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Walking Dead Arise! Started by: Camel on Jun 15, '15 01:27

Camel stepped through the packed parking lot to the top of the steps of South Philly's Courthouse. A lot had transpired over the last few months, days... he shook his head to get the sleep out of his eyes. Plucking a Camel non filter from the pack in his front coat pocket he struck a match to his hand and inhaled as the flame touched the turkish blended tobacco.

Ahh, better than sex. He mumbled quietly.

A cough from the crowd brought him back to reality, for he was day dreaming. He eyed them thoroughly, enjoying the suspense that was building as the crowd waited for the man with a camel face to speak.

I did not want to survive on these shores on my families name. So I have remained in the shadows. Slowly working, and building to make myself a better mafioso. A wise man once said the greatest leaders are great followers first. So that is what I had intended for my life. Alas, it would appear fate would have different plans for me.

His fingers snapped and two men already under his employ began dragging politicians out of the courthouse behind him. The first the Mayor, the second a no named judge that seemed to make it his personal mission to ensure no liquor flowed through South Philly.

Camel chuckled as he watched Prem and BrandonHeat each place their targets on their knee's. A pistol was produced in each of their palms as if by magic, together the hammers came back and Camel roared.

No longer will we be tied by politicians that don't accept bribes, or judges that don't know who their master's are.

With a command from him, a bullet was placed in both men as the crowd gasps.

My father Aliens taught me a very valuable lesson before he passed. Take shit from no one, trust even fewer, but those who you do trust, give everything you have. So my dear JaimeLannister, this one is for you.

Camel raised his glass, and shouted, Walking Dead Arise!

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Taking a sip from his flask, he holsters his pistol and fixes his jacket

Our family lines have gone back quite some time now, and I couldn't be more proud of you.

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Antonio was in the crowd, he was one of the few who didn't gasp at the show of power displayed by Camel. Antonio separated himself from the crowd and spoke.

"Congrats Camel, I hope you make Philly a strong city. May your leadership be a rich and great one."

As quickly as he appeared he retreated back into the crowd while lighting a cigarette of his own before disappearing to continue his day.

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Holstering his pistol, He turns and looks at Camel.


My old friend, It is good to see you make it this far in life, I know you will do well.

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Take a drink to his beer as he walks nearly to Camel :)


Congrats Camel, As you've made it to the top! You've come this far and i hope you will have a great run as a leader too :) 


Goodluck man, Peace!

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Family name seems to run in the.. family.Enjoy Philadelphia and good luck!

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Congrats Camel, I couldn't be happier to see you come out of the shadows and into the world again

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Congratulations my friend so happy to see this day, my grandfather had very fond memories of The walking dead, so good to see it back up and running all the best buddy you know where I am if you ever need anything.

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Cersei watched Camel announce the Walking Dead rise up once more. A smile flitted across her face, her eyes warm with happiness. She had heard many tales of the Walking Dead and of the antics that Aliens, her own ancestor Maria and Kelly_Kapowski had gotten up to over in Chicago as she had grown up. Hearing the name and the mention of Aliens made her even happier than the news that Camel would be setting up just across the city had done, despite the outrageous and saddening kidnapping of poor Cab_Tufting that had accompanied the news. 

Walking over to Camel, she tapped him on the shoulder before pulling him into a tight hug. 

"I swear, you do this deliberately. This thing where your bloodline only sets up right after mine does thing just has to stop! One day, I'll join you, I swear it!

To be serious for a moment. Camel, there are a few people in this world that it genuinely makes my heart happy to stand along side and see doing great things, and you are one of those people. I'm excited for the future here in Philadelphia with JaimeLannister at the helm and you alongside him. 

But, I'm going to keep fighting for Cab_Tufting, goddamnit!"

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Congratulations! Congratulations!


Hope you do great things around mate, along side my boss here.

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Night would send him an upward nod congratulating him on his new found authority as he'd raise his whiskey glass saluting.

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Congratulations, i look forward to your growth as i know your lineages experience will pay off big at a time like this.

Good luck with the rebuilding process.

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