone should be given a chance to rehabilitate their lineage...I am certainly a believer in that.  

But there is certainly a line that you have to watch as well. There are levels of fuck-up's. Now if someone's lineage has always been outstanding and they make one mistake, odds are they will be afforded a chance to fix it a couple of times before they are considered outcasts. Some bloodlines tend to keep making mistakes in that real family will tend to back them. GodFather's will enforce laws to ban these people and in certain cases they will be hunted down beyond city lines. The point I am trying to make here is, no matter what happens your son/daughter will always pay for your kins sins. Sometimes its easier, sometimes its times not even permitted. But for every action there is a consequence. 

I was speaking with one of my members a couple of days ago and the topic of 'rogues' came up. And if you go back and look about, there have been some rogues that actually come from good bloodlines. Just for whatever reason that particular day they decided to stand by their principals that superseded their loyalty to the family. Of course the moment you cross that line, your a dead man walking...but when one chooses to go rogue, they already know this. But its what happens after where their sins are going to come back to haunt you. No matter how good a persons bloodline is once they rogue, others will forever make a note of that moving forward. Friends of my lineage had partaken in instances like these, and I will stand here and say...they may have been great mafioso's. But the minute you show that you are above the law, expect people to be a little worried. Its something that will follow your lineage past the grave. 

So I am not particularly against re-habilitation of bloodlines, but I think something else needs to be looked at in the grand picture. Understand that every action you take will have consequences. The minute someone understands that, perhaps that day people will think before they act. Because words are cheap...actions aren't. Be mindful of what you do, and perhaps you won't have to work to payoff previous sins! 

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