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A Night with Duplicity (Interview) Started by: Laughing_Man on Aug 28, '15 03:56

It was a brisk night and a lone taxi was passing through the downtown business district of Chicago. There was something in the air tonight, TLM thought, something interesting, crisp evening. He rolled down the window of the taxi to get some fresh air on his face, and that is when he first noticed it. He had heard it before, when he was making connecting flights at the airport, but never as loud as it was tonight. A distant voice, humming along to a tune he could not recognize. As he got closer to the downtown business district he could make out that it was woman’s voice.. It was lovely, a song that could put you to sleep, yet there was something about it that made you want to venture deeper into the city to find it’s source, regardless of whether or not you would make it that far.

Perhaps this is why TLM came to this city tonight. To find that beautiful yet mysterious voice, the true voice of Chicago. He had heard rumors, much like many others, about the dangers of the source, yet no one in Chicago would speak ill, as they considered it a blessing to their fine city. And indeed it was. Never had TLM had seen cleaner streets, perhaps the rumors weren’t as honest as they had claimed.

He nervously shuffled looked over some papers in the back of the cab, going over the directions that were sent to him weeks before. Unlike many people who were trying to find this voice, he was personally invited by name. That alone made him anxious and worried, but the letter he received assured him that all will be well.

The cab pulled up to a small bar on one of the more busy streets of Downtown Chicago. It’s name was odd, but he was told by the cab driver that it had some of the best drinks in town. Stinky’s was the name, and he had hoped it didn’t live up to the name. 

Entering in through the front, a security guard stopped him. Asking him to put his arms out. A pat down followed. Lucky for TLM, he never carried a gun. Something about the weight made him feel lopsided. Once the security guard finished, he was directed to a table in the back of the bar. A private VIP sign, along with some rope edged the area. Another guard stood watch, this one was different though. He looked at TLM hard, the kind of look that a father would give to the boy that was about to take his daughter out on their first date.

“I was told you had questions for her?” He asked.

“Yes, of course. I’m doing a report on her.” TLM responded, matter of factly.

“Then I’ll need to see them before you sit down with her.” This wasn’t a request, as much as it was a demand. He reached out his hand, and TLM gave him his notes. But before the guard could read much into it a voice from the booth spoke.

“He’s fine. Let him pass Cullen.”

This was the voice he had heard before. The voice of the Siren, the one who invited him into the windy city for this report. 

“As you wish ma’m,” Cullen responded. Letting TLM pass unscathed. 

The feel of this particular booth was enticing, to say the least. A dimming bulb shined through green tinted glass to give the area a feeling of depth, as if you were stepping out into the bottom of the sea. Lights from elsewhere flicked on and off, creating shadow puppets which swam through the the area like mermaids. The woman, still humming a tune, was focused on the condensation of a tall glass. A single drop riding down the side and crashing into the wooden table where others like it had gathered. 

TLM coughed, which seemed to bring this woman back to the surface. She greeted him with a smile, and the words ‘Please sit’, came across her lips. 

“Duplicity, I presume?” TLM asked, almost jokingly. He knew who she was. He knew the rumors, and the half truths. However she was much prettier in person, if looks could kill.

“Who else?” She replied, looking up to Cullen and asking for another drink. “Go easy on the ice, this time Cullen.” 

TLM anxiously sat, rocking the booth a bit. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead. It wasn’t every day that he was able to get a meeting with someone so… prestigious. She seemed to catch on.

“You seem tense. You okay, dear?” 

“Yes, I’m fine. Just getting used to the weather outside.” TLM attempted a smile, as he removed his coat, placing it next to him.

“How about a drink? It’s on me, of course.”

“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” he replied, making it easy on whoever had to make it.

“Wonderful. Cullen? Get the man another Long Island.”

“Easy on the ice with this one as well?” Cullen replied.

“Why yes.” She turned back to TLM, “Trust me, it’s better when it’s less watered down.”

TLM nodded, agreeing with what she suggested, but at this point he would agree with just about anything she said. “Shall we begin?”

“Oh, jumping straight into it, are we?”

“Well, I do have a plane to catch in a few hours…”

“As you wish. Go right ahead.” Duplicity leaned back in the booth, crossing her legs and waiting to be interviewed. It was at this moment that TLM noticed her dress. It was a lovely cut, a white cocktail dress, showing off her arms, but keeping much to the imagination. Professional, yet elegant. 

“Alright then,” TLM reached into his coat pockets and retrieved a small notebook, in which he opened and prepped.

“So, Duplicity… That’s an interesting name,” TLM began, as he got his pen out, “where did you get that from? Family name, or a nickname?”

She chuckled softly, “It’s only a name. As I assume this ‘TLM’ is merely an acronym for something more?”

“Well, I mean, it is…” TLM looked at her with a strange curiosity.

“I’m merely joking with you.” She paused, thinking for but a moment, “the name is a representation of the word itself. Duplicity sounds good on the tongue, and in this Thing of Ours, it’s something we all do. I liked it, and decided to go with it as my name.”

TLM nodded, scribbling down a few things. “What about goals for the city of Chicago? Ambitions, that sort of thing?”

Duplicity tilted her head. Her next words seemed rehearsed, as if she had said them many times before. “For to be the light in any darkness. To always shine bright. To stand strong and see a long life.”

TLM nodded once more, continuing to write things in the notebook. “What about a significant other? Do you have someone you share this dream with?”

This got a huge laugh. Duplicity reared back and began laughing uncontrollably. TLM remained still, unsure as to what she was going to do. “That… that is funny. But to answer your question, no. There is no significant other.”

TLM began to write, but she reached out to tap the table. “But I share this dream with every in Chicago, alive and dead.”

“So, you believe that everyone in Chicago shares your vision?”

“Of course I do. You’ve been through her streets, haven’t you? You’ve seen what it does to you. How it pulls you in. You’ve heard the call of the city. Or else you wouldn’t be here either.”

TLM looks down to his pad, then back up to catch her eyes staring into his. She had not broken eye contact with him the entire time.

“Look, if you want me to give you yes or no answers, then I will. I’ve done my research on you, just as much as I know you’ve done your research on me. I’ve heard about some of the things you’ve said, and some of the questions you’ve asked.” She crosses her arms. “Well, now you have the chance to ask me, and you’re going to turn it into a fluff piece?”

At this moment, Cullen returned with the Long islands, and placed them between the two on the table. Duplicity smiled and thanked Cullen, before taking a drink. “Well?”

This seemed to urk TLM. I think she wanted that. “You know… Fine,” he put his pad back into his coat. “I have a few questions for you. You claim that you want to see this city thrive, and that you built this city-”

“Ap ap ap. I didn’t say I built this city, far from it.” She took a long drink from her glass. “ Long ago, I was offered the opportunity to work with Tyrion Lannister, remember him? I joined up with him to help out Kurgan. Unfortunately…They died. In the midst I met with Obstacle, who I followed to this fine city. She was a good friend, and gave me the opportunity to lead my first crew in South Side. It was through her generosity that I was given the chance to help re-build this city to it’s former greatness. But after Obstacle, and hell, even Zed passed… I was left alone to build it myself. On her death bed, Obstacle asked me to work with a man named Voodoo, who I’m sure you know from New York, and together along with several others we made Chicago into what it is today.”

Duplicity took a moment, taking another swig from the Long Island, “To say I built this city myself is a mockery to all those that died for it. Nobody builds anything by themselves.”

TLM was taken aback. Here’s a woman that he had heard mixed things about. A woman that was told to lure people in, only to kill them, yet… Yet there seemed to be more to her. He wanted to learn more.

“You listed quite a few people just now. But were there any that you would say made the biggest impact on you on your climb?”

This took a moment for her to respond. She sat back in the booth, comtemplating. “You know, this may come as a surprise to you… but Jessejames.”

That wasn’t a name TLM had heard in awhile. He leaned in. “Really?”

“Yeah. He gave me my first chance, when no one else would. He gave my family the opportunity to be something more. He truly helped me to become a better leader. Many people will probably find that hard to fathom, but he was a good man.”

“That’s extremely interesting to hear… Never would’ve thought.” TLM chuckled to himself. 

Duplicity smiled at him, “There’s always more than meets the eye with people.” She looked over to Cullen, before looking back to TLM. “Do you like Nectarines?”

TLM paused for a moment. Such a strange question to ask at random. “I mean, as much as the next guy I suppose…”

“Wonderful. Cullen? Can you bring us a few? Now… lets continue.”

“Alright…” TLM got the feeling that she was a giver, if any of those types of people existed in this world. The fact that she was so forthcoming with information, as well as food and drink amazed him. He wasn’t expecting this type of hospitality. 

“You know, I should mention, “ She added, “There were two others that helped me. And I would feel horrible if they were left out. Cruel and Edward. Both of them helped me when I first started out. They taught me how to check before you shoot, how to prepare before you go guns blazing, and to always be a step ahead of everyone else. Because you know, if you don’t…Well.. it’s a pretty fucked up world out there. And if you mess up, you’ll likely die for it.”

“Makes sense.” TLM responded, but Duplicity seemed to be on a roll at this point.

“With JesseJames, he taught me a valuable lesson I still hold true to this day. If you have someone in your family that’s wishing to leave it, especially if they intend to join another family, Never say no. Because one way or another they will find a way to be apart of that family. With or without your consent. Or… they’ll just end up being deadbeats. Either way you don’t win by saying no.”

“Well said, so you’re pretty lenient on your family members then?”

“On a good day,” She laughed, “But most are good days.”

TLM joined her in the laugh. Cullen soon brought about the nectarines, and Duplicity offered him one. The two spoke for a little longer, and with each new topic TLM seemed to be getting to know her more and more, much as you would peel the skin off the nectarine to reveal the sweet fruit inside. Perhaps she was more than what he assumed in the first place.

“You know, my family was once hated, and probably still are in some circles. My grandmother was one of the most hated people around… But it was my mother, Simplicity, who instilled in me the value of second chances. People can change, truly. And just like my mother before me, I was given the chance to prove my worth. It’s not easy coming from a hated family and eventually becoming one of the heads of Chicago, but I assure you it’s possible if you believe in change.”

“So is that something you’d preach to the associates in your family? Keep working hard and eventually you’ll get the chance to run a city?”

Duplicity smiled back at the man, “ Well, for one, let people know of your desires and interest in that. If you want to take on the challenge of running your own crew, then so be it. Hell, before this, I sat around for years waiting for someone to give me the chance, thinking that maybe… someone will discover me. And while that may happen for some people, if you sit silent then no one will ever know!” She shrugged, “But I’m not saying go up to someone and say ‘Give me a crew to run’, no no. That’s a bad idea. Tell them of your interest in the matter, and regardless of whether or not they say yes, the idea about you being in a leadership role will sit in the back of their mind. And maybe, if you’re lucky, when the time comes they’ll authorize you and you’ll get your chance. But you’ll never know if you don’t ask.”

“I doubt every other Family head feels the same way…”

Duplicity smiles widely, “Well I can’t speak for them, but with me you would.”

“Good to know… So we’ve danced around the topic, but I wanted to ask you directly. What is your endgame in all this?”

Duplicity’s face seemed to go emotionless for a moment. She stared at him, analyzing his face, just as much as he was analyzing hers. “I want to find great leaders and give them the opportunity to build up their cities, much like I and the others did with Chicago. I want to see every city built, and eventually… become the Godmother of it.”

“High ambitions.” TLM responded, taking a sip from his drink.

“Aim high, I say. I mean, why not? Wouldn’t you want to be?”

TLM paused. He agreed with her on that. And who wouldn’t want to be a Godfather/Godmother if given the chance? He liked her ambition, which seemed to mimic his own.

“I suppose, if given the opportunity. One day… maybe.”

“Keep working towards it, and who knows. Maybe one day you will be.”

TLM finished his drink, just as Duplicity was finishing her second nectarine. She seemed to really like those.

“So one last question for you, before I leave you to your work.” TLM worries that this question will lead to assumptions on his part, so he takes a minute to prepare himself before asking. “If you were to retire… or god forbid, die tomorrow… What would you like to be remembered as?”

Duplicity looked at him, placing the nectarine on the table, and leaning into it with purpose, placing her elbows on the dark wood. “I don’t care for my name to remembered.” She said. “What I do care about is the feeling I gave people. Even though I know that I have… well, to be frank, pissed in other people’s drinks, over moves I’ve made to secure This Thing of Ours, I would truly like to be remembered as a caring person. People can say what they want, say that I don’t care… or that I walk over the people that help me, but I do care. I give a fuck about every one of my associates, members, and friends. My City IS my Family. If you cross them, then you cross me. So in the end, if I were to die tomorrow, I would hope that the city lives on and remembers that at one point there was a city leader that gave a shit about them, that would put everything on the line for them. Does that suffice?”

TLM was once again taken aback. He stood flabbergasted at her words. “Yes. That will.”

Cullen escorted Duplicity as she walked TLM out of the bar. The night had turned to early morning in their conversation. A black car was waiting to take TLM to the airport to catch his flight back to Manhattan. TLM looked up, it started to rain. A few droplets hit his head, and he pulled up his collar to cover it as much as possible. Cullen pulled out an umbrella and covered Duplicity as they stood near the doorway. After such an amazing conversation, TLM needed a cigarette. He reached into his pant pocket and retrieved some, and put one in his mouth, lighting it as he did so.

“I never asked you. The Family name, Siren’s Song...where’d you get that from?” TLM asked, taking a drag from his cigarette.

“It’s a tale the sailors of the Mediterranean used to tell… about a group of Sirens who lured sailors to the the deep with their beautiful voices, only to kill them. I thought it was fitting. We may be beautiful to look at, but we’re not to be messed with.”

TLM chuckles once more, opening the car door to get inside, he looked back once more as Duplicity walked towards him, out from under the cover of the umbrella. He nodded, thanking her. She replied with a smile, and reached up to grab the cigarette from his mouth. She held it for a moment, before allowing the rain to put it out. 

“Don’t you know… these things will kill you.”

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Geeat interview! Intriguing questions along with amazing explanation, I have always enjoyed reading interviews and I must say you did an amazing job. I hope to see more of them.
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Visas falls to her knees tears flow from her eyes as she starts to sob

Nnnn...nnnn.Not one mention She bawls louder Technical and Hayley both looked confused and concerned Hayley reaches over to pick her boss up asking Visas what the matter is.

Mmmm....Mmmmy heart is broken Duplicity d....dddont love me anymoooooooorree Visas becomes hysterical as tears flow from her eyes her bawling  making people stop and look Hayley wraps her arms around Visas hugging her tightly and soothing her ( Keep the image clean people this isnt the 1980s where xxx rateing is almost the norm )

Visas begins to pull herself together and returns the hug. (Clean i said you people with minds in the gutter :/ ) 

Duplicity used to tell me how good Dat Ass looked and...and how it helped build Chicago into the wonderful city it is today but....but not a mention about it in her interview 

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TLM flips through his notes.

"Visas, I am so sorry you feel left out. However you were brought up in the initial interview, however for the sake of keeping things a surprise I didn't want to put it in the final revision of the article."

TLM walks over and pats Visas on the back. "You're much appreciated by everyone, I assure you."

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