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Hope Turned Hopeless Started by: JadedButterfly on Jun 26, '15 14:15

"You there!" Jaded points to a random Made Man auth. "What did you do that was any diffferent than anyone else?"

"Well my father-" He began but Jaded cut him off.

"That is not what I asked. I asked what did YOU do that was different than anyone else?"

"Well my uncle..-" Jaded shook her head at him and sighed.

"So you are telling me you did nothing? All of this..." She waved her hand around. "Was just handed to you because of who your father and uncle are? Well that's comforting."

She motioned for him to go away. This man couldn't tell her what he had done to earn anything. This had been for quite a few people and she just stared into space. Her thoughts were all jumbled so she spoke them aloud to no one in particular.

"Has our community fallen so heavily onto things that it is not what you have done to earn something but what your ancestors have done? What your friends have done? Is there nothing to evaluate people that work in the here and now? "

Jaded paused momentarily. Her bright eyes began to darker as her mood began to change.

"Every reign begins with hope but has this one started out with hopelessness? Does the present mean so little that we have to skip back onto everyone's past?

These are just a few questions that I have wondered aloud. I am sure there are plenty more in the jumbled up mess of my brain."

Jaded turned to find a local bench nearby. She was in need of resting her feet for a little while.

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Bueno sera, signora.

I honestly would have to disagree with you here. The reason we only accept full Italians onto the ranks of the famiglia is to ensure we know who their parents were and what they did.

If a soldato who served me their whole life was to meet the eventual end in my ranks, I would welcome their kin with open arms. I would expect them to appreciate the hospitality I offer and understand that the relationship I had with their mother or father is what had ensured them a job in this life.

Of course, they must show individual strength and loyalty, however I would see a future in them none the less.
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Jaded smiled politely.

I am thinking we may have to disagree on this point. I am strongly against that type of thing. In fact I have a term I use for it, it's called silver plattering. When this happens you are showing your family that you no longer care about their efforts. You simply care about your friends.

Where does this show them that they should trust you? Simply, it doesn't. Quite the opposite, it shows that you should not be trusted in decisions of everyone's well being, because you do not have everyone's well being in mind.

I am sure most families would like to see themselves grow and prosper. I feel this does not help it to do so.

But automatically by doing this you are skipping those that may have worked just as hard and been by your side for just as long if not longer. This is purely a bloodline move and not on their own merits as some would like us to believe.

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Nepotism is a good practice in some cases. Remember that guy who used to do so much for you, and even gave his life for you? Better take care of his kin. That leader that protected and invested in you? Better do the same to his kin.

This practice becomes a bit sketchy and perhaps controversial when we're talking about authorization on ''new'' leaders. Sometimes it's obvious that someone is preferred for the job because of the achievements of the parent. Nothing wrong with that, if it isn't overdone. The authorization of Louis-Mancliagi by Cloud a few months ago is a good example of such nepotism, I think.

As to your point about people being Made for what their parent or any other relative did, I doubt that's the only reason. While people are a lot like their (grand)parents these days, with the same name and everything, I'm sure that they did do a sufficient amount of work for their leader to promote them. You also seem to think that people need to be different than others for them to be made. Why is that?

A combination of the legacy of your parent (both good or bad) and the work you put in yourself is an excellent way to judge someone, I say. One last thing though: I'm not sure why all this stuff has sucked all the hope out of you? If you're feeling depressed, I recommend you talk to a doctor or something.

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You are assuming however signora that friendship is a factor here.

Si, we become close associates, however this is business. They're is no special treatment or attention directed towards any particular people.

Due to the duration of time my family has been around, the list of people I know well enough to call friend in our world is as long as my neck tie, and I'm an open collar kind of guy.

Truth is I identify people who would be good associates and potential friends by exactly what you refer to; the effort they make.

I am always looking to make new contacts and reaching ouy to people, so if someone was to approach me on their own initiative...

Well, let's say I might just start wearing a tie.
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I am thinking we may have to disagree on this point. I am strongly against that type of thing. In fact I have a term I use for it, it's called silver plattering. When this happens you are showing your family that you no longer care about their efforts. You simply care about your friends.

You assume that because people prefer their friends for trusted positions they don't care about the efforts of their other members anymore? How do you know that their friends haven't done the same or more than the average member? Why can't they care for their friends and their members, which is the same thing because their friends are also their members?

Where does this show them that they should trust you? Simply, it doesn't. Quite the opposite, it shows that you should not be trusted in decisions of everyone's well being, because you do not have everyone's well being in mind.

<font color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"> How does preferring</font><font color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"> your friends for some positions etc make you an untrustworthy person? Why can't you make decisions for everyone's well being because you trust and like some people more than others? Are you even human?</font>

I am sure most families would like to see themselves grow and prosper. I feel this does not help it to do so.

I don't see why not, if these friends are capable enough, just like their parent must have been.. Because everything is based on that, apparently. 

But automatically by doing this you are skipping those that may have worked just as hard and been by your side for just as long if not longer. This is purely a bloodline move and not on their own merits as some would like us to believe.

Just as hard and just as long.. Difference is that you (probably) have a better relationship with these people and trust them more.. Your point? 

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I'm pretty sure that it's absolutely none of your business how or why anyone has gotten their promotions. I'm trying to figure out who made you the promotion police. It is up to their crew leaders and their crew leaders only to determine whether they have done enough to be promoted. And if they promote them based on their history, that too is their business. You have no idea what those people have done within the walls of their hq's to earn their promotions. So it really isn't for you to question them on why they received their button. I'm really quite disgusted that you thought that was even appropriate at all.
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It's a never ending cycle.Your kin promotes their kins. Their kin promotes your kin.  Blah blah blah and it keeps on going.

It's never really a "New" leader stepping up. It's always that familiar face we all know and love or hate.

No time for a new member who proved themselves to get a family.Auth the son of the guy that auth you.It's only right.

You look out for me i look out for you, type of thing.

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We have some new faces getting a chance every now and then - which is good if you don't want to keep things stale and boring (for newcomers). We don't have to go to either extreme, we can find a nice balance between old and new lines finding themselves in positions of importance. 

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Jaded chuckles at the idea of not being human. She could only wish.

Thanks Aleksandr for coming out. I am indeed human. Although now that I think about it, it could be pretty awesome not to be.

Define relationship. Can you know them as well as you think you do after a mere couple of days? Do you see where I am going with this? I am not judging people based off their past as it becomes apparent most others do. The point is to judge them off the effort they themselves have made.

Not their friends, and not their ancestors. Them. What have they done specifically in a mere few days that others haven't? That is my point. Nothing more, nothing less. Frankly, I don't give a damn who their parents were and what block they ran in 1914. I care about the present.

Create a world in which you would be proud of, not one that is consistently living in the past. This one is. If you try to tell me otherwise I will laugh. Laughter by the way is a wonderful thing, relieves stress.

GencoCapizzi, I think we agree that effort is an important factor in everything. If you are not putting in the effort then you are best to stand in a corner, twiddling your thumbs.

SwaggDinero, I disagree. It's not "right". But I have already said that so thank you for sharing your point of view.

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Right, because you need to know why people are being Made? I'm sure you would be told if someone wanted you to know. How do you know so well that people are being promoted solely for their ancestors' deeds and not their own work for the family? Besides, each family has a different approach to ranks and promotion requirements. I'm really not quite sure what your point is here.
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And of course I think the same thing applies to authorization of leaders. I agree that's it's tiresome to see people who's father or mother had been a leader authed in the same city, but I'm still confident that they pull their weight when it comes to work ethics.
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I will not force you to change your opinion. It's good to see someone else stick to their guns.

However, you seem to think I am talking specifically about the Made Man promotions. I am talking about the Made Man auths, not their promotions into their families. Let's not confuse the two. While I recognize that each leader has different standards for ranking within the family, I am not sure they would also apply to a promotion of running your own family elsewhere. That seems a little far stretched to me on an eleven day basis.

To each their own. I do enjoy listening to everyone's thoughts.

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I think they connect in some form. People seem to value the rank of Made Man so much but are dismayed when one gets auth. The standards of promotions and ranks that leaders hold and apply have much to do with their authorization standards, I think. People that are made auths may still have done just as much or more than their peers. We just don't know it all!
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Uh, I'm a little confused about which Made Man auths are we talking about specifically, who was being quoted at the start of the conversation?

"Has our community fallen so heavily onto things that it is not what you have done to earn something but what your ancestors have done? What your friends have done? Is there nothing to evaluate people that work in the here and now? "

Fallen? This isn't new, this has never been new. It is smart to offer positions of power to families you trust through generations.


This man couldn't tell her what he had done to earn anything.

That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.

So you've decided a leader isn't worthy, their auth is suspect, they're not up to snuff.. Fine, that's fine, everyone here has most definitely felt that way. The way I see it you have a couple of options.

One, you can choose to just pay no mind to this unworthy leader.. They won't be doing anything of note anyway and when they die, their name will quickly fade into obscurity, forgotten by all but those familiar with their line, or

two, you can work your way up, showing your elders how you deserve the chance to run things, doing that stuff that you're lamenting is missing from others, then remove the unworthies,  and  the silver plattered. Achieve the great things that those others are missing and when you die your name might take a little longer to fade into obscurity, forgotten by all except by a handful familiar with your line.

Your descendants, just like descendants of these Made Man auths, can then use their family connections to join a family and the cycle can repeat.


That's how this works.

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Whagwan, there is no specific Made Man auth that I was targeting. It is just a topic of discussion on thoughts that I had.

I'm not entirely sure I like those options. Why can't I just discuss things as I want to? Why is having a topic that is different to what has already been discussed such a bad thing?

Perhaps my goals are not to get bold, but rather just to see the silver plattering stop? Is it really that bad of a thing to hope for?

I am not naive to believe it will happen but I will not miss the chance on getting other people's views on some of my own thoughts when I feel it merits a discussion.

Jaded looks over at Seindfield who was making no sense at all. Shaking her head she sighed and muttered something about the asylum letting out their guests too early.

Aleksandr, we may have to agree to disagree. I do appreciate your views though even if I can't entirely share them.

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A topic almost surely inspired by a recent Made Man auth?

Made Man auths have been done before this regime, and nothing out of the ordinary has happened that causes this regime/era to be written off as hopeless. Wouldn't you agree?

This speech, and likely any other, will do very little to end the practice.

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TIIYAH was walking the streets when she heard a discussion that was brought forward by Jaded Butterfly, so she decided to listen in to what was being said. After some time she decided to add in her 2 cents, although they probably didn't mean much anyways.


At the end of the day, the only person who can judge whether a person should be Authed regardless of whether they are a Made Man or a Consigliere is a person's Crew Leader or District Head, they are the people who can see what work has been put in and obviously deemed that person worthy enough of such an honour.  

Sure you dont have to like their decision, that is your choice. However you dont get to dictate on how much work that person has done, just because you cant see their levels of workmanship or assume that the decision of that person becoming an auth was purely from their bloodlines history.


With that, TIIYAH walks back into the crowd and get back to her own business.

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A subject I will debate until hell freezes over or some finally step back and accept the fact others can wear the shoes they wore, if not as well, even better. Sure some will have far more trials and tribulations, but is that not how one learns?  It fucking amuses me how most EXPECT to resume their upper echelon seat. What ever happen to once one dies it is over? Enjoy the new character (the kin) that emerges and be an asset from another standpoint. Nice concept eh.

Whatever happen to when one dies, it is the final chapter?  There is not a damn thing wrong with them sitting back and allowing more potential grow some wings. I agree with much of what Jade has expressed. Kudos to you Jade!

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Whagwan, there is no specific Made Man auth that I was targeting.

Ok, that's fair enough. 

Perhaps my goals are not to get bold, but rather just to see the silver plattering stop? Is it really that bad of a thing to hope for?

I suppose it might not be. Which current auth's silver plattered HQ is concerning to you, and why?

I'm not entirely sure I like those options. Why can't I just discuss things as I want to? Why is having a topic that is different to what has already been discussed such a bad thing?

Those were my ideas on what could be done if someone wanted to see a change in the way things are done. As in, the way I see it. As to the topic, or the idea of having a different topic, if I found it to be a problem to discuss, I would have either not responded, or responded that I thought it was a "bad thing".

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