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Attempted Mugging, (RP) Started by: Insight- on Nov 10, '07 19:13
It was a crisp fall morning, I was on my way to the Deli for some sandwich meats for Oliver (He's got me running the special jobs since the promo) Anyway Leon the bodyguard and I parked a couple blocks down from the shop, started the walk up the street to the deli.

"Hey Bill, Can I get the usual, try to make it snappy, Ollie is starting to get antsy without his sandwich today, Plus not to mention moody, He told me earlier today "Insight- If you don't get the right meats I'll Kill you" He showed me the knife.

"Yea yea, here it is, that will be 25.56 please" Bill replies.

I pull out thirty bucks and Pay Bill get my change and walk out.

Leon and I work our way back to the car, He goes to open the door, when I hear the pit patter of steps coming from behind me, picking up speed as the steps sound louder and louder, Leon pushes me out of the way, knocking me to the ground.

The next thing I hear is a solid thud. Look up and there's a man on the ground, with Leon standing over him. I get up and brush myself off, and walk over by Leon.

"What's the problem here?" I ask the man on the ground.

"Listen, I'm homeless hungry and cold, I was just looking for some food"

"What's your name kid?" I ask.

"Jimmy, what's it to ya?"

"Alright Jimmy, First off Don't get cocky with me, second I'll give it to you straight, me I'm a nice guy, Leon here; you don't want to mess with. There are other methods to getting what you want; I'm sure if you asked one of the Crew Leaders in the area you could get set up with a home. But....... If I ever see you around here again pulling this shit again I won't hesitate to have you put out of commission. Now get outta here."

Jimmy struggles to get to his feet and slowly starts on his way.

I walk back to the car, and out of the corner of my eye, I see someone who has just witnessed what has happened. He draws his gun, and starts a B-line to Jimmy.

Leon and I get into the car and drive away....Then..."BANG"

*I guess this other Mafioso had a different philosophy concerning mugging* I thought to myself.
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