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Turncoats Started by: YourNextWife on Jul 04, '15 19:37

Woah Spike is really salty, but salty doesn't mean right. The fact of the matter is YourNextWife was the leader of LV when Spart got shot in the face by Alice. Therefore made her own decisions on the war. No amount of long winded bullshit spewed by an incompetent fool such as yourself will change this. You can bitch an moan and point fingers, but what she did was brave. "A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water." I think this quote sums up the life of YourNextWife perfectly. Grace and strength under pressure. It's too bad the rest of LV didn't have the fortitude and integrity she did.

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useless traitor

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*walks up and nods - looking inquisitively at the crowd*


My grandfather worked for Mrs Next and I can attest to the comments made that she did infact instruct on Pro Wacks targets for BG wacks. My father dealt with the pieces as my grandfather was killed shooting BG's of Whoreable. As we were putting those pieces together, you can imagine his ire when the last message he would receive from Next was in paraphrase " please drop from our gang and report to Whoreable for direction " This the same Whoreable who most likely killed my grandfather.


Now having just arrived and only having the word of our grandfather to go on, my father followed his instructions. Not buying himself out, as he didn't have the money but contacting the very Whoreable who we suspected or summized killed my Grandfather. You can imagine the sleepless night he had until his sudden death.


I will not debate whether or not Next "turnedcoat" on LV it seems to me that two sides will harbor their own emotionally vested opinions. I will say this, in making the decision that was made, Next Turned on her own family. She decided the deaths and lives of my Grandfather, father and others in the family meant little in comparison to her own personal beliefs.


As a leader you should put those under your care as your primary priority, that is where the failure came in. You didn't disclose to those fighting for you and with you the alterior motives involved. You didn't place priority on the deaths of your own family in direct conflict to that you made the decision to side with the people who killed some of your family and in the process lost the rest and your own life.


*shakes head and lowers it in silence*

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R2D2 was walking down the mean streets of MR when she heard a subtle cough and saw a large crowd gather around as YNW began speaking. When YNW quieted -the gathering of individuals began speaking, many hurling accusations and insults, showing poor form. R2D2 just shook her head. This was a cluster-fuck and with that thought R2D2 shifted her stance and spoke...

"I am not here to discuss semantics, nor to be judgmental. You did what you thought was right shrugs, but keep in mind, if one is leading, one must not only look out for the good of himself, but the good of all of his people as well. I must say though, we have all made errors in judgement in times of war. Left whole cities alive -with strong guns, killed someone over a whisper that proved to be false, accidentally killed the wrong person and so on and so forth. This is the life that we live."

R2D2 lit a cigarette and took a long and slow pull from it, before continuing...

"You all have a right to be angry, to voice your opinions, but you forget that you all may one day be in YNW's shoes, with your back against the wall and I hope that you all have the gumption to do what is right and just."

R2D2 took one final drag on her cigar and walked away from the crowd.



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Now having just arrived and only having the word of our grandfather to go on, my father followed his instructions. Not buying himself out, as he didn't have the money but contacting the very Whoreable who we suspected or summized killed my Grandfather. You can imagine the sleepless night he had until his sudden death.

My fathers journals date back to some time ago, but they state that you do not have to buy out of your family. You can simply drop out and join another. Not sure why you lied about this. There is an old saying that if you tell a story that has a lie in it, the rest of the story will be under scrutiny as well.

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I did not lie, went off of my grandfathers word who probably assumed based on prior ancestors experience. One could easily assume like in the old days you have to buy out and simply not check knowing he didn't have the funds too do so.

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One thing I cannot wrap my head around is that it was actually thought of being loyal when said person jumped to the Detroit ship. I mean do not get me wrong if somebody had made an alliance prior that is fine, we have seen many of these over time just none able to actually be done like this one was.

What I do not get though is that YourNextWife helped shoot Detroit bodyguards and helped with whatever Spartacus needed then jumped ship to the people who helped kill her. This may not be as much a turn coat as playing both sides, and in that case thinking that you can say you had loyalty is unreal to me. 

I understand that everyone on the enemy side is now dead including the one whos actions are being spoke on but I hope this stays in peoples minds for the future as loyalty only has one way to go about it, making multiple definitions to defend your actions does not mean you were in the right. 

The funny thing is that I personally saw this coming given the defense that was given in the initial posting done by Remus about Lucky and Dollface's demise, it seems we know now that this was not just an opinionated piece but her defending the group she fully intended to help one of these days had that day ever come.

In the end this is something that is held against your bloodline, does it mean you will be killed every time? No, but I can tell you from the many I spoke to before, once you do something like this, everyone wonders whether you can truly be trusted or not no matter who you may be at that point in time.

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