Get Timers Now!
Apr 26 - 01:32:41
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A Little Something Unfinished Started by: Penny on Jun 19, '15 02:14

Penny was shuffling through her closet when she came across a newspaper. She unfolded it and read the headline. ( Two Dead in Armed Heist at the Art Museum ) She knew exactly what the article was about, she didn't want to read it but something in her made do it anyway.

June 12th Two armed people, a female and a male walked into the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

They acted as high society type but one of the security guards had a deep suspicion they were

not there to see the art. He told the press "They looked like they were up to no good."

So the man, a former police Sargent kept a very close eye on the pair. He told the press

"I just hung out in the background and blended in, watching their every move" Just moments

before the museum was set to close the pair sprung into action and tried grab one of the priceless

Rembrant paintings that was one display. What the pair didn't know was that the security guard

was in fact a retired cop whom was toting a gun. When the guard stepped forward to confront the pair

the man who's identity was not initially given, pulled his gun out. The two exchanged shots, the mans 

bullet connected hitting the guard on his arm. Whilst falling to the floor the guard got off one more shot

hitting the man directly in the heart killing him instantly. The woman in shock dropped the painting

and went to draw her gun. The quick minded guard unloaded the rest of his ammo, striking the woman 

multiple times killing her instantly. After the shoot out the man and woman were identified as

Mr. Honesty and a Miss Britney-Spears both members of a local organized crime gang. If not for the quick

thinking of Mr. Jones, crime would have prevailed yet again... But not this time.


A tear rolled down her cheek, followed by another and another; not before long she was in a full blown hysterics. She sobbed for a couple minutes before wiping the tears off her face with her sleeve.

Penny put the paper down her eyes filled with tears as she thought to herself. "What if I was just went with her instead of...."

Flashback to June 12th


It was a Friday, Penny was out with a bunch of her friends.  Most of them were kids of the associates her mother used to run with. It was kind of their own little crew if that is what you want to call it. Penny had convinced one of the associates to supply her with some booze. Now normally no one would ever buy the kids liquor but this guy was a new guy around the group. She could tell he just wanted to fit in and figured if he got on the kids good side then the Made members might notice him a bit more. 

Penny threw the guy a couple dollars for his troubles, she tucked the two bottles in her bag and scampered off. She went home to make a couple of phone calls, to tell her friends to meet her at their spot. She made sure to use that whenever her mother was around so she didn't know where they were actually headed even though she had a sneaky suspicion that her mother knew. The first person she called that night was Reason, he was her best bud. They had this unique bond one that was kind of hard to explain but they were always getting into some kind of mischief together.

Her mother waited until she was finished talking to approach her. Britney turned to her daughter Penny and began speaking. Penny remembers the conversation vividly.

"Hey hun, I heard you talking to that boy again... what's his name again?"

Penny rolled her eyes at her mother

"Mom, its Reason you know that. You do this every time."

Britney chuckled

"Well I think it is cute, you two make a cute couple.

"Mom! Seriously, it is so not like that. I don't know you keep on implying that."

"Well, you should think about it."

"MOM! NO!"

Penny started to head towards to door, when her mother stopped her.

"Wait, wait, wait, before you go running off I have an idea."

Penny stopped and turned around

"What? What is it?"

"I was thinking that you and I don't spend enough time together, and well how about you ditch your friends today. You and me kid spend the day together, go out on the town and just have a good time."

Penny rolled her eyes again at her mother.

"Mom, not today. I already have plans I can't break"

"What are you gonna do? Go down to the lake again, go get in trouble and then come back tipsy like you always do."

"Wow... whatever Mom."

Penny turned around opened the front door and slammed it shut. She walked down the hallway and got to the end, looking back down to where their apartment was. She knew her mother was right, that was exactly what they were going to go do. She debated for a minute on whether to go back or not but that little devil on her shoulder told her to go with her friends and that is what she did. Penny met up with Reason and a couple of their friends, they drank and had a grand ole time. It was early morning when she got back home. she stumbled into into the dark apartment and passed out on the couch. It was until the next morning that she found out what had happened. 

****Present Day****


She sat there grasping the paper in her hand, thinking that this was all her fault. If she had just gone with her perhaps Britney and Honesty would still be around. She needed someone to talk to, someone that knew her, someone she trusted. The only name that kept on popping in and out of her head was Reason.

It had been a little while since Penny had talked to him, see Reason was Honesty's son. Penny felt like everything was her fault, once they buried Britney and Honesty, Penny left the city she couldn't bear to be there anymore. She sat there staring at the article for over an hour debating whether to call Reason or not. Finally she picked up the room and dialed his number. She put the phone to her ear as it was ringing, hoping that he would pick up.

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In Reason's house, what was left of his family was eating supper. Visit had come over from different cities to different countries to offer their sympathies or simply just to mourn with Reason and his mom. He still had family left, but the one that he was living with was down from 4 to 2. His brother and his dad being both killed, it was getting lonely in his mom's establishment. Even with his uncles, friends, acquaintances and complete strangers offering their condolences, he still felt lonely in this world of his. With his dad's wealth, it permitted his mother and him to live in a beautiful home which had plenty of rooms. So, family was sleeping over there while the others left after spending the afternoon or night. It was quite noisy in the past week. Reason just wanted to be alone with his thoughts and no one else to disturb him. With his room being on the top floor and his door shut, it made the noise disappear. He was clutching a framed picture in his hand of his mother, his father, Trust and him. In the picture, they were in Venice where their parents had a romantic getaway and the sons were parading about the streets, running and playing with people they've just met. Reason had remembered that trip. It was a long one, in fact. They had been gone for a month in Italy to enjoy their time as a family. Trust had met a girl and she had a sister for Reason. When they left Italy, they never wrote to each other and Trust too. Just as Reason was beginning to remember riding the canals in Venice with his family and the two yound ladies, his mother interrupted his thoughts. 

"Reason! Supper is ready! We're all waiting for you!"

Reason wasn't hungry. His stomach felt like it was tied in a knot from the sudden emotions running through his body. Yet, he knew his mother had a fragile heart and considering her grief over the departed husband, he went down to join the others at the table. "Ugh... More noise. I'll just tough through it I guess." There was around 20 people around the dinner table. Mixed conversations were happening here and there. There were some about people catching up on their lives, reminiscing times with Honesty and some were just laughing. There were some men talking about women and women gossiping on the new rumors they've heard. "Still just noise." Reason closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and he heard the phone ring. "Weird. Maybe there isn't as much noise as I thought if I could hear that over this." 

"I'll get it."

No one seemed to notice his feeble voice so he still decided to get up and answer it. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now, but at least he would be away from their squabbling. 

"Hello? Reason speaking."

"Hey, Reason. It's Penny. Want to talk?"

Hearing Penny's voice Reason decided that maybe talking to someone he enjoyed the company would be enjoyable. 

"Sure, it'll help get my mind off of, well.... you know. But if you want to talk, not over the phone. It's too noisy here and I can't bear it. Want to meet up some place instead?" 

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Penny paused for a moment, the static between the lines was humming.

"Penny, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

Reason asked her again about meeting up somewhere.

Penny chuckled nervously

"Well... I would love to meet up with you right now but... Uhm... I kind of moved to Hollywood."

"Wait, what did you just say?"

Penny paused again for a moment

"Yeah, you heard that right. I kind of picked up and moved to Hollywood."

Penny could hear some kind of commotion in the background, almost as if a vase just broke.

"Reason, what's going on over there?"

There was complete silence

"Reason... Hello... Reason, are you there?"

In an angry voice Reason finally replied

"Are you kidding me? All the shit that has happened; your mother dying, my father dying. You wouldn't even talk to me at their services, then I don't hear from you for a week. When I finally hear from you, your gonna tell me this shit."

Penny tried to start speaking but Reason kept on going.

"All the stuff that we have been through... Penny I needed you there."

On the other side of the phone Penny wiped a couple tears from her eyes.

"I didn't know what to do, you had your family. I had no one, my mother was the only thing that I had. Everything reminded me of her so I left, but I really need to talk to you."

She could here Reason mumbling, but couldn't make out what he was actually saying.

"I'm sorry, ok, but I seriously need to talk to you, so could you just talk."

The line went silent again, a moment later Reason spoke up.

"Yeah, we can talk but the only way I'm talking is if you get back here and we talk in person."

Before Penny was able to speak again she could hear the phone click off.

"Reason.... Reason... Fuck!"

Penny hung up the phone and sat back in her chair still grasping the newspaper in her hand. She looked at the headline again and knew she needed to go back and talk to him. She looked down up at her clock looking to see what time it was, the clock read 10:33. If she hurried, she should still be able to catch a flight to Philadelphia. She quick ran to her room pulled her suitcase out of her closet, she went through her drawers pulling out a couple outfits she went through her apartment quickly and grabbed everything else that she would need for a couple days. She took the newspaper she had been reading placing it on top of everything she then locked up her suitcase, grabbed her bag and rushed out the front door. Getting to front door of her building she stood there with her suitcase, she walked over to the street and hailed the next cab. She directed the driver to take her to the airport.

The ride over went fast, and in no time she was at the airport purchasing a ticket. She was able to get on the next flight, it cost her a little bit more then it usually does but it was worth it to her.


6 Hours Later


Her plane arrived in Philadelphia, she got outside the airport and hailed another cab. She gave the guy the address to Reason's house, it was about a 35 minute ride south of the airport. She gazed out the window watching the buildings and store fronts go by, most of which she knew of and had fond memories of. Finally the cab stopped in front of Reason's house, she pulled some cash out of her bag paying the driver. He pulled away leaving her facing the house with her bag in her hand. She walked up the sidewalk and too the front door, she brought her hand up to give it a knock but stopped before she did. She let out a big sigh then proceeded to knock on the door. * KNOCK.... KNOCK...* 

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Reason hung up the phone in anger and frustration. He never felt this alone until now. Penny was the person he always turned to talked to when he felt desolate. Or just wanted to have a good time; it could go either ways. After hanging up the phone, more like slamming it, he went up to his room and laid on his bed. He started of thinking back on past events of his life with Honesty, Penny, Trust and his mother. "Why couldn't things go back to the way they were?" Reason thought. A few hour later, his mother called to him: 

"Reason! There's someone at the door asking for you."

"I don't want to talk to them. Anyways, it's really late."

Reason's mother went back down and walked back up. 

"She says she came a long way to meet up with you."

Weird. Still....

"Who is it?"

Reason's mother went back down and walked back up. 

"A girl named Jenny is at the door. She's waiting patiently."

Jenny? Who in Hell is Jenny?

"I don't know the person, mom. Thanks for telling me, but I'm afraid this, "Jenny" person will have to leave. Like I said, I know no one of that name."

"All right, honey. I'll tell her."

Reason's mother went back down and walked back up.

"She's really persistent on the fact that she wants to see you."

"Oh, what the Hell?"

Reason's mother side-stepped to let her son through. Once down the steps, he went to the door, already opened and saw Penny. Right then and there, Reason did something that shouldn't have normally happened. He burst out of laughter and held himself against an object so he wouldn't fall. 

"Hahahahahahahaha! Ow, my stomach."

"What a way to welcome someone. Especially after all the way I traveled."

"Ugh, I'm sorry, Jenny!" More laughter. 

"So, are you going to stop laughing or...?"

Reason straitened himself out and asked her why she was there.

"You told me that the only way I could talk to you was if I came over here."

Reason was startled by this. Only then he realized that she had had to travel.

"Wait, you came over all this way just to talk to me?"

"Yes, I did."

"Well then, why are you here? What's so important that you had to travel over here and arrive at..... at... 2 O'clock in the morning? What'd you want to say?"

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Penny was standing there at the door as Reason was having a laughing fit, she was slowly starting to get annoyed. Her brow began to wrinkle as she gave him the evil eye. She had been traveling most of the day and at this point she wasn't in any mood to deal with much of anything. On the plane the kid sitting behind her insisted on kicking her chair and screaming almost the entire time. If it weren't for the hat she was wearing it may have looked like she stuck her finger in a power outlet. She thought she heard Reason say something about 2 O'clock in the morning.

"Wait... what time is it?"

Reason looked at Penny kind of bewildered

"Uhm, its almost 2 AM"

Penny looked down at her watch all sorts of confused

"No, no it isn't. It's only 10:52 PM"

Penny lifted her wrist up, showing him the time.

"I mean I know its on the later side but it's not that late."

Reason smacked his forehead with his hand, shook his head from side to side then let out a tiny chuckle.

"Penny...Penny...Penny, I see things haven't changed one bit."

"What the hell does that mean?"

Reason chuckled again before breaking the news to Penny.

"Hey, remember you traveled from Hollywood?"


"Well out there it is 10:52 PM, but you aren't there any more...."

Reason smiled at Penny waiting for her to respond, but she didn't do anything initially but stand there looking directly at Reason with a blank stare.

"Penny, you there"

Suddenly Penny snapped out of her stare.

"Ah, shit I forgot all about the time change. Now I feel all bad I woke you all up. I'm Sorry!"

Penny stood there for a moment, she took notice to Reason's PJ's.

"Hey nice PJ's" She started giggling.

"Don't make fun of my PJ's, they are so ridiculously comfortable. If you knew how comfy they are you would wear them too."

Reason folded his arm giving her a deathly glare.

"Well your here and I'm awake, what is it that you had to talk to me about."

Penny looked inside and noticed Reasons mom, eavesdropping in the background.

"Well I would prefer to talk to you somewhere where we can talk alone." As she tilted her head a bit to the side and making small motions to that direction, indicating that his mom was listening. 

"I know it is late, if you want I can go find a hotel somewhere and we can meet up tomorrow."

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Reason saw that Penny was overlooking his shoulder, but still talking to him. She had suggested that she were to stay in a hotel for the night and talk on the morrow. He just opened his mouth to say, "Sounds great. Tomorrow it is," but his mother, overhearing their conversations as she always did with anybody she met or others met, told her that she can stay. 

"You can always stay here if you want."

"Not necessary mom. She said she'll find a hotel."

"Mind your manners, young boy. There is a lady in your presence and she needs somewhere to replenish her energy. 

"Oh, no. It's okay, really. Anywa-"

"It's no trouble my dear. Any lady friend of Reason is welcome."

"Oh, no, we're not... I mean... it's not what you think..." they both said in unison."

"You two are cute. Stop blushing the both of you."

"Mom! This is not what you think it is at all! Anyways, the guests are filling up the rooms we have. I'm afraid there isn't any for Penny. Hey, that rhymes."

"Your bed is big enough."

"Would you stop! I'm seeing someone else anyways! I'm sorry Penny. My mom-"

When Reason turned around, he came to realize she had already left. Where did she go? It was as if she had vanished. 

"See what you do? You drive a lovely girl away!"

"She wasn't going to stay here anyway. As I told you, I'm seeing someone else." 

"You've got to let that whore go. She is no good to you. Jenny is a perfectly fine person. You've known her all your life."

"Enough! How dare you judge the people I see? Anyways, you've had one too many wine glasses. And stop eavesdropping on others, will you?! I'm off to sleep. Will you and the guests go sleep too? You've been talking all night. You should eavesdrop on them instead."

With that, Reason when off to sleep, climbing each step two by two, tripping on one and then finishing of the last six steps he had. "I don't care what anyone says about these PJs. They are damn fine."

The sun burst through Reason's room letting him wake up with a pounding in his head. Having poor sleep or timeless sleep made an effect worse than alcohol. Compared to his father, Reason loved alcohol. Although, last night he had none. It didn't stop the marching band playing their own beat in his head. The sun gazing in through his bedroom was his alarm clock. 9 O'clock each and every single day. It felt kind of like a ritual. Every morning at 9, Reason woke. He would get undressed, then dressed again and head downstairs. He would take a chunk of bread, uncut from the loaf his mother would break and spread it with butter. When he was done eating, he would head outside and do what he felt like doing for hours on end. Come the afternoon, he headed back to his home and ate. After that, he would talk with his father and- "My dad. Penny. Shit, it's true. I forgot I had to go there. Well, she made fun of my jammies. Actions have consequences." He headed out, after having his bread of course, and hopped on his bike. He strolled down the streets of Philly and went to several hotels before finding the right one. The administration told him that a person named Penny was staying at a loft and told Reason where to go. Not long after, he knocked on the door. 

"Come in!"

"It's me" Reason opened the door. 

"Took you long enough, God, you're slow!"

"Yeah, well because of you, I have a headache that feels like a migraine and I'm feeling self-conscious about my PJ choices."

Penny laughed at this and said:

"Yeah, well because of your mom, I felt like I never wanted to see you again! Call it even."

"What the Hell! I named two things and you only one!"

"My one thing counts as three. Oops, looks like we're uneven."

"Just tell me what you want to say." 



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Penny had just finished up at Reason's house for the night, she figured she was going to sit down and talk with him for a while considering how early she thought it actually was. With her lack of realization on what time it actually was, she had sent the cab driver on his way figuring that she was going to be there a while. She got to the end of the sidewalk and looked both ways there was no one around, the streets were silent. Reason's house was in a nicer part of the city, not one often frequented by cabs especially at this hour. She looked left and right repeating the process a couple of time, she was never really one good with directions and as dark as it was she truly had no idea where she was. She picked the direction with the most lights, threw her bag over her shoulder and started walking.

It took her about 20 minutes until she started getting towards the hotels and motels, she passed a couple ones that looked like they would charge by the hour and she knew the type of people that hung out in those motels. She finally came across one the looked suitable, as long as it looked decent its all that mattered well that and a bed of course. At this point it had been such a long day for her, she was having a hard time keeping her eyes opened. 

She opened the door and just squeezed herself and her bag through. The lobby was dead silent, there was no sign of anyone. She approached the front desk, there was a bell with a note next to it "Please Ring For Service." She placed her bag on the floor and gave the bell a couple rings, a man came stumbling out from the back by the looks of it he had been a sleep for quite sometime. 

"Can I help you Miss?"

"Yeah, you do you have any open rooms?"

"Let me check."

The man flipped through a ledger

"Ah, yup one room left but it is a loft is that ok?"

"At this point as long as there is a bed."

The man fumbled through some papers before finally pulling one out of the stack.

"Just need you to sign here."

The man handed Penny a pen, she took it from him and signed her name.

"Ok, now that is going to be...."

Before the man could finish his sentence Penny threw down a small stack of cash.

"That should cover it, right?"

The man nodded took the cash off the counter and handed Penny her room key.

"Your on the top floor room #10"


Penny started to walk away but then remembered.

"Oh, Hey! Do me a favor, there is a guy that will be stopping by tomorrow his name is Reason, can you make sure you or someone sends him up to my room."

"Will do Miss, will mark it down on my notes."

Penny made her way up to her room, slowly... Every step she took seemed like she was never going to get there. She finally reached her room opened her the door walked in and closed it behind her. She put her bag on the floor kicked her shoes off, walked over to the bed and jumped into it. It only took a matter of seconds for her to be out cold.


She was so tired last night she had forgot to close the blinds to the window. The sun started shinning through the window hitting Penny directly in the face, she tried to roll over and go back to sleep but it was so bright in her room she decided to just get up. She sat up in the bed let out a big yawn and stretched. She got up and walked over to the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a complete disaster, you can call it bedhead at its finest. It made her giggle for a moment. It was time for her to get motivated for the day, she had to convince Reason to do something she knew he wouldn't want to do.

About an hour later Penny was ready for the day, now all she had to do was wait for Reason to show up. She waited and waited and waited some more until finally there was a knocking at her door. She knew who it was, really could only be one person so she just told him to come in. Reason entered and the two went back and fourth for a couple minutes messing around with each other until Reason spoke up asking why she needed to talk to him.

Silence filled the room for a moment, she held her finger up in the air signifying to give her 1 second. She strolled over to her bag and puled out the newspaper with the article about their parents. She handed it to him. 

"What's this?"

"I was going through the my closet yesterday and stumbled across this."

Reason began to look at the paper, he glanced over the title and handed it back to Penny.

"I don't want to read this shit again, is this what you needed to talk to me about, this newspaper?"

"No!, Well not exactly the paper."

Reason looked Penny directly in the eyes.

"Then.... WHAT?"

"Calm down! ok?"

"Wait you want me to calm down, my father was killed, you vanished, then came back and now handed me this fucking newspaper. Something that I'm slowly starting to let go."

"I know, me getting up and leaving wasn't ideal and I know I should have told you and for that I'm sorry."

Penny could tell his blood was boiling so she did what she always did when she made him mad and needed to correct the situation quickly. She hung head her down slightly and put on her pouty face. 

"Stop that, it isn't going to work this time."

Penny sighed and continued to do it.

"Seriously knock that shit off."

Penny glared up and cracked a smile at Reason, this made him chuckle under his breathe.

"Ok, ok whatever... I guess whatever is done is done. Really though, why are you here?"

Penny pushed her chair closer to Reason.

"Well, I was thinking.... Uhm..."

"For Fuck Sake already just say it."

"Ok, well here we go. What if you and I finished what our parents started, I can't let them win."

Reason looked at her stunned

"Are you Crazy?"

Reason stood up out of his chair and started heading towards the door.

"I'm not crazy, this is something that I need to do I need your help but if you won't I'm going to do it without you."

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"Well then, I guess you better make the preparations by yourself and the task at hand too. I'm not helping. They were doing their job knowing the risk and stealing that painting won't do anything to bring them back."

"Our parents would want us to do this. To finish something that should be completed. Your dad would be proud if you can accomplish something like this."

"Don't you dare talk about my dad like that! As if you know him. He never wanted me to get myself involved in this life. Like I said, he died knowing the risks that came with it and to be honest, I really don't want to do this. I told him that I wanted my life to be clean. I don't want to be in danger."

"So what? You're going to live your life without any risk or peril? Yes, it's dangerous and yes, you might get hurt or die, but you'll lived a fully fulfilled life! Your life is going to be so boring if you don't! Think of the opportunities! You always wanted to do something that could change your life or someone else's. This is your chance. Take it."

"You're way out of your head."

With that, Reason left the hotel and stormed towards his mother's house. 

Reason dug into his pocket and reached for his keys. He unlocked his door and stepped inside letting a huge sigh out. He went upstairs to his room and laid down on his bed. He shut his eyes for a moment and opened them hours later. It was late. The street posts were illuminating the dark streets and he could hear some people talking, but not very loud. "How long have I been in bed?" He went downstairs quietly thinking that the people over at his place were sleeping. He checked the time and noticed it was around midnight. "I should be sleeping right now, but God knows I won't. He put on his shoes and went outside to walk. There was a breeze; a cool refreshing one, not too cold, just perfect. He walked around the city for about an hour and stopped to sit on a bench. Quiet. Reason loved silence. It left him alone in his thoughts and cleared his mind. It felt like all of his problems just floated away and he always thought of one thing when he was alone; nothing. It was the best feeling in his opinion to feel like you're the only one on the planet with nothing to worry about. Only this time, it wasn't nothing that he thought about. It was Penny and her crazy idea. "I want my life to be lived safely, but I guess she was right when she said that it would be boring. Son of a bitch, she'll owe me." Reason got up and walked toward her hotel

Knock, knock, knock. 

Penny opened the door and Reason saw her droopy eyes and her messed up hair and her pajama. It looked like she woke up from the dead and not from her bed. 

"Hahahahaha! You look so fucking ridiculous!"

Penny shut the door in his face and went back to bed. 

"You're still there, aren't you?"

"You know me too well."

"Son of a bitch." Penny walked over to the door and opened it. "Get in."

"You know, it's funny because I said the same thing before." 

"Shut up and tell me why you woke me at 2:30 A.M."

"Well, I thought about what you said earlier and I thought that we should do it."

"That's great, but why couldn't it wait?"

"Because I figured we could do it now. So come on, let's go!"

"Good night." Penny went back to bed. 

"Where do I go?"

"You can sleep on the floor."

"Not tired."

"You can sleep on the floor."

"Did you listen to me?"

"You can sleep on the floor."

"Come on, let's go."

Penny threw a pillow at Reason's face with surprising force which knocked Reason down. 

"I'll sleep on the floor."

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Penny chuckled as Reason hit the floor from the force of her pillow. After regaining her composure she smiled at him and jumped back in bed, she tucked herself under the covers and closed her eyes. She could hear Reason rustling around on the floor trying to get comfortable, every once in a while she would hear him mumble something. She had a hard time making out what he was actually saying, but she was able to make out a couple key words. You know the 4 letter variety that start with F, yeah that one. Every time Penny was just about to fall asleep Reason burst out with another rant. After the 4th or 5th time, she had lost count, she sprung up in bed. 

"What the hell are you doing down there?"

Reason mumbled again before answering Penny

"How am I supposed to sleep, for one I'm not really that tired and second the floor is cold and really not comfortable."

Penny let out a big sigh

"I really need to get a couple hours of sleep, I'm exhausted. I'll tell you what, this is the only room they had and it came with a huge bed. I will move over and I will share it with you."

It was quite dark, Penny couldn't really see him, just the outline of him. She knew he was giving her an odd look though.

"Stop looking at me like that!"

"Like what?"

"Like that face you make when something completely shocked happens to you, you do it every single time."

"Shut up!"

"I'm serious, get in if you want. Just don't even think about trying anything. Remember I do know karate."

Reason burst out laughing

"Karate... you are ridiculous, just because you saw someone do karate once, doesn't mean you know karate."

"Shut up!"

With that Reason picked his pillow up off the floor and got in the bed. Penny scooted over as far as she could to the other side, to the point that she almost fell out of the bed. She began to close her eyes again and just a moment before she was about to drift away Reason started tossing and turning.

"For fuck sake! What is your issue now?"

"Calm down over there, I'm just getting comfortable."

Penny didn't even respond to him, she rolled back over and closed her eyes. Moments later she was out cold, Reason still laid there gazing up and the ceiling he finally got comfortable and fell asleep


The sun started shinning through the window, hitting Reason right in the eyes. He rolled over, eyes still closed thinking he was back at his house. He tried to get comfortable again but it just wasn't happening, he slowly opened his eyes and was face to face with Penny whom was still sleeping. He quickly sprung up in the bed, the commotion woke Penny up. She rolled over and looked up at Reason, her hair was all over the place ans she still had that sleepy look in her eyes. She stretched and let out a tiny yawn.

"What's a matter with you?"

"Did we really fall asleep in the same bed together?"

"I know I fell asleep, took way too long but I did. Why what's the problem?"

"My girl is going to kill me if she finds out."


"Yeah, really... Let's just say she isn't your biggest fan."

Penny laughed out loudly

"I don't even know who she is, now that is funny. Plus nothing happened."

"No, really it isn't"

Penny laughed some more before rolling out of bed, stretched once again.

"Hey! Do you want coffee?"

"Yes, yes I do."

"Good, cause so do I."

Penny walked over to her bag and took out a couple of dollars.

"Here is some cash, there is a coffee shop just across the street. Go get us some coffee, you know how I like it. Extra cream and extra sugar."

Penny smiled at him

"I'm going to take a shower and get ready, when I get out and you get back we will sit down and discuss how we are going to pull this thing off."

Reason took the money from Penny's hands

"Your lucky your paying for the coffee, otherwise I would have told you to go get it."

"Who are you kidding? No you wouldn't have."

"Shut up! I would have thought it at least."

Reason walked out the door and Penny went and got into the shower. Moments later Reason got back with the coffee, Penny was still in the shower so he decided to take out a piece of paper, writing down things they needed to do before actually pulling off this heist. He wrote down a couple of thing, with question marks next to them. This was something that he had never done before, nor did he ever plan on doing it so he had the slightest idea what to do first. He sat back in his chair, grabbed the cup of coffee of the table and took a couple of sips. Thinking to himself "I will just wait for her to get out."

He sat there for 15 minutes patiently waiting for her to get out of the bathroom. Finally she opened the door, she was ready for the day.

"Wow, took you long enough in there."

"I was actually pretty quick today."

Reason chuckled

"You call that quick?"

"Shut up!"

Reason handed her, her cup of coffee. Penny took a sip.

"This is cold!"

"Told you, you took forever in there."

Penny giggled

"Ok, so where do we even start with this?"

Penny noticed that he had been writing on a piece of paper.

"What's that?"

"I was trying to come up with a plan while you were in there, but I have no idea how to even go about this. Do you have any ideas?"

Penny sat down in the chair across from him, she took the piece of paper and started looking at it. She put it down and looked back up at Reason. 

"I was kind of hoping you knew what to do, cause I have the slightest idea."

"I thought you knew what you were doing."

The two stared at each other for a couple minutes before Penny made a suggestion.

"Do you think we should bring someone else in on this?"

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Reason took a sip of coffee and spit it in Penny's face.

"YOU DISGUSTING PIG!! I have to wash up again!!"

"HAHAHAHA! Come on... You only need to clean up your face and change your clothes. Don't forget to do something with that hair. Yeesh."

Penny got up and punched Reason in the gut.

"OOF!" Reason let out a huge burst of air out. 

"KARATÉ!! Don't you laugh at me."

"I think last night's spaghetti is coming back up.. It wasn't even on purpose, anyways. You brought up bringing someone in. It took me by surprise is all."

"You're still disgusting. I'm going back in the shower and go back to the coffee shop. It better not be cold crap this time. You're paying too."

"I'm not going back out there. Isn't there any room service or something?"


With that, Penny closed the door of the bathroom and Reason was left alone in the room. "She's going to take forever in there, Might as well go. I'll get something to eat too. Reason left the room and walked downstairs where he saw some people fixing pipes in the lobby. It seems the ceiling was leaking and they were trying to fix it. He went outside and breathed in the warm air. "What a beautiful day!" There was traffic on the road so Reason just zigzagged across it and went inside the café.

"Hi, it's me again. I'll take one cappuccino and one regular, extra cream and extra sugar. Just wait about 5 minutes before making it please. I'll also take some breakfast. What do you have?"

"Well, we have a lot of things, but I'm guessing you're going to go back in the hotel across the street. That would limit your options considering that most of the food here is to eat here. We have croissants, egg sandwiches, fruit and that's about it."

"One, I find it creepy that you were staring at me when I left, but I get. I'm an attractive guy and it's not everyday you see someone like me."

"Yeah, right." The counter person said sarcastically. 

"Hey, now. You know, I know someone that would say the same thing as you. She's blind as a bat just like you though. And two, I'll take two of everything you just named me and the coffee I ordered too. She has to be out of the shower by now."

Ten minutes later, the counter woman person gave Reason his food in a huge brown bag. Two to be fair. Reason paid for it, leaving no tip, and said:

"That was for the sarcasm." 

He left the café and crossed the street. The traffic now sped up so it took a while before Reason could cross it. He entered the hotel and went to Penny's room. He knocked and thank God she finished her shower. She opened the door. 

"Took you long enough."

"Don't judge me because I'm beautiful."

"Yeah, right." Penny said sarcastically. "Come on, let's eat."

"Woah! Back off missy! This is my food. Go get your own."

"You really are a pig." Penny grabbed one of the bags from Reason arms and took out 3 croissants, two egg sandwiches an four pieces of toast and her coffee, nice and warm.

"How can you eat all this food?! Jesus, you can feed 10 people with this!"

"Hey, I'm a man. Got a man's stomach. I eat enough to fill my stomach without gaining weight."

"A man with serious eating issues. There's also some fruit here. At least you bought something healthy. So, back on track with bringing someone in on this-"

"My friends and there to help."

Penny threw an orange peel at Reason's face. 

"Stop cutting me off. We are definitely not bringing those morons in this. We need someone with experience; who knows how to do this stuff." 

"One, they are not dumbasses. Two, it has to be someone trustworthy. So, what have you got in mind?"

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Penny sat back in her chair, continuing to peel the orange she took from Reason's stash of food. With every peel she pulled off, she threw it on the table directly in front of Reason. She knew it was just a matter of time that he lost his stuff, she knew Reason hated messes which is probably why she always did things like that on purpose when he was around. She popped off the last piece of the orange rind, and threw it towards him. This time the piece didn't stop on the table but in fact slid off the table and landed on his lap.

"Seriously! What the hell is wrong with you woman?"

Penny separated a piece of the orange, tossed it up in the air to catch it in her mouth but missed. Instead it hit her on the nose and fell to the floor.

"Dammit, why can't I ever do this?"

"Probably because you suck."

"Shut it!"

Penny picked up the piece of Orange off the floor and threw it at Reason, the piece skimmed off the top of his head.

"What the hell was that for?"

"I thought you said you wanted a piece, so I was just sharing."

"That's not what I said."

"Pretty sure you did."

Reason paused for a moment thinking back to the conversation before the piece that went flying over his head.

"You have lost our marbles, do you know that?"

"Marbles... I never had any marbles, what are you talking about."

"My point exactly."

Reason burst out in laughter, a moment later it finally hit Penny she knew what he was implying.

"I'm not even sure why I like you sometimes, that was mean."

Reason still in mid laugh

"No way that was an instant classic, your never going to hear the end of this one."

Penny sat back in her chair again and gave Reason her evil eye but all he did was continue laughing. She peeled another piece of the orange, this time placing it in her mouth.

"Are you done yet?"

Reason slowed up his laughter and wiped a tear from his eye.

"I haven't laughed like that in a long time, Penny you are priceless."

He chuckled a couple more times before regaining his composure.

"Now are you done?"

"Yeah, I think I'm good now. Let me tell you though that was funny."

"I'm glad I'm here for your entertainment, but anyways back to the topic at hand. I actually know this guy back in LA his name is GencoCapizzi he is what you call a top notch criminal."

Reason leaned forward in his chair

"What do you mean?"

"Well do you remember a little while back, the mystery of the vanishing Van Gogh painting in Detroit?"

"Yeah of course we talked about that one for weeks."

Penny smiled and nodded

"Well, needless to say I was at his house the other night and guess what is hanging on his wall and no wasn't a copy."

"Are you messing with me?"

"Not at all, and I bet I could convince him to come out here."

Penny popped another piece of Orange in her mouth.

"So what do you think?"

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"What do I think? I think that you're the disgusting pig! Orange peels everywhere!"

Reason ripped a piece of croissant and ate the piece. He then finished the rest of it and went on to the egg sandwiches.

"You know, it's not the best food, but at least it is food. Croissants are dry, the fruit aren't that fresh and the toast are halfway burnt."


"I know. How do you fuck up something as easy as toast?"

"No, I mean you."

"Me? I mean I know I'm pretty amazing. Once I was running after this guy and he was super fast; faster than me anyways. I had just come out of this pastry shop and I had a donut in my hand. I decided to throw it at him. I caught somebody else with it, to be honest. The grandma flopped over and her cane dropped which tripped that guy. The guy owed me 5 bucks and he runs away from me? Can you believe that?!"

Penny looked at Reason with wide eyes. "You made a grandma fall only for five dollars!?"

"Oh, relax. She was going to die any day now anyways."

"That is so mean!!"

"Yeah, she ruined my donut. It was all for nothing to. I reached into his pockets and took out my five dollars and went back into the pastry shop and bought that donut again. I had enough for three more, but I decided to keep it."

"Anyways, I didn't mean that you're amazing."

"Of all the years that we've known each other and it's now that you're becoming shy? Admit it: you're jealous of how awesome I am compared to you."

"I would say you're funny, but you don't need an ego boost. Nah, I would say full of shit."

"Yeah, and I'm mean. You're the pinnacle of heinous!"

"Big words for you. Are you sure you're able to handle them?"


"HAHAHAHA!!! How does it feel to be laughed at?!"

"You truly are evil. Wow..."

"Come on now, you sissy. So, where are we on the GencoCapizzi part?"

"Who now?" 

Penny threw her egg sandwich at Reason's face and it splattered everywhere.


Penny fell into a hysteria of laughter. 

"You're cleaning this."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. 

"Management! Can you open the door?"

Reason walked over to the door and opened it a crack. 

"Can I help you?"

"We heard screaming. Is everything all right?"

Penny put her head on Reason's and used it as a headrest. 

"Everything is fine here."

"It's just that usually when couples come here, they don't scream this much in bed. Especially not the man. Is that egg?"

"Yes. That is egg. We are in the middle of fore-play. This lady here will now be the cleaning lady and clean this room up."

Penny hit Reason's back hard. 


"Just keep it down in there. We don't want to scare customers off. You guys are into weird stuff."

"See Penny? I told you you are really a guy!! You see, sir, you just clarified something that has been troubling me. She has this condition and you can't really tell what that thing is."

Penny stepped back and took Reason's shirt in her hand and pulled it. Reason went flying across the room. 


"Pardon me, sir. Won't happen again. This guy is just not exactly sane. I'll keep him in close care. I was hired by his mom to take care of him as he is one of God's special little people! Bye now!"

Penny closed the door and turned around, blocking the door with her back. 

"What the fuck is your problem!?"

"You are. There's egg everywhere. Clean up! We can't get this thing done if foreplay isn't achieved to satisfaction."

Penny threw the rest of the food at Reason. He was now half person and half meal. 

"Anyways, about that guy, if you really trust him enough, then sure. Just no rubbing against each other while we operate."

"What in the serious Hell have I gotten myself into?" 

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Penny turned to the door and nodded her head, she heard Reason in the background grumbling as he pulled a chunk of egg out of his shirt.

"How the hell did this get down there?"

Penny couldn't help herself as she chuckled slightly into the door, trying not to let Reason hear her. She didn't want to feed into the mayhem that has already occurred. She turned around to see Reason with his hand down the back of his shirt stretching down as far as he could. Penny could help it and fell to the floor laughing.

"Knock it off! Seriously woman, how the hell did you manage to egg down the back of my shirt?" 

Penny was hysterical laughing, a couple of tears rolled down her cheek, she took a deep breathe in a muttered a couple of words.

"I told you before I have skills."

"Skills... Now that is funny, its more like shit luck."

"No way, that is exactly how I planned it to happen."

Reason started laughing

"Are you on drugs?"


"Yeah, because you have seriously lost you mind."

"Uhm... nope haven't taken anything, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Did you drug me?"


"Oh my god! You did drug me"

Reason face instantly went from confused to angry

"I don't even know why I'm entertaining you anymore, you are delirious."

Penny busted out laughing again

"Oh, look at you using another big word."

"I hate you!"

"You lie, you couldn't hate me if you tried."

"No seriously, I hate you now come over here and get this egg out of my shirt"

"No way! You said you hated me, why would I help you?"

Reason gave her an evil eye

"I can do that too look."

Penny gave Reason the evil eye back, which made him crack a smile.

"I can't even take you, ok..ok.. I don't hate you more like dislike you greatly."

"That's still kind of mean, you know."

"I'm quite aware, but seriously please help me out with this."

Penny sighed and walked over to Reason, she lifted the back of his shirt out of his pants and a huge chunk of egg fell out.

"Ah, so much better... Thanks."

Reason didn't even realize he let a thanks slip out, but Penny did. She didn't say anything, she just smiled and walked over to the table.

"I'm gonna give my guy in LA a call and don't worry there is nothing for you to be jealous about."

"Ha! Me? Jealous? Just call him."

Reason placed the phone in front of Penny, she picked up the phone hearing the dial tone and dialed the number to her HQ back in Hollywood. The phone rang and rang and rang some more. Finally someone picked up.


" Podrickpayne is that you?"

"Uhm, yeah this is him and this is?"

"Oh hey, its Penny."

"Penny, like my Penny?"

"You got it!"

"Where are you?"

"Philly, got some business I'm taking care of out here."

"Ah, well hurry back."

"Will do, but anyways is GencoCapizzi around I really need to talk to him."

"Just saw him here a minute ago, hold on."

Penny sat back in her chair, Reason gave her a glance.



"Give me a second, ok"

Moments later a voice came on the other side of the phone.


"Genco, hey I got a little job over here. Could use someone with your experience to help out."

"Where are you?"


"I just got back to LA, I need to hang here for a bit... sorry."

Penny let out a sigh

"Come on Genco, it is going to involve an art museum."

"Did you say art museum?"

"Yup, you heard me right."

The conversation paused for a moment

"Ok, I'm in I will be on the next flight out there."

"Awesome, I'm staying at the Divine Lorraine Hotel meet us there."

With that they both hung up the phone, Penny sat back in her and smiled at Reason.

"He is in!"

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Tires hit tarmac and the plane jolted. Around him, chatter erupted as the usual tense silence that came with landing broke. Genco however, was staring silently at the ceiling. It was always in his nature to muse over his thoughts, at any given opportunity. Women, children and men began bustling about the cabin, their important lives always taking precedent to the extent that they had rush for fear of missing something. 

Genco took his time, waiting until the cabin cleared. He stood and gathered his belongings. Allowing an older man to pass by him in the aisle, he smiled politely. In the airport he reached into his coat and pulled out a smoke, glanced around the terminal, before looking down to light it.

Getting a cab was easy, finding the hotel was too. 

In the lobby, a squeaky, dolled up receptionist approached Capizzi and inquired about his journey. Genco brushed her off with a few words and a cheap smile. He crossed the lobby and looked up the hall. It probably wasn't a good idea to disturb Penny and Reason in their room, what with their tendency for colourful talk. Genco found the bar and stood patiently, it wasn't long before some kid in a smock approached him. 

"A brandy, grazie"

The young mans mouth closed, all the pleasant, rehearsed small talk instantly shut down. Capizzi watched as he expertly prepared his drink. The glass was warmed, the liquor poured neatly and a napkin placed over the top to retain the warmth. He offered a genuine smile as it was served, which Genco appreciated. He over paid and knocked the drink back, sucking his teeth as it heated his stomach.

"Fuck me, I hate flying"

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