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ROGUES Started by: bite_me on Nov 08, '07 00:54

What do you think makes a person decide to go ROGUE?

I have ask myself this question many times, I see gentle people whom you would never think would do such a thing. They just seem to snap, get fed up or decide they don't agree with something someone says, does, or just a disagreement in general.

In your oppinion what sets these people off. What makes them kill randomly, or do you think they go ROGUE just with the idea of killing certain people?

I for one would love to hear your oppinion.
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Haven't we discussed this twice in the past week?

Goes to find proof.
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Okay, so it was the past week-and-a-half.

Perhaps you can find your answer down the street somewhere:

Slevin_Kelevra's discussion.
PeterPetrelli's discussion.
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What if someone wasn't really thinking about going rogue, then they saw this thread, and went "Oh, yes!"


What then, huh?


Stop trying to ruin the good thing we've got going here.
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Heard this discussion, I mean.

I have this exotic disease, where I say weird shit sometimes.

You've probably never heard of it. It's from Argentina, and only affects really awesome people.

Seriously, it exists.

Fuck you, I'm rich.

Stomps away down the street.
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Just thought I'd add that in.

Maybe we're getting carried away, shooting this guy down so soon.

I would like to take the time to re-emphasise Johnny's point, that this has been discussed recently. Though, it is a good topic, it is too soon to replicate the same question.
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The man comes up with his cigar, you see him take a puff and begin to speak his mind

This topic has been discussed many times recently in the streets, I don't believe that there is need for more threads about this topic. Pretty much the same question was asked by two others that I see.

I try not to be the stupid one most of the time and I try to help those that I can, just try and look for other topics on the streets before you post one.

All it really does is piss people off and think you're a noob to the game if you post the same things others did.

You see the man take one last puff off his cigar drop it on the ground and walk off as the ember from the cigar still burns on the concrete
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Im also new to this world, how ever a cigar smoking mobster, should surely not be talking about "Games, posts and threads". Now im learning the ropes so my opinion does not hold much weight. How ever repetition of old discussions is not as serious a crime as forgeting how to carry our selves on the street.

Any topic of interesst brought to our attention again, should i agree at least have a new twist or some extra punch to it. Now rogues will allways be talked about, many people mail rogues to wish them luck. There are too many reasons to go rogue, perhaps more reasons not to. But as new people join our way of life daily, lets not beat down on them for have old discusions. I know they should do some research before opening thier mouths, but its seems ironic to comment on the lack of innovation with equally boring and repetitive critisism.

Rogues in my view lie somewhere between, no ambition and far too much ambition.
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I don't think you quite understand exactly how awesome Sticks is.

Apparently, he's pretty damn awesome.


Go figure.
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In your oppinion what sets these people off. What makes them kill randomly, or do you think they go ROGUE just with the idea of killing certain people?

Some people are just a bunch of assholes looking for attention. Fuck em I say. :)
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"There is an old wives tale, everyone has an oppinion, just like everyone has an asshole but you don't go around showing it to everyone." Is it any one persons fault there is nothing more to speak of but the antics of a rogue?

So why not get up off your laurels and make some history instead of bereating your crew members for their efforts in making a new thread for the streets.
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Oh, sure, no problem.
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My attitude is... the other discussions they were all in depths looking for deep thought or means, but the reality is it wasn't because some butterfly in Sydney flaps it wings, my good friends gets a bullet in his head, the reality is, some asshole wants attention and murders a good friend. Problem solved. You can go to bed Socrates. :) Thank you now.
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(^-^ OOC: Drunk post, sorry for the spelling errors.)

Lay off, bite me... mmm kay. :)
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Perhaps I was unfair in the manner that I made it known that his topic has been discussed. I just believe that you need to follow the discussions in the streets to really understand the trends of our world. It seems ridiculous to me that someone that is unfamiliar with the streets would attempt to make a speech.

It also irritates me when someone makes a speech and cannot accept criticism. I'm not discouraging anyone from speaking, but asking people to toughen the fuck up. This is the Mafia, afterall.

Still, this has been discussed. I'm certain you will find sufficient answers to the questions you've posed once again.
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Rogues those people must be crazy. I have no idea why anyone would ever do that...

/Chuckles to the old men on the corner and slips away.
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well after being cussed at, fussed at, and made fun of. I finally get a chuckle from someone, I love it. That is what the thread was suppose to bring out in the first place.
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